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Jess: *Steps out of the time machine* well that was fast. Seems like only a moment ago it was tuesday.

Tail: Ah yes. The power of technology. Now onto the page that was put off the longest besides the establishing shot of Fox manor.

Jess: Yes technology like that is great as long as we don’t- *another time machine zaps into existence, out steps another Jess who waves and then gets brownies out of the fridge* abuse… it *That Jess waves again and zaps away with the brownies on her time machine*..

So anyways.. Yes this page was one we kept coming back too. It’s a lot of big frames and a lot of debate how to use them but I’m happy with the product. It was actually based off one of our earliest concept pieces.

Tail: Right. That top panel is based off of the first concept art we ever did on Ms. Fox and it sparked the new color scheme for Mr. Hare, but more important, the introduction of Ms. Fox. … Also the height difference.

Jess: Yes, we had batted around some basic ideas on how the comic could re-jumpstart, and a new love interest who was very different from Hare was brought in. Ms. Fox in many ways started off as my OC and Fursona in shape, but now she is a fully fledged character who fits perfectly into the world. That top shot was indeed where height difference came into play. I remember telling you. Bigger… nope bigger still! And I think seeing them together, a thoroughly unclassic couple in a very classical piece, we knew we had something.

Tail: Resuscitate might be the appropriate word, I think. But yes, it is something that most people have commented on when I first was showing the image around to see what people thought. They really enjoyed the height difference, as do I. But I think we’re doing something nice with it instead of it simply existing. It makes for a good dynamic.

Jess: Our first night workshopping was kinda a lightning in a bottle scenario. One idea after another kept coming like a flood gate had opened. I’d ask a question about your world, and would come back with three things to grow off of it. We were just going at it like friends, and I jokingly said I can’t go further, I’m putting in too much work for something that isn’t my job… and then you offered me the job as writer. And here we are. Was a very special day for us and the comic.

Tail: I don’t think it’s down to one specific night. We’ve had a good number of conversations where Jessica will ask something, or most of the time I will ask something. We basically just play 20 questions because I find the world so interesting. And I think we creatively bond well, and it comes naturally. I believe it was a few days ago we had a conversation where the ideas just kept rolling on where we could go in the future with certain, undisclosed story points. *wink* But it came with hardly any effort, because I think we’re both so into the story and the characters, the writing and art, That it’s second nature. I enjoy it greatly. 

Jess: It’s not something that stopped on the first night that’s for sure, but I did walk away with 20 pages of notes that have informed every move since. Sorry one second, I’m hungry
*Runs to the fridge and curses seeing it empty, then after a moment gets an Idea* be right back keep going! *jumps on the time machine and zips away*

Tail: *watches* Right.  Anyway. That’s one of the things I really like about working with Jessica, is her ability to track everything we’re brainstorming. She’s much more organized than I am so that sort of diligence is essential to anyone looking to handle a project as large as we’re looking to make Mr. Hare. Multiple arcs and chapters of characters woven in and out takes a very skilled story weaver. And I think we’ve got a skilled one in Jessica. 

Jess: *zaps back in* Hope you weren’t letting them know all my darkest secrets while I was gone. Anyways, the page ends with what is officially the starting gun for our sex scenes… and I brought brownies. The perfect storm! Muhahahaha. …


Want one?

Tail: … What kind of question is that? Of course I want brownies…



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