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Right after we went away on our holiday vacation, a major piece of news dropped that rocked the industry in the form of a wide-ranging leak of data from Sony-owned Insomniac Games. Timing stopped us from responding until now, and we're going to do so in great detail today. See, our job on Sacred Symbols isn't to make the news, but rather to report on and react to it. While what befell Insomniac isn't right or good -- and while it certainly isn't legal -- it did, in fact, happen. And our coverage of it shouldn't signal our approval of the situation, anymore than a local newspaper reporter covering a murder. We have to acknowledge reality, and incorporate new knowledge. It's important to note that most of what was in the leak isn't going to be featured in any way on this podcast, and indeed, we don't even know how to interact with the leaked materials directly, nor do we care to learn. Instead, through the likes of Reddit, Imgur, forums, and social media, we collected what we thought was relevant, and left out the rest. The relevant: Insomniac's release schedule, game financials, sales data, PS+ presentations, and other items of acute business interest. The irrelevant: Any details having to do with a game deeper than its mere existence. No plot or character spoilers, no discussions on builds and videos, no artwork analysis, and so on. And it goes without saying that personal details of any kind (which we frankly didn't personally encounter while researching for this podcast to begin with) are complete nonstarters. We hope you find our coverage fair and thoughtful; we'll leave that determination up to you.




Also shoutouts to Dustin for pushing back on the gamepass comparison.

Devon McCarty

Is the online branch of Al Qaeda called E-Qaeda? I'll see myself out.


I won’t buy and play the last of us 2, because the game got all the major story beats spoiled for me before I was able to afford the game. At this point. I’m only really playing those games for the story. They don’t do anything mechanically that really speaks to me In a way that seems like it will hook me in the long term for “fun”. The first game isn’t something I ever think to myself. “Oh I want to play that again.” So I don’t see the sequel as a worthy investment of my time unfortunately. Which is actually a little sad, because I did enjoy the first game. Also Chris makes a strong point. I’m a man in my mid 30s now.” Who’s prone to depression. So knowing the story can be so heavy at times. It doesn’t exactly make me jump to experience it. That said, I love some depressing ass content so I’m a fool lol.