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A little more than a month ago, Quebecois developer Sabotage released J-inspired-RPG Sea of Stars to great critical acclaim and commercial success, following a rousing Kickstarter campaign that itself launched during the earliest days of the pandemic. Available across a gamut of platforms and subscription services, Sabotage is willing to spread the field with this release with good reason: Sea of Stars takes a niche genre and both positively alters its mechanics while making it more accessible than your average category peer. The result is a 25-to-30 hour (or more) adventure with a surprisingly dynamic set of gameplay systems overlaid upon an admittedly standard (if not at times slow) story. What will perhaps catch your eye first, though, is how beautiful it is. To discuss this game in detail, I (Colin) grabbed Punching Up co-host and Last Stand's coordinator, Micah Watson, who beat it on Switch just a day before I completed it on PS5. We hope you enjoy our chat as much as we enjoyed talking.



Carter Evenson

Can’t wait to watch this one! I’m about 12 hours in, a certain dweller just wreaked some havoc on a poor town. Game seems to get better and better, love the combat and humor (even if it isn’t up to par with the messengers hilarity). Cheers hopefully be back soon

Vagicarp, I choose you

I have been EAGERLY anticipating this one. I wish we could participate in thise discussions in some way. This game means so much to me, for so many reasons. Hyped to hear your thoughts. IT WAS ME, AND YOU, AND GARL..!!


I'll have to come back to this episode later. I still have to finish the game and would like to avoid any spoilers. Thank you for the episode. I am really looking forward for your impressions of the game.

Benjamin Beyersdorf

My favorite game this year, the surprising and subtle tie ins to The Messenger really amplified the experience for me. The soundtrack is probably my favorite since Child of Light. Huge fan of this studio and can't wait to see what's next.

Issac Woosley

Never thought I'd hear Steve's hunker down brought up on this show lol

Napoleon in Rags

If you don’t do the post-game stuff then I believe you will feel let down and cheated by the ending. Once you’re able to fight the end boss with Garl is where you’ll feel like you actually beat the game…Thanks for the discussion as always!!

Nathaniel Taylor

This is a game where you are really doing yourself a disservice if you don’t get the true ending. The post game stuff is fantastic. This is my game of the year and I don’t see anything surpassing it.

Chris Van Buren

For the fishing, you need to keep the fish in the waves blue line that’s in the water. It looks like a current. That’s why your line is turning red, because you’re outside of the current. Once you get later in the game, the fishing gets easier when you unlock the new reels.

Chris Van Buren

I couldn’t agree more with this statement. I just finished up the platinum. But you MUST see the true ending before stopping this game.

Luke Oliveto

Getting the true ending shouldn't be a requirement to enjoying a base playthrough though. This has the riddler trophy stink from Arkham Knight all over it

Nathaniel Taylor

I mean it isnt. The rest of the game is still extremely enjoyable. And that true ending just adds a lot of very good moments. Even without the true ending it would be my game of the year.

Jonny Sousa

Got the platinum this past Monday and I completely agree. Fuck yeah, Garl. Loved seeing old Garl. Gives me expanse vibes knowing your main heroes all made it to old age