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If there was any moment to put their foot on Xbox's throat, this showcase felt like a most opportune time. PlayStation only comes out of hiding every so often meaning it stand to reason that you'd think they'd have plenty to show off. You see, Xbox and PlayStation aren't too different. The mid-generation outlook for both consoles is eerily similar with very little knowledge on what is cooking for first party. Fortunately for Xbox, PlayStation left their audience in the dark on major teams such as Naughty Dog, Bend, Bluepoint, and several others. With that, the window is open to take some of the "mindshare" back as they aim to surprise and delight at their upcoming showcase. Naturally, we dig into the showcase itself, but mostly how it reflects Xbox's ability to bounce back at this moment. Plus rumors of a Persona 3 Remake revealed on Xbox's stage have us excited, Nvidia, Boosteroid, and Xbox's partnership have picked up, OG Dukes get a special treat from EON Gaming with the XBHD, and plenty more in another jam packed week!


0:00:00 - Intro

0:05:25 - Mobile reviews

0:10:19 - Corrections

0:15:30 - Nvidia’s Xbox partnership has begun

0:19:39 - EON Gaming has announced XBHD

0:23:13 - Inspector Gadget is coming to Xbox

0:25:08 - GameStop’s retro program will return

0:27:53 - SpongeBob is coming to PowerWash Simulator

0:29:50 - Mortal Kombat 1 is real and releases September 18th

0:34:16 - Infection returns in Season 4 of Halo Infinite

0:34:50 - AEW Fight Forever releases June 29th

0:42:41 - Sony is reportedly looking to do more acquisitions

0:44:07 - Ubisoft’s open-world Star Wars game is slated for early 2024, reportedly

0:48:06 - Naoki Yoshida talks about FFXVI

0:57:45 - KOTOR Remake is having an interesting time in development…

1:14:24 - Bloodborne: Old Hunter’s Edition, is running on PC

1:18:37 - What have we been playing?

1:28:24 - Will a bad Indiana Jones movie have an impact on the upcoming game?

1:33:37 - PlayStation Showcase

2:47:17 - Is a new Persona on the way?

2:52:40 - Game Pass Pick of the Week

2:59:08 - When will we hear about the Fallout 4 Next Gen Update?



A Hind D

Dude am I the only one that saw like 20 games in the pipeline? All looking unique and fun? Feel like I’m on an island or something lmao.


Thanks for reading my comment on buying music!

Will Hahn

Lol that thumbnail is so good!


I feel like it’s not worth speculating about Xbox showcases anymore. Wait until the games actually deliver.

bix hutch

They have one bad game and everything else sucked now? Lol Go look at Xbox first party games. Redfall is a massive outlier. They've released plenty of great games that reviewed highly. Hi Fi Rush is in many people's goty lists.

Zack Fair

Are you forgetting Halo was released as garbage and not even what they fully promised, they can't manage their studios effectively and delay games forever with no clear strategy. Hifi rush whilst it may be a good game isn't gonna push console sales.


Halo did not release as garbage. Halo’s release was very well received. The issue with Infinite was it had no content planned for a live service game.

Michael Thew

Lol, it released with out couch coop and no forge. It must suck to live life where your standards are so low that the garbage Xbox releases somehow are good in your mind. Your spouse prolly beats the shit out of you and you’ll apologize like a bitch

Josef Barker

That thumbnail 🤣

Boomboom Washington

I don't think the showcase was as bad as ppl make it sound. I don't do multiplayer, but some of those new titles might get me to change my tune.

Rich Price

Lots of promising games, but nearly all of them will be Xbox too. If you’re not into multiplayer/live service, there was nothing to be really ‘jealous’ of.


Halo Infinite got a 87 metacritic. Saying Halo Infinite was not well received at launch is incredibly moronic and ignorant. Brandon is right in that Halo Infinite failed because it launched without a live service pipeline. Also your insults are fucking weird man.

A Hind D

Rich that’s a good point. I forgot most of them were PC and Xbox. Multiplayer focused. That’s super fair. Marathon had me geeking but that’s only because of a slick aesthetic and Bungie but not gameplay. Good point

Anthony Palerino

That thumbnail is awesome, but there’s a very solid chance that Xbox’s showcase is worse than PlayStations. I’d love to be wrong.

Andrew McGregor

Love the show. Funny Matty mentioned that FF7 remake was an inspiration for the Kotor remake. I remember when playing FF7 remake that whoever makes a Kotor remake should just steal the combat system. KOTOR is my fav game ever and this situation has been so disheartening.


I really feel like sony did not feel very motivated into making there showcase as good as they could have considering they are doing so well as it is.

Joshua Brown

Hope you feel better Cog


These 2 showcases makes me excited for the next Sacred X Duke!

Michael Thew

Lol only shows the bias that Microsoft gets, it’s released broke as fuck and 343 had deep layoffs afterward. Successful games don’t get massive layoffs after launch. Like I said before your standards are so fucking low that junk looks great. But you do you boss and keep betting on a loser. These games are exactly what you deserve

Manuel Nascimento

Hey gents, just a meaningless piece of feedback regarding this episode’s thumbnail - it’s just so funny fire…. Lord Cog so respectfully donning Matt with the upmost accomplishment whilst crying Jim Ryan keeps doing what he does - so hilarious. I know you are much more than just those easy plucking vibes so I’d like to thank you for all the work in keeping the gaming stuff on the Xbox side real. Love is love, but you can’t forget real. Cheers


It is fucking hilarious that you can't read mate. I literally said Halo Infinite failed. Come back when you are reading on a first grade level.


I’m 32 and buy my music off iTunes also. Don’t buy much for a subscription service to make sense for me. MATTY, I was feeling you on the trailer problem but you picked Revenant Hill! Anybody that knows that art style knows what kinda game it is. Plus, you’re a writer yourself! Don’t sleep on Night In the Woods! #DDFlu


"Well received at launch" = 87 Metacritic. It was seen as a success at launch, but opinion soured over time as people realized that this GaaS game had a horrible live service pipeline. This is really simple stuff man. Just try to read all of the words in my statements, and spend a few minutes thinking about it.