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Paul Verhoeven's 1987 dystopian sci-fi film RoboCop is considered more and more of a classic the further we get from its release year. Indeed, a lot of the ongoing revision pertaining to RoboCop has to do with its subject matter: Mega-corporations, militarism, the use of police force, and a mighty thick layer of satire that heavily lampoons American culture, past and present alike. On the outside, Peter Weller's portrayal of the titular mechanized law enforcement officer is merely a piece of cinema history due to its visually-iconic protagonist. But between the seams are strings to pull at that bring audiences to deeper and darker places, taking a gory allusion to post-modernity to a whole new level. Can robots think and feel? Well, RoboCop sure can.




This was a very strange ep. Basically Dagan spends the whole time talking about how violent it is. Then in regards to stop motion, that was the tech at the time. The effects for RoboCop were great. Especially because they took place in bright light and not covered with atmospherics or darkness.


Interestingly - Ray Wise and Miguel Ferrer are both major characters in Twin Peaks.


I haven’t seen it in years, but I LOVED robocop 2 when I was a kid. It’s pretty good.

Kjell Dirckx

Yes yes, one of the best movies ever made. Thanks for the Knockback episode.

Jose Horrach

Great episode! I'd buy that for a Dollar!

rubber nipples 209

Listening to this podcast and then seeing the new game come out makes me want to watch these movies or at least the first one cuz I've never seen them before


You guys got me to watch this fully for the first time as well. Passable but ehh. Agree with Col at the end, it’ll always be Twitter and they’ll always be the Redskins.