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Hey All!  It's time to submit your questions, comments, concerns, thoughts, and ideas for Episode 120 of Defining Duke.

Great ways to get your write-up used: Be pithy, be topical, and be insightful. Walls-of-text, posts littered with poor grammar and punctuation, etc., are promptly (though respectfully) ignored.

As this is an Xbox podcast, be sure your submission makes sense within that realm. You have until Wednesday, 4/19 at 3 PM ET to make your submission.



Hi Dukes, First off thanks to Matty for recommending the XBXPlay app a few shows ago which let's you Remote Play Xbox 360 games! Not only does it work but it's actually better than the official app now. Now with that said I am interested to hear the Dukes' take on why Microsoft and Sony are letting apps like XBXPlay and PSPlay be the best versions of the apps for Remote Play on their respective consoles over the official ones. For all the talk these companies do about Cloud Gaming and the Streaming Future, it seems odd they would just let third party devs not only do it better but make a few bucks off it (as XBXPlay and PSPlay costs $5.99 USD). If they want streaming to succeed they need to do better. Have a "my kids didn't put the controller back in the charger dock and now the battery is dead" kind of day!

The Fred Durst Death Hoax

Greetings esteemed Dukes, I want a gut check regarding Bethesda, or rather, ID software. 2014 : DOOM is announced 2016 : DOOM is released 2018 : Doom Eternal is announced 2020 : Doom Eternal is released 2023 : ? It seems like ID has developed a rhythm of sorts, suggesting we are overdue for an announcement, likely at Quakecon later this year (the first in-person since covid, imagine the crowd reactions). it has been theorized that ID, having seemingly concluded the current run of Doom, might be working on a Quake reboot, or perhaps a new IP? And so I ask you gentlemen, is it time for a Quake revival? Or would you rather see something completely different? Have a "PS3 Skyrim lowering its framerate the longer I play but I love it anyway" kinda day.


Hey Dukes,


Waddup Muay Thai Matty and Bicep Curls Cog, Been listening to the Dukes every week for over a year now and the end of last weeks episode compelled me to write in for the first time… Last weeks write-in mentioned the Megaman Battle Network Battle Chips which took us all back to the OG Tamagotchi days. Matty mentioned that “putting the game into the real world” is something that gets him hooked which really speaks to me! You see, ever since I was kid after playing Final Fantasy 7 for the first time, I always tried to approach my life as if it was a Role-Playing Game. I approached martial arts, academics, business, learning, skill development, and even relationships from a gaming system mindset. This led me to gamifying my health and fitness and eventually coaching others how to do the same. One thing I noticed is after January, the “health is wealth” topic generally turns into dust as if Thanos acquired the Infinity Stones and snapped his fingers… I’m a Xbox gamer with a 145,000 Gamerscore (Gamertag: INFITNITE W), so I know the primary purpose of why we’re all here… However, there are thousands upon thousands of gamers out there that are struggling with injuries, burnout, brain fog, and unexpected health issues popping up because they haven’t quite learned how to approach fitness just like the games well all love. They’re going through the same vicious cycle of trying to find the answers, doing something different for a bit, getting some results, and then reverting back to their old behavior by the end of the year… My question for you guys is… If you could imagine a gamified fitness solution that integrated RPG mechanics into training, nutrition, and mindset, then what do you envision? What RPG games would you draw inspiration from to put into the real life fitness world? If something like this has already been created (www.infitniterpg.com), would the Dukes be excited to give it a try? You guys are legends and I would love to hear your thoughts! Have a, “I learned how to level up in games and now I’m leveling up in the fitness game”, kind of day. ~ Master Wizard Walt


Hello Gentlemen, Have either of you played the XDefiant closed beta? I’ve been hearing good things about it and wondered if you all had any input. Thanks!


Salute to Death Trooper Matty and Ronin Cog. Inspired by Matty's reading recommendations I've finished both TMNT The Last Ronin and Star Wars Death Troopers. Both are fantastic. To prepare for Starfield do either of you have any sci-fi novel recommendations?


Fellas, I’ll keep it short. 2 Halo legends have now left Microsoft completely. What are we doing with the franchise going forward? Thanks and have a “I didn’t expect Vampire Survivors to be getting this heat” kinda day.


Dear Dukes, I recently saw a video by KidSmoove about Microsoft's failure to properly market the Xbox brand which is seemingly leading to lower console sales than the competiton and more importantly less hype for games by the general public. Redfall is coming out in 2 weeks and aside from the people like us who's hobby and passion is gaming, nobody outside this sphere knows about the game. The lack of a physical release automatically ignores all the people going into Game Stop, Best Buy, Walmart etc looking for a new game to play that may not be aware of Redfall. Also since there's no physical release, stores that sell games have no incentive to advertise it. 2 weeks away and no commercials, billboards, ads etc. My question, does the model of Game Pass which is game sales don't matter but subscribers do mean that the margins on games are so slim that throwing tens of millions of dollars towards the marketing of a single game is not something Microsoft is willing to do? Thanks and have a "I just dug out an old coat from the closet and found a hundred dollar bill in the pocket" kind of day. -Sam


My Dukes, I don't want to rumble the Resident Evil 4 discussion on for another week, but I am curious which platform you played on Matty? Up until the most recent patch about a week ago, it was widely reported that the controls on Xbox Series were not up to snuff. A quote from Digital Foundry's most recent analysis: "Finally, thankfully, the deadzone issues on Xbox Series consoles have also been alleviated. At launch, players had to deflect the sticks about 40 percent through their range of motion to get an onscreen response. As of the latest patch, the game feels much more responsive, matching similar games like RE2 and Dead Space." Hopefully people can get off your back about the controls, you may have been playing during a time when it was not at its best. Take care both x x


What's up Dukes, First time write in but no 30 fps energy from me today. I just wanted to say congrats to Matty on becoming a homeowner and also, congrats to Cog on 300 episodes of ILP! That was a marathon to watch/listen to but worth every moment. That being said, the next two months of gaming is going to be seismic, on all platforms. I can't help but wonder, are we focusing too much on negative conversation in the industry, at a time when we should be celebrating a potentially all time gaming year? Thanks for everything you do and have a "you've got a fan of the Dukes and the Lords for life" kind of day.


Hello Matty and Cog, Not a gaming question but still important. How do you layer your sandwich? Is it meat on bottom, followed by cheese and veg. Do you use mayo on both slices of bread? Cheese on bottom? What say you? Have a kickass day yall, Josh


Hi Dukes, All the Redfall talk, got me thinking, do you think Xbox will have to unify more with Bethesda and not let them operate as freely in order to not repeat what's happening to RedFall? Or do you think since the focus of Xbox is trying to make Starfield the best it can, made them lose sight of the other projects in the pipeline. Jez article brought up some points like since Xbox 1st party is increasing rapidly they still haven't figure out how to communicate efficiently with the studios under the umbrella at least in the Bethesda side, and that ABK when joined will put another string into this issue, what do you think of this? Have a nice day everybody, and congrats Cog for the 300th episode of ILP, it was hilarious and wholesome.


Hello Dukes, Diablo IV has gone gold and Rod Fergusson helped another team release a major GOTY contender this year. Do you think Phil Spencer should consider moving Rod Fergusson into Matt Booty’s executive role in the event xbox acquires ABK?

Adam Razak

Hey, Dukes! What are your go-to desserts? Thanks, and have a "mint Oreo cookies or GTFO" kind of day.


Hey Dukes, One interesting that happend around the same time as the Redfall 30fps annoucment was the delay of Suicide Squad Kills the JL. Do you guys think with the negative response to the frame rate that Xbox should jump to the chance to delay the game into the window that Suicide Squad was supposed to release in ? It may only be a few weeks but at least it would give them the chance to find a roadmap to 60fps and better overall performance so that they can let the consumers know when it will be available. Maybe this the reason it hasnt gone gold yet as we are only a few weeks from launch. Thanks guys and have a "Destiny 1 & 2 was 30fps when every other multiplayer shooter was 60fps last generation and was still successful" kind of day


Hey boys. What’re your thoughts on Immortals of Aveum? Trailer looks pretty fire imo with a nice twist on the fps genre. And coming out in July, a great release date given the heavy hitters in May and June. Are you looking forward to this one or are you in a wait and see approach? Take care.


Hi Dukes long time first time! Love the content so much I decided to sub to Patreon! If you were born in different parts of the world do you think you'd have different tastes in games or even play at all? Thanks!


The Dukes, first time writing in love the show listen every week. Just had a thought while eating chips & gravy on the beach high in Blackpool which is a awful seaside town in England. Anyway, my actual question is with Sony rumours of a new handheld even though remote play, why doesn't Microsoft just invest and have fun by making a handheld, they have the endless well of money buying massive publishers but can't experiment. What would your perfect handheld xbox be like for you? Cheerio boys


Sup Duke Dogs? Welp, another 343 lead has left in Frank O'Connor. I know we've discussed the weirdness happening at 343 at nauseam, but is this still apart of the purge, or is this an omen for something worse? How long until we receive a good Halo game from 343? Cheers boys and take care

Mike Po

Good day gentlemen, I'd love to hear a gut check on how the Dukes are feeling about the Xbox experience so far this generation. 2021 felt like a high point, with Forza Horizon 5, Psychonauts 2, and a great launch for Halo Infinite. We all know what 2022 ended up being, though shout out to Grounded and Pentiment. Here in 2023, between the various Redfall debacles, the departure of O'Connor and Staten, no news whatsoever of 2020 showcase games like Avowed, Fable, and State of Decay 3, and Square Enix pulling out of the Xbox ecosystem entirely, there can be no denying it's a tough time right now for people who primarily play on Xbox. Have we hit the bottom, or do we feel in our guts bad vibes of bad news still to come? Although my question is critical, I still want the two of you to have a warm and cozy kind of day!


Hello Iron Lord Matty and Green Day Cog, Do you feel confident in future Xbox releases having performance mode options? Looking at the upcoming line up, the only ones I feel confident will hit 60FPS are the next Forza Horizon game and Gears 6. Every other game either is running on Unreal 5 or is looking to really push the hardware. Have a 'Matty showed up on the Lords Day only to see King get broken at 30FPS' kind of day.

Nicholas Brilhart

Greetings "300 episodes" Cog and "Making his debut into the realm of the Lords" Matty. Recently reviews dropped from "mainstream outlets" for Dead Island 2, while content creators were forced to wait until a later date. My question is can these "mainstream outlets" survive in the current game's media environment without the constant special treatment, or more importantly survive even with it? Have a "The Iron Lord's audience wants your luscious locks" kind of day.

Dick Justice

Greetings and Salutations Dukes, So it's time to break out the chips and the crystal balls because we are looking for your predictions today. Specifically when do you think the first Game Pass Exclusive will launch? I'm not talking about a streaming only release either but a game that you download and play natively but is not available ala cart and is only available through Game Pass. It seems like an inevitability in my book so I'm curious as to what year you think the first one will drop? Have a, "it should've been a home run since I love xcom and marvel but that card system killed any strategy and fun I might've had" kind of day!


Hello dukes, long-time patron od LSM here and I wanted to share with you guys something: after not being even remotely interested in the DD, where I just couldn't wrap my head around the fact that someone could be passioned about the Xbox brand in the last almost decade, thanks to YouTube's autoplay, I watched two last episodes of you guys - and I really liked it. I think next to Colin, Matty you have the real-game-journalist energy in the LSM family, and Cog's energy is wonderful. I still don't agree with what you guys on the MS related topic, but the general gaming discussion - you convinced me to be back here more. Keep it up. Greeting from Poland.