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Why We Play Video Games, Pop Culture Ignorance, TV Habits, Grocery Bills | Constellation, Episode 22

It's time for more Constellation! This week, the Brothers Moriarty are joined by Sacred Symbols co-host Chris Ray Gun and Last Stand associate producer Ben Smith. Dagan brings a heady topic to the table, one that we spend a lot of time discussing and dissecting: Why, exactly, do we play video games? What draws us to them? Why are they the superior form of entertainment? Chris ponders the pop culture happenings he's been late to, and wonders which people, events, and more we've somehow remained blissfully ignorant of. Ben inquires about our current TV-watching habits, and how we manage (or don't) to engage with various platforms, services, and series in a seemingly never-ending cavalcade. Finally, Colin wants to talk about grocery shopping, but through a specific lens: Price. It sure is getting expensive out there, huh? We should place a spotlight on those truly suffering, by first acknowledging that they are. 0:00:00 - Introductions 0:26:16 - Why We Play Video Games 1:11:56 - Pop Culture Ignorance 2:01:04 - TV Habits 2:39:04 - Grocery Bills


Jamil Bhatti

great start :) looking forward to this discussion

Hidari Shotaro

As a Blue Devil, I appreciate it anyways Dag.

Jamil Bhatti

Love your Big D hat ;)


I’ll probably get dragged for saying this but hearing the conversation about the cost of food and remembering where I came from and how privileged I am that I have a pantry and fridge full of food and a widebody scat pack charger in the driveway


America is a phoenix by design and from its ashes will rise the new era outlined in many esoteric texts.


gratitude is the cure for many ailments of the spirit! i'm glad you're doing well man. sometimes those who have been low really understand what it means to be high. the best thing to do with something good is to cherish it. much love mate


finally catching up to everything!! Let's get it


I always thought Roblox was some kind of off brand Legos

Damon Pond

I lost so much respect for Colin when he said he doesn't drive.


why? there is almost no reason to own a car for a relatively solitary life in this day and age. remote work, everything delivered, and only going out on occasion.

Ryan H

Chris has pitched a great new podcast series you guys could do. Explaining things you have no idea about to an expert XD

Shadow Writer

I hear you. And i don't even understand why anyone would lose respect for the reason of not driving. I'm in my fifties, and have never driven, or even had any interest in motor vehicles. Granted, part of this conscious decision was losing my first partner and daughter in a motoring accident......that did turn me against car travel. But the reality is its also an expense i would never have been able to finance. Life today is so convenient with regards to how much can be done on foot, and how much can be delivered to our doors. Add to that anyone, like myself, who is virtually housebound due to health, and the need for driving is simply abandoned. Obviously i can respect the need to drive and own a vehicle for many in society where it is simply a vital requirement. But respect should also be paramount for those who choose not to, or cannot, drive.

Niall G

Love the topic on video games and how it all started all of you. With games as an art form, I like the thought of; a game doesn’t exist until you play it.


Incredibly sorry to hear about your partner and daughter, awful. I'm in my late 30's and also don't drive.

sean McGuire

Succession STINKS. I don't care about any of those people. Hate watching is not fun. Stewie was cool though.


Sorry if I placed this comment in the wrong thread but Colin Mentions “reverse racism”. I’m confused what the “reverse” implies. I’ve always been told that racism generally exists everywhere in the world and is not exclusive to any particular group. Just a thought.

Ryan Zimm

Just started the second season of Succession. That show is something special. Excited to hear they seemed to have stuck the landing, too

Shadow Writer

Extremely kind of you. Thank you. It was quite some time back now but was relevant to my not being a motorist. And provided some context for my overall comment.


On the topic of TV, I appreciated the Workaholics shout out, really enjoyed that show. Another one with similar humor I wonder if Colin watched was The League. Doesnt Colin do fantasy football? Regardless that ensemble cast makes me laugh.


Constellation really is a fantastic show! Really love the format, even topics I think I might not be interested in, the crew then enlightens me with their perspective. Great job Colin, Dagan and crew! Just wanted to say something nice about the show as a whole to this point.

Kaz Redclaw

Mostly, pre-ukraine war, food scarcity was mostly because of friction in the system, usually friction from totalitarian dictators or other thieves stealing the food destined for the poor in various countries, and then either selling it themselves or directing it to their cronies. The source of most hunger in the US is people not taking advantage of the programs to feed the poor, or otherwise not being able to access the information about those programs. Post ukraine war, some countries that import food might be in trouble because a lot of the food went off the market because of the war. I suspect some of our price increases are because we're having more of the food that used to be wasted sold abroad instead to make up the difference. Rent costs being so high used to be largely due to NIMBYs preventing higher density building, but in the near future it's going to be because of reduced capital in the system as the mass lump of retirees pull their money out of risky ventures and into safe assets. Of course, if you're willing to live in, say, Louisiana, the prices are still pretty reasonable. Building a solar farm the size of the Dakotas is a capital intensive operation, and extremely polluting because you have to bake off the impurities in the silicon at high temperatures. We don't see that pollution because it's mostly happening in China though. As mentioned above, Capital costs are going to go much higher in the near future, so this will get harder and harder as both China starts getting more expensive and capital gets more expensive. We absolutely do not want to build our solar panels in the Dakotas though, terrible idea. Much better to build in the intermountain plateaus, between the Cascades/Sierra Nevada, and rocky mountains, as far south as possible. The more clouds you get and the more north you are, the worse solar works. The intermountain areas get the lowest cloud cover.


Another great episode of Chris talking in circles about nothing!


Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the perfect example Ben was referring to about Colin refusing to play a game we recommend was Persona 4...countless times Colin outright refused to play that game, giving the same speech that people don't recommend games with his own preferences in mind. But then what do you know, he does decide to play it and now loves it. Just something that stood out to me.