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How Ashfall Became Trace War: An Industry Conversation | Sacred Symbols+, Episode 320

Please welcome Liithos' Michael Mumbauer and John Garvin back to Sacred+. You may recall that these two industry vets last appeared on our show in the early summer of 2022, when we had a wonderful nearly-two hour conversation about wide-ranging topics having to do with their game (etc.) Ashfall. Upon meeting again, we now know Ashfall as Trace War (we discuss why within), but the idea remains the same: Building-out a transmedia IP with unlimited potential. For industry nerds like me (Colin), our chat is riveting, particularly because Mumbauer and Garvin have deep roots in traditional development, once leading nine figure projects for the worldwide leader in the space. So what they say has real weight. As such, we get into the high investments necessary to make AAA games, the benefits and perils of remote work, how crowdfunding acts as backdoor marketing, and so much more. In fact, we ended up having so much to say, but had to run due to time constraints, that we're going to follow this episode up with another one in the coming weeks, getting deeper into the nitty-gritty. In the meantime, enjoy.


Joshua La Rosa

John Garvin saying, “we need to stop I’m actually going to die” needs to make it into a lockmort edit 🤣

Robert Young

the two of them are talking from a place of art as a means to an end. its just a tool they need, to get what they want. the way current gen AI works, is not the same as an artist, that learns from other artists. it takes a lifetime to learn art these Ai companies have stolen copyrighted materials by the truckload and made a missive profit from it.

Jonny Sousa

I feel like this game is just vaporware. It doesn't sound like this game will come out before 2030.

Stefano Fontana

this was a completely top-tier episode with content we can't anywhere else, thanks for killing it as always Colin; I can't wait for one or both of these guys to be back. Truly incredible


I do love the interview, but John is dead wrong about creative work not being the same remote and local ( I get it, old man talking etc. :P ). As a software development team member, it is possible, you just need tools that got a massive boost during the pandemic - example is Miro. The being local in the office is very much overrated. You just need different processes, mechanisms for working and decision-making.


Fantastic episode. Love the business discussions that are had on this network! Can’t wait for the follow up with these gentleman!