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Submit your questions, comments, concerns, thoughts, and ideas for this week's episode of Sacred Symbols in this thread.

As always, please keep your inquiries well-written and pithy. Novels, poorly-written posts, etc. are politely ignored.

You have until Thursday, August 17th at noon ET to submit.

Talk to you soon!



Greetings Oppenbarrel Crackerheimers, It’s time to own your shame. Who was your first video game crush? Call me basic, but I was smitten by 1996 Lara Croft. I was 8 years old but game recognize game. Cargo shorts, curves, and she can fight dinosaurs? Slay me now. So who was yours?


So CRPGs can't be played on consoles, right?

Haven Breithaupt

Hey Guys, A recent topic of late has been the emergence of A.I. tools being used to generate content and after the latest SS+ with Colin talking to the Trace War guys this got me thinking about A.I. and its' implications. Colin has been quite vociferous in his displeasure at video games, and other artistic mediums, losing the human touch to an A.I., yet at the same time something said on the show, "you can separate the art from the artist", creates an odd conflict to me. If you can separate the art from the artist and still enjoy the content (video game, art piece, tv show, etc) then does it matter if the artist is a human or a computer? How do you balance the importance of human created content if you can discard the artist and only look at the art? Am I missing something here? Let me know your thoughts. Thanks


Good afternoon, Colin, when do you expect to release your RPG? Given your (and my) love for pixel classics like FFIV and VI, I’m excited to see your vision brought to life. I seem to remember you once mentioning you’d like to base an RPG around the American revolution—is that the setting for this game? Thank you, sir.


Hey there sacred gents! If you were to pick out an OST from one game, which one has the best soundtrack for workouts? Thanks as always, and plan a vacation for that chicken!


Hey gang, Have any of you noticed the drastic increase in Playstation Store sales? I remember a couple years ago, a great sale would be live for two weeks or so, followed by multiple weeks of nothing being on sale at all. This made me wait in anticipation of the next sale, hoping to score a bunch of digital games at astonishingly low prices. However, it seems that year over year that the sales not only contain more content, but are more frequent as well. At this point, as soon as a massive sale is finished, two more giant sales start the same day. Do any of you regularly check out the Playstation Store sales? Does the frequency of these sales inherently diminish their value? I would love to hear your thoughts. Thanks boys and have a scrumdiddlyumptious day.


Hey Sacred team, This one is for Colin. During a past episode you once said that you were surprised Trump was not being investigated for his dealings in Georgia after the election . Now that he is indicted in Georgia, do you have anymore “Colin wisdom” to add? Love the show and keep up the amazing work


Hey CDC, I think I have a new perspective on the console war fan boys. Have we considered the monetary cost of owning all these systems? If all of us were only allowed to purchase one platform (Xbox, PS, Switch, PC) would we be more sensitive to which ecosystem got exclusives? Most people can’t afford to buy every system, let alone one. I would of course be upset and passionate if I could afford an Xbox and couldn’t play Final Fantasy XVI. Anyways, thanks for the great content.

Jayce Tamulevich

Hey Everyone (you too fellow listeners,) Can we stop telling Colin to play Tears of the Kingdom? I finished and did not like Breath of the Wild. Then Tears of the Kingdom came along and I was resolved to skip it, but I had some friends who insisted that Tears of the Kingdom was a much better game that improves upon Breath of the Wild. As it turns out, if you didn’t like BotW, there’s not much Tears adds other than sticking objects together with chewed up spearmint gum. You have to trust your gut when a game doesn’t speak to you.


Hi guys. In recent episodes, you mentioned a few times that nowadays Sony produces mediocre TVs. However, this is simply not true. Last year, when I fled Russia to escape the war, I obviously couldn't bring my LG CX with me. So, I needed to buy a new one and after thorough research, I settled on the Sony A95K, which is ubiquitously acclaimed as the best TV available on the market in 2022. I must say that I don't regret my decision one bit because the picture quality is simply astounding. It is a noticeable step up even from my previous LG CX (which, Colin, you have in your house if I am not mistaken)


Hey Sacred Crew! Long time listener, and I wanted to ask you guys a question about the disconnect between online commentators and the average player. There’s a mountain of videos from people, mostly guys in their late 20’s or older, smack talking the current state of the industry and waxing nostalgic about the past and how games like Bladur’s Gate 3 are what gamers ‘really’ want compared to current live service focused titles centered on cosmetic micro transactions and drip-fed content. Meanwhile games like Halo Infinite, Fortnite, Modern Warfare 2, Diablo 4, and others are making record setting profit for their respective series with tons of active players spending money on the games and their respective stores and battle passes. Are online commentators out of touch with what the average gamer and younger audiences are into, much the same way our parents and grandparents were out of touch with video games as whole?

Josh Lucas

Hello Sacred crew! This past weekend I had the privilege of meeting Sam Raimi (director of Tobey Maguire Spider-Man, The Evil Dead) at a convention. I had him sign my PSP UMD of Spider-Man 1 and he was fascinated by it. He had never seen one before and said the UMD looked like Star Trek tech. Just thought it was funny and thought you guys might too.


Greetings from the pleasure peninsula (Wirral, England). With the popularity of CRPg’s in console gaming, Is it a missed opportunity for console manufacturers not to offer keyboard/mouse solutions? Keep up the great work. Cheers Dave


in regards to entering bathrooms etiquette. I work in construction so I use a lot of porta johns. the amount of times I've gone up to a porta john with a green open sign on the door and I open the door to be greeted by a burly man just staring at me while he pisses down the side urinal completely exposed. the worst part is it seems like these phsyco's don't care. they always just stare like they've just gone done burning down my village like a barbarian. awkwardly shutting the door and wondering what thee fuck. who wouldn't lock a porta john. so now I always knock no matter what color the handle shows. extra tid bit: my favorite thing written in a construction site shitter is "I don't know how you guys can smoke in here, I can barely eat my sandwich"

Timothy Bryant

Good morning fellas, it’s been a while but it’s time to hear you guys take on how terrible some words in the English language are(spelling wise) First of bologna - could be spelled how it sounds but why would we want teaching our kids words to be easy. Finale and finally - looks like finale should be spelled finally and vice versa. Wednesday - also has a couple of letters not needed at all. Wensday looks much better of a word than what we have Colonel - it’s just baffling for this as well and I know there’s another spelling of this word but it’s alright to share been learning that since I was a kid. Especially since read and read are using the same spelling but the sound different. Last but not least Queue - why are there so many extra letters for this word baffles me EVERYTIME I have to write it. Obviously you guys know there’s tons of examples of this. What are you guys favorite or least favorite in this case spellings of words that don’t make sense to you?? As always have a great day and beautiful weekend.

Mike Po

Hello Sacred Boys, After the birth of my first kid a couple months ago, I've had very little time to play games. I missed every big summer release and won't get around to them for a while. For budget reasons (insane cost of child care in this country) and time reasons, buying and playing new games is just something I can't do for now. I fully intend on picking up these games up months or years down the road but this all got me thinking about how my money works in this market. Is my new game purchase a year down the road worth far less to a developer or publisher than my new game purchase at launch? Are future development decisions made solely looking at a game's sales around its launch window? I would imagine so but don't know for certain. Thanks for any insight you can offer!


Hey dudes, With accessibility being such a major focus this generation, it is surprising that more games on console don't allow you to use keyboard and mouse natively. This is especially puzzling in games that are multiplayer-focused and are set up for cross play by default but still won't include the option for KB+M play. I'm curious if anyone in the trio has any insight as to why native KB+M support isn't more common in the console space.

Dennis Johnson

Sup fellas! Starfield has gone gold! Like Colin, I agree that this game will be no less than great, however, with this year's slate of amazing titles still rolling strong, I have one question: will Bethesda be exposed once again by its competition? Baldurs Gate 3 received PC Gamer's highest rating in more than a decade and is currently enjoying record player counts on Steam. With so much hype brewing, the PlayStation community is primed to feed their need for a big meaty RPG, in the absence of Starfield; this smells like a console hit waiting to happen. Fast forward to the end of September and we'll have Phantom Liberty, the much awaited DLC for Cyberpunk 2077. Keen gamers should remember how massive The Witcher 3's Blood and Wine DLC was for the Polish dev's Game of the Year title; it offered an impressive campaign while overhauling the UI and even game feel. All that to say, can Bethesda escape its own propensity to make the same game over and over again? I've got high hopes for Tod and crew, but they are launching in some of their fiercest competition to date. As always, thanks for all you do!

Iqan Adil

Hello Gents, Did you see see the ps5 slim leak? Do you think it's genuine? And if it is, what do you think? Not that I'm was going to buy another one, but I was hoping for a different form factor, Take care