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For a brief run of years during the PlayStation 4 era, Sony deployed a fun little idea: An annual gathering of PlayStation's most hardcore fanbase called PSX, or PlayStation Experience. Started in 2014 and abandoned after 2017, the briefly recurring show began in Vegas (2014), migrated to San Francisco (2015), did a two-year stint in Anaheim (2016-2017), and was then left for dead the following year. Between me (Colin) and Dustin, we've been to all of them. I went to the first three; Dustin went to the final three. And they were fun, perhaps best described as a fusion between PAX and GDC. The idea behind this episode was to propose how such a show may be revived in the modern era, and whether it'd be a good idea to do so at all. But our recording also morphed into a reminiscence of a different time, when shows like these seemed to make more sense, but perhaps don't anymore. Why is Nintendo embracing a fan-facing future while Sony seems reluctant to speak at all? Well, it turns out we're dealing with two very different companies with two entirely separate corporate philosophies.



Kendrick Luckenbach

Loved working at PSX compared to other conventions. The attendees were the most hardcore PS fans and were passionate about the demos they got to play and the vibes around the booths were fun as well. Would love to see it come back one day


You know it’s dry season when we get an ep like this. This is one that’d I’d switch up for that general gaming discussion show I suggested. Matty has to be on the Octocast. Huge disagree on Nintendo could get away with PSVR 2, at least with the way it currently is. Just look at the Wii U. If you don’t have the lineup, or good pricing, not even branding will carry you over.

Joseph Gedgaudas

If you do an Octopath discussion you’ll definitely need to involve Matty.


Is Colin using a different mic? Sounds different….


It’s like a company Christmas party. Like you said it’s a celebration. Doesn’t make money but maybe boosts morale a little bit?


Patron complaint, the app keeps crashing while I listen Update, crashed 12+ times now. Lost count.


I was in high school they were doing PSX, and before they stopped doing E3. I loved getting hype for Playstation press conferences at the end of each semester. I loved everything around it like predictions and reactions. I was never more passionate for the brand. The random state of plays and semi-random showcases all online is just not the same. I think having 1 or 2 big events consistently every year would be great for the brand in addition to state of play deep dive for major releases.

Joe Hammonds

If y’all are fishing for some ideas, I would love to listen to a “trophy talk” episode. Unpack some of your favorite trophy lists. Explain good trophies vs bad trophies. The hardest trophies you’ve earned. First platinum, hardest plat, etc. Cool or wacky trophies that you’ve seen (earned or not). There’s a lot to explore in this meta game that some of us play. Thanks!


Holy poop Dustin the psx trading cards! I still have a ton of them.

Henry Morgan

I would buy tickets to a PSX in the format you both described it in a heartbeat

Sam Lee

I fondly remember when they held a Playstation Experience in Malaysia in 2017. We never get significant events like these over here(there were smaller events like IGN SEA organising an event to play a special demo of Beyond Two Souls), so it was extraordinary. People were queuing up at midnight to get into this event. I remember showing up with my cousin at 8 in the morning. We took one look at the queue and said 'nope'. I returned at 5pm and resigned myself to waiting in line. I think Shuhei was there.

Greg Hommel

This might be anecdotal, fruitless thought but it is part of my explanation of why Sony is doing so well without delivering any exciting news about the future of gaming on the PlayStation platform. The ebb and flow that I notice is that much of the PlayStation fan base is motivated by the criticisms from Xbox fans. A recent example is that I don’t think Sony would have offered a subscription service if not for Xbox fans making PS’s fans feel left behind. Backward compatibility being another recent feature that I don’t think PS fans were clamoring for.