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Our monthly Q&A post! Feel free to comment any questions you may have here (webcomic/OC related or not) and I'll be happy to answer them! 👀✨


Alice Wilson

Who is your favourite character to draw? (If you can even pick one 😍)

Alice Wilson

If you had to pick a title for this next arc of the story, what would you call it?


Ooh it changes a lot haha! At the moment, I think my favorite character to draw is Alex. His beard is always really fun to scribble in 🥰✨


I'd say the story could actually be cut up into three parts, and we're currently in the second third! The final line in the series description ends with "a story of love, friendship, and family is born". If the first part was titled "Friendship", then Part 2 would be "Love" and Part 3 would be "Family" 🥰✨