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Well It's A Dirty Job, But Someone's Gotta Do It | Sacred Symbols, Episode 262

Like a meteor from the sky -- or perhaps a capsule drop from orbit -- Sony second party partner Arrowhead randomly released new information about its upcoming co-op-based third-person shooter Helldivers II, including new gameplay footage. Arcadey, difficult, and sarcastic, Helldivers II aims to recognizably evolve 2015's PS4, PS3, and Vita original, and a 2023 release window has thankfully been reiterated. Let's discuss the promise of killing bugs and fellow humans (intentionally or otherwise) in the name of Super-Earth. We also go through recent rumors surrounding a purported The Last of Us: Part III and the upcoming Team Ninja PS5 exclusive Rise of the Ronin, chronicle ongoing troubles with PlayStation's nascent mobile initiative, and more, and we wrap things up with a salvo of listener inquiries. What are our feelings on 2D Soulsborne games? Do box office bombs in the movie space portend a rough future for our AAA industry? How could Sony best celebrate its various IP in a single product? Will Daffy Duck star in Kingdom Hearts IV? Watch An Evening with Last Stand II now: https://www.patreon.com/posts/evening-with-ii-80483739 MERCH: https://laststandmedia.store Follow the hosts on Twitter! Colin: https://twitter.com/longislandviper Chris: https://twitter.com/ChrisRGun Dustin: https://twitter.com/DustinCanFly A new episode of Sacred Symbols: A PlayStation Podcast launches each Friday morning. To receive instant access, as well as other perks, please support the show on Patreon at http://patreon.com/LastStandMedia This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at https://www.betterhelp.com/symbols and get on your way to being your best self Timestamps: 0:00:00 - Intro 0:30:16 - Daffy Duck is not a good healer 0:33:29 - No Solicitation 0:41:58 - How was our July 4th? 0:52:44 - Do we have headphone dents? 0:56:28 - Is Dustin pretending to not be a weeb? 1:00:07 - Do we have any advice for broken hearts? 1:06:14 - What do we think about public opinion of  the FTC case? 1:26:39 - Helldivers 2 is looking cool 1:40:37 - Rise of the Ronin leaks 1:47:35 - EA Sports’ Football Club’s release date has leaked 1:48:34 - Assassin's Creed: Black Flag may be getting a remake 1:52:26 - The South Korean ratings board administration has been charged with embezzlement 1:53:28 - Sony wants more South Korean games 2:02:00 - PixelJunk Eden 2 is coming to PlayStation 2:02:33 - Daedalic is no longer making games 2:09:00 - NBA 2K24 will pay tribute to Kobe 2:11:14 - What have we been playing? 3:08:32 - Rumors and leaks have emerged about  The Last of Us: Part III 3:19:33 - Something weird is happening with PlayStation’s mobile games initiative 3:33:05- What do we think about 2D metroidvania games? 3:43:27 - How does Dustin like the DualSense Edge? 3:53:48 - What are Summer gaming memories? 4:02:54 - Should we be concerned with ballooning video game budgets?  4:19:58 - What is the best mascot genre?



We care a lot

Michael Ferrari

Lmao, how does anybody not understand why people can’t stand solicitors? Delusional.

Sam Dunham

Solicitors are the spammers of the physical world. No one asked you to come knock on my door to try to sell me something I almost certainly have no interest in. If I wanted your doodad, I'd have contacted your doodad company. Solicitation is gross.


FF XVI is a great game but a very disappointing Final Fantasy game. The combat system while fluid and responsive is very dull, bland, with no depth or strategy to it. Combat wise overall is more flash over substance. No party members even though you will have companions with you. On action mode without the rings equipped, still very easy which makes sense since SE was targeting the casual market with this game. Side quests are a joke thus far and im about halfway through the main quest line. Even worse, the rewards and loot are just pure crap. It's mainly just resource materials and maybe a few experience points and some gil. Visuals and audio are carrying the game for me. Story and character have been great thus far and I just hope it stays that way.

Kenny C

Temple of Doom is the best one. Red Letter Media only cemented this more for me .

Tristen Wilbers

Just wanted to let you know that you can actually make it in your Threads settings from your profile so that you can have only those who you follow show up first before any recommended stuff. Totally works for me, and then stop scrolling once I've seen those that I want to see.


Chris is back!!


"there is definitely a wrong way to write JFK." for some reason this made me laugh really hard, good stuff chris


Have a great weekend, everyone!


Loved the animal companion question. For me, i can recall being very attached to your horse in Ghost of Tsushima (Kage for me) and being devastated by *that scene*. Torgal is definitely up there in the furry friend tier list in games.


Doom is for sure the best of the OG movies, with Crusade as a close second. Though im also a heathen who liked crystal skull so.

Craig Carter

Colin and Chris were really feelin it at the beginning of the show and I appreciate that very much

iain mcmanus

colins concert takes continue to baffle

Dylan Michael

Totally agree with the decision to stay off social media and keep your opinion as pure as possible. Also would love it if you guys gave yourselves more breaks or maybe rotating breaks from making content and focus on your mental health. Be good guys 👍🏻

Marc Cairney

You guys rock! love the show. I look forward to it every. single. week.


I think we're underplaying Xbox's involvement in burgeoning areas a little bit. Korea's Black Desert online has been on game pass for over a year, PUBG was an Xbox console exclusive for quite a while, Cross Fire X, was also made with a Korean and western studio. My time at Portia, a Chinese game has been on Game Pass for years, Bright Memory and Bright Memory Infinite (One of the first games shown for the Series X) were made by an indie dev from China, not to mention all the Eastern European devs they have been working with. Etc. Etc. I really think it's awesome that both major parties are looking at these developing areas, but I don't agree with the assertion that PS is being unique by doing so.

Dennis Johnson

Colin, your words about pulling away from online conversations has been on my mind for a while. A completely feel you. Too many of our conversations sadly revolve around the judement and conclusions of others. We seldom get to talk about how we feel, unless it's in relation to what has around been said by the collective "they." It's exhausting.


Have to agree with the plan to keep the show less “reactive” (I believe that was the word you used). I’ve noticed a tendency to end up spiraling into topics I thought you folks had thoroughly addressed; games pricing, bad faith gaming journalism, and the ignorance of the average gamer, for example. I’m sure there are new subtleties to address each go-around but I can only stand so much meta-discussion of gaming.


Why is the 4th of July the only day Americans say the date correctly?

Jayce Tamulevich

It’s sad to hear Colin sound so driven away from connecting online, but he’s right. No one cares about what I have to say about games, and even I find the majority of people online to just be over the top and unnecessarily spiteful. I am always happiest when I just stick to playing what I want and listening to the show. I regret even peaking at others’ opinions on FFXVI, not because I think everyone should agree with me and like what I like, but because the tone of their criticisms are just so nasty. I hope Colin finds a good balance and peace.

Edwin Garcia

When you say that you are open to join any podcast, maybe Dustin filters out the invites he gives you? because a lot of these guy say on their podcast they have reached out to Dustin.

Alex Gould

Dustin, I was at the Tahoe is for Lovers festival two weeks ago on 6/24 and Yellowcard only played Oceans Avenue front to back. It was awesome and such a big surprise, but I kinda wanted to hear some of their other songs too. Totally backwards as you guys were saying! It was an awesome show though, those guys are great live.


Not sure if anyone said it yet, but I think Kobe is the cover of 2k24 because his number was 24.

Andrew Cuschieri

Remember the Worms Remake on PS3? So much fun


What about this: Helldivers is day 1 on ps+ premium because you have to have ps+ to play it, and on pc you just buy it for a price like 50 usd?

Tyler Cumerford

Dude Yellowcard were such Karen's about playing ANYTHING on Ocean Ave when I saw them. They also kept making passive aggressive comments about how "they have other albums too". 🙄

Colton McKinney

Colin waking up to take his trash out is one of the most insane stories I’ve ever heard. Like Colin is actually insane.

Dave Boorn

I can’t remember what show the sales thing was on. As I’m typing this I’m thinking it was constellation but thought I’d just chuck something in as a English mon. Having previously worked telesales for a few years, even if you get people literally type their full email address, phone number and all other manner of personal details, one painful key stroke after another to hit enquire, you still get hung up on and abused hourly. So fuck knows what door knockers (as we call them in the UK) have to deal with. The only thing I would say from a UK perspective is that you could make higher five to early 6 figures GBP being half decent in a fairly well run telesales environment. I quickly realised the money isn’t always worth what you have to give from your side. But telesales makes a lot of idiots that can use a phone a fuck load more than collecting trolleys at a supermarket. It just depends if you can bare to make £80k a year but still need to put your hand up to ask someone if you can have a piss.


Nope, not typo, I did indeed mean freedom lickers. I'm salivating it up wherever freedom may fall within a tongue's reach. Great episode and shout out to the cool summer breezes alongside an old television with the N64.

Michael Miller

I love the contrarian conversation happened immediately after Colin said Temple Of Doom was the best Indiana Jones film.🤣 I’m just busting balls, obviously.

Joshua Brown

If it walks like a duck, sounds like a duck and looks like a duck, it’s a duck. Dustin is a weeb.


Colin you really should try out xiv it's filled with throwbacks to all the other FF games. Don't play it all at once just do the main story then take a break before moving onto the next expansion.


The dualsense talk is really interesting to me. At launch it was really hurting my hands when playing Demon Souls, I figured it was due to my hands getting used to the bigger size and the haptics didn't help. At one point I was really worried that I'd have to drop it because it was hurting my hands. But within a few weeks I'd fully adjusted and I get zero pain from it, doesn't even cross my mind even after a long session. What the guys say kinda sounds like what I had at launch, but they still have it a few years on


I keep hearing rumblings of another PlayStation showcase this year; but what contextual proof do we have of that happening? It seems rumors of this show dropped out of this air as soon as the PlayStation's May showcase was considered a dud by fans. Are PlayStation fans just having wishful thinking?


Chaos level pronunciation: Chocobo, pronounced CHEWKABOO (chüçhābü) 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Also, dual sense edge here, and yes, my hands hurt like fuck playing FF16. It was surreal you guys started talking about it as I was playing and noticed my hands hurt at that exact moment. Stand down, Sony. Bring in the ergonomists.


I think it's more an educated guess tbh, rather than any proof existing. While the last showcase was underwhelming, it doesn't change the fact that pretty much none of the main 1st party studios - outside of Insomniac - had a presence. And we know they're all working on something and it's been years since we saw a game from them in many cases, so it stands to reason that they need to show those games off at some point. Also we know very little about what 2024 looks like for Playstation, apart from some 3rd party games (eg Rebirth, Rise of the Ronin), so you would think they'll have some sort of showing before the end of the year, to show what the 2024 line up is. Might end up only being a State of Play with let's say Wolverine having a trailer and dated for 2024, but they'll surely need to show something. Would be very odd to go into 2024 with no 1st party game dated for that year.

Ryan Hayman

Colin - FFXIV is totally doable in like 60-80 hours to get 90% of the game complete. I played almost entirely solo outside of dungeons - and beat the story in less than 100 hours. You don't need to experience the end-tier content to really enjoy the game, although once you are there you probably would want to try everything at least once.


I actually had a solicitor get a little aggressive with me when I told him I wasn’t interested. A “No Solicitation” sign might be in order. It’s better than a different possible outcome.


Appreciate the thoughtful reply! I totally understand; and definitely could see a State of Play later this year rather than a showcase. Another showcase show just seems too optimistic considering how "quiet" PlayStation's new marketing seems to be.


he really couldn’t hold defense when the Matcha Flavored Soda arrived lol


I’m a bit offended by Dustin saying that people who say the combat of FF16 is basic are dumb. People have very valid criticisms of it. No problem if he still enjoys it but to me this is DMC: Mystic Quest.


I have not been able to continue listening to the show since I heard the discussion on the Nickmercs / Activision debacle. How the topic was handled was inaccurate and deeply troubling to me. However, I can sympathize that with how many topics you are asked to speak on each week you are bound to make mistakes. This is why you regularly make corrections on the show (something I commend). But I was further disturbed when the only time paid to the topic when it was revisited was to speak against those that were disturbed by your characterization of the issue. I absolutely oppose bullying and abusive behavior, and those that choose to express themselves in these ways do a disservice to the seriousness of this issue. However, to leave the conversation at that is, at best, inconsiderate of the other side and, at worst, an indirect defense of exploitative and violent behavior toward children. The fact is this: the problem Nickmercs, and a lot of others (myself included), have spoken of is overwhelmingly the targeting of minors for things like puberty blockers, reconstructive sex change surgeries, public drag shows, public school books depicting graphic sexual acts, and in my home state, the ratification in law of the state holding the right to indefinitely separate a parent from their child if they do not "affirm their chosen gender identity". I understand that this was something that Nickmercs clarified online. What my intention is in writing this is that you will make a correction on the show. I understand the power dynamics at play, but if this show is as impartial and fair as you all claim, then this correction would only be right in light of the kind of ethos you work to maintain.