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While we're only getting small crumbs of rumors and leaks about the successor to the Switch, there's always just enough to get our minds going on the possibilities. It's rumored that the device will feature cross-gen games with the PlayStation 5 and the Xbox Series X, and even the new Far Cry could be a launch title. Our biggest question is, what are the compromises, and will they be as significant as the current Switch cross-gen games? Outside of that, it's been relatively quiet on the Nintendo front, so we got into your questions! What are the decisions Nintendo has made that bug us the most? Are we interested in clone devices like the Analogue Pocket, or are we original hardware enthusiasts? Did Dustin's youth group take it too far when he was growing up? Please enjoy!


0:00:00 - Intro

0:12:15 - Dustin’s thoughts on Nintendo Direct

0:37:54 - Can the next Switch measure up to the PS5 and Series X?

1:06:35 - Quickies

1:14:57 - Dagan’s Segment: Nintendo Truth or Dare

1:23:19 - What have we been playing?

1:47:20 - What do we dislike most about Nintendo’s decisions?

1:56:09 - What was a Nintendo franchise we missed that we love now?




Donkey Kong on GameBoy is unironically amazing


Mario vs Donkey Kong is the spiritual successor of DK94. Both have very similar gameplay. As GameSimp indicated, yeah it's one of the best gameboy games. Unfortunately the sequels to Mario vs DK focused too much on leading the mini mario toys around each level, so they aren't nearly as good. Mario has a lot of his advanced jumps from Mario 64 which was awesome to see in 2d. Personally I've been meaning to play DK94 for a while now, but Mario vs Donkey is one of my favorite GBA games.


Not sure how much of this you all read and maybe Cog will see where I'm going with this line of thought as well. As someone with years in the IT industry specifically in systems and hardware, I follow the current tech both on the consumer and enterprise side for PCs and Servers because I fix them for a living. My thoughts based on Tom's tweet are something like this. Basically, and keep this in mind, teraflops are one theoretical measure of only one kind of graphics performance. You have raster and ray tracing. Among other metrics. But ray tracing is new, and raster is typically everything non ray tracing. Rasterization flops is the number that gets touted when a new console is announced. Keep in mind in each hardware generation, and especially since consoles went to x86 with PS4 and Xbox one, consoles are just PCs built to a price point with a volume deal on the components cut to the chip makers. More volume gets them a lower price and these machines always sell very well for a single SKU where the profit inherently goes up as the generation goes on because you are selling older tech that becomes cheaper with time. So to get a 500$ ps5 you might take 650$ in off the shelf hardware and cut a deal with the chip maker to get that hardware packaged cheaper accounting for the volume it's priced at. Dustin you know this from PCs. Right, your 3080 or 4080 are vastly more powerful in terms of tflops than the graphics in the PS5 and even the eventual pro most likely. In other words, we can build systems vastly more powerful than consoles but the limiting factor is price and heat output (Xbox 360...) typically. I say all that context to say this. The base ps4 is 1.5 tflops for raster. The pro is about 4 tflops. This is from memory but I think that's right. And I think ps5 is around 10 tflops with Xbox X around 12. Remember tflops in this context applies to graphics only... the CPU is vastly more powerful and efficient in the PS5 than the one in the PS4 but that's not the number that gets thrown around. My theory with switch 2 revolves around Xbox series S. The series S has about the same tflops as the PS4 pro. And Microsoft has committed to S as being their console till 2028 or so. Therefor, Tom isn't lying by saying that games will be on Xbox and switch 2 because Xbox S already handicaps this generation significantly as far as graphics power goes. DLSS by nvidia even frame generation won't be able to bridge a 9 tflop gap under any circumstances... but it just might be able to make the difference up between base PS4 and PS4 pro through upscaling. And switch 2 is already rumored to be PS4 levels of power which lines up with the already available chips that are even possibly with todays limitations. Therefor, Tom is telling the truth but the devil is in the details. I foresee Xbox S parity with switch 2 after DLSS and frame generation as well as possibly awful battery life for switch 2. But this is just my prediction.


Nicely written, I can't wait to see the parity between Series S and the Switch 2. It's gonna be fun!

Edward Fryrear

Dustin for the Love of CHRIST please replay Def Jam Vendetta Fight for NY, Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes and both Dino Crisis games please and thank you!

Jonathan Turner

Fight for new york...man....that game. So many good memories. Such a great time in life around that time in Middle School.


Gene, you're in our thoughts pal. The PUC holdin it down when a Nintendawg is out.


Omg I had totally forgotten about the whole "honey if you love me" game


I mean... Dustin. While you have the GameCube hooked up, why not play Windwaker and Twilight Princess ...