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Greetings one-and-all! Welcome back to Constellation. On this week's episode of Last Stand Media's conversational podcast, the Brothers Moriarty are joined by legendary games designer David Jaffe and Punching Up co-host Micah Watson. As usual, we have some random topics to throw your way. Jaffe had an online experience recently that gave him pause, and has him reflecting on the hatred fomenting in seemingly every corner of the internet. Meanwhile, Dagan wants us to present him with our biggest hot (or bad?!) takes. What 'crazy' ideas do we hold that we know most people won't agree with? Colin probes everyone's minds for their current feelings on the free-to-play gaming scene, and whether it's sustainable (and even perhaps a net positive for our sprawling industry). Finally, Micah submits to the audience a truly Micah topic: Milk. Do we drink it? Do we care about it? Do you fear it? Have you ever truly thought about where it comes from...?




Watching 300 play out on your front lawn with 1 dude is CRAZY

Zeke the Plumber

Any podcast combination that involves Jaffe and/or Gene is a winning combination

Zeke the Plumber

Hmm, yeah I’m not sure I agree with Micah about toasting lettuce. I wouldn’t say “it’s meant to be toasted.” Heating lettuce just turns it into a wilted mess. Reminds me of the Kitchen Nightmares episode where they served him a grilled salad (actually grilled the lettuce). And yikes at the toasting mayonnaise story, that sounds awful. Edit: Colin’s take on raising the voting age is interesting. 25 is a hard sell for me, but I would consider 21 to be somewhat reasonable. But, it’s still a slippery slope. If an 18 year old can serve in the military, an 18 year old should be able to vote. The conversation becomes broader then, should 18 years old be legal adulthood or should that whole bar be raised to 21?

Noah Friscopp

Those bedsheets are so expensive too since the patterns are so complicated.

Cyprus Davis

Is Micah gonna talk about her ketchup in milk affection……🙃


Awesome episode! A lot of deeper conversations than I expected at first. Love to hear it, and Jaffe is so good about pushing that kind of granular discussion within a topic.


Milk is delicious and refreshing. I drink it as a dessert. I always buy whole milk, but the other versions are good too. I don't drink soda, sweet tea, etc. at home. So the only alternatives I have to water are milk and beer. Imo drinking milk during a meal is a bit weird unless you are eating something like cereal or PBJ.

Michael Thew

So I agree that voting at 25 would be good, but just like with this new law about smoking grits and being 21 or older, but if an 18 year old is expected and allowed to go off to war to fight for you and is treated like an adult then. I think you should be allowed to vote just like with smoking and I suppose drinking. Mandatory term limits though, I’m down with that

Zeke the Plumber

I’d like to think that most reasonable people agree on term limits. Seems like bi-partisan support issue. Feinstein, McConnell, get them all out of there. I’m not strictly opposed to voting age of 21, but you may as well just raise legal adulthood to 21. It doesn’t make sense to be serving in the military while also being unable to vote. Just imo

David Jaffe

Well I don't want any affiliation with any religion because I think religions are outdated and dangerous (at a philosophical level; certainly I would never deny anyone their religion and I am happy there are things in the world people can embrace that bring comfort in the chaos of life). As for lineage, I don't know or care. Clearly I have some Jewish blood in me...you can look at me and see that. I love that; I love how I look. I love how my dad (who was Jewish in religion and ethnicity) looked. And I love some aspects of the Jewish culture (mostly the embracing of debate and discussion and searching for answers to the big questions). But I also have my mom's blood who was a Southern Baptist before she converted to marry my dad and had Sweedish, German, Native American,etc. blood. So in YOUR eyes, if that makes me Jewish, cool. I'm not offended by it. I just like to be clear because a) the religious part and b) given I'm a mutt I'm not really sure what my lineage does to help someone define it. But yeah, proud and loud agnostic over here. Which- to be fair and speaking at a pure religion level- is really what everyone is even if they don't want to admit it to themselves. I mean, unless you are talking deep, deep subconscious awareness of what is happening that we block off from ourselves in order to experience this life...but that's a whole other conversation :).

Adam Barnes

I learned more about Micah today than I really needed to 🤣

Zackery Parkerson

It cracks me up that everyone thinks of themselves as a great driver, and everyone else as an incompetent one. Not just the hosts, of course, I really do mean everyone.


Anal sex is cool


I hope Colin and Micah name their first daughter Mika to forever confuse Jaffe.

Zac Lebeau

I need timestamps so I can skip over Jaffe's nonsense takes more easily


I really like Jaffe


Colin extra quiet during Micah and Jaffe anal sex debate. Mans gettin it 😂

Christopher Hoff

This was a really great episode. Second I found out Jaffe was on I got excited. Love that guy


Fetterman(yes is recovering from a stroke and talks weird sometimes) became the first politician in the country from either party to call on the blatant corrupt Senator from NJ to resign after bribes from foreign interests were found in his home. The stroked out UPS guy showed more basic integrity than every other buttoned up politician on the Hill


1 of the best eps, especially the opening. Need an official LSM “Shit on my dick gurrlll” shirt 🤣

Superhero Jagganath

just cuz he has integrity doesn't mean he's cut out to be a leader. i hate politicians as much as the next guy, but fetterman is self-evidently not an acceptable substitute. you need someone with a different kind of charisma—fetterman just has *no* charisma

Dimitreus Newell

Love the serious topics when they come about. Micah has experienced a lot of what I experienced being mixed. Even now as I live in Florida people almost don’t believe racism still exists. Wild


"I'm depressed. Let's talk about milk." Thanks Jaffe, for one of the best segues of all time.


I’m late to this, but on the voting age thing, I’m not sure that the immaturity of being an 18 year old should really matter as regards to voting rights. I normally roll my eyes at slippery slope arguments, but an easy way to see this getting out of control goes like this. 18 year olds can’t vote because they are immature. Then after that, perhaps the mentally challenged can’t vote unless they pass a state IQ test or something. Mentally I’ll? Can’t let you vote you aren’t as “mature” as the non mentally I’ll. Myself and plenty of people don’t like the opinions of 18 year olds. But we have decided they are adults. I would also ask Colin what problem he thinks he would be solving with this? Like what election only went the way it did because of those darn 18-24 year olds? Genuinely curious about that. Loved the episode Micah was really on point here


Micah was fucking hilarious in this episode. Her and Jaffe are a great combo.

The Devmeister


Jose Horrach

This episode has taught me that Micah is a freak. Good for Colin.

Jose Horrach

Also the milk discussion wasn't complete because I need to know what they all do with Oreos

Brian Comstock

Wouldn’t be a last stand show with jaffe without him bashing Christians 🙄


God I am so fucking SICK of Jaffe’s mealy-mouthed marxist bellyaching. The man is a walking, speaking, New York Times Op Ed piece, and I specifically listen to LSM because I’m trying to GET AWAY from that shit. Stop inviting him on, but knowing you, you’re just going to do it out of spite, so I’ll say this: the man is harming your product. You sell escapism, and literally every word out of his mouth that isn’t “I remember when” is a fucking cancer. If “remember when” is the lowest form on conversation, consider the value of a man for whom it is his single redeeming trait.


This is Constellations not Sacred Symbols. Constellations is about random topics and opinions with 2-3 guests, an echo chamber is not good to entertain an audience. That being said I had to turn this off after Jaffe got into his topic (may as well the embodiment of far left Twitter), guy is a bored old man still trying to rage against the machine he was raging against in Christian Alabama in 1985. No one needs to be listening to a circle jerk, but Jaffe is just interrupting and about as arrogant as they come. This one was just too much for me. God I could just imagine him during COVID with look at the data and this is the new normal.


Constellation has grown to become almost my favorite lsm product outside of sacred.... until Jaffe starts talking. I'd rather hear gene talk about how much tang he pulls

Victor Melchor

Micah has good chemistry with everyone honestly.

Victor Melchor

I agree with Micah completely on the anal thing lol. Its a time and place thing.

Spencer Jones

Dang y’all I though the LSM crew was more open this. Are there really so many peeps who can’t even hear other opinions, like Jaffes? This whole network is about not living in your little circle jerk holes of conservatism/liberalism. Wake up and listen to other people ya lazy nerds.