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This guide focuses on how to use the memory manager to make the bot remember in the long term everything that interests us.

This is an example of use:

We start a conversation having the memory manager empty.

We talk to the bot some message and we write down, if it is important, what happened in a memory manager box.

In this case, after sending the first message, I entered information into two memory boxes. One about the characteristics of my character, and the other about the event I want the bot to remember (the gift of the bracelet and who gave it to her).

As you can see, as we write our message, eventually some text appears over our message to inject memories to the bot.

This will happen every 4 messages, constantly reminding the bot of the events we want to keep in memory.

When we send the message, we will see an arterisk indicating that the injection has been performed. If you put the cursor over the arterisk you can see the data of the injection.

As you can see, the bot can react to memories if we introduce something that has not happened.

In this case I never told Hoshino Ai anything about my character's physical appearance. That is why Hoshino Ai reacted by saying "I Think you're so cute", but did not react to the event of the bracelet because the bot keeps that event in memory and therefore has no comments about it, it just knows about it.

That is why it is important to fill in the memory manager boxes in the order in which the events happen. When something happens that you want to keep, after it happens add or edit a memory box.

In this next example, we add more information about the character (the mansion) and a new general event (they became friends).

Therefore I updated both memory boxes.

In this way, you must take manual notes of the memories you want to keep in memory boxes, and the system will automatically inject every 4 messages such a reminder to the bot so that it always keeps the information in its memory. Dramatically improving the role-playing experience.

You can add unlimited memory boxes using the '+' button and delete them using the '-' button (useful if you want to summarize events). For example, if the bot and you were dating and then got married, it doesn't make sense to remind it that you are dating if you are already engaged.

You can also resize the boxes for more comfortable writing or to compress them.

Remember to save the session memories using the 'Save' button! If you refresh the page, change the options, or close the page, any unsaved memories will be lost.

As an additional tip, I would recommend having the last memory box dedicated to the location or situation you are in. For example:

This will prevent the bot from forgetting where you are since you wouldn't normally save the current location as a memory. However, it can be very helpful in ensuring that the bot doesn't say anything irrelevant or out of context. Especially if a long conversation takes place in the same location.


A Ba

what if we have an ongoing RP with a bot, and we want to start using the extension now, does it make sense to go and start adding memories of events that happened way back in our RP? Or will that confuse the AI?


There is no problem with using the extension with previous sessions. When injecting the memories, what the bot remembers it will assimilate, and what it doesn't remember it may comment it out, but from that point on it will continue to function correctly.

A Ba

Will it continue injecting memories in new chats? (i.E. are the memories chat-specific I or bot-specific?)


Memories are specific to the current session. You need to click on the "Save" button to save the set of memories and be able to load them again at another time. If you change the extension's configuration, refresh the page, or exit the chat, the memories will be lost. When you save the memories, you store them in a file on your computer. You will need to load that file using the "Load" button in the chat where you want to resume the session. This has an additional advantage. If you save a memory that only contains the description and outfit of your character in a separate file just for that purpose, for example, "base_description.json", you can open that file in new chats to have the basic description of your character readily available.

goten will

thank you so much for this thorough explanation! ;w; i never thought to use the memory box to describe my character, i didn't know we could do that! i also did'nt know to have the last box be our location..you are awesome


Heya, Rinine. I am leaving here a small guide I cooked up for all character.ai RP lovers. A small premise: this is based on my personal experience using the model combined with Rinine's tools, so it may yield different results and may not be 100% accurate, as I'm still testing it. Everyone feel free to improve upon this! • Making an 'OC' box like Rinine did to let the bot memorize details about your character should always be top priority and it seems to perform better when it's the first thing on the list. I also noticed that the bots react better to information written in the present simple. Think of the list as a bunch of details you want the bot to keep in mind about the OC regardless of time and place, rather than single events related to your character. • The difference between 'Event' and 'Memory' boxes seems to sometimes make the bot react differently and bring up information written there in different ways, but it may just be placebo effect for me. Simpler bots that will not give you complex descriptions and are tailored towards more casual users will not care about such distinctions, as far as I tested, and will revert to the generic character.ai model. • Do not make boxes detailing informations about the character played by the bot and other NPCs. The bot will automatically think that it's recent information and will react weirdly to it, sometimes completely messing up an on-going event. I am trying to find a way to have the bots remember other characters without incurring in this problem. • Progress and character development. Creating more Event/Memory boxes to detail how the relationship between your character and the bot's character is progressing will have a negative effect on the RP. As Rinine has mentioned in their memory guide, it's better to remove old events as time goes on. In addition: my personal suggestion is updating the description of said progress inside the previous boxes, as to make the bot think that's the current state of the relationship and writing according to that information. • Once again, as Rinine suggested, always use the last box to describe the place where you want the RP to be focused on. I noticed that describing both time and place will have some bots react appropriately. For example, if I write that we are in a room early in the morning, more complex bots will create different contexts in their writing based around that. Adding specific details about the place may or may not sometimes work, still figuring that out. Hope this helps!


Here are some additional informations I managed to put together: • The bots will react better to the information written inside the boxes if you keep using the name of the bot itself. What I mean is: even if you repeat it a couple of times, always try to keep using the bot's name when referring to events where the bot was involved. Same goes for your OC. It doesn't matter if you repeat the name a hundred times in the same description, it helps the bot understand that it's them being involved in that specific event. • As an addition to one of my previous bullet points: too many boxes and too many separated events inside those boxes will overwhelm and confuse the bot, which will end up interpreting the information however they want. There is no solution to this but keep removing previous events and always limit the number of memories you want the bot to remember per session. It's not something Rinine can solve, it's up to Character.AI.


What are the pros and cons of each other injection methods? Also is there a way to make saving the memory overwrite the last one (for the same character)? I tend to change things a lot and it's a slight hassle having to delete so many files every time.


Having too many memories at once will confuse the bot and make them think all you have written might have happened recently. Best suggestion I can give is to always specify time and place of an event, and always make sure each memory box doesn't detail events happening too far apart, timewise. Regardless of what you write, depending on how complex the bot is, they will not care if there is too much information. That's something that Rinine's tool can't fix I'm afraid. As for overwriting memories, you'll have to do that yourself, and save different files depending on what kind of RP session you chose and developed with the bot.


Each injection method works slightly differently, but all ensure that the memory information reaches the bot. That the files when saved have an incremental name is a browser security issue that I can't get around, but just double-click on your old file to overwrite it instead of confirming the save with the new name.


It is not exactly like that. It is not that having many memories confuses the bot and ignores information, the information comes to it and it takes it into account (they are still tokens processed by the AI model). The problem is another one related to the model. You can test by having a lot of information from many boxes and then asking it questions about some of that information. It will always answer by showing that it remembers it, but not always on the first try (you will probably have to regenerate the response a few times). If you don't keep contradictory or "cumulative" information (like the issue of being engaged and married at the same time) even if it seems that the bot doesn't take into account everything you send it, it does. The bot simply tries to offer the most appropriate response to your message/question, and because of the current model, it often doesn't get it right the first time. I have tested this by telling the bot a series of 3 rules to remember. After an hour of chat and a lot of memories, I told him if he remembered the rules, and if so, he should tell me. And indeed he remembered them. (this is just an example of one of the cases) Also note the recent drop in quality of the bots' responses. But the way an LLM model works, everything you send to the bot will be processed and stored regardless of whether its response seems to take it into account or not. Therefore, it is recommended to do both. Keep the memories "clean, summarized, and concise" but also keep as many of them as we deem appropriate.


Thank you for the clarification. I will be sure to try that.


WAHHHHHH I COULD CRY!!! I just installed your addon.... did entered 3 Memory boxes and did clicked in the settings "Save"... it did reload the page and all is GONE... WHY THE hegg.... I did read its important to save that it get NOT lost and now it got lost BECAUSE I did saved?! oh man! AHHH I had to click on Save under the memory buttons!! 😭 Edit: one more reason why it was missleading: After creating 3 memories did the save/load button got hidden, I had to scroll down to reveal it, I only saw the + and - buttons.


Update: I had written 4 messages and it didn't inserted the infos again :(


"I had to click on Save under the memory buttons!!!" Exactly, that's what the warning in the guide refers to. The configuration options are extras, they are not necessary for the memory manager to work. But seeing that it generates confusion I will add a warning that it will reload the page losing the unsaved memories. What screen resolution do you use? it is strange that with only 3 memories it occupies all the space (although you can expand or reduce them from the lower right corner). The scroll should go all the way to the bottom, until you see the save and load buttons. If there is written information in the memories (there should be written information), it will be inserted with your message every 4 messages. But every 4 messages from you (bot messages do not count). I have released a new version with the issues of the direction arrows and the overlap when sending feedback fixed. Thanks for the feedback.


I tested it now again and seems like it does now work better with 3 boxes, but its strange, my last test 5minutes ago did hide the save/Load buttons, now its visible. I use FullHD resolution 1080p. Thanks for the quick update, especially the arrows, that was VERY frustrating to not be able to use the arrows :(

bleak panda

Hello! is there a recommended size I should be keeping my memory json at? I'm not sure if having a large size will affect the bots personality or what messages it sends out so I've been keeping it below 2 KB


There is no limit, but it's important to consider that the bot has a certain context size. This includes an indefinite number of words collected from the last messages in the conversation. The memory manager constantly re-injects what's important into this limited context. Therefore, if your memory files are too large, I would recommend increasing the injection frequency so that it happens more often (every 2 or 3 messages instead of every 4, for example).

Akito Ito

Hi! Quick question: When adding a memory should I refer to the character I'm RP within a first-person (Ex: I am tall) second-person (Ex: He is tall) or third-person (Ex: Adam is tall)? I would appreciate the input!

Danielle Davis

I have a quick question if I make the AI bots first memory: {{char}} has no romantic interest in {{user}} Will that prevent the bot from trying to romance me...until I remove said memory?

Danielle Davis

I'm looking for a way to use your tool to prevent an AI bot from insta romancing me and possibly holding off on a romance when I hug said ai bot. Like keep them locked out of romance until I'm ready to unlock them. I apologize in advance for bothering you or anyone else with this.

Billie Jean Hill

Question- what does the number in the right corner of the memory manager relate to?


Indicate how many messages (sent by you) are left before a general memory injection occurs (by default now is every 3 messages).