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Hey there, guys. I just spent the last 15 days working on the Zelda Miltank TF that I posted the rough for earlier this month, and I just had my program chew up the file and corrupt it.

I had a feeling I should have made a backup, but did not, as I was literally an hour away from finishing the animation. Though I made a mistake in assuming nothing would happen, and something did. 

The only thing left of it is this file from a week and some change ago:

It's pretty disheartening to have the work lost after putting around 25 hours into it and not have anything to show for it.

I don't want to look at this for the time being. I'd like to come back to at another time. It was some of my favourite work up to this point, so it's very difficult.

My apologies for the inconvenience. I reckon I'll move onto the giantess loop. I'll keep you guys posted.

I need to go for a run.

Moral of the story: Trust your instincts, folks. Back up those files.



There’s always next time pal, it just means you get to practice even more before trying again.

Bigby Lies

Ahh gosh, I'm so sorry to hear that. Take as much time as you need returning to it, maybe it might even go in a better direction than before the next time you decide to work on it! Til then, looking forward to the other projects you're working on!

Axel Cruz

That really really sucks, shit happens, I mean, if we never made mistakes, we'd never learn from them. Keep on going dude, we all love your content!


I don't think anyone needs a reminder of how much it sucks to lose the physical portion of an investment. But it definitely wasn't any wasted time, for sure. This just means that whenever you're ready to get back to it, it'll be better than you thought possible. Keep up the great work :)


For what it's worth, and depending on the nature of the loss, I've had good luck using DiscDrill to recover lost files off a thumb drive I accidentally formatted. May be worth looking into?

Night Akula

I’m so sorry to hear this. From this rough it looks like it would have been amazing, I hope you decide to keep working on it.


It was so smooth while you were working on it too o(TTcTT)o


Well hey, if anything I find it interesting to see your WIP gifs! With the Lil side refs


*Smashes the save button several times*


Sucks dude, but now we all know to save our shit!


Please take all the time you like. I hate it when a file is unrecoverable after hours and hours of work


I am sure it will be great!