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I'll send out the demo either tomorrow or the next day. I just want to take another day to make sure there are no bugs that might prevent you from playing it.

What you'll see in the demo.

The Hypno University beta demo will feature a full day of gameplay. It's rough around the edges. A lot of the art isn't started, and some of the art is not in a final state. There's more dialogue I want to add. There are a whole bunch of small changes I could make to polish it more...but I want to start testing the game, getting your feedback and making sure the core experience is as fun as possible. So, if you would like to be a part of beta testing, stay tuned over the next day or two.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart! Development is possible because of your support, and I hope the final game ends up being something you treasure. We'll get there! Sending you love and gratitude. I'll send out another message very soon with a link to the demo. 

xoxo Mia



Yay!! I'm really happy to be a small part of your support network, and really proud of you for all your hard work. I just know it's going to be awesome! You are going to help educate a new wave of sexy sissys. Go girl!!💗


I hope so! I really really hope it's fun. If not, I'm sure we can make changes until it is. <3


I love that you are fluid with your feedback.You are a Wonder-woman xxoo


OMG bless you, Lana! I sooo look forward to feedback, to be honest. A good idea is a good idea, whether I come up with it, or someone else does. I just want to make the best game I can.