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Jess: *Mouth full of brownies* bif iv a goom bage! 

Tail: Jessica, focus. We’re on the first of the best pages.

Jess: *swallows* I am focussed, and sex makes me hungry. 

Tail: Let’s just take a moment to appreciate this anatomy and lighting, can we?

… *a moment passes*

Jess: *Waiting… not sure how long a moment is*

Tail: I moment is like 2 minutes… Anyway. I just really appreciate this page. I think I was getting really comfortable with the characters around this page, about as comfortable as they’re getting with each other. Haha.

Jess: What I appreciate about the sex pages here and the ones to come is this is where Tail puts on his hard hat and starts breaking out all the tricks and talents. Sex pages are just not slacked on ever… in anyway.

Gosh I hope I can get this level for some of my boring, non sex scenes *nudges Tail playfully*

Tail: Good thing you nudged because I was definitely making a face… Also. I don’t know, I just figured we should put a lot of effort into the erotic pages of the erotic comic. That seemed like a pretty good idea, and I don’t think people will disagree… 

Jess: I do not disagree either. The colors, the textures, the posing. It really takes off here, and spoilers… it just gets better in the pages to come (No pun intended) We did choose a montage feel, and the why on that gets revealed in a page or two. I just love that they are going at it all over the house.. Keep your eyes open for how well the house stands up to that.

Tail: That pun. Yeah we did a good job of keeping it sexy but also trying to keep the story in mind and not just making it a mindless sex scene, like you might see a mindless fight scene in a film. We’re big on that. I think it makes the story a lot stronger and the reader can have a richer piece of art from it. Without sounding too pretentious.

Also. Can I talk about how much I like to put sweat and how much Jessica does not like me to put sweat on things?

Jess: Well early on I told Tales I didn’t want to write a straight smut, not with Mr. Hare. The concepts we had were too good and fleshed out. There are many great comics, with great sex scenes and thats about all they are, and it works for them. I just wanted to tell a story and have sexual passion and eroticism part of it, but not in a way that overshadowed the characters we hope you come to care about.

AND THE SWEAT! Since you went there… yes… we balance each other well. He helps me get into letting sweat and drool now and then… and I stop him from making everyone look like they are pelting out puddles in a grecian sauna with with long strands of saliva swinging like a pendulum… ok he doesn’t go THAT far. But he does like his fluids.

Tail: I think a good story makes those sex scenes a lot easier to latch onto in a deeper manner than the typical slam piece. I JUST SO HAPPEN TO THINK SWEAT AND FLUIDS ARE A PART OF THAT. EXCUSE ME, MS. STAR. 

… *exhales* But really. I think it’s a lot more animal when you add little things like that, where they are sweating and there’s spit etc. People click on that.

Jess: *says very quietly* ThoughManyAnimalsDon’tSweatOutTheirPores ANYWAYS what matters.. Is that when you are a team every day you work together should be about finding the middle. I feel comfortable to say when I’m not digging something, but also say “if you like it though, I’ll stand behind your decision” As long as things match the character, and indeed they all do sweat, I can bend to my partner as he has often done for me. We try to make something for us, that will please a large combination of people, and we put many many hours of thought and time trying to do that. *smiles at Tail… then eats another brownie*

Tail: I heard that… But yes, ultimately the goal is to please ourselves and please the audience as best we can. But I think these pages thus far and definitely the upcoming ones achieve this goal beautifully. 

Jess: Oh hell yeah. In the future expect there to be more play by play sex scenes, but all the poses in this montage are gold. I love her pinning him to the wall with her breasts showing the size difference, him teasing her thigh, everything here is mmmph.

Tail: The idea is to get people thirsty enough for more. I think we’re doing just that.

Jess: *mouth full of brownie… just gives a thumbs up* 



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