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Please welcome friend and legendary game designer David Jaffe back to Sacred Symbols+. Today, Jaffe and I (Colin) convene to discuss all of the latest happenings behind-the-scenes at PlayStation. As we know, Jim Ryan is set to leave his post as CEO in early 2024, and -- thanks to Jaffe's reporting -- we've learned that long-time internal production lead Connie Booth was fired from her post after having been at Sony since the late '80s, before PlayStation even existed. Then, we have layoffs at Bungie, Naughty Dog, Visual Arts, and Media Molecule, the closure of PixelOpus years into its new (and unannounced) project, and a general tension at the center of the games-as-a-service strategy, which may or may not benefit the overall direction of the brand. Jaffe is the ultimate insider, in a sense, a man who literally helped create some of Sony's most iconic brands and understands full-well how the behemoth operates from within. What does he think about the seeming chaos at PlayStation? And how do we square the optics with reality? After all, PS5 is a dynamo, vastly outselling its competitor. Are we over-exaggerating, or are we preemptively concerned? Is something wrong, or perhaps nothing at all? We'll leave that up to you. In the meantime, let the speculation commence.



Stefan Catinella

I don't always agree with Jaffe, but damn is he smart guy! Always insightful and interesting to listen to. He could be on Sacred Symbols weekly and I wouldn't tire of him.

Ben Haner

Focused Jaffe is just as fascinating as sporadic Jaffe


Jaffe is actually retarded if he thinks Ozempic is the reason various junk food brand stock is nose diving. Surely food prices doubling has nothing to do with it…

Perfect platypus

Some good takes in this.always good to see jaffe on, his Insight and knowledge of Industry and raw honesty make him a good fit for SS+

David Jaffe

Jaffe never said it was his theory. He was just telling you what he has read and seen in the news.

Asique Alam

I love these deep smart conversation about the industry straight to my veins more please

Josh Gamez

I love Horizon, but Avatar is probably the most spot on analogy possible.

James McGivern

Congratulations on the nuptials to Colin and Micah!

Mark ?️

I think the impact of impressive graphics and animation in terms of how much it impresses and immerses audiences is understated by you guys. Graphics and technology does matter to people. Why else do we have new generations of consoles? You can't tell me that in Spider-Man 2 when you're swinging at 3x the speed of the first game, RT reflections everywhere, that that doesn't impress audiences to the point where it wasn't worth the effort doing. There's a reason why PlayStation games are so revered, part of it are the stories and gameplay they offer, part of it is absolutely the attention to detail they have in their games and technology


Always great to have a new Jaffe 1-on-1, thanks!

Jerry Huerta

Naughty dog should make a horror game. The red flair sequence in last of us pt2 was so sick

Gonçalo Ferreira

The amount of negative speculation and contradictory statements in this show was a new record.