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Pandemic Nostalgia, Faking It, Illegal Immigration, Getting Away | Constellation, Episode 32

It's time once more for Constellation, Last Stand's conversational podcast. This week, the Brothers Moriarty are reunited, and are joined by legendary game designer David Jaffe and LSM's associate producer Ben Smith. We've split this episode in half by design, frontloading it with lighter fare and ending it with political topics some may choose to skip. Thus, Dagan and Ben go first. Dagan regales us with a story about a time he pretended he had a skillset he actually didn't so he could get a specific job, and he wonders if any of us had ever 'faked it 'til we made it', as it were. Meanwhile, Ben wants to talk about getting away from your everyday life. Is seeing the world around us worth the time and effort, or is creature comfort the most important thing? The second half of the podcast, meanwhile, deals with more controversial fare. Jaffe has a little of what we term 'pandemic nostalgia,' a longing for the surprising upside to one of modernity's biggest calamities. Did we take anything positive from the experience? Finally, spurred on by a recent New York Times article about crowded schools in NYC, Colin wants to know the gang's thoughts on illegal immigration and its effect on our society. How come the average American citizen isn't more clued-in on the games being played at the southern border? Go to https://www.factormeals.com/con50 and use code con50 for 50% off


Cyprus Davis

Dagan has returned. All hail Dagan.


If you are getting into Twisted Metal for the first time as Colin is, I recommend at least watching the cinematics from the first two games. I can't remember which or if both, but the original characters had stories that were pretty entertaining and interesting. They all had their own motivations for wanting to win, but there's a darkness to it that I will let you discover if you are interested.


Holy hell. Coathanger Colin lol... Yeah Colin I agree with you and love hearing political discussions with regular people. But I take Umbridge with how you say it. I've listened to two podcasts now where you are telling your audience in no uncertain terms to "grow up." I understand you want to voice your opinion, and I think you should. But as a prolific writer and communicator you should be aware that saying it like that is quite condescending.


Covid was an absolute sham. It’s embarrassing how many people still don’t understand how much BS we where fed during that time.


PBS is invested in a narrative.

Michael Hedrick

I couldn't be more oppisite than Colin on the Covid topic. I took the shot and boosters and I would again in a heartbeat. I'll wear a mask for the rest of my life as well. I stayed perfectly healthy while people I know didn't do either got deathly sick and knew people that died from it. Enough proof for me. Lastly, fuck that piece of shit Trump and anybody that endorses that bull shit


Pureblood here. I sacrificed a 15 year career as a surgeon’s assistant to defy the mandate. Col, you said we were tested, and I could not agree more. I am still being tested today in what it cost me, but I do not lie awake at night wondering if my heart will stop, and there is a victory in that. Also, fuck Jaffee’s constant need to work in a Trump bash wherever he can. I understand you like his irreverent energy Col, but that dude is a leftist huckster in his post relevance years, intent on atoning for his self-perceived capitalistic excesses, a rich self-hating-flagellant in the digital town square. Every turgid economic analysis from him feels painfully introspective, hoping to bond with the “common man” video gamer, hoping to shed a little more of the guilt over just how high on the hog he rode, and for how long he did. Every word out of his mouth that isn’t the recollection of brighter days is shit and flat out audio poison.

Luke Silletta

I gave Covid 2 weeks. The initial 2 weeks to slow the spread. After that I was done. No shots. No masks unless necessary. None of it. My family committed to that. We were shunned and laughed at. Who's laughing now? We will also never forget what happened and how compliant some of our other family was to everything. There may be a time where the tables are turned on them. If that happens I will have to turn my back.


The reason we have all this border crisis shit in my opinion, we are totally too lax. All these people walking towards the border, know there's a good chance they are getting through. If we made it 100% fact that nobody was getting in illegally, we wouldn't have all these people lining up and creating tragedies and crisis' at the border.

Lucas Gremista

There is indeed a massive illegal immigration problem in the US. And any government (D or R) is inept to solve it, but also convenient to use it as a political tool. But the fact is, the country needs the vast majority of the immigrants that are currently here. If they all decided to leave in the same day or even week, the entire country would collapse and many companies would close. There's just too much incompetence and entitlement in the job market today.

Gene Park

my commencement speaker was the fucking sheriff of orange county. i did not attend lol


Love the topics on this one!


I think Colin deals in absolutes too often. Like when he says "The shot didn't do anything at all". I don't care enough to pull any data to confirm whether this is true or not, but statements like that feel extremely hyperbolic and makes me have a hard time taking his opinion seriously.


Good show. I’m glad Jaffe was on; he’s very good at listening and making logical counter arguments that provoke consideration. Having people on different sides of issues that can speak to each other and discuss topics in a level-headed way makes for a good debate.


This episode was a load of yikes

Alvin Toro

Colin, Jaffe, Gene political podcast?


Just to confirm, refugees do not have to claim asylum in the first safe country they make it to under international law.


From what I understand, it's extremely difficult to immigrate to the US legally. It's difficult if you are a skilled laborer, and virtually impossible if you are unskilled. I know that this may upset some people, but I do not think that anyone has a moral right to tell another individual where they can and cannot settle, and no one has a right to a job, no matter if they where born in America or not. If a business is willing to hire them, and they want to work here, it's not business of anyone else to decide what they can and can't do, or where they can't settle. I believe in having checkpoints or even gates or walls to protect the country. However, if it checks out that they are not a violent criminals, or terrorists, they should be allowed in without harassment. As for the drainage of resources, I would presume that more Americans lean on the welfare state more than immigrants do.


Colin is 💯 correct regarding everything he said about the pandemic!


Enjoyed hearing the push and pull on covid, and god willing those days will be a distant memory for me but I have my serious doubts that the feeling from those days will ever truly go away. Libraries and federal buildings in my area still have plexliglass barriers, workplaces still have cautionary signage, and the list goes on. Still feels like the evidence of those times are hanging on despite there being so little to worry about now.

iain mcmanus

listening to this episode now. colin is spot on about the pandemic and jaffe claiming there is no data about the vaccines... the masks... the lockdowns... is simply not true. if the vaccine worked it would only be necessary for those who wanted it to take it because thats how a vaccine works also what other vaccine requires the original shot and then 4 additional shots within the year. and there absolutely was alternative treatments.