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Submit your questions, comments, concerns, thoughts, and ideas for this week's episode of Sacred Symbols in this thread.

As always, please keep your inquiries well-written and pithy. Novels, poorly-written posts, etc. are politely ignored.

You have until Thursday, October 12th at noon ET to submit.

Talk to you soon!



Hey Sacred Crew, What are odds that Wolverine makes an appearance in Spider-Man 2? Take care, Dom from Chicago


Hey guys, Just wanted to write in to share my thoughts on the discussion you had last episode surrounding controversial term Latin(x). My Father Puerto Rican and is a University Professor here in the states at a very well known University. He's also a published author/poet that has focused on the humanities and social sciences. I have noticed a distinct decline in the usage of this term in his social media posts and papers as of late and it seems to coincide with that term sort of falling out of favor among Latinos in general. The guy grew up in NYC poor and often homeless but as the years have gone by I feel as if he may have lost touch with the core of working class Latino people and working class people in general. Most people don't have the time to worry about how their words make you feel. It's obvious that this sort of restructuring of language is coming from universities but it's a shame to see it focus in on a language as beautiful as Spanish. The ability to express yourself by altering the "gender" of a word or phrase is often used in poetry or music to create a very specific type of effect that actually isn't possible in the English language. To me it looks as if this term just isn't going to stick. I think Chris' assessment that this may have been just an afterthought with Bungie might be the case. They're just following the cultural trends and it's really not something to get upset about. Let's just hope that going forward we can focus on on more pressing matters in this country and abroad! Born-Blind/Jesse

Andy Jenereaux

Hello Colin and the DC gang!!! I’ll have you know the day you are getting married is on the day me and my twin brother Randy came into the world. Do I get a happy birthday nod in your wedding vows? I find it strange I’ll forever more remember you and Micha’s anniversary because it will fall on my birthday. So anyways, congrats on the whole thing and hopefully the chicken will get the night off on your wedding night if you catch my drift!!


Greetings Sacred Symbols Saints - Colin, would you please give Dustin and Chris three compliments each? Thanks!


Hey CDC, Quick PSA, Super perils of baking is on sale on PSN and I thought the audience should know. For a sweet 2.99 I scooped that bad boy up.As always keep up the great content.


Sup fellas! In listening to last week's episode I was struck by Chris' comment during the AI discussion about humans really just being computers and thought I would share a similarly horrifying fact. My girlfriend is very in to nutrition and wellness, is a certified NPT, and is constantly reading up on the topic. Recently, much to my displeasure, she shared a rather appalling piece of information about our gut microbiome. According to her book (recently published) our guts contain more individual microbes than our body has cells, the DNA contained in these microbes is of a higher volume than the human DNA in our bodies, and over 80% of the serotonin in our bodies and processed by our brains is transmitted from the bacteria in our gut microbiome. This affects our mood, determines our overall health, and even drives our actions. Thus, I have concluded that we are in fact not humans but rather a collection of bacteria living inside of a human (or computer if you're Chris) shell. Now you three can share in my awful existential crisis that I'm afraid there's no coming back from. Keep making dope podcasts boys. Appreciate you all!


Greetings, gents. About your AI conversation... Chris, humans only know how to create new and interesting things because they have learned from other people who created things, so AI learning from us is no different. You didn't know what a renaissance painting was either until someone told you. Colin, machines have been replacing skilled labor jobs forever. Why should I care if AI or a human makes something? Isn't whether that thing is good the only relevant judgement? Yes, AI will shrink the workforce - maybe to the point where a single person can run an entire company - but in the long term, I doubt humanity's destiny involves having jobs.


Colin, can you elaborate more on your take that all of the characters in Metal Gear Solid 3 should have spoken in Russian, reason being well because there are in Russia (Soviet Union). I don't know if I'm misunderstanding your point but isn't that like saying that Persona 4 should have only Japanese voice acting because they are in Japan. The reason Metal Gear Solid 3 is English dub, is well because it's aimed at English speaking markets. So why have the game be dubbed in Russian rather than in English? I completely understand if your point is that Snake speaks English to his English-speaking teammates and then have Russian-speaking characters speak to each other in Russian and have Snake speak in Russian to any Russian-speaking characters. Is this the point that you're making?


Gents, Writing in today as one of your Jewish listeners. Back in 2021, IGN and others decided they were moral arbiters in a middle eastern conflict. They brazenly took a side on the Israel-Palestine conflict. Fast forward, and over the past days we saw Palestine’s ‘militant’ group Hamas butcher, among other things, innocent people in southern Israel’s kibbutzim and small cities. Many of whom were peace loving, and want to end the conflict with their neighbors. Oddly, this go around I didn’t see anyone from IGN, or in games more broadly, make a statement on Israel’s behalf in games; besides Neil Druckmann. And even then, there were some expected popular tweets in response like “fuck you Neil you make me sick” Any insight on why games media has been seemingly very quiet when the moral compass is not pointing in their direction?


Hello sacred bois. Do you think Pixar is having meetings about the memes going around on the internet? I’m sure they probably don’t like their name being associated with these images people are creating. Also which one is your favorite so far? Thanks and have a great day


Sacred Men, I have one question for you all. Is you Is, or Is you ain't. Explain.


Do the movement in Spidey and Miles still hold up as the best example of player movement in video games? If not, what game would you say is more fun to move around in?

Justin Credible

Hello fellas, I hear you bash the names of video games a lot, so I was wondering what’s your favorite video game titles? A title that really pops and stands out. For me, bloodborne is a great name for a video game.


Hey Gents, With the upcoming release of Spiderman 2, do you think we could see Insomniac making another Miles Morales type game for it too? If so what would you like to see from this game and who would you like to play as? I'm crossing my fingers for a 15 hour Venom spin off. That's if they're not too busy with the Wolverine game... See ya later Joben. Kieran


Hey boys, long time listener from Adelaide, Australia. In the recent Sacred Symbols + episode for Spider Man Remastered, Colin states that reviews for Infinity Strash had put him off purchasing the game as it had received scores around the 5 - 6 mark. Recently however, Colin has been talking about Immortals of Aveum, a game he quite enjoys and that he laments other people are skipping over as a result of poor marketing, reviews, etc, with Immortals of Aveum receiving a 5/10 from Gamespot. My question Colin is why, if you ignored the general consensus for Immortals, you are letting it govern your purchasing decision when it comes to Infinity Strash? This could be another of those misunderstood gems. The difference being, I suppose, that Square-Enix isn’t going to go bust as a studio if the game experiences lacklustre sales. Looking forward to another year of Sacred Symbols content. I was a dirty freeloader for a long time, but it feels good to be supporting you all over there in the U.S and A.


I’m already upset because the Dodgers just got swept by the lowly DIAMONDBACKS— *in chris’ trump voice* loser franchise — so let’s keep the bad times rolling yeah? CAN WE GET SOME FUCKIN FOLDERS ON PS5?!?!? Literally why do these not exist anymore? rAy TraCiNg, SSd, LoAd tImES…take a fucking hike. Let me get some god damn folders PLEASE. IT CANT BE THAT HARD…PLEASE!! Thanks


Hi Gents, With Sony trying to extract as much as they can from the Horizon franchise and the potential interest from Playstation fans for a first party FPS. Why have we not got a Halo Reach-esque FPS using the fall of Earth from Zero Dawn as the story. Seems obvious to me but I'll await your reply ripping in to why this is the worst idea anyone has ever had. Cheers

The Lizard King

Hello CDC, Have you guys got any interest in Robocop: Rogue City? It seems to have previewed pretty well and looks like a straightforward old school feeling AA title at a AA price point too. Colin, after your interest in Crime Boss, I figured this game may be of interest to you more so. Seems to be a much better title with that 80’s feel. Thanks for the great show every week.


Hey CDC gang, So after the birth of my daughter a year ago I took some time out of gaming and came back to Hogwarts Legacy with some excitement. While the game is good for a long time HP fan, I must say the RPG open world filler in this game is nuts and to have to replay the first 2 hours of the game 4 times to get the platinum took all the fun out in the end; I deleted it as soon as I platinumed it last night. What’s the worst examples of obnoxious platinum you can think of or worst fetch quest filler you’ve ever seen in a game? Thanks as always! Chris


Hey Super CDC, Your discussion on AI last week sparked a question. Art generated by humans comes from experiencing life, and part of that is likely going to be from taking in and remixing other people’s art similar to an AI. One area where the AI differs is that it hasn’t ‘earned’ those experiences, devaluing the output somewhat. So, if an alien race existed that could process information many times faster than humans to create art in seconds, would that be valuable art again - due to the alien race having experienced life? If so, then would a human augmented to process humanities art in seconds still be able to create meaningful art? I think we as humans generally perceive art as valuable when we understand there’s been a journey to get there, as that itself is part of the art. Keen to hear your thoughts as I find these philosophical topics really interesting. Cheers.

Kurt Lewin

Hi Sacred Team With the news that publisher Paradox Interactive have had to write down $22.3m for Q4 2023 on development costs on new game The Lamplighters League after disappointing sales, does this provide further evidence that gaming economics are totally broken right now? Furthermore, the money they got for launching on game pass wasn't enough to save the title and unfortunately they have made some layoffs on top of the write down. What do you think the long term solution to the current economics of the industry is that could realistically happen or are we heading for a crash?

Jamie Milligan

Hello there my sweet boys. Straight forward question. Do you three believe Suicide Squad will be one of the biggest gaming disasters of 2024. Maybe even off all time? Can’t wait too see you boys across the pond, having to tolerate our British 'Cuisine'.

Joseph Joule

Greetings Sacred crew from a rainy England. I just wanted to share my displeasure and disillusionment with my recent experience with Sea of Stars. After 30+ hours invested into the game, and a thoroughly enjoyable time throughout, I have encountered a game breaking bug during the build up to the final boss. Thus preventing me from the satisfaction of completing it. Although Sabotage have confirmed that they will look to patch this in a future update, it has left a very unsavoury taste in my mouth. My question to you is if you have experienced anything similar in the past? All the best and looking forward to see you on our side of the pond in 2024.


Hello Busty Babes, The new PS5 is coming out and is 30% smaller. They dubbed it the “new Ps5 and the understanding is that it may replace the older models. From my understanding (and this may be wrong) the old face plates wont fit this model. Am i wrong for thinking this is a little bit scandalous and a but of a “fuck you” for anyone who bought face plates and may need the new model for whatever reason? Thanks gents for the content and have a spectacular day!


Hello Sacred crew. I’d like to take a moment to apologize to Colin and the New York Jets community for Aaron Rodgers’ season ending injury. You see my father was a die-hard Chicago Bears fan and died back in October of 2021 from Covid-19. On October 17 I was watching the Packers and Bears game in my father’s hospital room when the doctor walks in and basically tells us my father will not survive his illness. Immediately after the doctor leaves the room I look up at the tv to see Aaron Rodgers run for a touchdown. He then immediately yells out to the Bears fans in the stadium “I own you, all of my life! I still own you! I still own you!” I then look down at my poor father, heavily sedated with his ventilator cranked up to 100, and thought to myself “I can’t let him die like this.” I then awaited until the next day to pull the plug and let him pass away with some dignity. So when I saw Aaron Rodgers tear his achilles, I couldn’t help but think it was long overdue karma. I only wished it happened to those filthy cheese-head Packers and not your beloved Jets. Rest in Peace Andy Cook. He brought a whole new meaning to “die-hard Bears fan.” Though covid killed his heart and body, Aaron Rodgers and the Packers killed his soul.


Greetings Sacred Symbiotes, Since it’s release at the beginning of 2022 I’ve been a fairly regular, and fairly awful player of Gran Turismo 7, engaging primarily in the games online component. However, since it’s most recent update patch in late September, the games online Sports Mode has been left barely playable, with multiplayer lobby’s crashing and booting players. Throughout all of this there has been almost no communication from Polyphony or Sony to address the issues. Even before this recent issue, the lack of meaningful content updates and inability to communicate with the GT7 community on a whole has been a source of contention amongst the games most avid players. So my question is this, with these issues and lack of communication within one of Sonys most prized franchises, plus the uncertainty around the future of Naughty Dogs live service game; how much confidence do you have in Sony successfully running multiple live service games and offer the level of engagement that these communities would demand? A hearty thanks to you all for all that you go.


Hey CDC, Simple question: is hype good for the games industry? Does the excitement for a new blockbuster game create a positive atmosphere that improves the experience and brings in new players? Does the disappointment when a game fails to meet expectations negate whatever positivity the initial hype created? And with console wars and fanboys, does it even create more positivity than negativity in the first place? Do we all need to chill out, or are you all aboard the hype train? Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.


I've been thinking about modes in single-player games that aren't the story mode; stuff like RE4's Mercenaries or the Roguelike mode in Inscryption. These modes allow me to meaningfully engage with a game I love playing without having to commit to a full replay that I likely won't complete. Should more single-player games include these kinds of extraneous modes as a way of increasing the game's value without bloating the length? Thanks for reading