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Submit your questions, comments, concerns, thoughts, and ideas for this week's episode of Sacred Symbols in this thread.

As always, please keep your inquiries well-written and pithy. Novels, poorly-written posts, etc. are politely ignored.

You have until Thursday, May 18th at noon ET to submit.

Talk to you soon!



Hello my dudes! In one of the last SS+ you discussed the possibility of a new Playstation All Stars Battle Royale, but I couldn't help but notice your admiration for the Marvel vs Capcom series. Well, what if Sony and Capcom got together to make a Playstation vs. Capcom, in the mold of MvC, but without the involvement of Marvel, who has made the licensing issues a headache for Capcom? It would be great to see a character from Beath of Fire together with Wild Arms, Nathan Drake vs. Leon or Ellie against someone from Rivals Schols.Thanks again for the great work and congratulations to Dustin for the new program!


Hello gentlemen, What's the most bombastic thing PlayStation could do at their showcase? Best wishes, Dimitric


Hey Sacred dude, Do you think that the PS5 is about to peak in 2023? We're 3 years into the life cycle of the console and traditionally it's around this point where we have seen devs really pushing hardware and showing what it can do. Games like Dead Space and the upcoming FF16 looks the part don't they? Are we at that sweet spot yet or have we yet to see the best from PS5? Thanks fellas! Ps congrats on the launch of Punching Up. Great addition to the LSM line-up.

Micah Locke

Hello Sacred Men, The PvE mode for Overwatch 2 has been officially cancelled. This means that about 7 years after the launch of Overwatch 1, the second game is essentially just a large multiplayer patch on the original. I know that games are bigger and more detailed than ever, but the AAA teams are also bigger and the technology is also better. Why is it so difficult now for developers to release games at a reasonable rate? Thank you, The Real Micah

Stephen Forgione

Hi CDC, hope all is well. At 2:51:40 on last week’s show you mentioned 2018’s Shadow of the Tomb Raider was from “now-defunct Eidos Montreal”. Eidos Montreal is still around and rumored to be assisting Playground Games with Fable. I’m sure you were most likely thinking of Square Enix Montreal, which was also in the Embracer deal with Eidos and Crystal Dynamics. They were were responsible for the LaraCroft/DeusEx/Hitman Go games. Those guys rebranded as Onoma for about a week and were shut down last year. Have a great weekend, take care.


Hey Colon, Kris, and Justin. All the Chris Chan talk convinced me to give the docuseries a try and I gotta say, holy shit I’m hooked. Would you consider doing a small update each week as you’re watching? Maybe even draw your own Sonichu comic? All jokes aside, the content has been amazing recently. The first episode of Punching Up was great and I’m so happy that Dustin is hosting his own show. Don’t ever stop making sweet marital love to that chicken.


Hey Gents, Is PlayStation at the point in their history where they're should go into their back catalog and start remaking IP and Franchises much like SquareEnix with FFVII and Capcom with Resident Evil? Could this be a solution to "bringing back" old franchises many of us crave like InFamous and Resistance? Thanks! Adam Dietzman


Hello Sacred Men, Question for the trophy enthusiast. What do you think about boosting trophies in games? More specifically old games that are being shut down. Currently I am in a Discord group to complete all the online trophies for Battlefield Bad Company on the PS3. Getting 10,002 kills is ridiculous but after a month of boosting so far, I should be done by the time this podcast airs. Back in 2019, I was in another group to complete all the Uncharted 2 and 3 online DLC trophies, when NaughtyDog announced their shutdowns, which took a month each to complete.


Hey all! I tend to have a very addictive personality when it comes to gaming, I will put 50 or 100 hours into a game over a week or 2 (usually booking a couple days off of work for big releases) and then never have the desire to play it that much ever again. This is the opposite to some friends I have who can play the same game for months in very short bursts. Do you guys play your games obsessively or are you happy to put a couple of hours in over the week for long periods? Thanks for all the content! Much love from the UK.

Josh Bailey

Hey CDC, Which major publisher will be the first to either eschew or significantly delay a physical release for a AAA title in favor of digital?


Hello Sacred Men of the Kingdom, Zelda is taking the world by storm and with people surely writing their next 4 hour video essays on how it revolutionizes the open world genre, is it fair to judge open worlds like Horizon or Ghost of Tsushima for not being more like Zelda or Elden Ring? It seems like their is a clear divide between open world styles and I don’t believe one is necessarily better than the other, they are just going for different experiences. Maybe we need a new term to differentiate the two. Thank you for an amazing show


Hello Sacred Fuckers, With the explosion of breath of the Wild, Tears of the Kingdom, and Elden Ring, i’m starting to rethink how we categorize open world games. I almost feel like these three (and I’m sure others) could qualify as a sub genre of open world that prioritizes emergent gameplay while letting the player progress in nearly any direction they go. As someone who is very burnt out on most open world games like Horizon or Assassin’s Creed, I’ve found that the new Zeldas and Elden Ring bring something to the table to keep me coming back. My question is: Would you guys see this design of emergent gameplay and lack of linear direction as a flavor of open-world, or a progression of it?


Sacred Gang, Seeing all these Tears of Kingdom clips has made my excitement for the potential of Death Stranding 2. Expanding on the environmental navigation with maybe some of the Tears of the Kingdom vehicle/contraption building being implemented along with whatever crazy stuff Kojima is cooking up could be super cool, hopefully capturing the zeitgeist the way TOTK has since it’s launch.


Hey CDC, In your interview with Ken Levine, I noticed he had a PS VR 2 box in the background. Do you have any insights on a potential VR version of Judas? Thank you, -Brert


Hey CDC, With the recent film and tv success of Playstation Productions do you think Sony will go back to failed film and TV game adaptations like Ratchet and Clank, and Sly Cooper. Ratchet and Clank's film was a flop, but its production was handled rather poorly. The film was not produced by Sony themselves, but offloaded to a small 3rd party studio and given a direct to DVD film budget of around 20 million. For context, the Angry Birds film (produced by Sony pictures, in 2016) had a budget of over 70 million. Sly Cooper had its adaption canceled halfway into production after the Ratchet flop. Do you think Sony will return to these IP for future film and TV adaptations, or do they consider them tainted goods?


Gentlemen, Just curious if any of you fine fellas got a chance to check out the Diablo IV server slam beta over the weekend. As a fan of the franchise since I was ten playing Diablo II, I was incredibly impressed and actually pre-ordered the Deluxe Edition. If you are looking for a creator who might be able to give a deep dive into Diablo and ARPGs as a whole for SS+, may I suggest Rhykker. He has been my go-to Diablo guy on YouTube for about 4 years now and knows more than anyone. Thanks! -James


Hey CDC, While exploring PS Plus’s Classics Catalogue, I saw that native PS4 games such as The Last of Us Remastered and Destroy All Humans Remake were listed. I know these are remakes and remasters of older games, but it feels a little slimy to me that they’re locked behind the premium tier despite being PS4 skus, especially considering the lack of support for the Classics Catalogue. Am I off base here? Thanks!

Jose Vera

Hola CDC, With a PlayStation Showcase finally announced, wanted to get a gut check? How much first party do you think we see, as well as do they fall for the trap and announce any games that 3 plus years away? Im hopeful we get some type of update on KOTOR remake, if they can pull that off, PS will be feasting for some time. As always much love and please someone control Chris, his comments on Breath of the Wild being a a rough first draft was quite concerning. So much so it jolted Dustin to come in the defense of the stinky switch. Cannot wait to see yall reactions to the showcase, please do a live recording! Take care! - Jose

Buster Crabcakes

Hey gents, Is Sony painting themselves into a corner with narrative-driven, over-the-shoulder RPGlite games dominating the first party? If the market ever cools to this style of game the way it has historically for other subgenres, Sony could be in for a world of hurt, as protracted dev times would make pivoting toward other things very difficult. Shouldn't Sony be diversifying now, before this potentially becomes a problem? All the best!


Your invited

Adam Barnes

Colin, let’s get straight to business. On the recent Dustin and Chris call in show your sons were shit talking platinum trophies and discrediting their relevance as far as gaming cred goes. Surely this calls for some old school patriarchal justice… Go get ‘em.

Raul Menendez

Hey stupid sexy Sacred Symbols, This question is for Colin. After listening to your interview with Ken Levine and hearing you reference themes in different games on the podcast, have you ever considered doing longer analysis videos discussing your favorite games similar to what someone like Max Derrat does? There's so much content about the technical aspects of games on the internet but I feel like there's a dearth of notable or worthwhile content that examines the literary aspect of games. Apologies in advance if this question has been asked before and congratulations on the release of "Punching Up".


Hey baby girl what’s up.


I'm sure there are already loads of showcase related questions already, but I just wanna say I hope we get a Sacred + episode with the guys predictions. Might sound like an obvious one that everyone will do, but would love to hear the guys perspectives as usual

Jeffery Carlson

Hi CDC, Know this is a Playstation pod, but with the likely game of the year just coming out and how the industry loves to play copycat, I think this is a relatively important issue that needs discussion: the infamous Nintendo bump. Tears of the Kingdom has received almost universal praise as all-time classic with near perfect scores across the board. However, if this game was named "Dumb (technical definition) Elf Aimlessly Wanders the Land Clumsily Piecing Together Random Pieces of the Environment" or anything else not Zelda, it's not getting anything higher than 8s (which is still great!). Graphics and performance are atrocious, controls clunky and awkward, and very little (if any) innovation. A game should be rated, imo, for what it is; not what it’s called. In summation, I guess my inquiry is what makes a game a universal masterpiece. Is it the idea of what a game can be or the actual execution and delivery? Thoughts? Thank you for your time, Jeff

Bart Van Geert

Hey Sacred gentlemen, Give us your predictions for the upcoming showcase the 24th of May. Which games do you guys think will be shown? Known upcoming games or/and new ones? Maybe a Factions trailer with a release date? Will the PS5 pro be revealed? PSVR2 games? Or a full reveal of the Q Lite? Give us some wet dreams gents! Thanks for all that you guys do. Greetings from Belgium


Good day lads Last week a listener wrote in about renting being a perk of physical games and It reminded me of a potential perk that hasn’t been floated about in a while on the digital side. Why doesn’t PlayStation sell their digital games at a lower cost than physical? (Referring mainly to new games) Say 60 or 65 instead of 70 To incentivize people to purchase directly from them. I remember the past reasoning being that they weren’t quite ready to alienate the brick and mortars. Is this still the case? Thanks and can’t wait for the showcase!

P Wolly

Boys, I'm 10 ish hours into Final Fantasy VI PR. I now have an airship, Mog, and no fucking clue what I'm supposed to do. I have really loved the game up to this point, but now I'm worried I might bounce off of it because I'd rather not play with a guide open the whole time. I heard Chris on a recent Snark Tank talking about how he has given up (on the game, not life generally). Colin, please tell us: what are we doing wrong? Dustin: will you be giving the game a shot in order to flex on Chris? Thanks and please come to Chicago someday soon!


Sacred 3, What’s one game that absolutely must be at the PlayStation showcase next week? Thanks fellas!


Hey guys, with the showcase finally announced. What 1st party studio do you think will reveal an unannounced title? I think it will be Bluepoint and it's going to be a new uncharted. Thanks guys


Gents the showcase has been announced we are all excited however the question remains do sony come out guns blazing and show gameplay of first party games or do you think we just confirmation of the games to come. This really is a perfect shot for sony to deal the big blow at Xbox would you agree? Keep up the great work looking forward to seeing you someday in Europe or the UK.


Hi-ho Fellas, I'd like to issue a "calm down" on spoilers and Horizon. No spoilers on something that's come out in the last 6 months? Sure. Dustin censoring his thoughts on potential Mass Effect 4 for a 10+ year old ME Trilogy? Insanity. We shouldn't rob quality conversations of today for possible spoilers for a handful of people that might go back 10+ years for a game. Don't nurture that kind of narcissism. Colin you keep talking about Horizon being the most beautiful game, but I've been playing it for the last several weeks... it's not that good looking. Red and brown are the main standouts right now. TLOU 2 is a far better looking game. (I do love the Horizon gameplay loop though) Alright - do what you gotta do. Much love.


Salutations, Sacred Soothsayers! I'm writing in to shoutout Dustin and Colin for Punching Up and the Levine Interview, respectively. With Dagan, Micah, and even Gene Park under Dustin's control, I'm already anticipating the next episode of Punching Up. Thankfully I know exactly when to expect it; I saw the schedule post on Patreon. However, for those that haven't seen (or have but could use a refresh), what does the future schedule hold for us? Cheers, and keep up the exceptional work.


Colin and Chris, I've noticed that you both often discuss your fear of confined spaces and your preference for cremation. Have you considered a somewhat unconventional idea inspired by Dwight (from The Office)? Instead of a traditional burial, perhaps shooting the body with a shotgun prior to burial could be an alternative worth considering. Just envision this scenario accompanied by the Sacred Anthem. I'm curious to hear your thoughts on this suggestion.


Hey Sacred with next week's showcase on the horizon, which game announcements would make it a 10/10 for you respectively? Thanks for all you do


Hello Sacred Boys, With the announcement of the PlayStation showcase this is the last chance to ask this question as blindly as possible while we still don’t know much. What would Spider-Man 2 need added to it or improved for it to reach Uncharted 2 levels of sequel brilliance? Your pal, Matty K


Hey CDC! With the announcement of the next Playstation Showcase, Sony has indicated there will be new PS VR2 games featured in the presentation. I would like to check in on where you three are at in terms of PS VR2 and whether you are excited to see more software for the it? I know Dustin has had fun with the new headset but overall, it doesn't feel like it's really taken off at all in terms of sales and I personally wish Sony would start investing their money elsewhere in the Playstation ecosystem instead of continuing to pursue the VR hardware space. Cheers, Mitchell


Good Evening Gentlemen A bad beginning A boring midsection A disappointing ending Which is most detrimental to a video game? Thank you for so much quality entertainment each week it's difficult to keep up. Love from Canada.

Anthony Palerino

Hey guys, We have a new PlayStation showcase to look forward to. Perhaps I’m reading a little too deep, but the blog post said they’d be showing off “PS5 and PS VR2 games”, with no mention of PS4. Are we finally going to be getting strictly PS5 games from here on out?


This question is for Chris. With Elon Musk announcing that he is going to purge inactive twitter accounts, are you ready to secure the @ChrisRayGun handle before someone else does?


Hey boys, When the topic of renting digital games came up last week, I'm shocked none of you mentioned that Sony tried this when PlayStation Now first launched on PS3. It failed mostly because of how Sony priced the rental incredible small rental period, and they had to pivot to what PS Now became. Do you think if Sony would've handled game rentals better, they'd still be around today instead of Game Pass or PlayStation Plus Extra?


In another timeline Chris Chan went to med school and became the Good Doctor. Imagine the last thing you see before you pass out for surgery is a clay Sonichu medallion dangling in front of your face.


Hello dudes! Congrats on Starting a Nintendo show ! On the topic I’d like to ask what do you guys think about it’s success and the game overall! Specifically Colin and Chris!selling 10 million copies in 3 days is not a joke. Sorry for the Nintendo question


Hey CDC, Later this year my wife and I are going to NYC for the first time. I was wondering if you guys have any good food recommendations for us while we are there. We will primarily be staying in Manhattan, but may venture out if anything is tempting enough. Thanks fellas


Hey CDC, With the PlayStation Showcase next week, What first party could be expect to be there? Naughty Dog, Sucker Punch, Blue point? The big question is will the mighty Dustin get his Blood Borne Remake! P.S. Love the Jim Ryan clip Dustin invented. Thanks Chris from Michigan!


Hey CDC, Not sure if I've left a comment before or not, so maybe I'm a first time long time here. Is there any game that the majority of people predicting the showcase think will show up that you think wont be there? I'm personally skeptical of Death Stranding 2 because I expect to see it at Summer Games Fest for obvious reasons. Thanks, Mike from Massachusetts (and a now Northeastern Alum that met Colin back at Pax 2016)


Hello Sacred Crew. Longtime Listener first time writing in In the past Colin and Chris have expressed a feeling of imposter syndrome when if comes to getting into the Yakuza/Like A Dragon series. My question is, have either of you considered giving Judgement a shot? It isn’t connected to the Yakuza series in most ways other than location, and can be played and enjoyed independently of the Yakuza series. Thanks for all the awesome content you all put out.

Card Captor Corey

I saw Ken Levine's picture for the first time today with your post and thought at first g glance it was Dustin. Dustin are you related to Ken in any way?


Hello CDC, is it time to break a record? Can we get a five hour podcast? Will Chris die half-way through from hunger? The PlayStation showcase is dropping next week, and is over an hour long. That’s a lot of material. Let’s go!!!!


Hey CDC, I’m sure you have likely talked about this to death, however, I’d like to hear your thoughts on the lack of ps5 exclusive games. I find it deeply concerning that to this day, we still only have four true ps5 exclusives. Demon’s Souls Remake, Destruction All Stars, Astro’s Playroom, and lastly, Ratchet And Clank Rift Apart. I understand Sony is still catering to the PS4 generation, but I find it remarkable that this is the state we still find ourselves in. Thoughts? All the best, love you guys.


Yo! CDC At what point will the classic catalogue and perks of PlayStation Plus Premium not be a point of contention with you? As of now there are more than 111 games exclusive to Premium. More than 22 PS1, 24 PS2 and 15 PSP games plus many PS4 versions of PS3 games. There are also currently 53 game trials available. The show often complains about the selection but its important to remember it hasn't even been a year. Of course it can be better but its still growing. I think its awesome that we are getting trophy enabled games that are 20 years old. I would have never expected that. I just wanted you guys to hear some positive feedback from the top tier. Bring on some Ehrgeiz: God Bless the Ring!


Correction for episode 253: When you guys were discussing Sony's upcoming games as a service titles, both Colin and Chris claimed Redfall was a GAAS title. This is not true. The game does not have any micro-transactions, although it will get some DLC.

Jamil Bhatti

Hello Guys, Im from Montreal in Canada and I would like to say today is my first day as a Tier member. You guys are so awesome! Love the energy you bring at every show. Working in a hospital setting everytime I can i watch and listen to your podcast. You bright my day and make me forget about the difficult day ahead. Keep the hard work and looking forward to stay with you guys for many more months! Sending love from Canada


Hello Sacred Stud Muffins, I wanted to ask you all what is a franchise that was well known on PlayStation that deserves a comeback?? In my opinion SSX was a huge franchise that gained popularity on PS2 that I am surprised hasn’t gotten a sequel since the PS3. I can only imagine how beautiful and insane a modern SSX would look. Love all the amazing content and keep staying sexy my banana nut stud muffins!


Hello daddy and children, Do you think Firesprite’s ties to Cloud Imperium could lead to a partnership for Star Citizen/Squadron 42 being announced at the PlayStation showcase? It would be an effective counter to Starfield as its technical prowess completely overshadows it. I could definitely see Sony investing a couple hundred million to see it cross the finish line in exchange for exclusivity rights.


Hello my dudes! Does nudity in games bother you in any way or is it something that you don't even think twice about whenever it appears? I've recently been playing an indie game called Fear and Hunger which is a survival horror dungeon crawler with Eldritch themes. It includes very graphic nudity, with some enemies and NPCs being completely naked or having genitalia slightly showing. I've even encountered an orgy scene (no penetration shown). Even though the art style is not realistic at all, it was still pretty shocking to see a humongous troll penis poking from beneath his loin cloth as I'm fighting him. I've played other games with far more realistic art styles like Cyberpunk and the nudity in those games never bothered me but for some reason I thought Fear and Hunger was slightly egregious with it's open and wanton showing of genitalia.

Rob Kvasne

Dear Sacred Bois, Between my bills, the grocery store, and gas station, I can say with confidence that the LSM Patreon is the only place I go where my money seems to go further year after year! I'm loving all of the content! Punching Up was a real treat on Tuesday! The cast of Dustin, Micah, Gene, and Dagan had a fantastic maiden voyage. Gene was such a pleasant surprise, but dare I say the inclusion of Dagan was the greatest surprise of them all. My bumper sticker may read Moriarty/ Ray Gun 24, but 2023 has clearly been the year of Dagan! KnockBack, Constellation, 9 episodes of Sacred Symbols+, and now Punching Up. Where will he show up next? #Dagan2023

Collin Love

Hi Gents. Is Sacred Symbols, as a brand, in the midst of having its best week ever? The announcement of the perceived-to-be inevitable showcase. Stratospheric reception to the new addition of Punching Up. A in-depth interview with a Mt. Rushmore figure in Ken Levine. Best of luck on the inevitable predictions episode,I don’t know how hyped we can get. Thoughts on where you go from here?


Hey CDC, Just a few days after releasing their EBIT forecast, Embracer Group stocks have gone down by 20% in the Swedish Stockmarket. As you may know, things have not been very good with Embracer’s output within the last year. LSM has been on point with regards to concerns about Embracer’s current and future state. With this recent news dropping now, do you have any theories or speculations for Embracer? How can Playstation capitalize on this? And should they?

Dion Collier

This one's for Colin. One thing that you have said in the past reappears in my mind every so often. It's the claim that Bethesda Game Studios did not make Fallout 76. The only other person I've also heard say this is mrmattyplays over at Defining Duke. For someone who is generally quite precise with their language and avoids absolutes, how do you have so much conviction in this claim you cannot exactly prove? It seems like a high risk/ high reward proclamation. If true, this must be some kind of illegal false advertising, right? Who else do you believe could be slapping their name on a product they did not develop? Arkane? Thanks.


Hello fellas, Not sure if it's my first time, but it sure has been a long time. With the rumors of a Metal Gear Solid Remake in the works, what modern twist-mechanic could be equivalent to the gimmick in the Psycho Mantis fight?


Colin, you hilarious son of a bitch. In Episode 18 of Constellation, you tell Micah when you'll probably be killing yourself and Micah's reaction is adorable. We can watch her process what you said in real-time. "When Andy Pettitte dies, I'll probably kill myself." It's so much funnier that Ben seems to understand, Dagan feels your pain, and you don't seem to catch it. 1:31:52 on the YouTube video. To keep this PlayStation related for Sacred, Can we get the crew's gut check on Factions before the upcoming PlayStation Showcase? Did we want this from The Last of Us? I have no doubts that the final product will be great, but did I really want all of this? I was expecting an update to The Last of Us Part II that reintroduced Factions for PS5, updated and upgraded. Don't get me wrong. I'll be getting the Platinum in whatever they give us. I love the original Factions. But did I want this from Naughty Dog? Do you guys actually want this? All the best.

Nathan Densley

Hello Gooey Boyz, Deviation Games laid off 90 people. What's the call? Trimming down for acquisition? Failed project? Change in phase of project? Also with the recent closure of Pixel Opus, I was wondering who at Sony would be the one/team responsible for it? I don't really understand the hierarchy of the organization and the relationship between Japan and NA.


Hello sacred triumvirate, What are the biggest missed opportunities in gaming? I bring this up because I saw Chris' twitter remarks on the reveal of Nicolas Cage appearing in Dying Light. That's cool and all, but now all I can think of is how much more awesome it would be if Nicolas Cage just had his own action game. Maybe it could happen, but what are the odds? Keep up the show, and Chris don't forget to share that One Tree Hill clip with Colin.


Sacred lads, with the announcement of the new playstation showcase, do we think sony is going to disappoint us all by having all of the games announced be for ps4 and ps5? I want Sony to believe in generations but I don't have much hope! What do you boys think! Greetings from the Midlands uk a fantastic place to do a live show!


*dead by daylight He was in a movie called “dying of the light” though lol

Reuben Barrett

With the new Nintendo show and its inevitable success, it got me thinking. Do you think the games media will ever turn around and accept LSM? I mean at some point things like Pax West etc. will look at the bottom line and know they're losing revenue not having the LSM team attend their events. PS since I havent heard it asked... is Chris now a big fan of boxing and does he follow the sport and admire at the Puerto Rican legends like Miguel Cotto?


Ey-up lads, First time, long time. I'm writing in to politely issue a request that you speak slower, at least for the next three weeks. I'm currently completing my shorthand qualification as part of my job as a local reporter, and am using Sacred Symbols to help improve my speed. However, being a delicate-eared Brit I'm finding it hard to reach 100 words-per-minute while navigating the New York and Pittsburgh accents. My exam is in a few short weeks, and I've tried slowing the YouTube playback speed but it makes each of you sound like Jordan Belfort on quaaludes, so it's little help. Please, take it easy on the fast talking, my dudes. (This is not meant to be taken seriously, please don't roast me I'm thin-skinned)


Greetings from Warsaw, Poland! (just so you know my name is pronounced something like: Ma chey Sav tee rook) I've been a listener to Sacred Symbols from the very beggining and a long time fan of Colin since the Beyond days. Up to this point I've been listening to you guys on freefeeds and even with that I could barely keep up with all the episodes. Time management is crucial and not so easy when you're a 38 old year man with 2 kids and a full time job. Anyways, I've been on the edge of subscribing for a while now and you've got me with the Ken Levine interview :D In the last episode you've talked about Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun, which made me really happy. You guys should know that there are a few great and very interesting boomer shooters available on PlayStation. Ion Fury, which is a very satisfying, great looking game developed on a modified Build engine (the same engine that was used for Duke Nukem 3D) with an old school, intricate level design. Than you have Prodeus, a ridiculously bloody shooter with beautiful low-poly sprite based visuals. Supports cross-save and has a very unique level editor. Basically you can create a map on the PC version of the game and export it to play on every other platform. Both of those games are amazing and I encourage you to check them out. Also there is the OG Quake, with cross-play multiplayer including coop and and all the expansions - the Scourge of Armagon, Dissolution of Eternity and Dimension of the Past and a completely new Dimension of the Machine from MachineGames(!) with an awesome Lovecraftian horror aesthetic. This game still kicks ass, supports 120hz refresh rate, so it's super smooth and responsive. You can play the game with motion controls, which are implemented exceptionally well or use mouse and keyboard on your PS5. I don't think there is an fps with better controls on Playstation and it really is a mystery to me why this isn't a standard. This game is also really cheap. Love you guys, keep up the great work!

Connor Bright

Hey CDC, You rightfully discuss and criticize games media for their bias and not actually practicing any useful or interesting journalism. But I feel we got to shout out when they do things properly, and the upcoming IGN insider story on May 20th investigating the Nier Automata mod that fooled seemingly everyone in the fandom seems to be worthy of praise. Cant wait to see what they find out and I wanted to see if you have any predictions or theories about exactly what happened and why. Cant wait to see how Punching Up grows and gets its own style and keep up the great content. Connor


Hey guys, I've been playing Kena via PS+ extra and I keep getting 'this game will expire in 5/15minutes' messages all the time. Like 3 of them within half an hour. I'm exiting the game and restoring licenses, but it keeps coming back. Everything worked fine until the catalog refresh, and Reddit threads seem to suggest it's a bug with this months releases, but the game is just unplayable because of that. Has anyone else had this issue, and how big of a fuck up it is in a paid service?

Gabriel SG

Greetings! As $70 games often come out with performance related issues and the Developers & Publishers mentality is one of “we will fix it later” is it time for AAA gaming to get an independent body that gives games a quality & performance rating so consumers have an idea of the quality of the product they are buying? This could work similarly to the ESRB but be updated overtime to reflect the quality of the product. It would have nothing to do with how good the game is but just a reflection of how well it works based on how the developers say it should perform. I feel like this would prevent a Cyberpunk situation from happening again and raise the bar for what is expected. Curious to hear your thoughts! All best, Gabe


Hello, What is your guess as to when major publishers will go the way of Sega? Will there every be the dystopia of one universal console with services (like Netflix or Hulu) for PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo?

Connor Hayes

Boys, I'm telling you. BloodBourne 2 by Bluepoint will be announced next week, why the fuck would Bluepoint have made Demon Souls if not to remake BloodBourne. I don't even like souls games but I love hype shit. E3 Sony in the early 2010's was amazing for reveals. P.S. I'd love to watch you guys get together and do a react stream.


This is mostly for Colin. I just got the last two trophies in Final Fantasy Type 0. The game is a favorite of mine, and I’ve been chipping away at it since it’s release. The first trophy I have is from 2015, and the platinum is from 2023. Eight years difference. Do you have any games that you went back to complete years later? Thanks, love you.


Hello CDC, Small correction: During the additions to PlayStation Plus segment last week, Colin listed Eidos Montreal as a “defunct studio”. Eidos Montreal is still very much around and making games so it’s possible you confused them with Square Enix Montreal, another team that was also part of the Embracer Group sale that did end up getting shut down recently. Anyway have a great day and I’ve got to say, the content has been killer lately.


Hello Colin, With the addition of the Punching Up podcast and the continuing success and growth of LSM, I was wondering what you thought about Pat McAfee and his new deal with ESPN. You’ve mentioned how you are a fan of him and his show. He’s spoke about how he and his team want to change the look of what sports media is today. Although games media is not a big as sports, do you ever see something like this happening down the line for games and if so what company/person could you see possibly getting a massive deal like this done in the Video Games space? I’ve been a big fan of your since your days at IGN and love all the work that you and the rest of the LSM crew are putting in. - Jose


Hey CDC, Have y'all completed a trophy and after y'all completed that said trophy y'all don't do that action which popped the trophy ever again? It could be a certain move or command that's very advantageous but after the 50th or whatever times you did it to get the freaking trophy something in my brain just stops me from doing that action. Is this something that happens to the rest of y'all or am I the crazy one in this situation? And as always STAND DOWN from F'n that chicken my boys😉

Nicholas Brilhart

Greetings Sacred Boys, With the showcase announced for next week I'm curious as to which first party studios you think will be showing up and if you have any predictions as to what each will be bringing. Have a week as excellent as the content has been


Hey CDC, In light of your conversation about the games industry being for those who can pay for it (adults), how do you see this impacting the next generation of gamers? I grew up on first party studios making games for kids (Jak, Sly, Ratchet). But now the greatest studios in the world are almost exclusivly making games for adults. how do you think this impacts gaming in the long run?

Brad Bury

CDC - Small Correction. Can we please call Horizon Zero Dawn by it’s proper name… The Elizabeth Warren Sinulator.

Remington Wilson

What’s up CDC Aside from the obvious(Spider-Man 2, MGS3 Remake) what game announcement at the newly announced PlayStation Showcase would send your personal hype meter through the roof?


How about that Tears of the Kingdom, amirite


Greetings from the North, If PlayStation decided to do their take on amiboo, who would you guys like to see in the launch lineup?


We’ve had Dustin with Bradley Ellis, and Colin with Ken Levine, CHRIS who are you having a super collab with?


Hey CCD, I wanted to quickly write in to defend Game Freak and Pokemon! Me and some of my friends are what you might call the core audience of Pokémon, men in our 30’s, and here’s the thing: Pokemon is really about competitive play, each game brings new mons, new abilities, new moves, new strategies, new mechanics in breeding and battling, and more. So while it might seem that every game is the same, and in some ways they are which is what we like, there is a significant amount that’s changed in each game. And yes Scarlet and Violet had some technical issues, much of that has been fixed. Anyway thanks letting me nerd out on you guys, and thanks for all the content!


Hello Colin and crew, When discussing GQ's top 100 list last week, Colin mentioned that there was no way a younger person or less experienced person would qualify as an expert on Video Games. My question is this: how would newer generations of gamers such as myself become an expert on games? What does it take? How do you wade through the sea of great games and gaming history?


Greetings gents, Do you think Playstation will ever patch the PSVR2 Sense controllers to work with normal PS5 games? I find them much more controllers than the dualsense and think they would be great for slower paced games. Thanks and congrats on all the growth and success of LSM in 2023.


Greetings sacred boys. Mortal Kombat 1 was just announced and with that the game has stated they will offer cross play and cross progression. I feel like this is a huge W for gamers everywhere. Why do u think more companies don’t treat their cross platform games this way?


Hey C&C and my boy Dustin, Will we see Bloodborne at the next PlayStation Showcase? Or a look at Elden Ring DLC? Will Sony push for another FromSoftware (FS) exclusive now that it owns part of FS? And be nice to my boy Dustin. Carry on.


How’s it going CDC, Can I get a gut check from you guys on Lords of the Fallen? A new release date trailer dropped today and it looks like it’s shaping up very well. Between the wonderful art direction and it being a UE5 title, just from a graphical standpoint it’s impressive but the combat looks to be very fluid with lots of build variety. The dark religious vibes are also a huge plus. Oh and Dustin, the trailer featured Iron Maiden so they at least have some cultured individuals over there. Anyway, thoughts gentlemen? Take care guys!

Stefan Catinella

Hey CCD, After getting the Final Fantasy I Pixel Remaster Platinum, I started playing Final Fantasy IV. Having only played IV on my Vita, until my Memory Card died around 3/4’s through the game, this is becoming one of my favorite Final Fantasy games. Without nostalgia from the SNES era I think this really is a masterpiece. Are their any classics you’ve played recently that stood the test of time without nostalgia?


Greetings gents, With the announcement of the playstation showcase next week, what are the odds of a persona 3 remake announce?ment


Howdy Sacred Crew, Last week Colin was talking about potentially visiting the Yakuza series and I have some input. On Monday I completed Yakuza 0 and highly recommend this game! The side quests and characters are hilarious. The combat seems simple at first but once I learned the intricacies and how heat actions worked I was having a blast! The main story had my jaw on the floor multiple times during my 68 hours with the game but I don’t want to spoil anything by saying more. I am looking forward to getting the platinum before moving on to Yakuza Kiwami! I hope you all have a great day and thank you for all that you do! -Chef Nick