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Submit your questions, comments, concerns, thoughts, and ideas for this week's episode of Sacred Symbols in this thread.

As always, please keep your inquiries well-written and pithy. Novels, poorly-written posts, etc. are politely ignored.

You have until Thursday, July 13th at noon ET to submit.

Talk to you soon!



Hello gents! Little correction for last week. Collin said the word “Valencia” which perked up my girlfriend’s ear on his pronunciation. It should not be “Valen-She-ia” it should be “Valen-Se-ia” Kind of a small correction, but wanted an opportunity to shout out my girlfriend Taylor and let you boys know Sacred Symbols plays in our apartment every Friday! (Whether she wants to hear a gaming podcast or not) Thanks for the amazing content, Nico


Hey there Sacred Crew, I’m writing in because I’m shocked that no one has written in to share about the hilarious scene in Jury Duty on Amazon’s Freevee where you can experience Soaking in the most comedic way possible as the co-star of Sonic the Hedgehog, James Marsden, helps someone in the show have sex without thrusting. The people doing the soaking were all actors, except a sole jury duty member that thought this was all happening for real. The show is incredible and a must watch. Here is a YouTube link to the scene - https://youtube.com/watch?v=OaTRKXtfv8Y&pp=ygUVSnVyeSBkdXR5IGZyZWV2ZWUgc2V4 - love the show and you have my sincere apologies for bringing us back into the bizarre world of soaking - Tim

Daddy Dilkers

Howdy Sacred Himbos, With the highly anticipated release of Baldur’s Gate 3 on the horizon, and it being a PlayStation console exclusive at launch, are you at all interested in giving this game a try? I am expecting Colin to be disinterested, since he’s previously expressed his lack of desire to play Larian’s previous masterpiece, Divinity Original Sin 2. I’m a big fan of the cRPG genre and don’t think I’ve ever heard any of you mention having played something like Pillars of Eternity, Wasteland, or Divinity. Is this genre a rare blindspot for the Sacred crew? I play these games on PC, as I’m sure most of the fans of this genre do, but there must be some audience for them on console since they keep getting released there. Curious to hear your thoughts. Much love, and thanks for the recommendation of the cracked pepper turkey as it’s surpassed the top round pastrami as my new favorite.


Hi CDC, Only just catching up on the SS+ after subscribing recently, regarding the PlayStation All-Stars roster episode….Vib Ribbon, was this exclusion ever addressed? Much love to you and yours, and thanks for all the great content. Wayne (Stoke-on-Trent, England)

ur ppnballs

Thx for the show ^_^!

Your Boi Nicky V

Hey Small Willy Trio, Colin, I was listening to the Xbox Two Podcast last night where Rand and Jez Corden said they'd love to have you on the show, given that you're one of Game Pass's harshest critics. Is this something you'd be interested in? Just thought I'd pass on the message in the hope it might help facilitate this clashing of the titans. Smooches


Hello Sacred Crew, Supporter since the inception, hoping to finally get a write-in. Since no one has brought this up on the podcast, I'd thought to chime in. In my recent playthrough of FFXVI, it was refreshing at the intro sequence to have Clive be able to jump up ledges without having to press a button. You Just Go. I immediately thank the devs for taking out an unnecessary button press, but I am soon dismayed to find that I must now PUSH ALL DOORS EXTRA HARD to open them with R2. It feels like Sony just said, "Hey, use the Dualsense triggers for something before the game ships, thanks." Boys, is this the best use they could come up with? I feel like we are at the point of games where we should just be streamlining gameplay and functionality instead of adding tactile bloat. Am I alone in this? Thanks for always keeping my 2-hour commute lively!


Good day from Philly gents, I was curious if any of you ever thought about how our perceptions of the world affect our preferences in regards to frame rate versus high fidelity. For example, people with terrible reaction times might not be able to perceive the benefits of higher frame rates whereas those with good reaction times might not be able to stand low frame rates. Perhaps people with really good vision pick up on more of the flaws that come with low fidelity, so they choose to sacrifice frame rate for the best possible image quality. Perhaps there are other ways our personal perceptions of the world can affect how we experience video games. P.S. Had a great time at Too many games watching the sacred symbols/knockback mashup, and huge thank you to Dustin for sharing some beers with fans after the show. Stay well.


Hey fellas, During a talk at Develop:Brighton the studio director at Guerilla Jan-Bart van Beek revealed that the studio has "16 plans" for Horizon, with all 16 plans not necessarily being games. How do you guys feel about this, is it too much? Does this also mean that part of Guerilla's staff will be devoted to finding partners to work on Horizon, similar to what Disney does with Marvel/LucasFilm Games? Curious to hear all of your thoughts.


Hey Boys, Is it just me or is the rest of the year looking a little lackluster compared to the first half? Don’t care about Starfield, Armored core looks ok but would prefer an actual FS game, and Spider Man 2 is just more Spider-Man. Anyway thoughts?

Operator 408

Hey Guys, Simple question what are the best romantic relationships in games? Also how can romance be done better? ( Spoilers) I've been playing through FF16 and Jill and Clive's relationship has been hinted at, but has not been made official. I had a boatsman say "off you go lovebirds" and I read a note that felt intimate from Jill to Clive. It wouldn't be tasteful to see Clive delivering the package to Jill, but I would like some clarification the big softy I am. I think Witcher 3 does romance pretty well. Of course Nathan and Elana are the first family of Playstation. So say we all.


Hola CDC, I wanted to check your guys pulse on ABK aftermath. It seems a lot of fans are obnoxiously victory lapping and seemingly calling out people, Colin included. From fans I expected it but media outlets also seem to be taking their shots and I'm curious as to how you guys view journalistic integrity when they impose bias opinions on the game industry? Also it's clear to me that most of these loud minority opinions come from a place with ill intent and don't even watch the show. Good day to you all!

Mars Barrow

Greetings fine friends of Last Stand. Really digging all your great new content lately. My question revolves around gimmicks. We've all seen gimmicky control schemes and gameplay mechanisms introduced into interactive media over the past few decades--some to greater successes than others,-- but I was wondering, what's the most gimmicky thing you've seen in movies or music that really had no staying power? I can think of a few on my own, but am curious about what you, Colin, and your two sons think. Thanks for the great show and don't forget to flip your chicken. -Mars


Fellas, Longer write in but hopefully interesting. What do you think about French President Macron blaming the riots occurring in France on violence in video games? Most Americans often think only of Japan, the US, and maybe Québec, (also French), as being hubs of games talent. But France is one of the major development hubs, between Ubisoft and numerous other entities, among which we know well Arkane Lyon and Quantic Dream. The French government even subsidizes the cost of game development in a major way to encourage growth. While gaming is seen as a proper art form in France, it’s interesting to see someone who is relatively young and who grew up around games at the very least, like Macron, make such antiquated remarks. Obviously he’s trying to use games as a scapegoat to get the French government out of hot water, but in 2023 shouldn’t this be seen as such an utter joke he wouldn’t even try it? Thanks, et continuez à baiser ce coq Source: https://www.npr.org/2023/07/07/1186316124/france-riots-macron-video-games

pen in pant

Hey sacred crew! Dustin, Tomba is getting ported to modern consoles! Colin, the Castlevania Advance Collection is also getting a physical edition! (via Limited Run Games)


Good morning gentlemen. With the ABK being finally coming to an end how soon do you think that Sony will bring back some its old IP'S? I would love a remake of socom in from of ghost recon. Thank you gents have great day. Looking forward to the next show.


Howdy boys, Over the weekend I was inspecting my PS3 game collection and I realized that Sony put a lot of effort into collecting their franchises into collections for PS3. God of War, Infamous, Jak & Daxter, Ratchet & Clank, Resistance, and Sly Cooper all got collected editions that brought all the titles to the current gen. Why on God's Green Fuck have we not gotten anything like this on PS4 or PS5. Only Jak has been brought forward. So many of their jewels remain buried in the past. Do you think we will ever get a true Killzone Trilogy or Resistance Trilogy remaster? It can't possibly cost Sony very much capital or effort. What gives? With Microsoft + ABK inching closer to reality, don't you think it's high time we get some tasty Sony FPS and remasters?


Hey guys, I have a quick question for Dustin. I remember him getting a G92 steering wheel at one point to play GT7 on PSVR2. Im curious how that experience sits with him now that we are pretty removed from the launch of VR device.

Michael centeno

Howdy Sacred Crew, Seems like Chris' magic has rubbed off on Dustin. Limited run games has announced a Tomba! Revival as well as a Gex trilogy remake/ remaster. My question is mainly for Colin, do you have any history with any of these series'? And will you be checking these out ? Now we just need a Blasto revival to complete the trifecta Have a good one


Hello Super Sacred Studs, I have been working on multiple game prototypes throughout 2023. I wanted to get your guys input on the best way to get feedback and unveil these games. I released one of them on itch.io a few weeks ago to little feedback which was disappointing. Is there a better way to gather player feedback or to better promote the game? Love all the amazing content and stay sexy my friends!


Hey Sacred Symbols Squad. I’m curious, what do each of you foresee the *next* generation of PlayStation looking like? More live services, an increasing focus on fidelity, or even more streaming/cloud gaming are all possible. I’m just curious about your perspectives. Thanks for your time! -Riley


Hello, my beautiful bouncing baby boys. A study by The Video Game History Foundation has estimated that only 13% of games released pre-2010 are commercially available today. Would love to hear your thoughts on copyright issues, preservation, and piracy.


(The Trees are alive and they can’t speak) Hello Boyos, I find myself intrigued by a particular motif that appears to be gaining traction in the domain of contemporary video gaming: the emergent inclusion of the environmental movement. On a recent foray into the post-apocalyptic wilderness of Horizon Forbidden West, I found myself entranced by a phenomenon that wove itself into the very fabric of the environment. The greenery, bewitchingly, danced to an unseen tune. They twirled in a spontaneous ballet, creating a mesmerizing tableau of life within the interiors and exteriors alike. This captivating spectacle spurred me to explore its presence in other celebrated game-worlds. Many popular titles weave this environmental dynamism into their narrative tapestry, aiming to amplify the artistic allure. Yet, I found the artistry-reality equilibrium unsettlingly disrupted in Ghost of Tsushima, where the unsolicited movement of the forest, devoid of plausible stimuli, threatened to yank the player out of the immersive experience. The peculiar phenomenon manifests itself in other acclaimed titles as well: Witcher 3, Fallout 76, even the cherished recent additions to the Pokémon and Zelda franchises couldn't resist the tempting pulse of environmental life-force. Interestingly, the phenomenon's grip seems to loosen when it comes to the latest iteration in the Final Fantasy series. Final Fantasy XVI's Deep Forest area offers a poignant contrast - the trees and the flora stand steadfast, resilient against the invisible gusts that animate their counterparts in other games. The stationary sentinels of this enchanted forest mirror the tranquility of real-life flora, drawing gamers deeper into the embrace of immersive realism. This evolving trend harkens back to the notorious "brown/yellow haze" era of 2006-2012, a period when a similar stylistic choice dominated the gaming industry. Then, like now, artists and enthusiasts defended the pervasive aesthetic under the banner of 'artistic style.' Now, I turn my thoughts to you, Colin and Chris. As individuals steeped in a rich tapestry of gaming history and experiences do you echo these observations, or do you see them merely as fleeting whims of the current gaming era? Your seasoned perspectives would be invaluable in this exploration. After all, it is our shared passion for these digital realms that continually drives us to understand their evolving dynamics more deeply. Sending love from Okinawa Japan, take care gentlemen.


Hey boys, This one is for Colin. As one of the many subscribers who have received several responses by you via comments section or DM, I just wanted to say, thank you. I remember being pleasantly surprised when you replied to a comment I left on your "GameStop - Colin Was Right" episode on YouTube. The effort you put into reading and responding over the years did not fall on blind eyes. The impact in my view was absolutely positive. It's with a little sadness that I write this, but old things must pass away in order for new life. It's been a delight to watch CLS/LSM grow. As a listener from the beginning the access we had was a unique privilege. With LSM's growth, it only makes sense now to step back. In this you have my support. In the words of Col. Robert F. Sink, "the war effort needs you elsewhere". Now with a Jeremiah Johnson nod I bid you a warm "Colin, Stand down". -Nigel


Hey boys, Tomba is back. Gex is back. What other “gems” needs to return for modern consoles?


Happy birthday trophies! Last week PSN celebrated it's 15th year of incorporating trophies. From Super stardust HD til today, it’s been a welcomed addition for many. You’ve all shared your trophy experiences, but where/what do you see trophies evolving to for the next 15 years?


Hello CDC, With Sony announcing that they’ll be targeting IP for mergers and acquisitions (likely for the PlayStation brand), I sense a dark, ominous cloud hanging over the gaming industry. This era of gaming that I love so much will officially be ending unceremoniously, with a new unrecognizable, and amorphous one taking its place. I know the indie state of gaming will remain a beacon of hope for new flourishing ideas, but AAA gaming will be more of a corporate entity than it ever has. I will be opening a few cold ones for you all after this is done, but fuck if this doesn't feel like a step in the wrong direction.

Agnis Zibergs

Hey guys. This is a quick one for Collin. When in last episode You said Kingdom Hearts team might be responsible for shitty parts in FF16. What if they where behind the big boss battle button mashing cut scenes? That was what Kingdom Hearts games had in crazy boss fights also. Was just thinking of proud game devs of Kingdom Hearts listening to the show and having sad but deserved tier.


Hello CDC, Simple question really: what is the best homemade meal you have ever made/had?


Hello gentle gentleman, First off stand down Chris with the Mario Kart comments. What is your major malfunction? Also you all should should play a game of Marry, Fuck, Kill with all of the Playstation First Party Characters over the years. Anyway good day fellows keep up the fantastic content!


GREETINGS! Reading the Evan Wells Naughty Dog news on his retirement, I was hoping to get your perspective of Evan Wells legacy on Naughty Dog and the industry at large. I thought that may be an interesting angle to approach Evan’s retirement and Neil Druckmann’s ascension to the throne of the Dogs.


Hey CDC, So Microsoft have beaten the injunction put forward by the FTC and as a result Sony are being forced into the realm of consolidation. Being the biggest PlayStation podcast you all have been summoned to Japan to each put forward two developers and one publisher as a recommendation for acquisition. The only rule is a developer/publisher already owned by a platform holder is off the table. (So rockstar from take two or respawn from EA are fine but not Obsidian from Xbox/Monolith from Nintendo). Let’s assume that the ip that have been worked on by the studios are included in the purchase, what studios/publisher do you recommend for acquisition and why? -Declan


Will Colin play Redfall whenever they finally add 60fps?


Howdy gents! I just wanted to give a quick shout out to Soul Sacrifice Delta and the PS Vita. Vita Island dwellers do not sleep on this game! The mechanics are a bit tough to get into and it does get pretty complicated, but the story. Oh man! The story is awesome! The short vignettes are perfect for pick up and play seasons and the over all aesthetic and art direction is unique. Just wanted to give a shoutout to this Vita gem and would love to hear of any other gems that are stranded on the Island. Will Vita games ever come to the PS Plus service? What games would you like to see? PS- I’m not the Mark that killed the Vita. I’ve been on Vita Island since the very beginning and continue to dwell on its beaches.


Hey CDC. I just wanted to bring up a potential news topic that may have flown under your radar. I don't know if you heard but there has been a massive kerfuffle/controversy involving prominent English voice actor Erica Lindbeck. Erica voices a shit ton of characters from black cat in spiderman PS4, to Jessie in FF7 Remake. She also voices Futaba in Persona 5, which this role specifically being the center piece of the drama. The tldr version is this: There are multiple Futaba AI song videos that use her voice to sing. She caught wind of these videos and she publicly decried them as well as politely requesting them to be taken down. Some people were not happy with her and proceeded to bully her off Twitter. Many fans defended her, calling out the efforts of using her voice without her permission. Meanwhile some people on Twitter blamed her for “running a harassment campaign over harmless videos.” While she may have overreacted, I think this brings up serious ethical concerns regarding using AI to replace voice actors. Companies have already started using this tech to have AI do voices in commercials, which I have heard pay really well for voice actors. It must be frustrating to spend years honing a craft, using said craft to earn a living, and then losing that income to a robot with your exact voice. That can really ruin people's lives. Also if you're curious about the video that sparked this whole drama, It's an AI shitpost of Futaba singing "Welcome to the Internet" here's a link: https://youtu.be/LpUPRX_i_Jw

Matthew Clem

Hey Sacred Crew; hope you're all doing well! Just wanted to follow up with a quick fact check regarding last week's conversation on NBA 2k24. Kobe has actually been on the cover a total of 4 times (2k10, 2k17, 2k21, and now 2k24). It could still be seen as milking his likeness, but I think the significance this time comes from his jersey number being 24 for the second half of his career aligning with the name of this year's game. Not really a correction, but wanted to keep the record straight in case you guys were curious. Thanks, and love the show!


Colin, After listening to last week's episode, I realized how much you'd enjoy going to a live concert in Japan. I once attended an Aerosmith show at the Green Arena in Hiroshima, and the audience was practically silent as the band played. When the very last note of each song faded out, only then did the concertgoers applaud. The applause subsided, Steven Tyler tried to say "arigato gozaimasu," and the next song began. It went on like that all night. It was very polite, but that's their culture. What's your excuse?! When we listen a band's studio album, we get to have a pristine audio experience, to hear every guitar chord and vocal melody. But when we're at a concert, the vibe and energy of the crowd is just as important as the music. We're all sharing our familiarity and love of a band and their songs (including the lyrics) in a uniquely communal experience. Don't scream like an idiot during the quieter songs, of course, but it's crazy to expect people to just listen and not really participate at a rock show. Do you honestly think that Dustin and his parents aren't screaming their faces off at those Iron Maiden concerts? "I doubt it!!"

David P

Colin. Everytime you address the audience with "YOU didn't buy the Vita" or "YOU didn't support buy playstation all stars" etc, I feel lumped in with the sinners. I bought Vita in year one. I pre ordered Playstation all stars. I bought Dreams in early access. I bought both Gravity Rush games, even bought 1 on both platforms. I bought The Last Guardian when it was fresh and new. Frankly, I supported most of what Sony put out and neglected to continue supporting. So please, show people like me some love every now and then- just tell us we've been good. Because playstation certainly won't.


Dustin, with news that Tomba is coming to PS5 I must ask what, exactly, is a Tomba? I know you're scouring the black market for a limited edition Japanese body pillow of Tomba. But is your interest in this game ironic? Should we actually play it when it drops?


Hey there Sacred Bois At what point is bad grammar unacceptable to you guys? Does it bother you that many people nowadays write/type “your” instead of “you’re”? Or would be lax to more severe levels of illiteracy? Do you guys have any examples of individuals who are so severely illiterate that you can’t even read any texts they send you? Thanks as always and keep on keeping on!


Hey CDC, Many people would say that some of the best development studios right now are Rockstar, Naughty Dog, Insomniac, Nintendo, and From Software. These teams deserve it for their outstanding work, but let’s try to look forward a bit. In a few years, what developer(s) do you think will be seen as the new cream of the crop? Personally, I think Playground might see a huge boost in acclaim if Fable hits, and WB’s Avalanche could become the next great open-world RPG developer. Thank you and keep up the awesome work!


Hey sacred crew! Six days in Fallujah has released on steam early access to mostly postive reviews. There hasn't been much media outrage about the game, at least less than I expected. The game is supposedly comming to ps5 in 2024. Consoles used to have real AAA tactical shooters such as Socom, Full Spectrum Warrior, Ghost Recon and Rainbow Six. The Ubisoft Tom Clancys games are now a shell of their former self, So they dont count IMO. Why do you think there are no AAA tactical shooters anymore? There are alot of popular tactical shooters with healthy populations on Steam like Squad, Ready or Not, Arma, Hell Let Loose, ETC.. proving their's a market for them. There hasn't been a AAA Tactical shooter since Rainbow Six Vegas 2 (2008) and it did well! Whats surprising is with the industry consolidation why hasn't any Sony or any major Publisher acquired any of theese small tactical shooter studios to make a AAA game in the vain of Socom or Rainbow Six Vegas?

Your name

Dear CDC, with the ABK court decision various gaming personalities are again hailing the buyout as a win for consumers. As a long time COD player myself I am very puzzled as to why the deal is good for us as players. Recent COD barely gets released on time and with many features missing. Instead of focusing on improving the quality of COD, Microsoft wants to waste more development time to port the game to the cloud and the Switch. Which serious COD player would want to play on the cloud and the Switch? 🤔


Hey guys, I was the guy who wrote in about the solicitor post last week and I wanted to do a follow up because I wanted to elaborate on something Dustin said last week when he brought up about people selling "Alternative energy" at the door and wanting to see your bill. Last week I was fired from my job because I couldn't make sales for the entire month of June. I used to sell "Inspire" which was alternative energy. This is what we would say when people opened the door for us, we would say "Hello, my name is _____ and I'm from ______. I'm here to follow up on a notice that was sent out by your utility, did you get the chance to respond to it?" This was a lie, the utility never sent out a notice, so whenever someone would say "Yes, I responded to the notice" I knew they were lying because I was lying. Then I would say "You didn't respond to the notice? Well, they could be putting charges on your bill without you noticing, it is my job to remove those charges on your bill. Do yourself that quick favor get your electric bill so we can take a look at it together" 80% of the time, people wouldn't get the bill and only 20% would. Then when they do get the bill I would say "You see these charges on your electric bill that says, for the first, for the next, and charges? This is the charges that I was telling you about. I'm going to send a message back to your utility to correct this, so just bare with me for a couple of minutes" this was a lie, I was not sending any message, instead I was signing them up for clean energy and lastly get their POD number and then make them sign with their signature and then I made a sale. Colin, Dustin and Chris. I already know that after hearing all of this, you will probably never want to open the door to any solicitor ever again, and I completely understand. I am just glad that I got fired and never have to do this ever again in my entire life.


Hello Mr.Moriarty,Mr.Furman & Mr.Gun, Ladies and Gentlemen. We got him. Dustin: Big Ol’ Tomba is coming back. Do you think you will platinum it? Thanks and keep preaching the good word of the classics. I hope you all have a Ziptastic day.


Hey there CDC, Greetings from the land of beer, cheese and the Packers! Been a long time fun of all three of your guys’ work and I enjoy the sheer tsunami of content each week from all of Last Stand. My question is in regards to the Skullgirls fiasco that seems to have divided that community. A cursory glance seems to show that the new team behind the game has removed and updated sprites and artwork from the game in “holistic passes” of both the console and mobile games in both the artwork and campaign areas of the game. Now granted, devs and companies update, remove and modify things all the time (looking at you, Destiny 2 and Gambit maps) and some of the changes are a lot more justifiable than others but in regards to older titles that were released 10 years ago, this might seem like overkill. What are your thoughts on the matter? Is this a Dustin was Right moment in regards to physical media? Thanks for all you do! Alex


Greetings sacred crew! After hearing the news on a previous episode of Warhammer: Boltgun not having a platinum trophy it made me question why this is still a thing? Surely Devs must know by now how important it is to include platinums to attract trophy hunters to their games and bring more attention and revenue? And it's not like any game is too small or too indie to have one since most shovelware games cater to the trophy community so what is the mindset behind this? Thanks for all you do and stay sacred!


Hey guys, What would you like to see from Final Fantasy 17? I think 16 was fantastic and really what I personally want to see from Final Fantasy going forward... The older protagonist, the grown up writing, the gritty fantasy, etc. Also, CBUIII does seem to be most likely to be given the reigns of Final Fantasy 17, as the other teams are busy with things such as FF7 Remake Trilogy, Kingdom Hearts 4, and Dragon Quest 12. With that in mind, would you like to see them build on what they have started here with 16 and iterate and maybe bring in more systems or features for 17? Always look forward to the weekly chats. Thanks guys.

Iqan Adil

Hello Gents, Did you catch the Guerrilla news? What does having "16 plans clicking on" mean exactly. Some people are intimating that this means 16 games, which sounds crazy, but even if it means DLCs, that's still a lot. Any guess as to what that means? Whatever those 16 plans are, I think it's too much. As always, have a nice day.


Colin, You've mentioned Matt Stoller several times on the show. What are your thoughts on his Twitter meltdown regarding the acquisition? I'm not familiar with him at all but the way you talked about him on the show made him seem mostly impartial with a slight bias towards Sony. Has your opinion on him changed?

Rob Kvasne

Dear Sacred Swine Boys, Limited Run Games came from out of nowhere and delivered us announcements of several titles including a Jurassic Park classic games collection, the Gex Trilogy, and Tomba! Personally I'd love a physical copy of each of these games for modern platforms, there's just one problem. It's Limited Run Games, the same snollygosters that fired friend of the show Kara Lynne for the accounts she followed on Twitter. It was easy not to give LRG money when they were peddling junk, but now that they are wrapped up in games I care about it willl be a tougher decision. It is unclear to me if I can even feel good about owning the digital editions. What are your take aways from the announcements and can you see yourselves playing any of the announced games if LRG is acting as a publisher?

Trenton Campbell

Dear boys, This question is for my dearest boy Colin. Do you have a platinum trophy backlog? I've recently gone back to Doom Eternal and The Last of Us. It was a blast getting those trophies out of my mind forever.

Mark M

Hey boys, do you think playing through a game too quickly is becoming an issue in discussing a game's qualities? This can happen with reviews, but a good reviewer can at least take that into context when they have an unreasonable deadline. I've also noticed many players will race through games, sometimes finishing these long triple A games in a week or less. When someone does this then complains that a game is too long, too repetitive, that it gets boring etc, I can't tell whether it actually is like that, or they just notice it more because they've been playing the game like a full time job. I wish more people would take their times with these things, rather than rushing to finish it just so they can have an opinion while the game is still part of the zeitgeist.


Sacred crew! This one is for Colin. In past episodes you have spoken very highly of economist Matt Stroller’s analysis on all of the ABK acquisition news. If I recall correctly, at one point you even talked about having him on sacred plus. Has your perception on his analysis changed after he called Judge Corley a “boomer moron” after the final decision? I for one thought he was unbiased until he started tweeting out his thoughts post decision. Just wanted to get your thoughts on this, thanks!


Greetings sacred men, Last week you guys were discussing air conditioning and why so many units today don't have the freezing power of those glory days when your bedroom could reach absolute zero. As a prior HVAC student at a tech school I think I can shed some light on this. Much of the difference in AC quality comes from the outlawing of older refrigerants that contained chlorofluorocarbons. These hydrocarbons were phased out because of their ozone depleting qualities and the rest is history. In the words of my instructor, "The better the appliance is, the worst it is for the environment." So the planet was loosing its defense to the sun. It's tragic. But not nearly as tragic as Chris not being able to have a poultry freezer from the comfort of his bedroom. Hope this info was of some insight. #MakeOurRoomsColdAgain


Hello With MGS collection coming out soon and the 2nd one looming one would think MGS5 will be a part of it. Do you think Konami spends money to fix MGS5. I say fix in the instance the Hideo was on his way out after he finished the game but there are some odd decisions made for this game: Snakes very limited dialogue, The Part 2 story arc, how barren the 2 maps actually were, and the odd geography that you couldn’t just step over, ect. I burned through it back on the PS4 but I’ve been taking my time with MGS5 on my PC and Ally and I’ve got a new appreciation for all the systems. It looks great at 4k60 on my PC so besides just an uprez how does Konami repackage MGS5? Or do they just trot it out one more time with barely an upgrade. Thanks!


Hey CDC I was very surprised when Colin said he likes YT Shorts on the last episode, considering he doesn't like TikTok. I thought you dislike short form video format in general. Is that not the case? And what about Dustin and Chris? Thanks and keep on keeping on.


Hey CCD, Long time listener, third time writer and if accepted, the 100% record of having them read is still intact, here’s hoping. A comment Dustin made on last weeks show got me thinking, when talking about Rise of the Ronin the general (and perhaps majorly paraphrased) reaction was “eurgh, not another historical Japan setting”. I started to think about the flooding of the market with certain genres, settings or even tones in that as soon as one hits and is a success, publishers start scrambling in to a kind of “we need one of those” mode. The ONE game I can think of in recent times that seemingly didn’t send said publishers scrambling, was Death Stranding. Why do you think this was? Was the general gameplay too unique or niche? Did they think it wasn’t possible without Kojima’s secret sauce? Can you think of any other major successes that were not then copy pasted with a new name? The only other I can think of immediately would probably be Cuphead. Would love to know your thoughts and thanks for the great show. Love the pod and remember Steve, no solicitations. Sam Jackson (a Brit in New Zealand, not the Sam Jackson you’re thinking of unfortunately)


Hey boys, Will any of you be jumping into the HD remasters of Croc, Gex, and Tomba when they release? On a side note, have these three games fully corroborated Sacred Symbol's power to will things into existence? Are these powers getting stronger?

Josh Bailey

Why are maze puzzles easier to solve when starting from the Finish and working backwards to the Start?


Hey CDC, Who do you think will replace Hermen Hulst? Playstation seems to cycle through executive positions rather frequently, at least compared to Nintendo and Xbox. So, it got me wondering who will replace Hulst as head of Playstation studios in the next few years; likely as we move onto PS6. My personal choice would be Ted Price from Insomniac. He founded Playstation's most important studio, already manages teams across the country, runs extremely efficient production cycles, and is familiar with the production of a huge variety of game genres.


Howdy all! I would first like to say that I am happy for Dustin because of the Tomba announcement. I figure a lot of people would write in about Tomba but my question is “Who actually owns the Tomba ip?”

That Smoke from Canada

Gents, I'm playing Death Stranding for the first time, and while it's cool, I'm dying for it to sink it's hooks in me. I've read online that the first couple chapters are slow but it got me to thinking... what are some other games that had horrible or slow intros but you ended up liking or even loving? Death Stranding seems to be an example, and another would be Yakuza 3 where the beginning has you doing day to day tasks in an orphanage, but you're punching tigers in the face with your bare fists by the end. Thanks for the legendary output and stay frosty


Boys! I haven't seen blasts like these since taco night at James Earl Jones' house! Gex is coming back and so is Tomba and Clock Tower. My grand question is what do you think about this Carbon Engine? To me the only bad thing about it is that it's owned by Limited Run. Thanks for all you guys do.


Hey Colin, I'm curious to hear your thoughts on Evan Wells retiring. Your buddy Neil will now be the sole big cheese. Does this mean Evan is free from Sony? Maybe it's time to break out that pen and pad again to write another letter. Fingers crossed for an exclusive interview on SS+. Keep up the great work!

Jack Fining

Greetings physical and digital gamers alike, I know the discussions of game preservation have been popping up more recently on the show, so I wanted to ask if any of you guys have seen The Completionist's most recent video: "Companies Don't Want You Playing Classic Games". In it he goes into detail, along with members of the Video Game History Foundation, about a study they conducted regarding the commercial availability of retro games. In it they found that roughly 87% of games released before 2010 are NOT commercially available. This was honestly a much higher number than I thought, and as of writing this I am reading the original published study now, titled "Survey of the Video Game Reissue Market in the United States". Was really curious if anyone has any thoughts about the study or video. Thank you guys!


Holy shit you guys, just finished watching the trailers that limited run games had shown and oh my god, nastagia overload. I’ve been a huge fan of Tomba on ps1, and the fact that it’s coming to current gen warms my heart considering I thought it was lost to time. Chris mentioned wanting gex to come back a few episodes ago so how funny is it that the gex trilogy is coming back as well! But here lies the question, do any of you plan on supporting these titles considering the hogwarts legacy controversy? Keep killing it you guys.


Greetings CDC, Last week, my wife and I had my in-laws staying over at our place for a few nights. With our guest bathroom currently out of commission, we had been letting them use our master bathroom’s shower. As I was standing in the shower ready to lather up one morning, I noticed that my bar of soap was slightly off kilter. It was at that moment that the thought of using the same bar of soap that my in-laws had used to clean their nether regions became severely off-putting. I asked my wife if we had any extra bars, and she looked at me like I was crazy. She told me “It’s soap, it’s not like it get’s dirty” As I stared at the lone hair left on the shared bar of soap, I couldn’t help but disagree. I had some body wash that I could use, but I’m the type that prefers the bar of soap in order to feel my cleanest. Has my anxious and OCD ridden brain gotten the better of me here? Or is my wife underplaying the severity of this soap crisis? Is this matter grounds for divorce? Should I be prepared to find a new boyfriend free girl? Thank you guys for all the content you provide, my weeks wouldn’t be the same without my Last Stand fill. Stay safe and be well! Ryan


Hey Sacred Men, I'm playing the Uncharted series for the first time and have avoided all spoilers after all these years. Is there an older game or series you will eventually play, but have somehow avoided all spoilers for? Thanks for all the content!


Greetings Sacred crew, As we all know Microsoft made their big push towards capturing the Japanese market during the early 360 era and with that push came some great JRPG exclusives to the console, some of which are still trapped there to this day. As far as I know games like Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey and Infinite Undiscovery never found their way over to other platforms. As a primarily PlayStation gamer Colin, did these ever interest you? Did you ever try any of them? If not, I would urge you to try and play Lost Odyssey if you ever get a chance because of your love for older Final Fantasy games. For all intents and purposes Lost Odyssey is the true Final Fantasy XIII in all ways except for names. Thank you for all the hard work and dedication you guys put it to the shows, it shows and has provided me hours of entertainment while I was on paternity leave the last few months. -Tim H.


Hey CCD, This one’s for Colin, when talking about PlayStations monthly PlayStation plus games why do you say “Make sure you add them to your download list?” Ever since the PS4 generation you have only ever had to click “add to library”. Thanks for the killer shows!

Al Rodriguez

Greetings Sacred Crew: My letter is for Colin. Am I creating my own Moriarty family? I found out on Mother’s Day that my wife will be expecting our fourth child, much to my surprise (this child was an accident). My third was born in April 2021, and my wife and I agreed that that child will be our last. But what made me ask this question isn’t just that I have a fourth one, albeit accidentally, on the way but for other reasons. You see, Colin, my first born is a boy and was born in 2012. My second and third were girls and born 2016 and 2021. And now I found out this past weekend that I will have a baby boy, in you guessed it, in the year of our Lord 2023, 11 years apart from my oldest boy. Although my girls aren’t as close in age to my oldest and each other like your siblings, my youngest son will have a big brother 11 years his senior, just like you. My oldest son is into gaming and animation…my girls are into arts & crafts and reading. Pretty scary… Thoughts, Colin? Regards, Al


What's up Boars Head Bros? If you were to make the perfect sandwich for yourselves, what would it be? From bread, meat, cheese, toppings,.. toasted, grilled, or cold.. what is the absolute ideal sandwich you would make?


Hey Sacred crew, Would you rather dick sized nipples or a nipple sized dick? Thanks from your friendly neighbourhood lobster back.


Hey CDC, Final Fantasy XVI is a great game (beat it last night. 10/10 final boss fight) that messes up something major. World exploration. The "zones" are varied and beautiful but the game gives the player no reason to explore. There are no hidden dungeons, items and chests are never interesting, side quests don't ever start out in some obscure part of the map, etc. Early on, I learned there is no reason to explore and chase down items because when I get to a nook of the map, nothing will be there because I haven't started the side quest that area is designated for and the item I see in the distance is going to be 2-10 gil. The world is too scripted and this comes from the FF14 design. It's such a shame. Then to top things off, the overworld map is a one giant desert with a few mountains and crystals. I never figured out the overworld map because it's all the same matter what the actually zones look like. I haven't seen anyone talk about this anywhere else. Am I alone in this opinion?


Hey fellas! I wanted to write in to remind y’all that Sacred Symbols success is not only due to the video games industry news/analysis , but also y’all’s great on air personalities. Last Friday was my birthday, and I asked my wife if we could listen to y’all while we were out exploring a small city. She obliged and was very surprised to find out that a podcast about a type of entertainment that she does not participate in regularly was funny and had thoughtful discussions on random topics. She may not become a regular listener, but I wanted y’all to be reminded that we come for the video game analysis and stay for y’all’s awesome on air personas. Thanks for everything y’all do and stay safe out there!

Mike Po

Good day Sacred Boys, I wanted to write in and let you all know that my first kid was born at the end of June and in the middle of the night when I've had to get up and soothe him, my routine has been to take him to another room so my wife can sleep and rock him while we both listen to LSM shows, including Sacred Symbols. By this point he's almost certainly heard all of your voices more than he's heard mine. Does this make me a bad father, or is soothing via Sacred Symbols an approved parenting method? Keep up the good work, and for God's sakes be nice to that chicken, there are infants present.


Hey CDC, hope you are well. How do you choose what games to play next? And do you ever find you need a bit of time after finishing one game before jumping into another? I often feel I need a bit of breathing room after finishing a game, but I know others who seem to easily jump from one game to another. Thanks for the great content, and take care!

Nathan Densley

Hey Boyz, Perspective a key in storytelling. First Person Perspective, Third Person Perspective, Isometric or 3/4 perspective, etc. What game do you feel plays with perspective or does something unique with it that it affects the story? A game for the GameCube called Baton Kaitos called you the player an ethereal Spirit that is watching them and the characters talk about being watched/affected by you the spirit and then eventually in a big twist talk directly to you the player.