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Jess: I just want to say, one of the major privileges of working with Tail as an artist is his sensibility for lighting. Like holy hell look at this, and it just gets better. Lighting is so often overlooked in pieces beyond the direction of shading and he makes it a tangible force in the room… just… mph! 

Tail: It’s funny, because I was about to say that I really liked the lighting on this shot. And it’s also the first time we really see good lighting like this in the series. As I type this, I am currently working on the title card for chapter 2, and I’m currently lighting it as well… I just think light is important. It sets the tone and makes the reader get a certain feel. It’s like another tool to use. And I’ve improved at it in recent months. Jessica is being very kind here.

Jess: I don’t think I am, just truthful. One of my favorite film genres is Noir. In it, light and shadow become extremely important. How it plays on the density of the air, in the smoke, how it can just highlight certain features. We’re not going that intense here but we don’t need to. This page, and on the following one we really see how light can be used for mood, timing, and much much more. As someone that works in an art gallery, I love the sex in these scenes, but the lighting is my highlight.

Tail: As someone who does not work in an art gallery, I too love the sex in these scenes. I also thoroughly enjoy this lighting. More to come, to be sure.

Jess: This was one of those times we had the pieces but not the flow, we had to move things up and down just the create the sweep of the eye. One of the things I’m learning as I work with Tail is how to position things to keep the order but not always be in a locked left to right sequence.

Tail: I’ve only done amateur comic work before, so I’m definitely learning how to position things (ha) and keep things readable and easy to follow. I think we’re certainly breaking away from amateur.

Jess: Indeed we are, indeed.



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