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Please welcome friend-of-the-show and industry veteran David Jaffe back to Sacred Symbols+. A week or so ago, in the wake of the PlayStation Showcase, I (Colin) emailed Jaffe to ask: What's the deal with all of the fanboys coming out of the woodwork? The scene seemed overrun worse than ever, and I wanted to see if he felt similarly. On this lengthy episode of Sacred+, we thoroughly explore the topic of fanboyism, its connection to sports and a feeling of belonging, and what it says about individuals who fall prey. But we also get easily sidetracked -- we're two potheads, after all -- and end up spending most of the episode talking about a slate of other stuff, too: The nature of showcases, why Colin wouldn't like Zelda, and on the undeniable influence the industry has on those in its orbit, plus more.



Trevor Myers

I completely agree with Jaffe about Rod Ferguson. He worked on Bioshock Infinite, as well as Diablo 4. He doesn’t miss.


I like the use of "pisode" in the description for this episode. A great abbreviashe to save time and energy.

Kevin Miller

Please stop giving this guy a platform. He's a complete BS artist

Dylan Michael

Let’s gooooo Jaffe episodes are the best 🤙🏼

Tyler Floyd

Eh that’s the kind of stuff people used to say about Colin. Not every episode is for you, but they are friends and you’ll see Jaffe from time to time. Gotta just tune out for those. Like I do with Duke when Grubb or Jez is on.

Jeff Caseres

Niiice! Listening now! Love Jaffe!

Kevin Miller

Colin just had opinions people didn't agree with. This dude just lies and Bullsh!ts.


There’s something about Colin’s face in the thumbnail with the beanie on that is just 👌lol

Monterey Jack

Jaffe has such an incredibly unique perspective on the industry and is a game dev legend. Don't give him a platform? You're crazy


Oh hell yeah!

David Kramme

Looking forward to this, I really love the pushback between Gaffe and Colin during these conversations as it reminds of talking with my friends. Great example of how you don't have to agree %100 with people and still be cool with them, really here for the Zelda stuff lol


I feel a big issue with the fan boy discussion is differing opinion on what a fan boy is. Many use fan and fan boy interchangeably but some like Colin reserve it for radical fan boys. It's reminds me of furries. The stereotype is people having sex parties in animal suits. However, having many friends in that community that image is just factually inaccurate. Most furries have never even owned a fur suit. Like 10 to 1 level numbers. My point being most people who consider themselves Sony fan boys are not the radicals, but fans who like to identify with the brand. But Twitter algorithms force the worst to the top.

Edwin Garcia

Colin, I think that if you play Diablo 4 you might like it

Vinny Pepperoni

As an avid LSM fan, these Jaffe conversations are always my favorite. His perspective is interesting and typically leads to thoughtful conversations

James Schubert

There's a good chance it's just me but I pay my premium like everyone else and get my vote. I'm not a fan of the amount Jaffe has been on shows recently. I've just started skipping these episodes with him and let's be honest I still get more than my money's worth. Just wanted to say my piece. Peace ✌🏻

Will Ellis

Haha. War damn Mr jaffe being an auburn tiger is truly something. Some times we have a kick six and a miracle at Jordan hare. Th next week we struggle in double overtime with damn Jacksonville state. Truly bizarre being an auburn fan but I’d die for it

Jason Bolla

The ending from Jaffe is so top notch haha. Love him.


Is this the LSM’s? Hannity & Colmes


Colin,Gene,and David need a show to themselves once a week!!!!

Dakota Brown

Can Jaffe please become a permanent member of LSM? He always has such great perspectives and creates great discussions with Colin.

Jeremy Seal

I thought Foamstars seemed cool. I would like Splatoon if not for the obnoxious music, and the song in the Foamstars trailer was a banger.

Bogey Zero

I don’t think the thing about Andrea Rene not liking Jaffe because of his association with you is true. I followed Kinda Funny for a few years after you left and when she was cohost of their Games Daily show for a while there she spoke positively about you a few times here and there. One time she even said “Where’s Colin when I need him” when she was against the government shutting down loot boxes.


No video version?

Zac Lebeau

The common tether between fanboys of consoles and sports isn't about the team itself it's how they treat players. Sports fans will ride all their hopes and dreams on kids they get in the draft that have never even stepped foot on an NFL field and scrutinize EVERYTHING they do. I think the way fan bases treat players both positively and negatively is the tether between the two fanboys. You probably know this better than anyone given the New York sports media 😂

Noah Trujillo

I think LSM garners the respect of a lot of folks that want shows that treat them like adults. LSM addressed some major critiques of other companies that are similar. -No PR connections means no corporate pandering -A panel of politically varied individuals means you don’t make a podcast calling all your fans that didn’t vote a certain way racist -Very people driven shows with genuine commentary, not softball parroted statements that everyone and their brother regurgitates -The shows are fun and reliable

Dante B

One of the best SS+ episodes ever. Great conversation, and this is the Jaffe I prefer. Not the mile a minute over the top personality who ends every sentence with “fuckstix” and tries to convince me how progressive he is every five minutes. A measured, articulate personality with fantastic insight. Loved it.

Jimmy G

Fantastic episode. Really grateful to have someone on LSM clearly articulate a rational take on the showcase being a poor showing by Sony.

Joseph smith

“Toxic asset”. That’s a new one on me. 😔

Joseph smith

Who talks like that?ha


When Andrea called Jaffe 'toxic' and they asked her how? And she completely dodges explaining herself, says all you need to know about her


Love the jaffe casts

Jeffrey Rommel

Love to hear y’all having a good chat - always a great episode!

Asique Alam

Almost forgot if I was on a Joe Rogan podcast or a sacred symbols for a sec. Good shit.

Tristan Kimball

Jaffe is the gaming industry’s greatest therapist


I really don’t get the showcase defense from Colin. Totally inconsistent with the predictions you guys made


Love Colin's discussions with jaffe

Russell Robinson

Colin has constantly said that SF6 looks bland or like shit and I can't understand it. If you don't like the art style that's one thing but to say it has no identity is wrong. Love LSM though. I wish they had a member that really knew fighting games though.


It's funny to me that for as impressively intelligent and experienced as Colin and Jaffe are, the seeming perplexion or lack of comprehension as to what's going on with "fanboys" and gaming. It really is a simple matter. It's the same psychological mechanisms as partisan politics or religious fanaticism. It gets tied to their identity and becomes intrinsic to their overall sense of well being in life and the world. Challenges to that are not well tolerated. Another significant piece is lack of meaning in life elsewhere and independent of exterior conditions. Maybe this is why Colin and Jaffe don't get it. They both live life on their terms ultimately and they were able to make meaningful, satisfying careers in something close to their own hearts. Most people's day to day is meaningless drudgery of working a job because it's the most tolerable way they were able to make they money they need to make to not want to give up on life entirely. When you spend the majority of your waking hours only doing things for other people, you need something that makes it all worth it or meaningful. For a long time, for most, this was religion, but there's also nation, tribe, or family. Today we have more people, but we're very disconnected. A gaming community - which should just be casual entertainment - is now trying to do the heavy lifting previously done by the aforementioned larger institutions. A key difference is those institutions are geared towards meaning and a type of life satisfaction, but gaming doesn't even know that's what it is to people, so the rungs don't exist for a healthy manifestation of community for those that don't have it elsewhere in their lives.


The conversations with Jaffe and Colin are always so meaningful and interesting.


LOVE ROD FERGUSON. Glad Jaffe recognizes game. Although Diablo IV’s launch still won’t let me play it without getting disconnected every minute so Rod’s letting me down there. Andrea seems nice but I do wish she’d stop being so goody goody for the PR. My biggest issue with her is she seems so stiff like when she immediately hated Josef Fares for his Game Awards jokes.

Mike Collins

Jaffe literally highlighted this in the first 10-20 minutes of the episode.


It's a shame to hear that about Andrea Rene. I liked her when she co-hosted Kinda Funny Games Daily, and from what I could tell she seemed to avoid taking part in cancel culture. It is quite upsetting how toxic online life is now. It wasn't like this 10 years ago. I am dismayed by how many people take joy in ostracizing others simply for having a different opinion. What has happened to cause so many people to be like this? I can not even imagine taking joy in such a thing.


Love this product. The long form journalist x industry expert dynamic is great, and I think this was even more valuable than what I heard on Sacred Symbols. Hope you take that as a great compliment and not a criticism. Not sure weekly SS+ makes sense, but once a month round up certainly.

Taylor kazemba

I have no $ and I still say whatever I want. I try to live by the wisdom of Al bundy.

Mark ?️

Jaffe's take on AI is interesting but imo fails to recognise that the human loss of a skill is detrimental

Kashif Mohamed

I love David Jaffe. He’s obviously very intelligent but he seems like a very kind and genuine guy too. Thoroughly enjoyed this conversation

Greg Hommel

Gentlemen, it’s not just about natural tribalism. It’s not even just about tribalism and rationalizing your purchase. It’s also about how you react to peoples’ statements. If I were to say the Colts are awesome and the Jets suck, that’s one thing. If I were to say the Jets’s quarterback is terrible, Colin would take exception to that statement. Aaron Rogers has been a demonstrably good quarterback. I like to think I’ve never been a fanboy, but when I see someone say that Sony or one of their IP are flat out terrible it stirs something in me that makes me more likely to react. The more out of touch the statement, the more I feel the need to set the record straight.

Aswad Charles

Great episode! I know you get a lot of comments from us Colin, but just to personally say we appreciate you. One love 🙏🏾