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  • Belonging_2.mp4
  • Belonging_1.mov



Hi Patrons!

I had a busy day today so I wanted to do something serene. I painted a mermaid that was inspired by homes in isolated landscapes. I think there's something so endearing yet haunting about being alone with nature. 

I attached two timelapse videos of this piece! I made this piece with Procreate and as always, made colour adjustments in Photoshop! 

Thank you for all your support! I really appreciate it! 




This is STUNNING. I love the colors and the emotion of this piece! It's so hard to look away! I'm sorry if you've answered this before (I also can't remember if I've asked this before 😅) but how long do you usually spend on your Mermay pieces?


Thank you so much Ava! 😊💕 And it usually takes me around 5-6 hours. The first three mermaids took longer since I got a head start that’s why there’s more lighting and background involved from day 1-3! 😅