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Hey friends!! Here is that office and sketchbook tour video I had promised for reaching our 2nd Patreon goal! Thanks so much for your patience while I worked on this...after all the troubleshooting and re-recording done this past week, I no longer envy YouTubers who make videos for a living 😂

Anyways, I talk a lot and it's 40 minutes long, so I'd recommend watching it on YouTube so you can access the timestamps and skip ahead if need be: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=buonJhh36J4

The last thing I ask is that you please don't share the link around; this behind-the-scenes tour is just for you lovely Patrons. 

Thank you all so much again for your generous support, I hope you enjoy the video!! 🥰🥰


Welcome to my office! Patreon Goal #2 reward

hey friends, thank you so so much for your support on Patreon!! As a reward for reaching our second Patreon goal, I'm gonna give you a little tour of my home office and sketchbook! I talk...a lot in the video lol, so here are some timestamps in case you'd like to skip around: Welcome! - 00:00 My desk - 00:53 Patreon sketchbook - 03:18 Webcomic sketchbook - 06:19 Freelancing/for funsies sketchbook - 17:54 Answering question #1 - 36:12 Answering question #2 - 38:20 Thanks for watching! - 41:12 Thanks so much again, and I hope you enjoy the tour! :D



I have so much to catch up on. October has been a massive spoon sink. Life is moving more quickly than I anticipated. But, this is the kind of stuff I love to catch up on. This video is like a warm mug of cocoa with 3 big marshmallows and a fuzzy blanket for my lap on a cold, rainy afternoon.


I can only imagine how tough this month has been, I hope you’re able to make it through to the other side alright 🥺💗💗 And I really hope the content here will help you on your journey, if only in a small way! Sending lots of love 🥰


Thank you. Your art touches me deeply, and I feel so much less alone. Pondering the relationships of the characters, their history, their outlook on life all help to keep me positively oriented and get me out of my own headspace. It offers me distance from my challenges to find new perspectives that I need. The glorious thing about good and meaningful art is that, even when there might not be intention from the artist, one's own view can offer meaning, perspective and insight for the beholder to help them along their path. I don't know how much intention there is for my observations, but that doesn't mean the art is less brilliant. It just means there are parts of your own brilliance you have yet to fathom. Thank you for being a touch point of light, a warm fire happened upon in the cold dark cave I'm blindly groping my way through. It is strength to me and gives me courage after pausing to rest and refresh.


Thank you too for sharing your love and experiences 🥺💗 I really appreciate your thoughts and your own interpretation of the work. From just our short interactions, you seem like a very kind and thoughtful soul — and exactly who this work is made for! 🥰