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Micah and Holly (Dustin's wife) are returning to record another special episode of Sacred Symbols+ to discuss their perspective on Sacred Symbols, PlayStation and gaming in general.

You know the drill: Submit your questions, comments, concerns, thoughts, and ideas to Micah and Holly, and as always, pithy and well-written submissions have the best chance of being used. Walls-of-text and poorly-written submissions are ignored! Be respectful.

Please submit your questions before Monday, October 23rd at 7 PM EST.


Justin Credible

Hello Sacred Queens, Why do you think games aren’t as popular for women? I don’t understand why it’s mostly known as a guy’s thing? As women why do you think this is? Very curious to hear your perspectives on this.


Hello ladies, Do either of you enjoy giant monster movies? Whether it's classics like Them, King Kong, Godzilla, Gamera or more modern ones like Pacific Rim, Cloverfield, or Colossal. Thanks for all that you do!

Napoleon in Rags

Simple question: What’s your game of the year so far?


Hello ladies, my question is the following: when it comes to living with your partner/spouse, do you perfer that he is a handheld gamer or a console gamer? I found it makes a difference to my spouse when i play switch and playstation 5.

Jordan Falduto

FUCK YEA I'm so happy this is back because my game tastes align with Micah and Holly more than the rest of the crew. --- I'd love to hear about Holly's overall experience in Japan and if she got any game-related swag.

The Great Santini

Hey girls! Thanks for doing this podcast... I'm so excited to listen! This one is for Micah: As a hockey fan yourself (yuck Bruins... go Rangers!), do you ever get the urge to see big 'Col strap them skates up again and hop back on the ice? As an old man nowadays (ok I'm 34), beer-league and pick-up hockey is the only thing keeping me active and skinny and I would die without it! Anyway, keep being awesome!


Hi H&M I'd like to know how learning the Bass is going and if either of you have listened to Thin Lizzy. Phil Lynott is a great bass player that doesn't get enough recognition, Thin Lizzy's sound jumps from Hard Rock to Blues, Funk, Jazz, Metal, and Rock Irish folk songs.


Greetings ladies, Here’s a one for each of you. Holly, can you give an overall review on your trip to Japan and a few of your top memories? How hard did Dustin really weeb out? /// Micah, would you ever consider writing stories about your time in the church? Even if they are fiction, it would be interesting to get a little inside perspective and as they say, you should write what you know. Thanks to congrats on you both and congrats on the upcoming big day!

Jose Mendoza

Hey H&M, What are something’s you find really nerdy that your partners do or a hot take that you just can’t agree with. Best Angeldustsweet!

Devon McCarty

Sacred Sisters, When PlayStation 5 beta tested the option to remove the iconic "PS Beep" from its launch sequence, it was met with two key points of feedback: 1) The "OMG FINALLY!!!" group 2) The "What the fuck is wrong with your relationship?" group Where did you both land? Was the PS5 Beep a signal to start another round of arguments in your respective homes, or was that a non-issue that was as surprising to you as it was to some of us? Have a great show!


Holly, How do you deal with Dustin’s ailment? I’m talking about his collecting of various anime women? I’m not saying you’re jealous, they’re fictitious characters but more along the lines of his well-being mentally. Is he letting too much out and flying too close to the sun by outwardly expressing his love of them? Just a thought. Also Micah, I’ll be the first one to stand up and agree that ketchup in milk is absolutely delicious, it pairs well with shredded wheat.

Sean Mason

Greetings Micah and Holly, I hope this message finds both of you well, Are there any future plans for you two to do a spoilercast together? Best, Sean M.


Hey Micah and Holly, If you guys were invited to a potluck what would you be conjuring up. It's great to see you ladies back.


Hey Holly and Micah, hope you are both well. Are there any particular moments or areas of games that stand out to you because of their music - places that hearing its associated music would bring you back to - or just any music in general that reminds you of certain games or a particular moment in time? Any favourite soundtracks for that reason, or just music that feels like it's key to a game's strengths or memorability? Thanks, and looking forward to the episode!

Matthew Miller

M/H, Hypothetical: you go to Buffalo Wild Wings or a similar restaurant. What sauces do you get on your wings? Bone-in or boneless? Ranch or blue cheese? Do you bother with the celery/carrots? (If you don't eat meat, what do you put on the "wing alternative" of your choice?)


Hello Ladies, My wife has a 6th sense of when I'm listening to something from Last Stand Media, and will appear to tell me turn it down, regardless of the current volume level. She can't stand ya'lls voices. The other day she was listening to a book on tape about sales with a particularly annoying narrator and I commented that my podcasts are not nearing that annoying! Her response was, "It's just a book on tape I'm going through, not something I'm going to listen to every week for the rest of my life." It was hard to argue honestly. Is there anything that can or should be done here? What can men do against such reckless hate? Cheers,


Hello Sacred Scream Queens, In honor of Halloween, what are some of your favorite scary/horror movies, or just Halloween themed movies? Thank you and happy wedding!

The Lazy Indian Gamer

I just wanted to say. I noticed that my partner started recently "overhearing" me listening to Sacred Symbols. I realized she would pause multiple times what she was watching nearby and her ears would pick up when Colin or Chris said something specific. She said the other day that she likes "these guys and Colin seems to make such valid points". So this is my big hope that she actually starts listening full time! I just wanted to ask. What are some of the better non-game podcasts that you all put out that someone like her can also identify with and listen.