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A new year brings new possibilities... like a fresh Sacred+ episode of Moriarty x Jaffe! Today, I (Colin) welcome storied (not legendary) game designer David Jaffe back to + for a multifaceted conversation both serious and completely nonsensical. We touch on some poignant topics: The general state of our industry here in 2024, the controversy over AI art, rumors of some Xbox games coming to PlayStation, the cancellation of The Last of Us Online, alarms about slowing subscription models and the wariness of big publishers and developers to participate, and so much more. Also: Unprompted phallic discussions of a somewhat grotesque variety. We hope you enjoy the sheer chaos, and know most of you wouldn't have it any other way.



Bart Van Geert

One of the best conversations between Jaffe and Moriarty. Fucking love these guys!


The way jaffe pontificates on whether or not he would make a good lumberjack because he has a big dick, then cuts himself off and says "listen to me" is probably the hardest I've laughed in a while. Good job boys.


I definitely shouldn't have started this episode in the gym

Dana Anderson

I havent listen yet, but already know im going to love this episode. Ill report back if i can predict the future.

larry Seitz

I love jaffe but it's hard to take him serious about anything when he believes boys can magically become girls and girls can mystically become boys.

Zack Fair

Fucking love Jaffe! What a way to start the show lmao

Zack Fair

Well he knows a shit ton more than you about games, regardless of you not liking his outlook, your problem..not his

Eliott Giberson

I understand and share colin’s problem with AI but I’m glad to hear Jaffe present the arguments that I myself struggle to come up with good answers to in regard to how what AI does is different than what a person does. AI knows what a renaissance painting is because it has viewed and absorbed what makes a renaissance painting. Humans do the same exact thing it’s just the process is more obscured because instead of a bunch of ones and zeroes it’s a meat organ that we can’t fully decipher yet. It comes down to the soul being the only difference and depending on who you ask a soul maybe doesn’t even exist.


Completely agree and I made this argument months ago. Until someone can explain to me how we learn things is actually different then how these large language models learn then I'll be more on the side of humans being some unique creation. As far as I can tell we are both doing it the same way. The ones who have the biggest issue with AI seem to be coming from a place in which human thinking is some sacred process that only a human can do.

Dane Cap

Don't do French drain, going to gouged and probably will not work

Andrew Noel

Jaffy is always good for a laughfy