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Aaaaa what a month this has been!!! It's hard to believe we launched the webcomic just a few weeks ago, and there are so many new readers and Patrons already! Thank you so much for your generous support, this truly could not have been possible without you guys! 🥰🥰

This post is just for you Handmade Bouquet members. I'd like to open up a Q&A to answer any questions you may have (webcomic related or not), give art tips or critiques if you'd like some advice; whatever you'd like to see. Please don't feel pressured to ask anything either; this is just for fun, and I'll have a Q&A opportunity at the end of each month if you think of something later.

Here is also a preview of what the Patron shout-out will look like at the end of new webcomic uploads. They are your Patreon usernames, but if there is an alternate name you would like me to list instead, please comment or DM me and I'll change it! 💗




I'm gonna structure mine like this, but everyone please feel free to take it if it helps you engage: Art question: What other artist(s) have inspired/influence your style most? How did you develop your style (or how did your style develop)? Work question: What techniques do you use to get yourself out of a rut when you feel like inspiration won't come? Fun question: Do you have a favorite place to go that is not your home? A restaurant, scenic place or vacation spot? You interpret this as broadly or as narrowly as you see fit. Weird question: Have you ever made a reciped using fish sauce or sardine paste? I may have another question or two percolate up, but those lept out at me immediately when I read this post.


Ooh all good questions! 🤩✨ - the two names that first come to mind are wingedkoi and notmusa on Instagram ✨ Both these artists’ works are so expressive and dynamic — I get lost browsing their pages whenever I visit their accounts haha. And it was actually wingedkoi’s work that inspired the art style I have now. I reflected on the specific things I most enjoyed in their style (their color palettes, hands, varying linework, etc) and tried to emulate those characteristics in my own work. Over time, my style has developed a little more into its own thing, but it was that artist who helped the journey begin! - Being in a rut usually means my creative well is empty. To try to fill it again, I try to just consume content for a while, rather than producing new work. I also allow myself time to rest and mentally recharge 💪💪 - I don’t have a favorite physical place to go to atm — but my college’s old campus was next to a bay, and my friend and I used to spend our lunch breaks drawing in front of the water. That place was pretty sweet 😎✨ - And I thinkkkk at one point I used sardines or anchovy paste in a red sauce dish? I’ve been wracking my brain trying to remember what it was; all I recall was that I thought it was weird to use the ingredient for a sauce 😭😂


Thank you <3 Your answers are wonderful <3 and made me smile. I meant to write anchovy paste, but wrote sardine paste, instead. My brain is sailing with a skeleton crew, I guess. I use anchovy paste in some of my marinara/red sauces because it radically boosts the umami, which is important when you're building a dish on a vegetable that is bright and acidic, and you want to put everything in balance. I love eating and making Thai food, and so much of it calls for fish sauce, which totally reeks. Yet, somehow, it makes the dish you put it in significantly more complex and delicious. As weird as they seem to use, Worcestershire sauce is basically sardine paste (and I do mean "sardines" this time) with vinegar, brown sugar and a few other things, which developed from an old sauce called "garum". The Romans brought it to Briton back around the end of the 1st century BCE. We, as "Westerners", have been eating rotten fish sauce since before the Roman Republic came about. Incidentally, when you're making a red sauce that calls for anchovy paste, but you don't have any, a little Lea & Perrins makes a fine substitute. Some day, I'll learn to be more brief in my responses, but that will not be today ;)


ive actually been waiting for this -- ive been wondering if you've had any other ideas for other ocs besides the ones you've introduced so far! (not just in the webcomic but in general)


Oooh yes, thank you for the question! It’s been so long since I’ve thought about my other OCs 🤩🤩 Other than some side characters yet to be introduced in the webcomic, I have a couple short stories running around in my head! Though they’re not nearly as fleshed out as Jon and Alex’s haha One idea I have is for a children’s book, where a little girl meets Sasquatch, and she dresses him up as a human to give a tour of Seattle, WA :,) And the other idea is a standoff between a train conductor and a hijacker, set in a steampunk future. The hijacker (named Willy the Kid, and is an actual kid lmao) only has one arm, and is trying to steal the conductor’s robotic arm for himself. I made these characters a couple years ago, when I was considering pursuing concept art — but I’d love to explore their stories more some day! 🥰✨