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It's time -- once again! -- for a brand-new episode of Constellation, our off-topic conversational podcast. This week, the Brothers Moriarty are joined by Last Stand's associate producer Ben Smith and coordinator Micah Watson. Ben gets into the deep mystery surrounding dreams, and prods us about what goes on behind our eyelids when we sleep. Micah laments celebrity deaths, wonders if they're worth getting upset about at all, and inquires about which prominent passings-away affected us most. Is karma a real thing? Dagan thinks it is, and challenges us to conceive of a world where what goes around actually does come around. And finally, Colin touches base with everyone concerning Amazon, the megacorporation that's slowly-but-surely taking over America. Question is: Should we be grateful or scared?




Steve Irwin’s death, when I was elementary school, messed me up big time. Watched repeat VHS crocodile Hunter videos daily throughout my childhood, even had a birthday party in Myrtle Beach at a crocodile Hunter themed place… and in retrospect, what an amazing human and cool icon for a child to look to. Glad to see his children are still doing great things and carrying on his legacy

Jordan Falduto

Bawitdaba da dang de dang diggy diggy diggy say up jump the boogie


Hey Colin, what do you think of the idea of Micah and Holly doing a Zelda review/discussion.

Asique Alam

Lmaoo I think the way Obama says it is actually the original way of saying it, like how they say it in their country. Paki is supposedly a deterogatory term in the UK for people from Pakistan. So I guess he didn't want to emphasize the Paki in Pakistan.

Jose Horrach

I had to immediately talk about Robin Williams when it comes to celebrity deaths. I never really care all too much when a celebrity dies, but it was different with Robin. He was my childhood. He was a huge part of my home culture growing up. He felt like and old friend and family member. His death was one the really hit home. I still wish he was alive today.


The worst dreams for me are when you dream that your pet has died or is in danger. I’ve woken up literally crying from those.

Dakota Brown

Holy shit. I have the same recurring dream as Colin. I dream that I’m back in middle school or sometimes high school, even though I’ve graduated college and graduate school. It’s similar where I have to go back and finish some random classes despite knowing that I have college degrees. It must be something a lot of people experience or we are both just weird.


I don't entirely know why this is coming up yet, but I'm here for this comment. My name is kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiid......


Yes, but I think Colin's point (based off previous conversations) is he does not say all of the other countries in their appropriate ways he Americanized almost everything except Pakistan.


I’m surprised nobody mentioned Kevin Conroy. I dropped my phone when I read he died. I just watched last year in its entirety the animated series and Batman beyond. So finding out my favorite Batman just died suddenly devastated me.

Lou & Rei Loper

Net beneficiary for me was getting free high quality massages. I had a girlfriend who was in school for that AND another friend at a separate time who was also doing the same thing. It was one of the greatest time periods ever lol. I remember once getting the opportunity to go to school with one of them so that I could be their practice dummy for a test they had during class. It felt like one of those moments when you're asked to be a naked model for art class...but I got to keep my boxers on and a sheet haha.


The Kobe Bryant death really got me. I’ve been a basketball fan since a young age. I remember watching countless games of Kobe and the Lakers winning and even watching his final game were he scored 60 points. That was crazy. It felt very strange.


Tom Petty was the one that really hit me. My dad raised me almost entirely on classic rock, so much of his Heartbreakers catalog was on repeat for much of my life.

Craig Carter

F in the chat for Steve Irwin

Lou & Rei Loper

I have had soooo many advances in skill and comprehension come from stopping a game and eventually going to sleep. That was extremely important and useful with higher-level fighting game play and training. I also do extremely well with purely watching a match at normal speed (Marvel vs Capcom kinda speed), not playing at all, and then sleeping on it...even once or twice seeing something like that, and I can somehow utilize it even never having done it before. It's amazing what we can do with things like this. The brain is an truly impressive thing.


His death was no doubt sad. It was especially compounded by the fact that he was with his daughter. Being a father myself I can only imagine the way he held her in the last moments.

Andy Reno

When one of y’all die it’ll fuckin suck

Lou & Rei Loper

I've never cared much about celebrity life or fanfare, but the first one I remember was Alliah the R&B singer from a long while back. I think it was mostly because she was cute and she was 1 year older than me. Stan Lee was a HUGE one in our house and Rachel couldn't even see mention of him without losing it, he is super important to us. Chi Cheng from the Deftones was a sad and scary one for me because they have been my favorite band without question, since '96...and in that moment it made me think "what if"...man, fuck. The other one that thankfully hasn't happened, would be everyone's grandfather (I've never known a grandfather)...Morgan Freeman. Don't even need to explain that one, it's Morgan Freeman, c'mon.

Monterey Jack

Micah, I appreciate your honesty with the struggles that you endured growing up. Im sure that was very difficult to bring up but it was something that I needed to hear. I'm so glad that you are happy and doing better now 😃

Arthas did nothing wrong...

I used to work for Amazon Pharmacy, They’re just a huge mail order pharmacy… it’s just a gimmick, for now at least.

Adam Barnes

Interesting that Ben would make fun of the Mormons. Implies that his religion is some how less ridiculous lol

Dillan Bhikha

Haha Colin, I get the same dream. Going back to high school and taking papers again. More people must be getting this similar dream . Wonder what it is

Nikitas Gagas

Ben’s wife is Christopher Walken in “The Dead Zone”. “Her arm is gonna break!”.

Lou & Rei Loper

I am SO glad Constellation exists, this is the best podcast. I love conversational shows, start a conversation and just let it breathe. 👌

Noah Friscopp

Kevin Conroy was the first celebrity death that made me actually cry.


Honestly I think the first celebrity death that hit me was Stan Lee. Mostly because, me being a giant Marvel fan, it was like a piece of my childhood had died. Also, being a HUGE Blink-182 fan, luckily he didnt die but I was very emotional when Travis Barker got into that plane crash back in 2008, and recently Mark Hoppus beating cancer.


I absolutely love that while Colin was explaining the horrors of his childhood tickle monster; Micah couldn't help but just laugh the whole time. Hilarious!


Colin I have continued storied dreams too , not in sequence but I’ll enter a dream and it will be a continuation of a previous dream. I also had continued dreams of being in a school and missing classes. Dreams are weird man.


Col, my half-brother kinda looks like Andy Petitte. That was always kinda weird growing up. 😅

Ren Quin

Go back to the suburbs and play tennis might be the best line Degan has ever said

Ryan Zimm

I could be completely wrong, but didn't Robin Williams kill himself because he had a form of dimensia/alzhiemers, and didn't want to succumb to the disease? I'm sure he battled depression, but that wasn't the actual reason. Anyway, Andy Whitfield hit me the hardest. He was just starting his career in Spartacus (AMAZING SHOW), and then to die of cancer so young. I was devastated. Same with Chadwick Boseman.

Nicholas Perfect

Funny how Ben starts talking about skynet and immediately there is a technical issue 😳

Dylan Michael

You guys made a fantastic argument for Amazon. I don’t have prime and I order maybe 5 things a year from them because I’d like small businesses to stay alive for a multitude of reasons. Shoutout to Micah for her part in the celebrity deaths part, really hit home.

Samuel Mills

In regards to the dreams conversation, I had a reoccurring nightmare where Bert from Sesame Street would appear outside of my window at night while I was sleeping. I was convinced that he lived in our basement and was using the ladder to get up to my window. Really weird. Think I also commented this on the KnockBack episode you guys did on dreams.

Gabriel Baker

Ben your wife may be receiving prophetic dreams, occurs several times across centuries in the Scriptures.

Angel DeJesus

I used to have a recurring dream of King Kong in a diaper looking through windows of a high rise building searching for me.

Dylan Paulson

Great episode as always! I just wanted to chime into the Amazon conversation and say that my partner and I are totally out on Amazon. Haven't spent money with them in a few years and our lives are no better or worse, but I feel better about myself not contributing.

Josh Gamez

Chester Bennington's death was, and still is, the only one to have really impacted me in a major way. The Nu Metal revolution of the late 90s/early 00s hit right as I was getting to the age where I started developing my taste in music and Linkin Park has been my favorite band since. Not to get super personal here but, it was just super sad that the voice behind what helped me through so much in my life (including some serious shit) ended the way it did. There are still some songs I have a hard time listening to because of how he passed.

Travis B

Throwing a punch in a dream is one of the most humbling things, hands-down

Josh Gamez

Speaking of people the U.S government killed: Pat Tillman! Lol

Travis B

Colin, if you read the old testament the inter personal relationship part that you struggle with will make a lot of sense. Unfortunately non believers have a warped idea of God and his bidding without actually reading the Bible. You are an avid reader, why not read the undisputed best seller of all time?! There is a cool podcast called bible in a year with some insightful cometary too . Most episodes are under 30 min.


Colin, it would be awesome for you to do a Rage Against the Machine episode for Knockback. You’ve got to bring up Zack’s prior bands. Definitely him playing guitar in the straight edge hardcore band Hard Stance and also as the vocalist of the other classic, but short lived hardcore band, Inside Out. Their ‘No Spiritual Surrender’ EP on Revelation Records is a certified classic banger. With Rage Against the Machine’s name actually coming from an unreleased Inside Out song, I feel like at the very least they are important to bring up. You can find a pretty low quality live show recording of that song on YouTube and it’s a great track nonetheless.

Drew Sleezer

Bringing up Kobe is very important, born and raised in PNW I hate the Lakers, but he was damn near 20 years of iconic competitiveness, character, and leadership. I was in Woodland Hills, LA the day his helicopter crash and I heard it fly overhead. I ended up crying at the bar in the Lucille’s off Topanga.

Raymond keys

I definitely have to agree with this. There seems to be a warped idea about God without actually investigating. The bad things that happen in the world are not on God. It’s an overall problem of Sin in a fallen world which we won’t escape until Jesus’s return (For believers). I personally don’t understand how people discuss love, kindness and decency without their being a God who set the standard. Because if there isn’t a God, everything is just a matter of opinion and permissible. Who has the authority to define what is considered loving or kind? I think most people can acknowledge there is something higher than themselves. It’s just people question whether it’s the God of the Bible, but if one does enough studying and investigating they would see that it is waaaay more likely that the God of the Bible is the true God.

Travis B

Excellent post. I was of the same thinking as Colin for many many many years. The way the world has turned in the last five years or so. Made me question all of it. To me, there was no other explanation other than demonic forces which open my heart to believing. Once I read the Bible, it was clear as day. God bless.

Raymond keys

Yea it’s very easy to question and actually good to question and doubt because hopefully it leads to seeking the truth. I too have questioned a lot because of the tragedies I have been through the last 4-5 years myself. God Bless you too! This isn’t directed at you but it is also worth calling out this idea of being a good person, and not getting into Heaven. The original scriptures and manuscripts are clear when it states you don’t get into a Heaven by good works because we have all sinned and fall short and are disqualified. We get in by our Faith that Jesus died to atone for our sins and we accept. We get rewarded in Heaven based on our good works, but we don’t get into Heaven by the good works. Also Hell is simply a place, that is absent of God’s presence. Therefore you get all of the wicked and evil things you see in the world Quarantined in one place. It’s a place of torment, it’s unclear of the specifics. Hopefully Colin reads this.

Travis B

Amen! I couldn’t have said that last part better myself

Alec Davis

Jesus loves you Colin

Dennis Meinschein

Huge beastie fan. MCA was an amazing person on and off the stage.