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Hey!! It's here. I'm so nervous. I haven't shown this demo to anyone except my roommate. So, I really hope you like it.

What's in the demo

This demo features a rough version of a full in-game day of game-play. The final game will have many more days, but I wanted to get one day first, so that we can get a feel for how the game plays.

The art is still quite rough, and there are a lot of unfinished rooms. The dialogue is getting there, but you might run into some weird bugs when talking to characters.

I've included 3 classes for day 1. In the full game there will be many more classes with different teachers. So, if you don't like one of these classes, there should be something for you in the full game.

I've introduced about half of the characters from the full game.

Time passes at a certain rate. That's something I plan to tweak a lot as we move forward, because I don't want you to run out of stuff half way through a day, or to miss a whole bunch and rush around. So, that's something I will really play with as development goes on.


WASD - to walk around.

Left mouse button(or space) - to interact with items and characters.

E key - to access your phone.

Tab key - to access your inventory.

How to install

Extract the files in the zip to your local hard drive. Double click the HypnoUniversity.exe file. I don't have a loading screen yet, so it might take a while sitting on the blank screen, but it should load fine.


If you want to give feedback, I'd really appreciate it if you could use the following format. It's okay if you don't. I just want as much info as possible, because that will help.

1. What did you like about the beta demo?

2. What didn't you like about it?

3. Did you see any bugs? If so, how can I reproduce the bug, and what is the expected behavior?

4. What sort of improvements would you like to see?

5. Any additional feedback?

Hypno University is a work in progress, and your feedback is so important as I get closer to having a full game. My goal is that when we launch the full game, you are in love with it. Thank you so so much! Sending you love!

xoxo Mia




Wow, that was great! The textures are beautiful !(it reminds me of Professor Layton games on DS), I'm super happy with the project, you're doing a wonderful job ♥ I look forward to the next few days! The hypnosis sessions are great (You've worked really well on your voice since I've been supporting you) Your other games and audio files helped me do my CO and become a trans woman ! (it's been 2 years ^^') I will never be able to thank you properly ♥ Finally, a small defect, when you leave an "area" through a door, it makes you reappear a bit lower and you can't just turn around, you have to go back up or you hit the wall ^^' And thank you again for all you do ♥


If you hit space too quick at the beginning of the game you will create an Unnamed Character. If you goto the Training building and Do the Eyeliner quiz on the mirror to the right. You take the quiz and score a B- by getting 2 out of three correct, Then back up and go to try and take the quiz a second time and fail. The game just keeps a Dull frozen screen and you cannot play anymore. The game just keeps you frozen there. I tested this twice and same result each time. Resulting in you needing to close the game and reopen


That warms my hear to hear, Sasha!! ♥ Congrats on 2 years! Yes, I've been working on my voice. Sometimes I feel like I haven't progressed, so it's really nice to know you can hear a difference. There's so much depth that I've found in voice training. I realize that when my voice sounds the best, I'm also in my body and feeling good, so it's always a reminder to be more embodied. I'll make a note about the door entry/exit thing. I'll see if I can play with that a bit and make it so the character doesn't move so much between spaces. It might mean making the door colliders smaller, or something. Thank you so much for that feedback!!! Big hugs.


Thank you so much Bri!! OMG I thought I fixed that Eyeliner bug. I'll take another look and fix that one. Ohhh, yes the name! Okay, I'll make it so that you can't enter a blank name. Nice one! Thank you!♥


I think on the Phone, Having inside the Options tab a section to view the Controls in Later builds would be fantastic when the Game is no longer in Beta.


I was thinking about the Yoga class, and I had a wonderful idea! <3 How about When you do yoga with Braden and Complete the class. You not only pass his class for the day but are able to collect a little Card with the yoga pose and an instructional description under the picture of the yoga pose on that card. This way when you're done with the class you can practice the same techniques IRL ? I just though it was kinda a cool little idea. Since when i was playing the yoga scene I was highly compelled to try the poses myself after the class in game <3


Ohhhh I like that idea!! I feel like even more generally, I could give the player reference materials for all courses.


I think that would be super duper amazing!


Wow Mia!! Mamma Mia lol. My first day at Femmiversity was wonderful. I really enjoyed the hypnos, was sooo good! And I loved the playful interaction with the sexy boys on campus, the feminine pronouns, the cum here after dark bathroom was a lovely surprise,and I knocked on the wrong door in the dorm room, great cartoons! The music is perfect, a nice 3/4 time piece, interesting but not distracting. The pace of the game is quite good too, I like that the sun went down, and it keeps you moving.. I was a little lost the first time I played, didnt pick up my dorm room key, locked out late....and I struggled the first time at yoga class, but I got the hang of it next time, I shouldve read the instructions better...... I really feel like I'm learning to feminize and submit, and its only day1!! As for improvements, I would like to see some keyboard shortcuts in the phone, like M for map, and S for Schedule, and maybe a welcome paragraph with a few helpful hints on day1, like pick up your key, and dont be shy, talk to everyone, change into your swimwear for the beach. I would like to see a few more choices in the dialogue too, it feels more like a script instead of choosing your own words. As for bugs, I got caught in a room in the admin building the first time I played and couldnt get out, tried 10 times, the rebooted the game, didnt happen again. I see a lot of your hard work in there Mia, a fantastic job! Keep going,you're almost there.. I am more than happy to help in any way I can. What a lovely expereince!! You made my day a joy, I'm feeling so alive and sexy!! Thankyou thankyou thankyou my love,




Thank you thank you, Lana!!! <3 I'm happy to hear you enjoyed it, and your feedback is top notch. I'll make notes of all your points and see what I can do to improve in those areas. Overall, it sounds like you'd like to see more direction. One thing I hope that will help with that is the phone notifications. There's only one right now, but I plan to add more(like the key and the beach date). That should give a bit more help about what to do, and when. Also, I could just add more narration events that lead the player just a bit more. Ohhh, about the keyboard shortcuts in the phone. I'll add that for sure. Thank you! If you can repeat the bug of getting stuck in the Admin building, please let me know how I can reproduce it. Sending love and gratitude. <3


Yes! Gratitude recieved, multipled and returned🙏❤️🙏Youre on it, some graceful narration guiding pointers would be super helpful. You are perfection personified💗