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American Anime, Internet Celebrity, Curse Words, Foreign Foods | Constellation, Episode 39 |

Hello! Welcome back to Constellation, Last Stand Media's conversational podcast. This week, the Brothers Moriarty are joined by Sacred Symbols co-hosts Chris Ray Gun and Dustin Furman. Fresh off of his trip to Japan, Dustin wants to talk about our experiences with foreign food, both overseas and our sometimes-faithful replicas back home. Chris, meanwhile, is fascinated by the rise of so-called American anime, products like Netflix's Castlevania that finally pay homage to art stylings and production touches from the east. Dagan starts a discussion about what our favorite curse (or swear) words are, the inappropriate pieces of our lexicon that spice up our respective vocabularies. Finally, Colin inquires about everyone's feelings concerning online fame. Each cast member is at a different level of being well-known on the internet. Does this status matter? And what happens when it declines?



No Jaffe, thank god 🙏🏼


The word I have seen to replace "the R word" is even worse if you think about it. "I think that dude is redacted."

Raul Hernandez

Great episode like always, I wonder if Colin and Greg would ever do another podcast episode ever again.

iain mcmanus

retard. there i said it


Why is one of the topics "Who here is more famous" lmao... such an interesting conversational direction...


“Covid obviously came from a lab” like he’s a fucking expert. Colin is so susceptible to propaganda and conspiracy. Beautiful mind


Oh, Ryan. Some might say you seem to be a bit obsessed with Colin. Please don't change. It's starting to give me great joy that you are out there somewhere hate listening to Colin.


Every time one of these pops up I check to make sure Jaffe isn't involved. Thankful when he isn't.

Kaz Redclaw

On swear words, I found out back on IRC that I could trigger the channel swearbot using the name of a Japanese TV/VCR manufacturer, so after that for a long time my go-to swear word was "matsushita" (The japanese name for Panasonic.)

Victor P

So unnecessary to randomly take shots at Jaffe when he's not even on the content. I think Jaffe always adds an interesting dynamic for the better to whatever show he's in--I respect you not liking him but maybe keep it internal rather than contributing random out of place hatred.


I'm a paying subscriber. I'm sharing my feedback with LSM.

The Great Santini

Whatever dude. No need to be mean about it and especially when he's not even relevant to the content you're commenting on...