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Thanks so much for reading the last chapter! I hope you enjoyed the happy ending that finally came after all the sadness 🥲 Chapter 9 will start to be a little brighter again, but still have its fair share of twist and turns...👀

Before the next chapter begins, I'm also going to be taking a month-long break from publicly sharing the comic to build up a buffer. You guys will still get to see the first couple episodes and WIPs of new episodes/scenes throughout the month, though. 

Thanks again for reading, and for all your support! 🥰✨The first 2 episodes of Chapter 9 will be shared next week - see you then!




THE PAINTINGS!!!!!!! I just squealed so loud at work 😅 so proud of our boy Alex ❤️❤️




haha aww I'm so happy you're happy! Hope you enjoy where the next chapter goes~ 👀✨