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Please welcome Liithos' Michael Mumbauer and John Garvin back to Sacred+. You may recall that these two industry vets last appeared on our show in the early summer of 2022, when we had a wonderful nearly-two hour conversation about wide-ranging topics having to do with their game (etc.) Ashfall. Upon meeting again, we now know Ashfall as Trace War (we discuss why within), but the idea remains the same: Building-out a transmedia IP with unlimited potential. For industry nerds like me (Colin), our chat is riveting, particularly because Mumbauer and Garvin have deep roots in traditional development, once leading nine figure projects for the worldwide leader in the space. So what they say has real weight. As such, we get into the high investments necessary to make AAA games, the benefits and perils of remote work, how crowdfunding acts as backdoor marketing, and so much more. In fact, we ended up having so much to say, but had to run due to time constraints, that we're going to follow this episode up with another one in the coming weeks, getting deeper into the nitty-gritty. In the meantime, enjoy.



Bill The Brick

So glad you got these guys back on! Cannot wait to listen!

Brandon Soto

Isn’t this that NFT / blockchain game? If so, it’s dead on arrival.

Asique Alam

Love this episode full of philosophical conversation about the industry and it's work culture.

Piston Pants

How did the name of the game get worse? I assume they just picked two random words out of a hat.

The Fred Durst Death Hoax

Something about the way they talk about wanting to "IP Build" and wanting a "Broad umbrella name" instead of I don't know, a good one? Seems like product first, game second speak to me. Hope it ends up being good, but damn. That stuff makes my skin crawl.


Good conversations in here. Garvin’s takes on AI I think kinda missing - sorry eyeroll - the human component. Knowing you are being told a story by another human being is a very important aspect of most mediums. I get that it might be less so in video games, that can fallback on gameplay. But even far out there sci-fi writers like Philip K Dick benefit because they have a compelling life behind the pen. This permeates their work and enriches your experience once you get those pieces of the puzzle. You feel a connection to them more. I’m not smart enough to know if AI will ever replicate that other than ‘this is the first AI in history to have made X product’.


I like the name Ashfall better than Trace War but both aren’t so hot. As soon as Garvin said he approaches games by writing first over the actual gameplay loop, I was like yikes. He seems stuck in the past while Michael is more of the new school way of thinking.

A Hind D

Random aside - As a Niners fan I’ve always loved to hear Colin’s take on the Jets, since the jets usually have something interesting going on. But with this season having Hard Knocks once again focused on them during the season when Rodgers comes in, it has been dope with me and my fiancé now tuning in to the show rooting for them from afar. Now I’m watching Jets preseason highlights with some weird vested interest in how the 2nd string are doing. Would love some kind of like Colin Rambling on the Jets season type of podcast or something. Like a check-in after preseason, mid season, post-season(?). I’ve been here a LONG time so I know much of the audience doesn’t turn in for sports at all but you and cog go in depth every now and then and man are y’all’s takes so damn refreshing (as always). Ramblings on a Sunday morning as I watch Jets highlights and wonder if Trey Lance will look decent in this start today. (I live in Houston but was at the game at Levi’s when Purdy came in last season).

Dante B

This game is just never coming out. They’ve been talking about it in the most vague terms and still don’t even sound like they know what they’re making. This entire project will dissolve. Vaporware.

Dante B

Also, Can Michael ever just let people talk? Almost comically rude.

Reon Williams

Feeling more optimistic toward this game than I previously did. Just wondering if they are still going forward with the blockchain technology? Could turn a lot of people off considering the NFT sphere is basically dead

Jimmy G (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-14 03:51:57 “The most talented people will staying working from home” in Silicon Valley is wishcasting. There are certainly mega-talented people who prefer work from home, but the tippity top of the food chain, the individual contributors making millions per year, are working in person and were some of the the first people back in office. In-person energy is required for mega companies that are constantly at striking distance from one another.
2023-08-14 00:01:37 “The most talented people will stay working from home” in Silicon Valley is wishcasting. There are certainly mega-talented people who prefer work from home, but the tippity top of the food chain, the individual contributors making millions per year, are working in person and were some of the the first people back in office. In-person energy is required for mega companies that are constantly at striking distance of one another.

“The most talented people will stay working from home” in Silicon Valley is wishcasting. There are certainly mega-talented people who prefer work from home, but the tippity top of the food chain, the individual contributors making millions per year, are working in person and were some of the the first people back in office. In-person energy is required for mega companies that are constantly at striking distance of one another.

Jeremy Echols

This is such a great conversation. Please bring them back on regularly, like yall do with Jaffe. Love to see LSM grow.

Zack Fair

Both sound like used car sales men. Not keen on either name but won't be buying this game as its NFT and also using Chat GPT for story


Yeah I want to like this because I like Garvin, but the more they talk, the less I believe they have anything of substance. I’d be willing to bet decent money this game never comes out. And that makes me sad.


I like Garvin and I want to believe there’s something here, but the more these two talk (especially Michael) the more they sound like Hasan Karaman. It makes me sad, but I don’t think this game is ever coming out.

The Fred Durst Death Hoax

Maybe I'm just not used to hearing high level AAA-level devs describe creating new IP, but the apparent insistence of referring to your unreleased games story and themes as "intellectual property" any time you refer to it seems a bit too clinical for me. As a layman, it seems IP is almost always discussed as such after the fact, when it's sequel/spinoff time. When you've already created something worth continuing. It sounds like they're focusing on creating a brand, Not a game. I hope I'm wrong.

Michael Welter

So they are literally not building the game yet. Alright. Maybe we can care about this in 4 years.

Adam Barnes

This was hard to listen to. The talking over each other by the guests was uncomfortable and impossible to understand lol

Gabriel Baker

The sirens going off as Garvin’s battery kept getting lower was so good.


Rolled eyes immediately when they started mentioning AI. They definitely sound like tech executives chasing trends

Johnny Lamotte

I got Major sus vibes but enjoyed the episode none the less and will listen to them with an open mind later 👌 good work Colin

Alex Perkins

I think these guys would be really fun Constellation guests! I enjoyed this one

thor magnusson (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-23 14:17:11 Would love for Colin to do a 'history of PlayStation' conversation with these guys, as they have fascinating careers and are happy to converse...I'm sort of tried of hearing about Trace War/Ashfall when there is still nothing to show and they keep selling it like its the next Triple A franchise...isn't this the third, second time we're doing this now? Feels like a wasted opportunity considering their backstories.
2023-08-23 11:27:22 Would love for Colin to do a 'history of PlayStation' conversation with these guys, as they have fascinating careers and are happy to converse...I'm sort of tried of hearing about Trace War/Ashfall when there is still nothing to show and they keep selling it like its the next Triple A franchise...isn't this the third? Or second time we're doing this now? Feels like a wasted opportunity considering their backstories.

Would love for Colin to do a 'history of PlayStation' conversation with these guys, as they have fascinating careers and are happy to converse...I'm sort of tried of hearing about Trace War/Ashfall when there is still nothing to show and they keep selling it like its the next Triple A franchise...isn't this the third? Or second time we're doing this now? Feels like a wasted opportunity considering their backstories.

Kevin Cooper

This is probably the best point/counterpoint discussion that I've ever heard on the topic of AI. Well done.