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Submit your questions, comments, concerns, thoughts, and ideas for this week's episode of Sacred Symbols in this thread.

As always, please keep your inquiries well-written and pithy. Novels, poorly-written posts, etc. are politely ignored.

You have until Thursday, August 24th at noon ET to submit.

Talk to you soon!



Greetings Colin and crew. I would like to present an argument for surround sound. While our eyes only see in one direction, our ears can hear sounds from all around us. So, it makes sense to me that our vision is fixed on what the camera is pointing at, while our ears hear everything happening around us. Of course to each their own, and I hope, Colin, that you will soon acquire a fine sound bar and subwoofer. Or don’t, I’m not your mother. Best wishes, and wear a condom, you don’t know where that chicken has been.


Hi Boys, What's your opinion on the console wars and more specifically, the shit show on social media? "Content creators" such as Jaydub and Colt Eastwood launch into full hyperbole around any controversy about the others plastic box that sits on their shelves. Does this "content" actually change consumers minds or is it just a very loud minority? The commute is barely a commute when I have LSM to listen to. Thanks for giving this blue collar boy a laugh after a hard day. Cheers!


Hey guys, I wanted to ask what are your impressions on the PlayStation Portal? Is the $199 price point justifiable and what exactly are Sony’s expectations for this device? There’s a lot of discussion about it lacking Bluetooth audio but I have to ask why this comes as a surprise to anyone considering the PS5 itself does not support Bluetooth headsets. Keep up all the great work you do and have a good one


Dustin, help, I’m confused. Also, hello all, great content etc etc. Portal is an interesting device for remote play on the same Wi-Fi connection. Remote play. On the same Wi-Fi connection. Why does it matter what the internet speed is? Why is the internet connection needed at all? I could disconnect the line from my router and I would still have a Wi-Fi signal, just minus the internet connection. If the remote play performance is coming from the PS5, connected to the Portal via the Wi-Fi signal, what the flying ferrets is the (preferred) 15 Mbps connection doing???? Insert clever sign-off here.


CDC, While traveling over the weekend I subjected my wife’s otherwise virgin ears to around 8 1/2 hrs of Last Stand (SS, Stelly, and Knockback). Around 3 hrs into SS she decided to google the crew as we were partaking in audio only and I thought you may be interested in her takes on putting a face to your dulcet tones. She was quite taken aback by Colin (Expected someone “larger”??) and Chris (Thought based on his picture he should sound like a Simpsons character). But interestingly noted Dustin looks “exactly” like he sounds. In a separate note we were traveling for a hip/hop adjacent concert and was interested in if the crew feels differently about concert goers rapping along with the artist compared to the obviously egregious scream singing. I am honestly quite mildly impressed by some fans encyclopedic memorization of seemingly an entire catalogue of raps.


Hey boys Colin has often said recently that we don’t know what’s ahead for PlayStation, while Xbox has shown their hand of upcoming games. I feel like we know enough of what’s coming from Sony, what with Fairgames, Concord, Rise of the Ronin, FF7 Rebirth, Wolverine, and Stellar Blade to name a few. What exactly does Colin mean when he says “we don’t know” and why does he feel there must be another showcase coming when we have at least 6+ exclusives in the pipeline? Thanks for all you do Nat


Good afternoon my esteemed hosts, and dustin, 2 weeks ago when discussing new potential names for studios that are sorely lacking in the flair department Playstation's San Diego Studio, the team behind the MLB games, was mentioned. The 3 of you drew blanks for a snappy, charming name for a baseball themed dev. After 2 weeks, I think I have it: "Double Play Games" Thank you for your time, I'll get off the phone and listen to the radio now, Michael

Jeff Caseres

What up Boys! So thoughts on the PP? Love y’all keep up the great work!


Howdy boys, My mate and I like completing/beating game in a bit of competition with each other. His at 19 this year I’m at 13, he said “at this rate we only have about 200 games left in our life. It was a joke but got me thinking. How many games do we all have left to enjoy before the end, how does that make you feel and how much would your gaming changing knowing you only had 200 left? Cheers and have a good one.

Keith Huntington

hey guys, this is more or less a conversational piece, but after your discussion last week on music in cars, i wanted your take on this. my wife and i started dating in 2004, and right at the beginning of our relationship i took her to texas for christmas, and i was excited to be able to share some music with her on the 9 hour roadtrip. about an hour into the trip, she pulls out an ipod, proceeds to put her earbuds in, and just starts listening to her own music. i can understand this riding with your parents, but your boyfriend?? the bizarre thing is, she and i had a lot of musical common ground at that time, so it's not like she was listening to stuff i never heard of or wouldn't like. she just wanted to listen to different bands than what i was currently playing, and didnt think it was her place to suggest a change. i'm just curious what would your reactions to this have been if on your first trip holly/haily, micah, or a lady for chris were to pull out an mp3 player and zone out to her own world. take care!

Hashim Barakat

Hello sacred crew. Do any of you enjoy sushi? If so do you prefer the maki rolls (the circular pieces), the nigiri (meat on rice), or going pure with the raw sashimi? Since Dustin will be going to Japan soon I hope we can get your take on Japan’s most Iconic dish. Also are there any other Japanese dish you enjoy and recommend? Thank you for the amazing content, I wish you a great week and for Dustin-kun to have a wonderful time in the land of the rising Sun. P.S. I am not a sushi name expert and those three names are the only ones I am familiar with.


Hello Super Sacred Studs, With the recent incident at Gamescom opening night with Geoff Keighley and the GTA 6 guy I wanted to ask you all about gaming events security. This is the second time a Keighley event was interrupted by a random member of the audience and I have to ask how this keeps happening. Both the Bill Clinton guy during Game Awards last year and now this GTA 6 guy are funny cases, but this could have been soo much worse. If random people can get on stage this easily to interrupt the show, what stops someone with more malicious intent from harming a host? Do you all worry with Sacred Symbols Live that something like this could happen to you guys? Love all the amazing content and stay safe my friends!


Hey Gents, Over the weekend, a few high ranking employees at Activision recently left the company. These individuals include Pat Dwyer, who's worked on most mainline Call of Duty games as a producer since the original which came out in 2003. Legendary multiplayer game designer David Vonderhaar also left Treyarch after being with the company for 18 years. Dwyer is now at PlayStation and Vonderhaar can't disclose what studio he's working at because the project, in his own words, is "undisclosed." My question to you this, how significant of a get is Dwyer joining PlayStation and do you think it's plausible Vonderhaar could be at one of Sony's 1st-party teams, like Naughty Dog whos studio is a mere 10 minute drive from Treyarch, to help get Factions over the finish line? Thanks.

Artisan Bonez

Do you guys ever think about how much gaming you’ll do when you retire?? Even though I have about 30+ years left till I hit retirement, I find myself thinking about this a lot. I will not lie the amount of video games we will have at our disposal at that time is already overwhelming me but also so exciting at the same time. Can we get Chris to do his best cowboy “Wheeelp!!” I can’t get enough of that. I find myself randomly saying it during the day. That’s all. Love you sumbeeches


Hey CDC, The SS+ episode on health and fitness was such a great topic and discussion about something that could potentially be an issue for so many people. Within the last few year I’ve lost 120 pounds going from 300 to 180. What I learned about simple nutrition, exercise, calories, etc saved my life. I applaud your decision to talk about this topic and I hope the episode inspired others that were just like me.


Hey boys, I just recently listened to the Knockback episode on Halo 2 and absolutely loved it. It was especially cool to hear Colin say that he wanted to get right into Halo 3. Colin, before you play H3, please watch the "Believe" marketing campaign videos. It's a History channel like war documentary about the battle of Earth. It is super well done and I know it'll vibe with you. There's a compilation of them on YouTube, and they're approximately a total of 12 min long. (https://youtu.be/40jdpzrpIps?si=YV7b0klNbPirGFE5 here it is) One of your critiques of the game was that the Master Chief was kind of soulless and uninteresting. He actually has a very fascinating and extremely dark back story that the Bungie games never touch on in the foreground of the video games. Check it out, I think you'll appreciate him as a character more. Or just have Chris explain it on the show, it's not a spoiler for the video games at all, just the novels. Thanks, and I'll hang up and listen now.


Hey guys, So PlayStation portal price and details have been announced. $199, no Bluetooth support, no cloud streaming of any kind. While I know this still fits your use case Colin of being a better backbone and as you have the pulse elite headset I believe you can just pair that to it and use it, this has to be the weirdest and most absurdly limited product on the planet. Want to use earbuds with this thing? Forget those AirPods you have and love! Go buy their $200 PlayStation buds! I know this still serves a specific purpose and I’m still interested for my use case, but why did they arbitrarily make this device so limited in its function? Thanks guys and have a good show

Andrew Dickins

Hey guys, BioWare have announced the loss of around 50 members of staff, some pretty talented ones as well by the sounds of it (Mary Kirby, who’s been with DA since the beginning, for example). I know the writing has been on the wall for sometime with BioWare but with their last noteworthy game 9 years ago and their future projects no where in sight, is there any confidence left in this beleaguered studio? Best wishes, Andrew