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UPDATED NOTE: The new version is now attached to this post with Colin's fixed camera. If you were kicked out of the old post, sorry. New video is here!

For your viewing pleasure.

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Showcase Showdown | Sacred Symbols: A PlayStation Podcast, Episode 255

Unbelievably, the moment has finally come: A PlayStation showcase draws near. By the time the hour-plus event concludes, it'll have been more than 600 days since the last showcase in '21. In other words, Sony simply has to bring the heat, and we suspect they will. This week, let's take the time to dissect PlayStation's potential first, second, and third party plans for its mid-gen coming-out, and get into some other news in the ecosystem, too, including the reveal of a Mortal Kombat reboot and strong indications that Grand Theft Auto VI is nearing its end-phase of development. Listener inquiries help us explore other interesting topics as well, including nudity in games, Sony's potential to sell Zelda-like numbers, and how we "earn" our gaming time. Colin also nails himself in the nuts mid-show, much to everyone's delight. Watch An Evening with Last Stand II now: https://www.patreon.com/posts/evening-with-ii-80483739 MERCH: https://laststandmedia.store Follow the hosts on Twitter! Colin: https://twitter.com/longislandviper Chris: https://twitter.com/ChrisRGun Dustin: https://twitter.com/DustinCanFly A new episode of Sacred Symbols: A PlayStation Podcast launches each Friday morning. To receive instant access, as well as other perks, please support the show on Patreon at http://patreon.com/LastStandMedia Get 20% off at https://www.liquidiv.com and use code Sacred This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at https://www.betterhelp.com/symbols and get on your way to being your best self Timestamps: 0:00:00 - Introduction 0:16:05 - Are Trophy hunters pedophiles? 0:22:42 - Punching Up!0:33:27 - Will our Patreon price ever go up? 0:39:13 - Correction 0:39:38 - PlayStation Showcase - May 24th 0:56:52 - Project Leonardo is now The Access Controller 1:04:22 - Sega is considering raising prices 1:19:32 - CD Projekt has suffered layoffs in Boston 1:24:22 - GTAVI is likely coming in fiscal year 2025 1:32:36 - Telltale’s The Expanse has been dated and detailed 1:37:17 - Crash Bandicoot’s original voice actor has died 1:39:16 - The Saudi government owns 9% of Electronic Arts 1:39:30 - Assassin’s Creed’s workforce is getting more developers 1:45:08 - EA’s new college football game will include real players 1:48:22 - What’s going on with Overwatch 2? 1:56:33 - What have we been playing? 2:42:19 - Deviation Games has suffered layoffs 2:53:09 - Mortal Kombat 1 has been confirmed 2:59:06 - New sales data has been revealed for April 3:01:12 - Will PlayStation ever see numbers like Nintendo?3:08:13 - Do people actually hate IGN? 3:22:24 - Earning your playtime 3:32:42 - When will we see more DELUXE EDITION EARLY ACCESS games? 3:37:24 - Is it worse for a game to be boring at the beginning, the middle, or the end?3:42:41 - Do we mind nudity in games?



The thumbnail really giving me “Star Wars ghosts at the end of return of the Jedi” vibes

P Wolly

Salute to Colin's balls


Thank you for the episode guys, have a swell weekend.


I heard that LSM now has a Nintendo podcast. Very cool if true.


Dustin is out here working every single day.

Walker Simmons

Death Stranding fans rise up. That announcement trailer for DS2 was amazing I hope we get more details at the showcase it's definitely one of my most anticipated games


As someone that grew up in ADHD meds I cannot express how much that shit messes with your creativity. I'm way happier having learned to mitigate the downsides of having ADHD through excersize, meditation and supplementation. I don't think we're meant to be on what is essentially meth amphetamine for our entire lives... It just can't be good for you ultimately. If you get the generic form of Adderall it literally says "amphetamine salts" on the bottle. I would recommend Colin stay away from it. Just my two cents haha


Okay, Colin sold me... We need Punching Up to be daily. My worst work days of the week are the days that you guys don't put anything out. 😢😂


I was hoping the still of Colin's camera was going to be the the moment of the nut popper from earlier in the episode 🤣

Colton McKinney

One thing I’ll say about the showcase is that I’m going to be EXTREMELY disappointed if they show what Team ASOBI is working on and it ends up being PSVR2 only.

Luke Douglas

That Luke Douglas guy writing in about the “Last Stand cooch” sounds like a really disturbed individual.

Michael Miller

“People who play Overwatch are perverts” Says the trophy hunting pedophile😜

Raul Menendez

Just wanted to chime in on the stuff Chris was talking about regarding medication and your brain. It's been a while since I graduated from university but I'm pretty sure what he said about medication allowing you to train your brain to re-establish connections and/or produce certain neurotransmitters is the exact opposite of what happens. For example, the increased serotonin production that follows taking something like cocaine actually makes your brain less likely to produce serotonin on its own which is part of how addiction forms and why people taking certain drugs will have a blunted affect or really shitty moods. The body is highly adaptive and it will stop doing something if it doesn't need to do it. I would consider other means of blocking out distractions such as browser extensions, desktop apps or just rigorous self-discipline before going down the medication path unless your problem has reached a critical point where you can't function throughout your day.


Appreciate Colin's comments regarding Patreon and his business approach. As someone who originally supported Kinda Funny and then jumped ship in 2017, it's kinda nuts to see what they're asking for out of their supporters these days. Just at a glance, the amount of show bloat they have is overwhelming. LSM has found a real sweet spot in my opinion. Happy to continue supporting!


Colin. I don’t get how you can play Forspoken or dead island 2. And not TOTK. I get it’s not Zelda to you. But this game is a masterpiece beyond comparison. Give it 5 hours. I get I’m being that A hole right now. But goodness, to play games like forspoken but not even give Zelda a chance is WILD to me.

Luke Silletta

On the weight loss topic. I started keto this week and I'm absolutely fucking miserable. Although this extreme diet does work I hate it soo much. Its a bit of an extreme measure to drop weight quickly just through diet. Then you try to maintain the weight you lost but god damn... your food options are limited and you are just DESPERATE for carbs and sugar...

thor magnusson

The first three weeks will be miserable, but then you adjust, and begin to see results, just persevere, it will be worth it. What your feeling is standard, if dieting was easy, everyone would do it...


The keto flu is real. I only did it for a few months, but it's tough. I'm still glad I tried it. Keto taught me to really pay attention to nutrition labels. It's helped a lot going forward, I avoid a lot of foods now that I used to think were healthy.


very strong second to this, I had an identical experience. I absolutely hated the way that shit made me feel. I just learned to manage it on my own and make it work for me over time.

Sean McClary

Colin, sorry about your crushed grapes. I’m going through a similar pain dealing with a 2-week long kidney stone nightmare. I’m not sure if you or your Sacred sons have ever experienced kidney stones but holy fuck, it’s like a constant flick to the sack every god damned second. If not for the highly addictive painkillers, I wouldn’t have made it. Today, I finally had my surgery to shatter the 5mm beast from Hates but I’m here to let you know the face you made, I felt that deep down in my soul. Take care and stop crossing your legs.


If tears of the kingdom had trophies he would 100 percent play it. He doesn’t play games for the experience anymore


it's because he's obsessive. Doesn't play anything that doesn't have trophies. If there is some reactionary narrative around something that also influences his opinions. It's why he's excited for hogwarts but won't try jedi survivor (despite him liking the first game)

Colton McKinney

Colin, I think the reason there’s not a very vocal minority of people bashing Nintendo games is because for the most part they aren’t trying to be political with their games. I’m a fairly liberal person and frankly don’t give a shit what people do with their lives but with the Burning Shores lesbian stuff I was like “of course she’s lesbian”. I don’t let it effect me or bother me like it seems to bother others, but I can certainly see why people could be getting tired of it. Nintendo just makes fun video games for people to enjoy without worrying about trying to make political statements. I’m not a big Nintendo guy so I could be wrong about this. Just my thoughts from the outside looking in.

Luke Silletta

I'm most likely not going to stick with it. I'm only about 30 pounds overweight so I could try other things. My cousin got me onto this but he's like 200 pounds overweight. I think I can try less extreme ways to lose weight.


It's interesting to hear Colin talk about being a CEO of an exploding company vs wanting to just write and create the same week Linus stepped down as CEO of LTT (and hired a new one) for that exact reason. I think it's natural for creatives in your positions to feel this way. Best of luck in continuing to navigate as LSM keeps growing, if anyone can do it, it's you.

Joseph Gedgaudas

Chris named Spider-Man as the last great video game ending, but I no recollection of how it ended.


Last of us 2 has a great ending. Jedi survivor ends good. Re4 remake ends great.

Walker Simmons

Colin playing Forspoken while the others are playing Zelda Is hilarious to me


It’s definitely a great ending, but there have been other great ones since then as well.

Joseph Gedgaudas

A great ending to me is one I’ll never forget, something like Bioshock, so I can’t put Spider-Man on that level.

Frank G.

Jimmy Ryan has the excuse to once again, tell the world, he's playing the latest and greatest exclusive, from Insomniac studios.

Gooch Gobbler

Watched the first episode of Chris Chan and it was pretty boring, should I stick with it?

Michael Robinson

As someone who has tried BOTW twice, for about 20 hours both times, I do understand why he's just not into it. I understand why it bothers people, but I like that we have 3 different types of gamer on Sacred Symbols.

Keith Huntington

am i out of turn by saying that at 3mil/day in revenue, that gta6 by all metrics should actually be free? ok... i'll go stand in the corner now 😬😬

Zack Fair

Oh Colin! You're not the only one who likes a Old fashioned and all the way from old blighty. It's my go to drink

Raymond keys

The part when Colin squashed his testicle has me in tears 🤣🤣🤣

Aaron Barnes

Oh man when big Daddy Colin squishes his nuts 😖🤢🤮 a feeling I'm all too familiar with. But it brought up a shocking memory of being at the Folsom Street Fair in San Fran and guys were tied to poles naked with a sign to hit them in the nuts, WTF is with that?