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Submit your questions, comments, concerns, thoughts, and ideas for this week's episode of Sacred Symbols in this thread.

As always, please keep your inquiries well-written and pithy. Novels, poorly-written posts, etc. are politely ignored.

You have until Thursday, October 19th at noon ET to submit.

Talk to you soon!


Bryan Lonsdale

Good afternoon to my favorite threesome! This question is for Colin. The past few weeks you've been debating on what to play in your down time this holiday season. You've been mulling over games like Skyrim and every Call of Duty of the past 10 years. I know this is a PlayStation podcast, but have you given any thought about Mario Wonder? Nintendo has finally given us something in the 2D space that's not the "New Super Mario" art style for the first time since Super Mario World. It currently has an impressive 92 on metacritic and seems like a perfect chill game to play on football Sundays Thanks for the daily amazing content and have a great a day!


Hey boys, How drunk are y'all planning to get at the wedding. Is anyone giving a speech? I once had to before and got rather drunk to get past a speech impediment. I was 20 and got way to drunk. Puking on the way home. Good day! Hector

Joe B

Hey boys, new September sales charts came out and had 1 big surprise with it. No, not that Starfield is the top seller, thus once again pointing out the "Game Pass destroys sales narrative" is flawed, but that Baldurs Gate on PS is nowhere to be seen in the top 10. Thoughts? It seemed alot of people wanted to use this game as a PS exclusive even when the dev's said its not, and it still barely sold enough to beat Hogwarts Legacy or COD MW2.


Hello smokin symbiotes, Spider-Men is here! I'm super psyched and I'm avoiding coverage as much as reasonably possible. But, I noticed something early on in the marketing, you would probably need to have played Miles Morales to understand some aspects to this sequel. This got me thinking. How many people do you think played MM? They seem to have combined the sales numbers from the main game and MM at 33 million. What do you think is the split? 3 to 1 is my guess. Thanks! And keep biting the fart bubbles in the bath.


Hey baby boys, The 7th Guest VR comes out tomorrow and while at first I overlooked it, after hearing the previews from different YouTubers, it has become one of my most anticipated VR games of this year. My question is, are any of you going to check it out and did any of you play the original? Thanks for all you do!


Hey CDC crew, what kind of symbiotes are we smoking to go with the release of Spider-Man 2?

Jordan Falduto

Spooky season is among us. Can the Sacred Gents frankenstein their favorite PlayStation controller, chassis, and UI into one perfect amalgamation? Mine is the original dual shock, the 60GB PS3 fat, and the XMB (the way the lord intended Sony products to be experienced).


Hey CDC, What's up with these reports of analysts saying that Sony will make a big acquisition in response to Microsoft and ABK. Like we just got out of the biggest acquisition in gaming history, and now they are people kind of asking for Sony to respond. Why people can you chill and see the big picture, and the danger that can bring these type of acquisitions. Sony doesn't need to respond to anything, just focus on the portfolio that it has and continue the momentum. In a side note: Congrats to Colin and Micah, enjoy your weeding!


Hello DCC, The release of MGS: Master Collection vol. 1 is imminent and I'm looking forward to playing these games for the first time. However I'm met with the all too common conundrum: Do I play the games in release order or chronological order? What would you recommend for the MGS games specifically, and do you guys go release order or chronological when going through larger series in general? Thanks and take care!


Hey CDC, If you could sit down with the head of one of the PlayStation Studios and be able to ask any questions you would like about their 10 year plan, which studio would you choose? Thanks and be well, Steve


hey gents - I was floored last week to hear the pen Colin rips in sacred symbols episodes is just a full on thc dab pen. i always thought the pen was nicotine or cbd - but youre telling me youve been ripping 95% thc oil on 4 hour podcasts w the boys? how do you do it? 😂 stay w it gents thanks for everything.

Jose Mendoza

Hey CDC, My wife gave birth to a beautiful baby boy just two weeks ago. In Puerto Rican fashion we gave him a big name (Miles Angel Christopher Mendoza) that being said would y’all ever consider giving your child an unnecessary long name? Me personally I wanted to give him one middle name but my wife insisted on him having two. Anyways I hope y’all all enjoy spider man 2 this weekend because I know I will.


Hello El Padre, the Rayson, and the Holy Weeb, Micah posted about the cake server inscribed with "Trophy earned Tie the Knot" for the wedding. I was curious... What are some life events/actions that deserve trophies? For example, a common trophy, Enrolled in College called "With Great Debt comes Great Responsibility"? Or an uncommon trophy, Get Diagnosed with Depression called "Hello Darkness, My New Friend"? Or a Very rare trophy, Did not disappoint parents called "The Golden Child"? By all means, be as serious, exotic, or random as your heart desires. Bless and best wishes for Colin and Micah this weekend!

James Pies

Hey fellas, When is it OK to take an abandoned package from the mailroom lobby of my apartment complex? I have lived in this building for just over three years and unfathomably there has been a box sitting there ever since I moved in. It's a little larger than your average shoe box and it's addressed to a Mark who I assume no longer lives here or has unfortunately perished. The outside has a MLB logo and it's heavy as all hell so I'm assuming there's something pretty rad inside. Am I free to investigate after so much time has passed or do I leave this mystery box unmolested? Thank you as always for the phenomenal content. Peace and love, James


Hey Punkheads, With the recent discussion of controller/console repair, I was wondering: when you're playing PS4 games on your PS5, do you ever go out of your way to use a PS4 controller, even though you could also use a Dualsense? I personally choose to do that every time. Since I find both controllers equally comfortable - and I wouldn't be missing out on any PS5 features, anyway - I like to think I'm preventing wear-and-tear on my Dualsense, and thus prolonging its life. It's the same reason why I install and run most of my PS5 games on my add-on M.2 drive, instead of the internal storage - to try and prevent wear-and-tear. Love to know what you guys think. Thanks!


Greetings Sacred Triumvirate, As happened many years ago, Sacred leader's have announced their intentions to travel across land and sea to claim the land of Albion. Have you considered area's outside of (what would later be know as) Londinium for you landing party? Or is there no choice? Is the pull of a once great Holy Roman Capital too strong? Yours faithfully, Liam


Colin, I managed to find that interview you did with SaltiestGaming on YouTube.I was up til 3AM listening to it. That was like watching the American History X curbstomp in 3D with how brutal that interview was listening to him. I will always appreciate the fact that you are one of the few in the gaming industry who will always debate and defend your points of view against those who just talk shit on twitter. Not the hero we deserve,but the hero we need


Last week you boys discussed the methods used to slow down drivers, such as pictures of children, may I introduce the UKs solution? I can't attach images here but look up "child bollards" to see the most terrifying thing you'll see all week. Do not let this dissuade you from coming to the UK though, you will sell out Tottenham Hotspur Stadium, which is the only venue appropriate for Last Stand Live


What the fuck is up dennys? In regards to the MJ hotness discourse, let’s not forget that when Spider-Man came to PS5 they made Pete a fuckin Tom holland male model looking motherfucker so is it really that ridiculous to say it’s a little weird that MJ is dating up now? With the ps4 release I liked that they looked like a relatable, more average looking couple. However MJ being out of Pete’s league is sort of supposed to be par for the course going back to the comics because he’s a nerd who we root for to get the girl and save the day. I’m completely shocked that the internet is offended by men judging a FICTIONAL female character’s attractiveness (*sarcasm*)but is this not a double standard considering they changed HIS face to a better looking one without ever admitting the reason why?


Hey Sacred boys, This one's for Dustin, so after finishing Lies of P where do you rank it as a Soulslike? For me it's the best souls game not made by From Software. I loved your discussion with Gene on Punching up this week btw. Make that spoilercast happen! Thanks as always. Lee


Hello Sacred Dudes, With many industry vets claiming that games are costing too much to make and obviously they’re also taking way too long to make too, why don’t more AAA studios focus on shorter games with high replayability like the Resident Evil series. I feel like Capcom is the only AAA dev in the industry making shorter games (Resident Evil 4 Remake has a 16 hour HLTB for example), and no one ever complains about the length of their Resident Evil games (except for RE 3 Remake which was ~6 hours long). Because their games are so short though, they’re almost an annualized series that also manages to stay high quality and still sells well. Could more companies take this approach, or would that just lead to other problems? Also, I’m sorry about what happened to Dustin with Easy Allies. I’ve been a fan of both communities for years now, and it’s sad to see EZA turn on Dustin, who is one of their fans, like this for no good reason.


What’s up Fellas? My question is a simple one. It’s the eve of Spider-Man 2 and it got me thinking. This will be game 3 during the PS5 generation for Insomniac. We know Wolverine is on its way as well. Realistically do you see another Spider-man game before generation change or maybe another Rachet game? Could Insomniac go 5 or 6 times this generation and other studios only go once?


Sacred crew, Greetings from Midlothian, VA! Despite drowning in games in 2023, I just wanted to pass along a shout out to the boys for some excellent recommendations of older games throughout the year. I always find these games more interesting in the what you’ve been playing compared to the latest and greatest. Since January, I’ve given several recommendations discussed on the show a full play through including The Order 1886, Dishonored 1, Dishonored 2, Titanfall 2, and Vanquish. While I’m loving all the games 2023 has provided, I find myself looking back on these as some of my favorite moments in gaming this year. Thanks for all the amazing content!


Hey guys, So I was scrolling through the time stamps of last week's show, and I was excited to see that my random topic I submitted last week got mentioned, my sacred symbols skirts idea I got from the middle aged cashier at my local Wawa. To my "horror," the guys took my story about casual conversation with an elderly cashier to mean I fumbled an opportunity. I played the segment to my wife, and she laughed and said "dang it sounds like you fumbled." I played it for my friend and he said "dang man you fumbled." Lastly, I played it for my 5 month old daughter and she said "dang daddy, it sounded like you fumbled." Thanks for starting this meme with my friend group, and have a great day :)


Hey CDC, This question is for Dustin and Chris are either of you guys interested in playing lords of the fallen. The reviews are mixed but hardcore souls fans are loving it any chance you guys will check this out in maybe December. Thanks for all you guys do y’all made my 18 hour drive from nj to fl more bearable keep on keeping on guys


Not to gas you guys up or anything, but why don't other gaming networks emulate LSM when your network is one of the biggest on Patreon? Take one example. A big reason I stay subscribed to LSM is because of your extremely consistent release schedule. When my subscription lapses and 9-am rolls by without a new pod, I immediately miss having this sub. I know every Thursday morning that I will have a Defining Duke pod, a Scared Symbols pod every Friday, and so on. Most other networks aren't nearly as predictable. Week by week, I don't know exactly what's coming and when it will release. This makes it easy to drop my sub because I can't miss something that comes to me so haphazardly.


Hey guys, I just wanted to comment on the kind of crazy fervor since the Activision deal went through. I have seen an immediate desire to cross everything over, for Xbox to make their own Smash Bros. etc. Even coming from people like Jez Corden and others along with people starting to speculate on who they can buy next... How did we get here? If you look at the ratio of developers that Xbox has on all of their teams, the original Xbox studios only makes up less than 20% of what MS owns now... this includes all of those teams they bought a couple years before Bethesda. The other 80% is all Bethesda and now Blizzard... I kind of feel an embracer group situation happening with MS.... What do you guys think about this? Thanks for to continued content and entertainment.


I just would like to say Chris’ Trump voice makes my day. Have a good rest of your week guys!