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Don't read beyond this sentence if you don't want spoilers


*Cuphead, Mugman, and Ms Chalice are at the beach. It's a very hot day*

Cuphead: Man, it's so hot out here, I'm literally boiling!

Mugman: Whose bright idea was this? The sand's so hot, it's like walkin' through a desert. And the ocean is lousy with giant sea monsters and moimaids (mermaids).

Cala Maria: I'm actually really nice when you get to know me. I only eat pirates.

*she burps out some pirate ghosts and a ghost ship*

Cala Maria: When did I eat that?

*Ms Chalice, on the other hand, is thriving at the beach*

Ms Chalice: Sunny weather, sand betwixt my toes, and that lovely ocean breeze...

*Cala Maria burps again*

Ms Chalice: This is the life. 

Cuphead: Hey, why ain't youse a sweaty mess like me and Mugsy?

Ms Chalice: Because, unlike you two chumps, I know how to keep a cool head.

*a closeup of Ms Chalice's milk shows it to be ice cold*

*Cuphead gets a sudden idea, and pulls out a magic cookbook*

*Later, the two of them are swimming in what appears to be a pool*

Mugman: This sure was a swell idea, Cuphead.

Cuphead: You know it, Mugsy! Nothing like a nice relaxin' dip in the ol' swimmin' hole.

Ms Chalice: That's no swimming hole, ya mugs.

*Zoom out to show them swimming in Ms Chalice's head*

Cuphead: I'm a cup, actually.

Ms Chalice: Get out of my headspace, you palookas! How'd you knuckleheads even get that small? Wait, let me guess. One of Saltbaker's magic recipes? What was it? Shrinky Soufflé? 

Cuphead: Nah, too sophisticated.  

*scene zooms out to show that Ms Chalice is giant. Cala Maria is next to her, waving politely *

Cuphead: We just replaced your tanning butter with Expanding Butter. You're welcome. 

*Cuphead and Mugman continue to frolic until Mugman farts in the pool. This makes Ms Chalice so mad, she loses her cool and starts to boil.

*The scene turns into something out of a boss fight and she quickly defeats them*

*end scene shows Chalice eating an ice cream, her height returned. 

Ms Chalice: Good thing that butter just washes off. As for you two, next time you need to cool off, just eat some ice cream.

*close up of the cone shows Cuphead and Mugman, tiny and frozen