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Hey All!  It's time to submit your questions, comments, concerns, thoughts, and ideas for Episode 127 of Defining Duke.  

Great ways to get your write-up used: Be pithy, be topical, and be insightful. Walls-of-text, posts littered with poor grammar and punctuation, etc., are promptly (though respectfully) ignored.  

As this is an Xbox podcast, be sure your submission makes sense within that realm. You have until Sunday, June 11, 6 PM ET to make your submission.


start a infection

If the activision acquisition goes through how will you feel when all of microsofts devs inevitably become support for cod?

Matthew Ramsaur

Hey Dukes, Am I the only one wishing for a Viva Pinata sequel/reboot?


Hey Cog & Matty, Long time listener, first time writer! My question is: what’s the deal with the Series X/PS5 release of Fallout 4? It was announced in October of last year; we’ve heard nothing since - do you guys still expect it to drop this year, if so, when?and will you be replaying? Keep up the excellent work that you both do, and stay safe out there. David

Ember's Arcade

Hey, Dukes. Now that Redfall’s behind us, what responsibility does Arkane have to support the game with additional content? I was scrolling through the game’s subreddit last night and the prevailing sentiment was that the game would be abandoned—some players even said that would be for the best. What are your thoughts? Can Redfall be redeemed with robust content patches are or its issues too fundamental to be solved? Cheers from LA, gentlemen!


Hey Lord Cog and Marquis Matty - Are there any dormant IPs from Xbox’s extensive backlog that you’re pining for another entry of?


Hello SEES Members Matty and Cog, With the reveal/leak of Persona 3 remake AND a new p5 spin off, does the concern of persona 6 not coming to Xbox lessen a lot? I’m shocked these two new games are day one game pass too. Have a WE HELD THE LINE AND WON kind of day

Dakota Brown

Hello Dukes- Wow, just wow. I am shocked at this showcase. Fable, Avowed, Starfield, Hellblade 2 and even that Star Wars Outlaws game looks interesting. So many great looking games, but I am curious about their release dates. Do you both think 2024 will finally be the year that quarterly first party AAA games come out? I know it’s been promised for a while and with the amount of games show for next year, it would be cool to see them finally deliver. I am just concerned about more delays as everything seems to be delayed now. Have a “Xbox finally has a chance to deliver great games and I hope they don’t screw it up” kind of day!


Whats up Dukes As a Playstation guy with a PC, I would give them a B+ on the Xbox side of the showcase. On the Starfield side, A. I love what Atlus show but Im going to play them games on PlayStation, so gamepass is still a hard pass for me but games like Fable and Starfield will be day one buy on my PC. With the vibes I got from watching the showcase it felt like a PC showcase to me. I just got one question should people start buying PC just to play Xbox games or just get the little man? Have a Yo more people can play Persona kinda day.

Monterey Jack

Men, can we please take a moment to acknowledge Phil's Hexen shirt? Looks like we have something to look forward to at quakecon!


Hey Dukes. Great showcase overall however did I miss something or have we not heard if Starfield is 30 or 60 fps on console? Also no information on pre order dates for the controller and headset. Any thoughts or corrections to my statements you can add? Did I miss something? Hope all is well!


Hey Dukes, how about that showcase? Are we happy? One thing I wanted to get was your opinions on the Series S 1TB model. Do you think this is something we need? Surely a Series S owner who wants more storage would just buy an expansion card? IMO a digital Series X would be much better. A smaller console but with all the power of the X. Is this something we might see in the future? Long live the little man! Thanks as always lads. Have a "We eating good" kinda day!


Sup Starfield Matty and Like A Dragon Cog! As I do not have an Xbox but rather a PC, are there any worries about the PC versions for the games displayed during the Xbox showcase? We should not have to worry about the Starfield because, of BGS' long history of supporting PC versions. But even today Halo 5 has yet to come to PC or Steam. Is PC still a great option for playing the upcoming Xbox titles over the next few years? Or should I breakout another $350 for the upgraded Xbox Series S? Have a Starfield makes me wanna join the Space Force and become an astronaut kind of day.


Sup Gamers, In a recent Defining Duke Ultimate, COG referred to Matty, ACG, and Skillup as the Holy Trinity of game reviewers. With this in mind, I was wondering which part of the Trinity does each reviewer represent? I think Matty would be the holy spirit myself.

Ryan Guldner

Hey Dukes, What happened with Avowed. Originally showcased as a powerhouse realistic looking fantasy game, the new reveal showed it to be the same cartoon like appear similar to redfall? Also when will xbox stop with the embargo’s to prevent announcements for other platforms outside the showcase. Otherwise A+ presentation

Adam Belgharbi

Hey illustrious Dukes. What are your thoughts on the art style of Avowed? I understand that they had to differentiate themselves from Elder Scrolls, but Avowed looked a lot more colorful and playful in the showcase than in the original teaser which felt a lot darker. I was really hoping for dark fantasy vibes. Anyways, Have a "the digital pasture is looking rather green" kind of day.


Hey Dukes! Fantastic showcase, Avowed looked incredible, South of Midnight had a fantastic vibe, and PERSONA of course. Starfield looks phenomenal, even if we didn’t get word on frame rate during the main showcase + direct. I’d love to hear your impressions on Metaphor Re Fantazio, since this was probably right up there with P3R and Starfield in terms of excitement for me! What’re the Dukes thinking, and how does this continue to highlight that the partnership between Sega and Xbox WAS about games? Have a fantastic day!


What up Clockwork Cog and Midnight Matty, I need a fresh gut check on the chances of Persona 6 releasing Day 1 on Xbox with no timed exclusivity for Playstation. After the Atlus new IP, Metaphor, was debuted at the showcase (and curiously has not yet announced any platforms outside of Xbox and PC even on their website), I find it increasingly harder to believe the rumors that Playstation secured exclusivity for Persona 6. Are you guys feeling the same? Have an "It feels good to be an Xbox fan" kinda day!


Hey boys! Overall I thought that showcase was excellent, loved seeing so many great first party games announced. One other thing I loved was seeing the official Persona 3 Reload get announced! however… since this was shown it’s been confirmed that the remake won’t include any content from FES or Portable, including the Female Main Character. As someone who was waiting for the remake to play the “complete” version of the game i can’t help but feel disappointed. How do you feel about the announced remake? Thanks Paul


Wrong. Xbox has secured 48 hour embargo exclusivity. https://twitter.com/SalRomano/status/1667970301169225738


Don't see how I could be wrong when I never said it was exclusive and was only pointing out an observation lol

Mike Po

Good day Dukes, Just got done watching the showcase and I was thrilled with what I saw. Xbox First Party showed up in a big way for sure, and Starfield had a wonderfully in depth showcase. All that being said, I want to get a gut check from the Dukes. There were a lot of 2024 release windows in the showcase. It looks like 2023 for Xbox is only going to be Hi Fi Rush, Redfall, Forza, and Starfield. Do you all consider that to be a successful year? I know there was a lot of debate about this a while back, so I wanted to check in and see how you all were feeling about 2023 in general here after the showcase. Thanks and have an "Atlus and Xbox are becoming the best of bros" kind of day.


Dukes , I am sure many have written in regarding the Xbox showcase and/or Geoff Keighley's snooze fest. However I am writing in about something completely seperate yet equally important. Are we or are we not getting a Destiny Lightfall spoilercast? Cog it is time for a Chris and Ebontis reunion. Please my Dukes make this happen. Thank you and have a great Sunday.

Josh Correa

Hey Dukes, With the A+ showcase of Xbox and Bethesda I have a simple question. How big will the download size be for Starfield? 200, 300, or more GB?


I would say there is a good possibility Persona 6 will be day one on Xbox. I would say there is a good possibility Metaphor will be day one on PlayStation.

Caleb Shelton

Hey Dukes, After that A- at worst showing, I was thinking...where is the Halo news? I noticed the showcase this year didn't talk about the "next 12 months" like last year. Another game that was delayed until this year was Replaced. It doesn't appear that the developers have given a date, just 2023. I think the showcase was much better than the other showcases this year, but I was curious about what you guys thought about some of the missing games from previous showcases. Have an "I don't care for Persona, but I am happy you get to play it" type of day.


What's up SEGA Cog and Atlus Matty? So how about that Xbox-Bethesda-SEGA Showcase, huh? 4 SEGA titles, showing BIG at the Xbox stage? Is it time to reconsider the age-old question? Does this continued partnership spell promising new leads for Lord Acquisition, post Activison-Blizzard?

Ealia Staroverov

Hey Dukes, Coming off this awesome showcase I had a thought. Virtually all 3rd party games shown at these events are coming to Gamepass and that's great value for us gamers. However, do you think this in any way harms their relationship with 3rd parties that don't want to appear on Gamepass? Have a "damn little man looks good in black!" kinda day .


Good evening Gentlemen, It seems Atlus pulled an Atlus and fumbled right at the finish line. In an interview with IGN, the Persona 3 Reload producer and chief director confirmed that the remake contains only content found in the base Persona 3 game, and not the FES or Portable versions. This means the game will exclude the epilogue story titled ‘The Answer’, the FemC route, and potentially a number of other quality of life features not found in the original release. Personally, I’m a bit disappointed by this news, since I was hoping we would finally get a definitive version of this amazing game. Instead, I guess we’ll just have to continue arguing over the best version for time immemorial. I know we don’t have full details yet, but I can’t help but get discouraged by this news. How do y’all feel about this?


Hey dukes! So after the Xbox showcase, I was left both excited and let down. We finally got to see the games from the studios Microsoft had purchased but none of them had any gameplay as far as combat. While on one hand I am hyped with what was shown but the other I’m disappointed we didn’t see true gameplay. In game cutscenes are nice and all but I want to see a person controlling the character and ACTUALLY playing the game. Love the show guys and I hope you have a “we will know if starfield is 30 or 60 fps at the Xbox showcase but nothing is actually said” kind of day.


Hey Dukes, Well it looks like they made a starfield believer out of me. The last showing of starfield left me underwhelmed but the weak points of the game feel tightened up which I think will allow for the strong parts to shine. What’s our gut feeling after seeing a plethora of the various systems in the game? Cheers and have yourself a jet pack boost into helicopter blades kinda day


Hey M and triple C Overall I found the show excellent (aside from Hellblade's no combat), but I'm dissapointed that Phil's "one more thing" was just the starfield direct. I thought the point of one more thing was to show something huge and unexpected. What do you guys think?


Hello Dukes! What a showcase right? I feel a lot more confident now with Xbox but they still are making some interesting moves regarding Game Pass. I am wondering how you both feel about the rumor\leak for what's leaving Game Pass at the end of June? Of note for you both is TMNT shredders revenge and Naraka Blade point. Both of you have sung the praises of these games so do you think the rumor is true and if it is, how we feeling? Have a "Xbox had us in the first half not gonna lie" kinda day

Jeshua Anderson

Sup my Dukes! So XBox handidly won the battle of the showcases, I don't even think its a question. That said, i couldn't help but be put off by all the 2024 release dates. It did have that vibe of another "Next year" or "Keep waiting". Knowing XBox's penchant for delays I couldn't help but think most of them are 2025 or later. Normally thats fine by me but we are still waiting on Contraband, Indiana Jones, Perfect Dark and more. Don'tt get me wrong, the showcase was awesome and Starfields gonna suck up most of our time anyway. Just saying the release backlog is getting deep. Time to shut and release. PS. Not so sure bout that avowed trailer😬. Keep up the awesome work Jeshua

Jesse Garcia IV

Howdy dukes, what's up with that fable trailer? You wouldn't even know it was fable outside of very subtle details from the trailer, also no release date. I don't want to overreact but that's really what we got after such a hiatus? To be brutally honest it was pretty lame. Cheers!


Good Day Gentlemen! This is my first write in and I just want to say I love the show you two GOATs put on each and every week. I am still on a high after that showcase! Xbox absolutely nailed it. Starfield looks absolutely amazing, I am personally ashamed for ever doubting God Howard and as penance, I pre ordered the Constellation Edition…I know this is an Xbox centered podcast but I wanted to get your opinions on where 2023 is going to rank in the pantheon of years for video games? We’ve already gotten Dead Space Remake, RE 4 Remake, Hogwarts Legacy, Jedi Survivor, and Tears of the Kingdom. We’re still getting heavy hitters in Final Fantasy 16, Starfield, and Spider-Man 2. I could go on with games like Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat getting new entries into those franchises as well as From Software returning to Armored Core with Fires of Rubicon. I say all that to say this…Is 2023 going to go down as the greatest year ever for video games??


Good day Dukes, This one is for Matty. I just watched your video on the Starfield direct and you mention not liking the procedural generation aspects but I think you misunderstood what they were saying. I'm about 99% sure the planets landscape is procedurally generated following a set of rules so if two people go to the "same" (in name alone) planet it won't be the same but will most likely be similar in biomes, resources, etc... When it comes to the locations I believe what they said was those are hand crafted and just placed randomly as you explore. Imagine they made 1000+ locations/events sitting in a data base waiting to be placed into a world. You might see something on planet A, 10 hours into the game, and I might come across that same thing on planet B, 40 hours into the game. No matter when we come across it it's still a handmade piece of content. I personally think this sounds awesome as long as those locations are well made with all that Bethesda world building we love as it makes each players experience truly unique. My personal biggest gripe is that it seems planetory exploration is purely on foot. No in atmosphere flight and no ground vehicles make exploring a planet almost impossible, but that's neither here nor there... Anyway, thanks for the read and have a shitty day with the rest of us knowing we still need to wait almost 3 months for this game. -Zach


Alright dukes, That was quite a show but I'll get straight to my point. Todd & friends didn't say anything about modding this time. Do you think they left it out for a reason? My theory is they want to let the game stand on its own feet, and not tell people to look forward to mods making it good; though it would have been nice to hear something about the creation kit improvements.


Hi Daisy Dukes! In my opinion, one of the best parts of the showcase was the presence of new IPs from Xbox. No Halo, no Gears and minimal Forza gave way to highlight the diverse lineup of games and new IP coming from Xbox in the near term. Will Xbox finally become defined by games other than the usual three?? Have a “Sega is the obvious next acquisition” kind of day.

Reuben Barrett

I mean.... that was prettt bloody good! Hats off the Xbox. But i gotta say... there's absolutely no way Starfield can be as good as it looks right? That straight up looked like the most content rich game ive ever seen. Am i wrong on that assumption, it looked like the kinda game you could play for years before finishing. What were your thoughts on it? Have a "you know you want that watch" kinda day.

Joaquin Branche

Hey dukes Aside from the amazing show case that will most likely be talked about can we get a lil meta for a second? How about the relationship that both SEGA and CDPR have with Xbox and how they continue to support them, pretty cool right? (You don't have to read this part) Between Witcher 1 being a windows exclusive, Witcher 2 being a 360 exclusive, Witcher 3 being marketed by Xbox and Cyberpunk?!! and SEGA well nuff said.)


Hey Dukes, Recently bought a gaming laptop, first time dipping my toe in PC gaming. Looking forward to Starfield after the showcase! I’ve been messing with Game Pass and has been pretty cool playing Hi-Fi Rush and High on Life! Is there any other games you guys would recommend? Open to any suggestions! Thanks

Josh Tarpley

Hello Sandwich Hoarder Matty and IchiBUNS Cog, Were you guys able to check out the PC Gamer article on Avowed? (https://www.pcgamer.com/avowed-open-world-skyrim-rpg-size/) In it Feargus Urquhart specifically says that at one point they were going for their version of Skyrim, but have since scaled it back to be more narrative focused with your companions' storylines. From the sounds of it, this really will be "Outer Worlds But For Fantasy" and I am even more excited knowing that they aren't going for full on open world design. What say you?


Hey guys, After that amazing showcase, I have to ask how you’re both feeling for the remainder of 2023 now that things have come into focus. I can’t recall which episode you all discussed it but I think there was a mention that if Xbox “just” had Starfield, Forza and Redfall as the big three then 2023 wouldn’t feel as great. Just want to see where your heads are at now after that display.

Kc Wright

Hey guys After that mediocre showcase that had way to many trailers without gameplay why do these companies keep showing no gameplay trailers they have to know most people don't like them

Christopher Smith

Hey dukes! After what was a great showcase are either of you concerned about Xbox’s ability to deliver? They’ve had a rough go of things over the last few years and out side of some decent minor titles they haven’t really delivered day one on major titles? Halo was content lite for a long time and redfall is better left forgotten. Now we have news that the console version of Starfield is locked at 30fps. Do you feel that Xbox is trying to keep their head above water or do they have a master plan we aren’t seeing?


Hi Gentleman, Will you be playing Starfield on Xbox or PC since we now know it will be 30 fps on console? I was wondering if at least one of you will be playing on console so we know how the game runs. Thanks!