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Submit your questions, comments, concerns, thoughts, and ideas for this week's episode of Punching Up in this thread.

Note: Dagan is away at this week with his family!

Also, we are taking submissions for podcast games to play. Please include full questions and highlighted answers.

As always, please keep your inquiries well-written and pithy. Novels, poorly-written posts, etc. are politely ignored.

You have until Monday, July 10th at 9:00 AM ET to submit.

Talk to you soon!



Hey folks, I just got into the Pikmin series with the HD switch ports and I wish I would've played these games as they came out. Are there any older Nintendo series that you missed out on that you would like to see ported or remastered on the switch?


Hey Punching Up, Do you think nintendo should keep going with the hybrid console model, or return to form with one home console and a handheld. I grew up in the N64/GBA Gamecube/DS days, I almost think it would be better to have the best of both worlds, instead of both merged into one. Would you want nintendo to release a full powered console, or are you ok with their system having limitations due to it being a portable system? No disrespect to the switch, great system, but we all know it's lacking the power to provide a 'next gen' experience, even with a potential Switch 2. Hope you all have a great day, keep pushing upwards


What’s up gang, loving the show so far! Nintendo put on a pretty solid direct a couple weeks ago but something bothered me about the way they showed some of their games and has for a while now, that being the constant voice over narration during every one of their trailers. It personally comes off annoying and a bit condescending to the viewer and If I was an indie dev showing off my game at a direct personally I’d be pretty pissed if some dude was just talking over the entire thing instead of letting the game do the talking like a trailer is supposed to do. Notice their bigger reveals like Mario RPG and Mario wonder there was no voice over which made those trailers more affective in my opinion. You also don’t see any other publishers do this at all. But why do you guys think they do this? Is it because they think their audience is a bunch of idiots who need trailers explained to them? Or maybe to cater to younger audiences watching? Thanks and hope to hear your thoughts!


Hello you Ziptastic Bunch, I’m hoping I can help someone out here save some money. Playasia usually has great prices for Japan/Asia region games. They even list if English is included on the cart! I made a list of a couple switch games that were shown at the most recent direct that are listed at a discounted price. Super Mario Rpg Remake:$42.99 (msrp$59.99) Super Mario Wonder:42.99 (msrp$59.99) Pikmin 1&2:31.99 (msrp$49.99) *If you spend $100 you also get free shipping. Hopefully this is helpful. I hope Everyone has a great week. Keep using ZIP Loc bags.


Dearest Brick Fisters,   I come to you with a question I fear has not been asked yet: Given this is a Nintendo podcast… are we, when relevant, actually allowed to write in about Pokémon? Is this the franchise's safe space within LSM? As we look to the "Switch 2.0," I feel it is inevitable the launch year will feature the next mainline Pokémon game… so consider this our primer for that conversation! Dustin, in the future, should you need good resources for Pokémon news when relevant: Serebii.net and Pokemondb.net are superb.   Cheers to 1010 creatures and counting, Aidan


Howdy y’all! AI is a huge talking point in the games industry with its rapid advancement and many publishers looking to utilize the technology. Could you see Nintendo ever using AI to help make their games? It seems antithetical to Nintendo and how they make games but wondering what y’all think! Cheers!


Hey Punching Up Crew, Hope you are all well! What would you say is the definitive Nintendo game? The one that speaks to everything the brand is about, and perfectly encapsulates what makes the brand so successful. And is that game different from what you would say are your personal favourite Nintendo games? Thanks for the great shows across LSM, and really been enjoying the discussions on all things Nintendo!

Sean Mason

Greetings Nintendo Nerds, I hope this message finds you well. Given the rich history and diverse range of Nintendo games, which title from the past (an IP that has been dormant for more than 10 years) do you believe deserves a modern-day revival and why? Best, Sean M.


Hey Upper Punchers, With it looking increasingly likely that the next mainline 3D Mario game will be for the next Nintendo console, what do we want from it? I'm hoping that Bowser's Fury was a preview for the next game, where each world is one giant sandbox containing each individual level that you can freely travel to and from. Thoughts?

Davy Sueppel

What’s up Punching up crew, Have you ever wanted something from a video game that just didn’t exist? I don’t mean like a hat you put on and can now throw fire balls from your hands but replicas or art from your favorite video game you just wish someone would make. An example I have is I would love tasteful pin up art prints of Samus. (Dagan get on this please) Every time I find something close it’s the wrong suit, or wrong era or even the face looks bad. So what would it be people? A highly detailed figure of your favorite character they don’t make/ pose you have never seen? A replica of some obscure weapon? Or maybe a comic/ art print of a character you just don’t see anywhere? As always love what you do and keep on punching up!


Greetings gang! With the group somewhat missing out on playing key Nintendo games, I think doing a monthly Game Club could be cool. Simply pick one Nintendo game that may be someone's blind spot and play through it and do a mini spoiler cast in the episode. Would love to see Pikmin (1) be the first game to get everyone hype for Pikmin 4. Keep up the great work!


Sup, Punching Up Posse! What’s the next classic game from the Nintendo backlog do you see getting a remake? Id really wanna see a Chrono Trigger remake.


What’s up Punching Up Peeps, Kinda a fun little “what if” for you this episode; How different would the gaming landscape be if the Nintendo PlayStation actually released? Looking back, are you happy Nintendo And Sony couldn’t come to an agreement and we ended up with what we have today? Just for fun, what sort of games or IP do you think would’ve been released under this partnership or worse, never come out? Thank you for all that you do! - Chef

Jayce Tamulevich

Hey Crew, I’ve been thinking about Nintendo and the future of their consoles. It’s clear that the hybrid model is working, but I’m wondering if a future console will provide backwards compatibility. Could we see Nintendo replicate the DS and provide a slot for Switch games alongside another port for the new console’s games? Would they potentially let you bring your digital games forward, but not your physical Switch collection? How would you like to see Nintendo handle this?

Colin Kolhoven

Hey Punching Up crew! I just wanted to say that this show is amazing and you all are doing a fantastic job. As someone who owned a Switch but barely played it in the past 4 years , this show reinvigorated my love for Nintendo. I even went and bought Yoshis Crafted World ( after Micah's praises) and pre-ordered Pikmin 4. A quick anecdote, I once played Pikmin 1 with a friend at a sleepover for so many hours straight, that we started hallucinating and seeing Pikmin in the yard. Such a fantastic franchise. Thank you all for the hard work!


Who is all your favorite character to play as in Mario multiplayer games?


Yo! Would any of you buy a controller with a touchscreen for the switch so you could play DS/3DS games via Nintendo Online? I sometimes think Nintendo would never do it cause it’s such a niche thing, but they do sell a N64 controller for a very small library of N64 games on switch, and it seems to sell well. I for one would buy it in a instant, but maybe I’m alone on this.


Hey Up-Punchers, I wanted to ask if there is any love on the podcast for the Switch Lite? Prior to the OLED model, the Lite was my Switch of choice. Its smaller size, lighter weight, and sturdier build due to not having detachable controllers make it much more comfortable to hold. Even though the screen is smaller, it is much sharper and has clearer text. If it had an OLED screen and could connect to a TV, it would be the perfect gaming handheld. What are your thoughts on the Switch Lite, and what would you like to see in a potential future revision?


Hey Brick Fisters, We’ve been getting quite a few DS games over to Switch lately, any others you’d like to see make the jump? My favorite made the jump long ago (The World Ends With You) so I guess I’d go with Radiant Historia.

Anthony Maltese

Hey pipe layers. With Nintendo online including Dlc for games like MK8 and Animal crossing, what other series would you want to see Nintendo expand to? For a while now I’ve been hoping Nintendo would treat the newest Mario party as a platform and periodically add boards/characters/mini games via the Nintendo expansion pass. What other games do you feel would benefit from this type of long term support. All the best - Anthony

Shaun Sannerude

Hey Punching Up crew, when do you think Nintendo will get round to porting Mario Galaxy 2 to the Switch? I'm still surprised it was never part of the 3D All-Stars collection & I'm ashamed to say it's the only 3D Mario game I have never played!


Hello Kirby sucking Gluck gluckers, Xenoblade Chronicles, do I need to start at the first game and if their is dlc for them do I need to play them and are they worth playing? Thanks spicy cowboy


Hey Punchies This one is mainly for Gene since Dagan is off this week. I played Paper Mario earlier this year thanks to NSO and loved it. I was planning on busting out the SNES classic soon after to play Super Mario RPG and the Seven Stars, and then the remake was announced! If you were in my position, would you recommend waiting for the remake or playing the SNES classic? Both sides seem to have their ups and downs. I am leaning towards waiting, but I'd like some advice! Loving Punching Up so far and looking forward to seeing how it evolves of the months and years to come. See ya.


Hello DDMG, Do y’all believe that games are getting to long? I have recently finished a certain RPG, not on switch, and after getting 20 hours in and realizing that there was 10 more hours I stoped playing. Do you believe that shortening games can be a solution to the overwhelming cost to make games? Best, AstroParrotKing

Ib Saint

Hey Gang, what is a game not on the switch backwards compatible collection that you wish was there. Bonus props if you can drop a Genesis game.


Greetings Drowsy Dustin, Snoozing Micah, and Catnapping Gene, This past week, The Pokemon Company revealed more details on the upcoming mobile app Pokemon Sleep. It's equal parts creepy and hilarious. It also brings me to two questions. First, do you have any thoughts on Pokemon Sleep? And, more generally, what are some of your favorite absurd or wacky Nintendo spin-off titles?


Hey Nintendo (6)4 Are any of you guys interested in Master Detective Archives: Rain Code? I haven’t seen a ton of excitement from the Nintendo fan base over this one but I’m currently on chapter 3 and absolutely loving this game. If any of you are a big Danganronpa fan like myself then I highly recommend giving this game a shot. Thanks guys and keep punching those blocks.


Hey Club Nintendo, With all the 3rd party controllers on the Switch, what type of controller do you all use? Most of the time I use the Pro controller, but I sometimes use a Power A GameCube controller or the 8bitdo Sega Genesis controller. Enjoy your day!


Greetings Punching Up Pals, recently I beat FF6 on my switch. Besides being amazing and damn near life changing it had me thinking. I am much more likely to beat a game on my switch as opposed to my PS4. Being able to essentially pause at all time by turning off the console allows me to experience the game at the pace most suited to me especially with having a 6 month old daughter. My question is this: what game or games do you wish were on the switch so you could play at a relaxed pace? My top choices would be Xenoblade Chronicles X, Vagrant Story and Xenogears Trilogy. Thank you for the fun show and helping keep me entertained while delivering packages!


Hey hey, Momma Micah and the NintenDudes! This question is mostly for Gene and Micah since they've been playing the Xenoblade games. There's only a handful of Wii U ports that haven't made you to Switch. Xenoblade Chronicles X being a big one. Gene, you love the numbered games in the series, but have you played X and do you think it deserves to have a Switch port? If it doesn't would any of you (mostly Micah since she's been playing the first game) be itching to play it enough to get out the Wii U and complete all the Xenoblade games? Cheers, Spencer from Southern CA Go Titans! Gene will understand

Johnny Lamotte

What’s up nintendweebs! Do you think Nintendo will give starfox another shot? And how would you guys like them to change it? Or improve it.


Hey Crew, When the next gen nintendo system comes out how do you think the big N will handle legacy games and backwards compatibility? Namely Switch games. Part of me believes that we will see a backwards compatible ecosystem that can play digital and cartridge switch games, but then I remember this is Nintendo and we’ve all bought Super Mario Bros 3 way too many times to trust them to do what makes the most sense. With love, Jared from Utah


Greetings Punching Up Crew! Thank you for the content while I get my BFA in Graphic Design. When I think of Nintendo, I associate it with physical games. I have fond memories of analyzing every molecule of a game, from staring at the box art to studying the manual, until finally popping the cartridge into the console. What are some of your guys’ favorite box art designs throughout the years? What are some examples of infamous, or blatantly misrepresentative box art designs? Punching Up does what Ninten-Don’t!

Rob Kvasne

Dear Brick Squad, I've always been curious to play Super Mario RPG the way the Lord intended, on a beautiful CRT with original hardware, possibly modified for component support. The dream has always been to find that game for $20 or so at a yard sale. Unfortunately, everywhere I look the game is $100+. Would you four as intellectuals just spend the money and end the hunt? Double down and hit up all of the garage sales? Or accept defeat and play the game on switch on a couple months like some sort of Zoomer? Has any retro game ever been your "white whale" of sorts? And do you have any fun stories about acquiring the game? Thanks and keep up the great work!


Nintendo has a long history of releasing both 2D and 3D games for the Mario, Zelda and Metroid franchises. For each of these three franchises, do you have a preference for 2D or 3D? What franchises that transitioned to 3D should return to their 2D roots? For example, Ubisoft is bringing Prince of Persia back to 2D. How about Final Fantasy? Metal Gear?


Hello Brick Fisters, With the release of FF16, I can't help but wonder how it would look like on Switch or Nintendo's next handheld in the next few years. Do you think they would do a de-make, not unlike the FF15 Pocket Edition that came to Switch a while after FF15 was out on consoles for a while?

Kurt Lewin

Hi Punching Up Crew Whilst the announcement of Super Mario RPG remake was really cool, I came away from it being slightly annoyed at Nintendo. The reason being becasue I thought back to the Super Mario 3D All Stars package they released a couple of years ago of Mario 64, Sunshine and Galaxy. I remember being really disappointed at the time they were announced that they were pretty much just ports rather than full remakes. In my dreams I was hoping for 64 and Sunshine in particular to be made to look like Mario 3D World and given the controls an update, then release the original versions on the eShop for people who wanted that original experience. Hell, I would have happily paid $50-60 per game if they had done remakes like that. So my question is why do you think Nintendo didn't give those Mario games the full remake treatment whereas they have for Mario RPG? Cheers


Hey fisting crew When is Mario going to start punching down like a real Italian? Have a spicy meatball for dinner and don’t forget to get rid of the extra toppings of hair out of the meal.

Tanner Denso

Hey guys! How do you think Metroid prime 4 will differentiate itself from the original trilogy? It’s been so many years and a few console generations. Is it possible to do third person? Would anyone want a third person toggle option? Love the pod! Maybe a fun game to play would be “wii shovel-ware game or bullshit guessing game”


Hey guys! Love the "new" show and the different perspectives that everybody brings to the table. Keep at it. Topic from another show, but thought I'd try my luck here. What are your thoughts on going to concerts and knowing the playlist beforehand? I've been doing that this year, getting the setlists from setlist.fm to try and learn some of the lyrics of the songs before the shows. I'm relatively new at going to concerts, similarly to Dagan I thought for a long time that the album versions of songs were "better anyways" but have found out that metal live is waay better. I feel like I get more enjoyment of shows if I can sing along to parts of the songs... what do you think? Cheers, Calcifer


What do you guys think of "The Last Hope" on Nintendo Switch? Possible Game of The Year?

Bryan Creagh

Hey all! Love the show! I wanted to write in and ask how you all most commonly play your switch? I originally got a switch because it was portable; however I found that my favorite way to play is docked with a pro controller. Do you dock or handheld? Joycons separate or put together as a controller? Please let us know. Keep up the great work and keep punching up!


Hello Micah and crew. I just have a few questions to ask you. How was Xenoblade DE been so far? I heard you made it through the majority of the game in your mailbag video. More specifically, how did you find the sidequests? Personally I had been doing them up till the late chapters, but eventually they were so fetch quest orientated I just had to move on, as I felt worried I'd end up putting the game down and not finishing it. I like the games aspect of fast travel, and the world is fun to explore with gorgeous music, but they were to repetitive for my tastes. Finally have to ask though, when you finish XB, do you plan to do Future Connected? It's the post game content for XB:DE, and if you enjoy Melia, it's awesome. It's probably a 15-20 hour DLC if you play all of it. Anyway, thanks for the shows you've been a part of, and glad you like the game so far!


Hey y’all, I had my PS5 break recently and used the opportunity to go back and clear out some of my backlog on the Switch, which includes The Final Fantasy Pixel Remasters. I’m loving my play through of FF1. My question is do you think more RPGs should start with multiple characters that you get to grow and level up or do you like starting with just one and acquiring others as you go?

OneTick Haole

Hey punching up crew, this comment is specially for Gene. I just wanted to have you share with the crew and the rest of the LSM community one simple truth. 7-11 in Hawaii absolutely dominates its mainland US counter parts. Having lived there for a while I’m sure you’ve had your fair share of late night musubi’s, manapuas, or maybe you got so drunk you went for the sushi. It just isn’t the same on the mainland when all you get is old hot dogs or rubbery pizza. Thanks for taking my comment and keep punching up