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Hello there!

It is I, Matty, and I think we've waited long enough. It's time to begin our Starfield spoilercast and review discussion. Here's the deal:

We're dividing things into two parts given the scale of the game. Part 1 of our discussion will be dedicated to the main story to give those who have beat it but are still crawling through the mountains of side content the ability to still listen. Part 2 will be dedicated to pulling the lid off everything from faction stories to side quests and so on. As tradition dictates, both conversations will have a non-spoiler section for those who wish to dip their toes in the pool.

Now on to you: As always, leave your spoiler filled questions, comments, etc. Make sure they are in relation to Starfield's main story!



Does Starfield feel like a loading screen simulator to anyone else? I’ve been enjoying the hell out of it, but after starting Cyberpunk’s DLC, all I feel are loading screens in Starfield.


Hopefully you guys’ conversation will be more enthralling than the game!


Hey Matty, I consider myself a prolific gamer, but, to my shame I have not played through any BGS games. My wife on the other hand, is a diehard Skyrim and Fallout (mostly Fallout 4) fan. She's clocked more hours into Skyrim than I have on any single game. To my surprise, she's said, she's not really interested in trying Starfield. I'd like to recommend something I think she'd love, but she dissmisses it saying, "It's Sci-fi, it's not Skyrim or Fallout." Considering you have intrigued me to BGS as a whole, and you're the Bethesda oracle, I have this question - What could I say that would speak to a her? Or what aspects to Starfield will pique her interests as a BGS fan?

Vito Chiaramonte

The app says I'm at 180 and I'm only on like main mission 7, so it'll be awhile. I'd like to hear how everyone handled the first "Hunter" mission, when I'm ready for this in like 6 months or something 😂

Bruce The Genetic Jackhammer Rando

Hey Dukes. Although Starfield is at the top of my goty list I must say I would’ve preferred them work on a new elder scrolls or fallout instead. That being said how do you compare the main story and faction quests to those other games? (76 doesn’t count)


Hey Dukes, What’s your opinion on the idea that starfield and Bethesda games in general are outdated? Are these criticisms valid? Do you think they should stick to their formula or evolve it significantly?


Fellas, Maybe I’m alone in this, but I really enjoyed being able to play this game in different ways. One night, I’d jump on and quest hard with traditional fetch and story quests. Another night, I’d focus on space combat quests. What surprised me is this: most nights I’d get on and do exploration stuff. I’d spend an entire evening or two fully surveying even the most barren of planets. It certainly isn’t for everyone but I really clicked with putting on a podcast and roaming these planets spamming the scanner and clearing outposts/research facilities, hoping to find a better version of the guns I was using. Is it just me or did this game actually have more variety than some gave it credit for? Thanks again for the industry’s best analysis on BGS games, Andrew


Dukes, The only issue i have with Starfield after my 100+ hour playthrough was the lack of exploration vibes. I attempted to force myself to continue to explore multiple POI and nothing scratched that itch that previous Bethesda titles have. My question is what could Bethesda do to improve this?

Davy Sueppel

What’s up Guys, what was something about the game you didn’t expect to enjoy but you really ended up liking? For me it was the fast travel system. I (like most people) thought it was going to be like no man’s sky, flying from planet to the next but it really isn’t anything like that and I had zero issue. I liked getting to the meat of the story/ game play. have a “the mantis quest was awesome” kind of day.


Hey Super Dookie Bros! What did you guys think about the fact that there aren't any intelligent aliens in the game just alien animals. I think it was an interesting choice and actually adds to the whole realistic, "NASA punk" vibe they were going for. I'm interested to see what the Dukes thinks of this choice since you were both clamouring for them before the game released. Did this affect your perception of the game and do you think they will add them in later with DLC? Thanks and have a Pete Hines don't leave me kind of day!


Did you guys feel any connection to characters outside of your companions? Usually in games like this, you find a bunch of characters you remember along the way but I felt like I just ran into mostly lousy villains all the time and everyone else was forgettable.

Sean Kramer

Hello my fellow Serpent worshipping brethren, I wanted to talk about my favorite faction in the game that doesn’t even really exist, House Va’ruun. They are absolutely the most fascinating faction and learning about them in the UC Vanguard quest line was really fun. Of course we meet a few more characters in Andreja’s quest like as well. My question is one of a game design nature: Do you think it was smart of Bethesda to leave this faction out for a very painfully obvious later DLC main story? Especially if we go back to Fallout 4’s criticism of really vanilla factions and endings that go with those factions. House Va’Ruun being involved here could have given Starfield so much more teeth. What do you make of this choice by Bethesda? Thanks, and have a “is that the great serpent or are you just excited to see me” kind of day


Hey guys, what did you think of there being no intelligent aliens?


Hey Dukes, After sinking 165 hours into Starfield I have been fascinated by the design decisions BGS decided to take. Clearly these decisions worked for me given my play time but even then it is clear that they took bold swings that were never going to work for everyone. From how you travel around the systems, to the amount of mental energy that needs to be given to encumbrance and even the obtuse and difficult to understand systems like ship-building and base building. No matter what you can say about Starfield it is one of the most unique games that I have ever played and I commend BGS for creating a surprisingly 'unwelcoming' but ultimately rewarding experience for what is meant to be a blockbuster game. I will say that the story for me had three parts to it: The first part that introduces you to the settled systems and constellation is fun and breezy, if not a little derivative of other sci-fi stories. The second part when you finish up with Walter on Neon was when it really started to click with me, seeing a ship in orbit completely unlike any other you have seen throughout your time exploring the Settled Systems and the mystery of who the Starborn are is some of the best mainline stuff in a BGS game. Culminating in what must be the greatest BGS quest ever (?) phasing between two different timelines at the quantum research facility. Unfortunately though the lack of answers given at the end of the main quest-line felt a bit cheap to me. I expect a much more traditional and universally well received game when ES6 eventually comes out but I think no matter what, my heart will always out in the Starfield

Bryan Creagh

Hey Dukes, First off I love the show and thank you for all you do!. After almost 130 hours in Starfield and playing new game plus I feel like the week part of the game is the exploration of planet's. I am inserted in the reason they chose to have players scan creatures and plants so many times to complete the research. I found little joy in this. At the same time the caves you find that are not part of the story or main quest are just bare bones caves. If these caves could of been like Skyrim and you don't know what you would find that would of been great. I think they could of done this with artist making 3-5 variants of large caves and feeling them with different RPG elements/NPCs. What say you dukes about the exploration?.