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Submit your questions, comments, concerns, thoughts, and ideas for this week's episode of Sacred Symbols in this thread.

As always, please keep your inquiries well-written and pithy. Novels, poorly-written posts, etc. are politely ignored.

You have until Thursday, June 1st at noon ET to submit.

Talk to you soon!



Hey fellas. You were talking about Disco Elysium on a recent sacred symbols + episode. And I thought you might be interested in a new deep dive documentary by People Make Games on YouTube. It has great detail and interviews about the recent problems at the studio. https://youtu.be/JGIGA8taN-M Thanks and keep up the great work guys.

Rob Pursglove

Hello sacred trio, Just wondering, when can we expect the 'Lord of ring: Gollum' spoilercast?


Hey guys! As a long-time viewer and first-time subscriber, I knew the Showcase announcement was the perfect opportunity to start supporting your work properly. So, first of all, thank you for all that you do! I thought the Showcase was decent, but it seems like Sony has a different approach this time. If the "total mindshare" statement is true, I'm curious if Sony plans to dominate the summer events with a new strategy. Perhaps they'll release more news during the SGF event and wrap things up with another Showcase focusing on what's coming after 2023. Do you think this is plausible, or am I being too optimistic? Saludos desde Gran Canaria.


Hey CDC, Can we talk about how Geoff has been on Konamis ass since metal gear solid delta and collection was announced? With every post by the MGS twitter account Geoff always makes a post regarding “who’s the development team and who created this game?” It’s quite obvious that he’s doing it because of what happened with Konami and Kojima, but some people are saying he should relax on acting so aggressive towards them. What do you guys think? As always thanks for your continued entertainment.

James Arnold

Hello my friends, I recently played Casltevania Requiem and when I finished Symphony of the Night I was let down. Not because the game wasn't incredible. Instead, because the ending credits song had changed! Instead of that amazingly cheesy ballad of the original it had some generic orchestra music. What gives? Since Colin loves castlevania so much I was wondering if he had any idea why that happened or if it bothered him as much as it did me. I feel like the whiplash from that original credits song is a defining part of the Symphony of the Night experience. Maybe I'm just weird, but I would feel just as aghast if they replaced the Snake Eater song from MGS 3. Thanks for all you do, have a good week.

Josh Kisskalt

CDC, almost immediately after the recent Showcase, sources said Sony was holding back, and we are likely to see more this year. This seems obvious, but I'm curious what you guys think the reason they are holding back is. Are they keeping ammo for when they really need it, as they are dominating right now? Or, are most of their first/second-party games just not ready to show? Keep a rockin' brothers!

Greg Hommel

Hello there you righteous few keepers of the Sacred Symbols. This question is aimed at Colin but Chris and Dustin’s answers are no less desired. I was asking myself what historical eras, events, or environments you would most like to see in games. Something just interesting? Something that would allow for unique game mechanics? Perhaps just something that is, to date, untapped? Thanks to everyone that makes this endeavor possible.


Hello Sacred Boys, With all the hype surrounding the Snake Eater Remake, it does beg the question: What’s Konami’s endgame? Assuming they remake all the games in the franchise, what happens next? Was Kojima the secret sauce to making that franchise work, or is there potential to branch out from his vision and really lean into new stories? Thanks, and as always, keep paying alimony to that chicken.

Hose A Contra Razz

Hi Guys, Have you notice some of the best games come when you have system limitations? The nes, gameboy and Snes had some of the best ways to make gaming fun by the limitation of the system. Nintendo and Sony are the only one’s doing it today, getting everything they can from their systems, why can’t other publishers think outside the box like they used to?


Yo sacred sluts, With the Xbox show just over a week away I was curious whether you planned to have a sacred plus episode dedicated to the event? I know we have the duke boys for the in depth analysis but I've always enjoyed the sacred boys thoughts on xbox's shows. Cheers for all the content you provide for the sum of less than five British pounds, it's much appreciated.


Yo sacred fuckers, In my eyes, it seems like open world games are by now an established style of game that can span tons of different genres and franchises. However, I often find myself running out of time to play them and wanting more linear games instead. My question is: what games that were open world do you think would have been better served as a linear game? Also, what about vice versa? As always, keep channing that chris.

Ryan Del Vecchio

Hi CDC, How does Colin feel about New Jersey? All this Long Island talk, I'm sick of it. Just messing, my dad is from L.I. and I love some bands from there. No hate. Thanks for the content, go easy on the chicken.


Hello Sacred Symbols: a Chris Chan Podcast, Small correction for Dustin, when talking about liking the art style for Marathon you talked about Bungie embracing this colour palette in Destiny: Beyond Light when it is infact the Lightfall expansion that was neon themed. Not a big difference but thought it was worth pointing out, anyway take care.


Greetings from down under. Long time, first time! With Diablo 4 and street fighter 6 getting 9's and 10's across the board, and with Dead space, Hogwarts legacy, Resident evil 4, and Jedi survivor (performance issues aside) achieving this as well. Is 2023 shaping up to be the best year ever in gaming, we're only at the beginning of June after all?


Hey bots, I've never played Castlevania but love the netflix show, which game should I start with ? Cheers


Hey CDC, Firstly, a hearty congratulations to LSM for having its best month ever. It’s of no great surprise due to the amazing content and great value. Enough of the gushing comments as the next matter must intrude. Colin, we have to talk about the Amazon box on your sofa. How is this not in the trash yet? Do you have some deep attachment to it? Or is this the next piece of Sacred Symbols lore comparable to the can of Pledge polish that sat dormant on you shelf for many months? This comes from a place of intrigue as I find your quirks both relatable and whimsical.




Hey CDC! Let's talk about Playstations live service games. Do you think they will be free to play? If they are, I wonder how these games will still be considered premium PlayStation experiences like their $70 games. Will there be a plethora of microtransactions to offset the cost of development? Personally I see Sony going the route of FF14 with a small buy in cost plus the subscription. I am skeptical this will work but it seems to be the best option for quality live service Sony titles. What say you? As always thanks for the awesome content!

Bruce The Genetic Jackhammer Rando

Hey Colin, recently I've put together that you are both a fan of Anthony Jeselnik and the all around the NFL podcast. I was wondering if you were aware that Anthony and Greg Rosenthall are best friends and have their own podcast together? Keep choking the chicken


Hi guys, What's the deal with how fragile DualSense controllers are? Every console I've ever purchased I've been okay with the controller that comes in the box for the lifespan of the console, save for PS1 and PS2 which frayed the cable connection due to how I wrapped them when trading between my parents houses. With DualSense, I've had an L2 trigger break its tension spring with one, I've had left stick drift with one, I've had the R2 trigger stop registering all together on a third, and am now on my fourth controller since launch and afraid to even use it. Why would anyone want a DualSense Pro or Project Q when the most basic version seems to be the worst quality controller they've ever made (not arguing functionality which is great)? Thanks! Steven


Hey guys, Do you think Jeff Ross’s comments about days gone 2 potentially being completed by now to be as insane as I do? There are so many variables in game development that there is just no way to know that. If you could know exactly when a game would be finished we wouldn’t be seeing the same amount of game delays we currently do.


Hey CDC, As someone who's bought Horizon three times now, once for my OG PS4, Once for my Pro and again when it came to Steam, how on earth do i get into it? I remember back when it launched, taking breaks from Zelda to hop into it and loving it right up until you enter the desert area. From there the game just stops clicking with me and i quickly move on to something else. Why do i love the intro area so much but fall off once the rest of the map opens up? I've paid full price for this game twice, and have a third physical used copy for ps4 sitting on my shelf that cost me 30 bucks. I would desperately love to check it off my list, but it seems no matter how many times i start over, i just keep falling off at the same point. Perhaps Colin being such a fan could point out what I'm doing wrong, or maybe why it loses me at this exact spot. All the best from the potential future US state in the coming water wars, Ontario Canada ;)


its the worst! My stick drifted after only 1 year of on and off use as a PC controller :c Its SUCH a nice controller too.

Jose Vera

Hola CDC, Ill start with this: “What the hell is going on?!” While the showcase was not terrible it certainly can be considered lukewarm at best. I am not sure what PS heads were thinking putting just CGI trailers out for their brand new studios out in the cold like that, especially Concord where all we have going off the trailer is we might see really good hamburgers in space. It was certainly disappointing seeing how little thought was put into the cadence and tone of the show. I cannot help but feel bad for those new teams being thrown out like and expected to carry a PS Showcase. My main question is this: Is Sony about to do Firewok and Haven dirty like they did Bend with the initial sales/reviews of Days Gone? Will they simply move them off those projects or turn them into support studios if these new IP multiplayer games fail? To me it seems the only reason Sony bought these smaller studios so quickly is to have them work on new multiplayer IP that could fail, while they let the main studios actually work on bigger more fleshed out titles. Take care and glad to see all the new love Last Stand is getting. Adios Jose


Hey Liquid Colin, Dustin and Chris, Fan since the beginning of Kinda Funny but first time writing in to any show. If you had to kill one current PlayStation franchise to revive an old one, which two would you choose? Personally, I would murder Sackboy so quickly to bring back Bloodborne, but curious to hear what you guys think. Thanks and remember: My name is not IAN BRANDON ANDERSON!

Avery Abrams

Hey fellas, Quick question for Dustin. Would you ever consider going by Bustin Sperman? All the best and thanks for the great content, Avery

Adam Barnes

Hey lads, Chris, love the new video! Question though, do you have a permit for those guns? Hot damn.


Guys, I never thought I would write in about something like this, but I need your advice. I work on the top floor of an office building, with 7 coworkers. Only 1 is man, the rest are women. The male bathroom on our floor has 2 stalls and a few urinals. In my first week on the job I go into the bathroom to find the left stall used- shit stains, torn toilet paper, seat down. I look in the right stall and I see a perfectly cleaned toilet, seat up, folded over toilet paper into a triangle tip. Naturally I take the right stall. The bathrooms were cleaned every night, and so every day for the next 6 months I started my work day by having a coffee and taking a shit in my clean stall on the right while the other guy was shitting exclusively in the left stall. Cut to last week when I go into the bathroom and into my stall, only to find shit stains. I quickly peek into the left stall, and it ALSO has shit stains. This has happened again twice since.. He broke the unspoken pact we had for 6 months and acts normal when he sees me.. Why is he shitting in my stall? How should I respond? Should I call him out publicly? In private? I consider this an act of war. I will act on your advice.


Boys, I don't understand PlayStation fans. One of the biggest complaints levied against PlayStation nowadays is a lack of multiplayer and new IP from first party studios. However, the biggest backlash during the showcase last week was the fact we saw multiplayer games which are new IP instead of single player games like Ghost 2, a new Uncharted, Bloodborne again, or revivals of old franchises. What do fans really want from PlayStation?


Hey guys, what are your thoughts on the first 3 Metal Gear Solid games coming to Playstation 5? They had issues with outdated licenses and the MGS1 theme was also a little too similar to a Russian song, so they can't use that. How do you think Konami will get around this stuff, and will they acknowledge Kojima in the game? They took his name off of promotional stuff of his in the past. Thoughts?

Drew Sleezer

Hey boys, With the universal praise (like real praise not Sonic 78/100 praise) Street Fighter 6 is receiving, are any of you going to give it a shot? A major selling point is just how much content the game has, something that Street Fighter, or really any fighting game other than Mortal Kombat, can brag about. And yes I think the games art looks incredible with characters full of personality, expressiveness and color.


Hi all. With the final fantasy pixel remasters coming out and the likes of Live a Live being revived earlier this year, do you ever see square giving the same treatment to Xenogears? It’s one I missed back on the original ps1, I’m actually from England and I am not sure it even released over here. Do any of you have any experience with it? It’s always interested me in terms of its style and look of its themes. Thanks for all the top podcasts, you guys really put the work in and arewell beyond worth my $5 a month (or whatever that works out in pounds to me) Antony


Hey guy's I wanted to give a perspective from a long time playstation gamer. I switched over to pc after the ps4 and missed most exclusive games from that generation. I have played horizon zero dawn, god of war and the last of part 2. I have limited time and went back to school two years ago, so I have limited time to play as much games as yourselves. I get to play alot games in the winter time during holidays, such as persona 5 last year which i platinum. Do you guys think that the average gamer is disappointed with the lack of newer playstation exclusives or they have alot of unfinished games such as myself? Thank you all for the wonderful podcast You guys make my Friday

James Pies

Hello my precious trio, Is my PS5 spying on me? My girlfriend and I recently designated the console as our main streaming device for TV shows and other media. My significant other claims that ever since she started talking to her mother on the phone in the living room (which is daily and in Spanish) the ad breaks for her shows are now mainly in Spanish. My early theory is that the culprit is the built in microphone on the dualsense which is likely not muted when she uses the PS5 to watch her shows. Am I onto something or should I start crafting my tinfoil hat? Thank you for your service. Peace and love, James


Hello southern bells, Will there ever be an Ape Escape reboot? This game was one of if not the first to take advantage of the twin sticks on the iconic controller we now call the dual sense. Chris, pitch to us a modern Ape Escape reboot. Thanks boys. Keep slittin that chicken.

William Rudrum

Hey guys, so I was as surprised as anyone else at the lack of first party studios announcements at the showcase. I expected more than a concept ubisoft style GAAS and whatever concord winds up being because that trailer told me nothing more than a logo. However, I saw journalists and leakers etc seem adamant that their info pre-show was correct that multiple forst party studios are ready to show stuff and even went so far as to say that a major AAA exclusive was due to get a PC port in July. This has now been revealed by sony and is ratchet and clank rift apart. Firstly why on earth was that not at the showcase. Secondly what are Sony doing sitting on this stuff after 2 years without a showcase. Lastly; I see they have a SGF Indie games show... my reaction to this news was: if you have a dedicated indie show why the hell were so many indie games in your showcase and not simply there and your first party studios stuff in the showcase instead?!! What is going on over at Sony's marketing team. Do we think they will have paid any attention to the reaction amongst the playstation community and the gaming media to the showcase?


Hey boys, With the Project Q announcement official and in the wild, I think the majority of impressions from folks across the industry is an overwhelming “meh”. I personally think the Q has a place because a dedicated remote play device is cool for my specific use cases (IE playing in bed at night before I fall asleep) but I can’t help but wonder that they should have pushed harder in a couple of areas such as cloud gaming or taking another stab at local handheld capabilities. I understand the cloud infrastructure is a huge investment and the complexities it takes to really get right, but you can’t tell me a device such as the Q wouldn’t be able to run indie games such as FF Pixel Remasters or a game like Hades. Do you think it’s possible they would allow for developers to target a lower-end spec in order for a game to play on some future dedicated handheld similar to the Deck Verified program with the Steam Deck? One can dream. Thanks and have good days!


Hey Sacred Crew, Colin. Are you playing Bat Boy? If not, they you probably should be. It is very much influenced by shovel knight and I am all for more tight, pixely, platformy goodness! Don't go to hard or you'll cook that bird.


Hey lawn dominator Colin, Try big league lawns for the striping bar

Mateusz Kuklinski

Hey, Sacred Symbols crew. I was hoping we could get an update on where Colin is at in the Chris Chan documentary and his thoughts. Thank you.


Hey boys, just a correction from the Showcase episode. Someone mentioned that Project Q isn't meant to leave the house because it requires WiFi. You can use your phones 4G/5G signal as a WiFi hotspot. I did this with Remote Play on my Vita and got a surprisingly smooth experience from a neighbouring city; even though Australia's internet isn't great. Thanks from "down here in the South"


Good day gents from the home of the Beatles. Sony announced that Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart is coming to PC on July 26th with the port being handled by Nixxies. This game was heavily marketed as being one of the “SSD Showcase” games but with the wide range of PC hardware it needs to support, how if at all do you guys think the game’s design would change ? Would there be extra loading screens for the rifting between dimensions for example on slower SSDs ? Thanks for all you do and keep on keeping up.

Jimmy G

Hi CDC, How often do you open the trophy menu after one pops to see how many people achieved it? At core moments I find knowing how deep people get into a game fascinating. I’m playing through Horizon: Forbidden West right now and I was absolutely floored to see that only 65% of players went beyond the tutorial level. Thanks and take care, Nate

Ember's Arcade

Hey, gentlemen. I'm sorry in advance for doing this, but Colin solicited poop stories, so I had to contribute. I worked at a 24 Hour Fitness for a few years in college. It was one of the worst experiences of my life largely because of this particular encounter I had with another man's shit. There was an older gentleman who would attend our twice-weekly water aerobics classes. He was decrepit and perpetually angry. Everyone hated him. One morning, a member rushes up to the front desk as the water aerobics class is finishing. She says to me, "there's a turd in the water." Sure enough, there was. After going through the humiliating work of fishing it out and closing the pool down, yet another member rushes up to me to say, "there's been an accident in the men's locker." As I approach the locker room, the smell hits me - the pungent, unforgiving scent of shit. I take a look and see the old man, who had obviously lost control of his bowels, completely covered in shit - his hands, his back, the bench he was sitting on, the door of his locker, his feet - it was everywhere. I was instructed to escort the gentleman to the showers, then to sanitize the affected areas as thoroughly as possible. I earned my $9 that hour. I quit soon after. Cheers, gentlemen!

Caleb Greer

Greetings gentlemen, Colin, can you give us all in the Sacred Symbols audience a brief rundown of some of the major spoken and unspoken rules of the LSM Discord, particularly as it relates to the memes channel? I think this will be a productive and edifying conversation. Thanks


Howdy friends, I've been a Xbox user for the entirety of my gaming life and I feel like the reaction to the PS showcase was a bit disproportionally negative? Yes it was a little bit underwhelming but i've definitely seen worse games showcases before. Would love to hear what you have to say. Thanks for everything duders

Jay Bayles

Hey lads, throwing in my poop story. Years ago I was working a graveyard shift, when I started feeling intense amounts of pain in my abdomen. I ended up in the hospital for a couple days absolutely loaded on morphine while they did tests. Everything was coming up inconclusive so they did a CT scan, discharged me and gave me a full bottle of hydromorphon for the pain. That night I went to karaoke (as you do) at my local dive bar. I knew the staff so when the door guy put his hand up for a high five I went for it, and he jabbed me in the stomach right where the pain spot was. I fell to the floor writhing around in crazy amounts of pain but I still hung out for karaoke cuz I'm a psycho. Long story short, that night and for the next couple of days I was shitting like crazy. The CT scan results came back and it turned out I had a massive poop blockage in my intestine. So the door guy punching me in the stomach actually cleared the blockage and potentially saved my life (he likes to think so)


Hey CDC Quick correction, on last weeks SS you used Jim Cryan quote of wanting a total mindshare several times as an example of part of the showcase being disappointing. But in fact the total mindshare quote came from a leaker “Millie A” who has gotten several things wrong in the past. A recent example being her stating an acquisition being announced at the showcase. Just thought I’d let you know as I’ve seen that mindshare quote all over Twitter and YouTube. Thanks and keep the great discussion flowing.


Hey fellas, I have to comment on the feedback Colin is getting for playing Forspoken over Zelda. I’m GLAD you’re playing Forspoken. I can throw a rock out my window and hit someone with an opinion on Zelda. I’m glad that we get THOUGHTFUL opinions on games that not everyone is playing and gives them a fair shake like Forspoken, Dead Island 2, Evil West, Far Cry 6, Callisto Protocol. Or with random PC games from Dustin and Chris. Keep it up.

Nathan Densley

Hey CDC, I just have to give a huge shout out to Chris for his latest YouTube video. I was laughing the entire length of the video, but when "all those at Chris Ray Gun (trademark)" released an apology donning grammatical snafus and all I laughed so hard I nearly died choking on my nachos. Thank you Chris for bringing death closer, and thank you for the laughs.


Dear Super Stud Squad, I hope this message finds you all in high spirits. I wanted to express my gratitude for the incredible episode of Sacred Symbols Plus featuring Matty, which I recently had the pleasure of watching. As an aspiring game developer, it was an enlightening experience to get a glimpse behind the scenes and hear how things work. However, there is one aspect I was eager to delve deeper into: your decision-making process when selecting game ideas for full production. Being in the midst of prototyping one of my own five game ideas, I'm curious to know if you and Lillymo create multiple prototypes and conduct playtesting before embarking on full-scale production, or if you follow a different game production principle. Your expertise and insights would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for consistently delivering exceptional content, and may you all continue to exude sheer awesomeness! Stay sexy, my friends!


Hey Call In, Dust In, and ChRizz Ray God, With how disappointing this showcase was, why do you think Sony just didn’t remove the filler games and make it a state of play instead. Also why do you think they didn’t show more games like Stellar Blade or Rise of the Ronin (basically games we already know about that they would have no drawback of showing) instead of yet another Final Fantasy 16 and Street Fighter 6 trailer.


Hey CDC, this one is for Chris. Now is the time to pitch Gangsta Quest to Colin.


Hey guys, Just a quick question, did any of you guys realize that the character knack is voiced by the same guy who played Spartan Locke in Halo 5? I just decided to play for the hell of it and it's very uncanny. -Derrek

Adrian Pinter

Hey gang, I’ll keep this brief. Why are there so many PSVR2 games missing platinum trophies? Pavlov, Synth Riders, Demeo, Cosmodread, and Another Fisherman’s Tale are just a few of many that lack a platinum trophy. Do developers not realize that this could help their game sell more copies? Hope you three have a decent day. Take care.


Hey CDC, With Project Q officially announced, what are your thoughts on pricing? The device features a full Dualsense controller, which costs $70 alone, so this thing can’t possibly be less than $150? Can it? -Brert


Hey guys! (said in Daygans old way) The new Sony handheld looks super cool but if it only streams my PS5 what can I really do with it? Colin sounds pumped for this can you give me some use case to sell me on it? To be honest I want it but don’t know why. Thanks for the Barenaked Ladies reference it warmed my Canadian heart


Hey Sacred Symbols Boys, Wario 64 posted on Twitter that Habroxia 2 is available on Xbox Games With Gold in Korea. Mind sharing any insight as to how that was worked out? Or even better, what we all really wanna know ... how much was the check? Thanks, guys. Something, something chicken.


Hey there sacred gents. This week it was confirmed who is (and maybe more importantly who is NOT) working on the MGS3 remake. The last debunking of the rumor that Bluepoint was working on a Bloodborne remake indicated that THEY were working on the snake eater remake. Learning that they are not has me VERY hopeful that they are indeed heading down to yharnam. Thoughts? What else truly makes sense for this team right now? Surely not that horizon zero dawn remaster rumor... Cheers from newly renamed Fort Cavazos, Texas.


Hi guys, with Rachel & Clank coming to PC next month, if gamers are able to to run the game off SD cards in their steam decks, is it time to call Sony out on their BS marketing of “only possible on PS5”?

Big titty drinker

Hey CDC, I wanted to get your opinions on what you think the core PlayStation gamers feel is on the live service direction they are pushing so hard into. By 2025 PlayStation is planning to have an investment split of 60/40 live service to traditional games model. For me personally this is disappointing as I have no interest in games as a service and will not even try these games no matter what even if they are good for what they are. For the longest time I thought I was in the minority of players that felt that way, however following that abysmal showcase I saw a lot of people have the same apathetic energy toward these kinds of games as I do. Watching you guys' recap of the show Chris and Dustin seemed surprised that people were so negative on games like Marathon and others in the PlayStation community and Colin echoed a point that I think rings really true... there is segment of the fanbase that has a serious aversion to almost anything that isn't single player focused. (I fall into that.) My question is this, do you guys think this is going to be a problem for Sony down the line when trying to get these live service games off ground in terms of player engagement? What I mean by this is that from what I see most people that play live service games have their game that they play and that's it. Can Sony realistically expect to pull players away from the games they are already committed too? I don’t think so. At that point you need your core fanbase to really get behind these games and hype them up to draw others in, but is that even possible when a significant part of your base is completely against these types of games? Personally, I think these games are going to bomb and they are going to pivot away from this approach.


Hey guys, What are the chances that the reason Spider-Man 2 doesn’t have a release date is because they are waiting to surprise announce it is coming to ps4 as well? Seems like many of the bells and whistles like RT reflections could simply be turned off like the previous game. To my eye this game visually looks less impressive than LoU2 or Horizon Forbidden West on my ps4 pro…


Sup CDC. When did Warhammer become big? I'm serious. It seems like the last few games around the IP have been bangers (Boltgun, Darktide, etc.). I've seen more hype around 40k now than ever. Are there any other IPs that seem like they're on the fringes that you guys want to see breakout? Also, follow up: I feel like not calling the genre Doomer Shooter instead of boomer shooter is a missed opportunity. Anyway, thanks for all you guys do, and Colin, keep trying to find that sweet spot, 'kay?

Ed Cruzat

Hello gents, This question is geared towards Colin, but Chris and Dustin, please chime in if you can. With the upcoming release of the Project Q streaming device, Colin, have you ever dabbled with the Logitech gcloud? I believe Matty had a favorable review on it and I'd love to hear your take. I'm expecting a baby girl this summer and I'm debating on waiting for the Q, or just pulling the trigger on the G Cloud to get as much gaming as I responsibly can. I appreciate all the amazing content you and everyone work hard on, awesome to hear you all keep growing!


Morning Gents, One thing I noticed and bothers me is when people write in and regurgitate one of your takes but pose it as their own unique thought. Not saying that multiple people can’t have the same opinion, but people will re-write a whole ass Colin take word for word, but phrase it as an original thought. Good day Gentle-Men


Hey guys, This isn’t really a question but more of a topic I think is important for some of the younger listeners of the podcast. There’s been a lot of talk about 70 dollar games being too expensive for some people and that it’s fundamentally unfair. The hard truth is that if you truly cannot afford a $70 video game and you are above the age of 18, you should be devoting more time to your career/job/field and spending less time on games. Gaming is a hobby. It’s a great one, but it’s an entertainment product to enjoy after your work is done and you’ve completed you responsibilities. Don’t let any hobby consume large amounts of your time if you cannot support yourself or those you love. Sorry for the rant. Probably won’t get read but wanted to get it off my chest.


Hey CDC,

Rob Kvasne

Dear Sacred bois, Wario64 spilled the beans! Lilymo's own Habroxia 2 is available on the Korean Games with Gold service. Honestly it's the first GWG related tweet I can even remember in recent times. I'm sure there have been GWG tweets, but they certainly were not memorable. That's exciting stuff and I'm excited for all the people that get to play, but what big ole dorks like me want to know is what can you say about this deal? And more interesting than that, what type of details can you not share? Keep up the great work guys! All of this content lately has me wishing there was an eighth day in the week!


Hey Sacred gents, I recently arrived at my gym having to poop as much as one could. I rushed inside and when I reached the bathroom stalls, they were both occupied. There was no time to find somewhere else, and there was only one thing I could think to do; besides shitting my pants. I rushed to the nearest shower, removed my clothes, entered the stall, and shat out at least one gallon of soft serve over the shower drain. Frantically, I began smashing the poo down the drain with my right hand, while my left hand used the detachable shower head to OK Corral the feces pieces that were attempting to escape out of the shower. Within just half a shitty minute, it was all over and I left there a more depressed and much less civilized human being. What do you guys think you would have done in that situation? Thanks for keeping me company over the years and providing the best gaming podcasts out there, Coco Daniels III


Good day CDC, With the recent success of Street Fighter 6 earning a 93 on Metacritic as of the time of writing, can we finally say that Capcom is not only the greatest modern Japanese developer out there but also the greatest modern video game Publisher as well? I just don't see this Company taking any L's as of late and would go so far as to say their on par of Playstation first party studios in terms of quality, what say you?

Remington Wilson

Hey Fellas, am I psychopath for not wanting to buy Alan Wake 2, a game I’m super hyped for, because it’s digital only?


Hey CDC, I was wondering what your ideal gaming setup is? I sit at a desk all day for work, so when my wife and I purchased our house last year we turned a room into an office/media room. Now when I come home I can sit in my comfy recliner and not feel like I’m back at work at my desk. Do you currently have your ideal gaming setup? Thanks Rahcaz


Hey CCD (Sorry Dustin, you don't get to jump rank in the initial order), How do you determine when to discuss or cover something from an objective vs. subjective lens? Colin, I remember you talking about writing video game reviews in light of the Filip Miucin IGN news, and I'm paraphrasing, but you said something along the line of, 'You play a game and write down how it made you feel.' How does this apply to covering the most recent PlayStation showcase or news in general? In last week's episode, you alluded to the showcase being rated a "D" for the things you cared about, but it sounded like you were trying to cover it objectively. Quite frankly, I am not here, most of the time, for your objective view; I am here to listen to "how it made you feel." Thanks, Mike from Minneapolis


How does one (without a degree) enter the industry? Publishers/Studios/press, whatever it may be, fuck, help


Colin, last week you told one of our own he was a woman for drinking pornstars. I just wanna point out if that makes me a woman then I guess them the brakes. I'm a 31 year old man who recently just discovered pornstars martinis and holy fuck are they tasty. I wanna support redappletobacco in his objection to drinking gasoline aka old fashions. I should also add that I to found myself ordering a old fashioned recently specifically after you talked them up only to be reminded how much I dislike them. I think telling you to stand down is a little to aggressive, certainly for this Canadian. That being said let us enjoy our pornstars please & thank you. Carry on

Joshua Jones

Hey CDC, Quick poop question… is standing to wipe acceptable? My friend swears by it, and I can’t abide. He has to be leaving some smear, right?!


Hello CDC, Now that the showcase has settled in for a bit... What do you three make of Foamstars? Square Enix once again chasing the live service bag is a baffling move after recent and past failures in that field. Have a great day gents and hopefully you all give Spider-Verse 2 a look, the original movie was amazing.


SUBJECT: MGS3 Delta Good Day, Sacred Cucks! At first, I found the reveal for the MGS 3 remake underwhelming. After giving it some time and reviewing the few screenshots available on Konami's website, I'm beginning to have hope for this Kojima-less Metal Gear. Hear me out. When we first heard the MGS3 remake rumors, most of us imagined a FF7R or RE4 remake level reimagining. God knows, MGS 3 kind of needs it. But after seeing the screen shots, it's clear they are going for a much more faithful, less elaborate remake. Which I think can actually be a good thing. Doing a big reimagining without Kojima sounds impossible. I feel like just giving the original game a graphical overhaul, streamlining the UI, and making each area connect without loading, is their best bet. Even small enhancements from the 3DS version like letting Snake crouch walk are huge improvements. MGS 3 is one of my all time favorite games and I'm really hoping this remake isn't shit balls ass. Thanks!


Greetings CDC (Center for Dagan Control) Just upped my patronage to the sweet nectar spot that is 5$ a month but something was on my mind. Colin you've made mention of the growing success of the business lately, but do you ever fear any loss of intimacy with the audience if a day comes where the business is twice as big in viewership. With an ever growing list of inquiries with every sacred thread I was curious if you had any ideas in how to maintain that audience connection while having a bigger load on your plate (OH). No doubt you'll keep a tight ship but I thought about probing your mind when it comes to maintaining this wonderful community and the product you and the boys have made.


Hey Sacred crew, while this is a question for Colin. After finishing Forspoken and writing my review, I came to a realization: although being marketed and promoted in the media, the names Gary Whitta and Amy Henning are MISSING ENTIRELY from the game's credits. Not a single mention, although the writing team consisted of two members, whose IMDB and Moby Games data shows lack of experience in writing for games and - to be honest - not too much experience is story crafting at all. In my text I highlighted this with the connection to the emptiness of the world. Would love to hear what you think about this. All the best from Poland. Tomasz. PS. This is somehow related to your conversation with Matty and how the writing connects with game development - I don't agree, but that is maybe for a longer conversation :)


Hey CDC, I’ve been thinking a lot recently about major blockbuster releases and marketing campaigns for games since the meteoric launch of Zelda: TotK. The one that always comes to mind was the launch of Halo 3, which was the biggest release in entertainment history at the time. The “Believe” ad campaign was an entertainment juggernaut and produced famous trailers like the “Starry Night” Super Bowl commercial and was worked on by renowned studios like Weta Workshop. Major snack/ fast food brand deals and mainstream media coverage, such as from The New York Times, made this game impossible to ignore in the lead up to launch in 2007. Then when it did launch it did so with a huge midnight launch party next to Times Square. While we have seen many greater game launches (especially according to sales figures), I’m not sure if we’ve ever seen a complete entertainment titan like this. Now that I’ve basked in the nostalgia of mine, what are your favorite video game launches? The ones you still love to think about to this day.


Hello Gentlemen, This is my first month on patreon, the soul purpose of subscribing was to thank the three of you for unintentionally helping me. I'm a 250 pound heavy weight of a human and have always struggled with my weight and getting off of my ass to do exercise but thanks to your podcast keeping me company during training I completed a charity hike of 60km a few weeks ago, something I never thought possible. That being said I was stunned when subscribing to your patreon how much god damn content is on here. The value for money has made me cancel my YouTube premium sub to stay here instead. One last thing, apologies, Dustin...Please play koudelka, it's the best psx rpg in the land and it kills me that nobody ever seems to talk about it. The voice acting is the best psx ever had to offer. Incredible game. Ok thank you bye.


To the mighty CDC, You often talk about some of the best years in gaming. Like 1998 with MGS, Ocarina, RE 2 & Half Life. Or 2007 woth Halo 3, Bioshock, Crysis, Uncharted, Super Mario Galaxy & Cod 4. But can I enter an early case for 2023 being the best year in a long while. Were about to tick into the midpoint of the year and we have so many notable games already released like Dead Space Remake, Hogwarts Legacy, Re4 remake, Jedi Survivor & Zelda Tears of the Kingdom. And with the 2nd half bringing Diablo 4, FF16, Starfield, Armoured Core 6 and Spiderman. Any one of these has a case for being a GOTY contender. Is this a truly great year in gaming, backlog from the covid years, or just us being jaded the past dreary years. Thanks for the content and have a great day!

Robbie Cooper

Hey Guys!!! I would just like to know your opinion of can you enjoy your job too much? I mow lawns and landscape 5 hours a day 7 days a week after I get off my main job as a side gig. I love cutting grass and being outside so much that I now play lawn mowing simulator at night to relax. My girlfriend thinks this is borderline insane but what do you guys think? Thanks as always-Robbie

Jeffrey Willingham

What’s up CDC? Colin, since your amazing interview with Ken (well done), I started going back and playing the bioshock games again. Colin I understand you may know too much to really speak about the game, but what are some things Chris and Dustin would like to see in Judas?


Colin, Recently on Knockback you discussed the Final Fantasy I, and in particular the soundtracks of games. You mentioned you don't feel the soundtrack is as important in modern 3d games compared to 2d games. In particular you mentioned 3d games soundtracks are often additive and a person wouldn't notice it's there, but would notice it if it was missing. I advise you to prepare your ears for Final Fantasy XVI. Masayoshi Soken is a musical genius and you are less than a month away from hearing what AAA game soundtracks should be like in 3d games. His music and sound design really has the power to transform a game into something special, and you will notice it when it's there.

Remington Wilson

What up boys, Is anyone else starting to get skeptical of the MG3 remake? It was announced that not only is KOJIMA not involved, but they are using the same dialogue voice lines from the original game? No new VO seems like a major red flag. Thanks and stay well.


Hey CDC. Long time listener but first time writing in. I’m just intrigued to hear your thoughts on Sony’s reluctance to release their first party games day and date on PC. I appreciate Xbox are doing it because they’re behind but surely having games available to more people is only a good thing? If Sony went down the launcher route then they’re still getting their full 100% but they’re opening their games up a much wider audience. We all know that console sales themselves don’t drive the profit so why not just get on PC from the start Do you think they’re testing the water by releasing games like Rift Apart years later or is this the best we’re going to get from Sony? Thanks for taking my question and for giving us so much fantastic content. I’m going to hang up now and listen to what you guys have to say


Hello lads. Could 2023 be the biggest year we've ever had for horror games? We kicked off the year strong with two fantastic remakes in the forms of Dead Space and Resident Evil 4. A new entry in the critically acclaimed Amnesia series is launching next week. We have the asymmetrical Texas Chainsaw Massacre game coming in August - which just had a positively received technical test take place over the weekend. Finally, in October, we'll be treated to Alan Wake 2 and the THQ Nordic published reimagining of Alone in the Dark. Not to mention Sons of the Forest and The Outlast Trials, which have both had successful launches on PC and will be coming to PlayStation in the future. What do you guys think? I can't remember a time when there's been this many quality horror titles coming out back to back. It definitely feels like a fantastic time to be a horror fan. Thanks for your continued hard work!

Ross Winyard

Hello SS crew. Reflecting on the VR support (or lack thereof) announced in the recent games showcase got me thinking. With the success of the switch and, more recently, handhelds such as the Steam Deck, would Sony's efforts not have been better spent creating a viable handheld? It seems like this would be easier from a software standpoint as they could work on ports of their back catalogue as well as certain, less intensive PS5 games, maybe relying on streaming for those the handheld could not handle natively. Whereas with VR they need to create completely bespoke software. Also, VR2 is further restricted by being reliant on PS5 for rendering. Meaning any VR enthusiasts would need to buy both, raising the cost of entry massively for those not interested in flat screen gaming. A handheld could work both as a companion peice of hardware and a standalone unit. What say you? Would you have rather had a proper handheld over the VR2 and upcoming Q-Lite? Or have Sony made the right choices with their hardware development? Thanks for the frankly insane output and value for money you continue to provide. It's a rare day I don't have LSM voices in my earbuds so you have officially achieved Cryin' Jim's TOTAL MINDSHARE.


Hi holy men. How about that showcase it was so terrible I’ve decided to sell my PlayStation 5 and buy a xbox series x. What are your thoughts about bungie saying to naughty dog “your game ain’t it and it’s time you take it out back to stop the suffering” but seriously though I thought your conversation with the iron lords on ILP was interesting. some theories that Colin and ILP brought up which I think factions could still be a good game with bungie basically saying “it does not have the legs for a live service” meaning could we have a halo infinite situation where the gameplay is fun but bare bones for content and as lord sov put it does bungie’s idea for a live service game need to be the template for all Sony’s games moving? Have a great rest of the week highest of all holy men. P.s im not serious about selling my ps5and I already have XSX. that showcase wasn’t bad just average yet if I didn’t know about marathon before hand I might of been more hype.

Kurt Lewin

Hey CDC With the news about The Last of Us Factions multiplayer not being in the best state, do you think Sony should cancel the project? Seeing as Sony has purchased studios to specifically work on multiplayer live service games, why don't they let Naughty Dog specialise in what they do best? Single player narrative games. I respect that the Last of Us multiplayer was well received but it didn't have the same longtail like other more successful multiplayer games and so I'm not confident that it will end up being the money spinner Sony might hope it to be, even with Bungies help. Looking forward to your trip to the UK whenever that may be.


Hey Holes, So it's been reported that Yuji Naka will, in fact, serve some time in the slammer. Is this karmic justice for unleashing Sonic AND Balan Wonderworld onto us? How do you imagine him dealing with the Yakuza in the Japanese prison system? Will he join? Will he drop the soap? Imagine him covered in Yakuza tattoos but still wearing that iconic Balan top hat. Thanks for your time, boys. God Bless.

Card Captor Corey

Hey CDC, My question is regarding the game Humanity. It's great and an excellent addition to the PlayStation library. Enhance games has made Rez, Tetris effect and Humanity have all had agreements with PlayStation associated with them. This is definitely a hole in Sony's resume. Should Sony try to purchase Enhance games?


What's good, Sacred Men? Having seen that Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart is coming to PC this year, is it safe to say that the era of exclusives is truly over? I'm personally pleased by Sony's PC output lately, but it definitely seems like PlayStation isn't the 'only place to play' anymore. Thoughts? Keep on, keeping on boys.

Jim Miller

Whats crackerlacking my sacred darlings, this question is for big C, Colin you often do the southern man voice with the phase "We have a saying down here in Georgia.." but I've yet to find any evidence of this clips exidence. So my question is what news channel arcives do I have to venue into to find this piece of sarced lore? Thanks and you know what, smack the chicken.


Hey Sacrum Symbiotes, With the reveal of the Spider-Man 2 gameplay at the PlayStation Showcase, there are already some hit pieces circulating online diminishing the footage with comments like “beautiful but not a generational leap” and “seems more of the same.” When this comes off the back of a seemingly full defense force articles for Zelda with points like “60fps isn’t needed, “happy to see same map,” “graphics and power aren’t important,” is it safe to say there is never going to be a true objective standard for game reviews and discussion? I understand that video games are subjectively judged, and I have been enjoying Tears of the Kingdom overall, but I see quite a bit of lashing out towards bother Spider-Man 2 and Final Fantasy XVI in almost a pre-GOTY campaign for Zelda from games journalists. Thanks for all the great content and easy up while chickening that rooster’s grundle gromit!


Hey Fellers, I hope all is well with you. Have you guys seen the latest investigation from YouTube channel People Make Games? It’s all about the Disco Elysium scandal. Including interviews with the main players and those who have worked and currently still work at the studio. I highly encourage all of you to watch it, if you haven’t yet. Best, Joey


Hey CDC, How the hell do you guys play scary games? I’m trying to make it through the beginning of RE7 and can’t do it without shitting myself. I played and finished RE4- absolutely loved it. Trying to make my way through the rest of the series.


Hey sacred crew, Colin i have a problem. I just finished listening to Punching Up and I have to say Dustin knocked it out of the park. My issue is at the end when the producer level Patreon peoples get there names read out loud you jump in and shit on Dustin and read the names. Colin young sir it’s time for you to stand down because Dustin is Punching Up!


Hey cdc, I have one question, did you see the vidoc on marathon? It looks good but they put up the pronouns of each person talking during it. Wtf was that? I lean left but I thought that was a bit much.

Adam Belgharbi

Hi oozing goopy slimy cummy boys, This one is mainly for Colin, I've heard you joke about being autistic a couple of times and I'm starting to get confused. Are you actually autistic? On the one hand, your gaming habits are profoundly autistic and your strong reactions to Sonic as a character do make your autism claims believable. However, on the other hand, you understand social cues and all of your guests to a very high degree. So, the million dollar question: Are you autistic?


Hey CDC, I have a huge question! Why is everyone acting like this is the end of PlayStation just because their Showcase was disappointing? Should I add they are still selling a huge amount of the PS5 console!! Thanks for making Fridays great again! Chris from Michigan!


Dear Sacred Symbols: A PlayStation Podcast, Have you guys played with your PSVR2's lately? Walkabout Mini Golf is great.

Joseph La Russa

Hey fellas, quick correction: Colin said last week that Spiders is with Focus Home Interactive, but that's not true. Their previous arrangements were for publishing their games, but Spiders is presently owned by French publisher Nacon (previously Bigben Interactive) after being acquired in 2019. Keep on trucking, boys!


Hey guys, Colin often mentions his deep hatred for Final Fantasy 10, but hasn’t elaborated on what specifically he hates about it so much. Mind filling us in on why you deem it the worst FF game Colin? Thanks for all the great work boys!


Hey guys, I know the three of you are not interested in playing Diablo 4, but is there a plan to invite someone to help cover the launch or even review discussion in the coming weeks with a sacred symbols +?


Hello Scared Men, This one is mainly for Colin. I saw Wario 64 tweet out that Habroxia 2 was on xbox games with gold in Korea. So congratulations to that! How did this deal play out? Did you go to Microsoft, or did they reach out to you? Why only Korea? And do you feel it was a satisfying deal? Many thanks.


That showcase was actually terrible

Chuck Rude

Hello Crooked Colin and Sleepy Chris. I don’t have any poop stories for you, but I do have a urine question. Once at a party, my brother was running from the cops and got hit with a taser. He then ripped it out of his leg and ran away to a friend’s house seven miles away. He hit three barbed wire fences on this run and also passed out briefly in the woods where he got poison ivy. He definitely pissed himself that night also, but he claims it was when he was shocked by the taser and not when he was passed out in the woods. I think he may be lying. What do you think?