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After witnessing its death in slow motion, Media Molecule is mercifully pulling the plug on its beleaguered project Dreams. And it's sad, no doubt. But here's the reality: Dreams was a bad idea and a waste of time. Sony voluntarily hamstrung its most creative team for the better part of two generations on a dead end, and you can't really blame artists-types for taking all the corporate rope you'll give them. After all, Media Molecule hasn't released a AAA game in more than 12 years, an unfathomable gap. How that's even possible is anyone's guess. Who's responsible for Dreams' abject failure? Why was this idea allowed to go along so staggeringly beyond its expiration date? And what's next for the House of Sackboy? Other news this week includes tacit confirmation of a Persona 3 remake, Sony's aggressive push into cloud gaming, an official delay for Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League, and more. The conversation's rounded out with listener inquiries sent from Patreon, touching on topics like the Redfall 30-frames controversy, the cost of putting Call of Duty on PlayStation Plus, the best order to play the original Final Fantasy games, and a continued ode to a deli that's become a central icon of show lore.


0:00:00 - Intro

0:08:59 - Good luck, Chris!

0:12:25 - Sacred has more stamina than The Simpsons

0:17:32 - The Sacred Sandwich Pilgrimage

0:28:31 - What kind of games would Hitler like?

0:35:43 - Have we seen the recent video game movie adaptations?

0:39:51 - Will we consider a Nintendo podcast?

0:42:57 - Nintendo has announced their own event, similar to PSX

0:55:23 - Fantavision 202X is coming to PC

0:56:35 - Kill the Justice League still hasn’t officially been delayed (update later in show)

1:03:07 - Suikoden rereleases may be drawing near

1:05:36 - What have we been playing?

1:27:09 - Dreams will no longer be supported

1:53:55 - Atlus is working on a remake of Persona 3

2:02:59 - Sony is dissing other consoles in their patent filings

2:08:15 - PlayStation may be giving more attention to cloud gaming

2:28:12 - April’s PS+ games have been revealed

2:36:44 - UPDATE: Kill the Justice League has officially been delayed
2:40:47 - Will PS titles start launching without performance modes?

3:06:38 - What is the most relaxing game we’ve played?

3:12:23 - Is there an upside to AI assisted game development?

3:22:51 - How much is Sony really making from Call of Duty?

3:25:29 - Should I start at the beginning of Final Fantasy?

3:28:17 - Could NFTs be used in a good way?




Excellent thumbnail as always. Love it.


Thanks for the episode Sacred Crew 💙 And the best of luck to Chris on his Creator Clash fight. "Finish Him!" my dude.

Michael Buffill

I think this guy named Filip Miucin could contribute to a potential Nintendo show. I heard he's a HUGE Nintendo fan.


Big fan of the thumbnail


FYI RE4 only counts time to determine ranks. Only on professional do they consider saves, which requires you to use 15 or less. Doing my S+ playthroughs for the last 2 achievements which annoyingly don’t stack. Fortunately very easy with the handcannon. Up to the mines in less than 2 hours.

Joe Perez

Good luck, Chris!!! Kick ass dude!!!

Tanner Lange

Dustin I want to warn you. Paper Mario 64 on nso is almost unplayable. It has really bad input lag and it will annoy you. If you do play it, let us know your experience


I would like to suggest a Nintendo-themed episode of Constellation. Everyone on the staff is going to have some sort of connection to Nintendo, it would be really cool to see the different topics you guys can come up with around that theme

Daidoji Reiji

Adding my two cents as a Nintendo fan, a monthly Nintendo cast would be awesome! Need more honest content about the platform, less hug boxes. Let Dustin, Micah, and Matty do it!

Bogey Zero

Mercenaries has S, S+, and S++

There’s No I in LLC

Thats a no on nintendo. All nintendo podcast are hosted by the exact same type of person

Bryce Mccloskey

I never understood Colin's reluctantce to have a Nintendo podcast on the network. Nintendo tends to have the same 3 big games a year that Sony does. Get someone who's passionate about Nintendo to host it like an Arlo or a Peanutbutter gamer and grow it. If you can justify an Xbox podcast with how little they have going on there you can do a Nintendo podcast. Giving up a sacred symbols plus for it would be an easy trade.

Michael Mashpotato

“Hey there scrivener” - Partitio I love Ochette dearly and Partitio is a close second. I had strong captures with Ochette. I went for weapon types and most of them would perform double hits. I used them to break bosses and monsters. Then donate BP with Partitio and stack to my strongest characters for when I break the bosses and then I would just unload on them. Also Ochette is always starving 😝

Lucas Gremista

Dalai Lama would play Michael Jackson’s Moonwalker.

Jason Hjartarson

After some quick internet research, Aha’s Take on Me reach #1 on the Billboard 100 charts October 19th, 1985, the NES New York release was October 18th, 1985.


So excited for the knockback episode! I just played that for the first time last year.


Good luck chris!!!


Hitler was on amphetamine. https://amp.theguardian.com/books/2016/sep/25/blitzed-norman-ohler-adolf-hitler-nazi-drug-abuse-interview

Dante B

Not a fan of modern Nintendo at all, but put me in the camp that would love to hear a Nintendo focused show. Doesn’t even need as regular of a cadence, and they move so slow it probably doesn’t even warrant one, but maybe once a month? I enjoy the little side tangents on SS about N/MS, would definitely listen to this.

Brian Borlaug

Damn I'm stoked to hear that my copy I still have of Persona 2 on PS1 is worth so much. Guess I'll just let it sit for now! Thanks for the update Dustin!


If Spider-man 2 is co-op, it might not be 60fps.

Zack Fair

Just wanna add my two cents in saying that I wouldn't like a Nintendo podcast at the sacrifice of a PlayStation SS. Plus I think another show would stretch you guys so thin, Sacred symbols doesn't need to become another Kinda funny who've lost their way since you left and dont know what they are anymore, Btw where was the news on the FF16 State of play? As always awesome content guys!

Timothy Martin

Bro, I’m American living in the south Mediterranean coast. AC is considered an absolute luxury here. Most of my neighbors will just tolerate 95 degree high humidity weather

Jeremy Seal

Xbox needs an event to announce their 300 new controller colors.

Josef Barker

Cloud gaming? I prefer ground gaming 😄😂😂🤣


Cloud gaming is not for us. If you give people Xbox controllers with their Samsung TV purchase, you will get a lot of game pass subscribers you don’t have already. It’s such a massive amount of upside and if the technology is there, then prepare for a huge market to open up. Don’t know how big this could be, but Xbox app on everything is really the most formidable tool they have, first party games be damned.

Brannon H

The unchanged version of the original Star Wars Trilogy is available via a limited edition DVD version of each movie. They come with the theatrical versions but they also have very poor video quality.

Jeremy Seal

60 FPS should have remained the bare minimum. Most NES and SNES games were 60fps. I can't believe gamers have accepted 30fps this long.

Zack E

People who really care about 30/60 fps should just get good pc gaming systems. I think it’s a very loud minority in gaming tbh in terms of who cares about it.

larry Seitz

A ribbon cutting Dustin. Your head is getting way to big for yourself without Colin you're nothing straight up. Be Humble. God bless.


Damn bro not that serious. Look in a mirror stay humble with your comment


Guys I’m not sure if Y’all remember project spark or not but it was a similar game to dreams that was available on Xbox one at the same time as dreams. Microsoft even redid a version of conker to promote it but gave it up way sooner than Sony did dreams. Cheers!


What you want is Harmy's Despecialized Star Wars. This absolute legend went through and edited together a complete, authentic original, high quality theatrical version of all 3 of the original trilogy. https://archive.org/details/star.-wars.-1977.-despecialized.-720p.x-264.-ac-3.5.1 https://archive.org/details/the.-empire.-strikes.-back.-1980.-despecialized.-720p.x-264.-ac-3.5.1 https://archive.org/details/return.-of.-the.-jedi.-1983.-despecialized.-720p.x-264.-ac-3.5.1 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harmy%27s_Despecialized_Edition


My suggestion for the Nintendo Show: replace an episode of + or DDU (most likely DDU) with a general game discussion show where you can talk about Nintendo, PC, VR, etc. No restrictions. Anybody can be on. Similar to Constellation but gaming focused.

Liz Folley

Colin: you can't give Xbox credit for any of these 1st party games. They have nothing to do with them Colin: An Xbox 1st party release at 30fps is unacceptable. You'd never see this from PS first party. LOL. **I don't defend 30fps. I'm not playing redfall until it releases the 60fps patch** In addition, the redfall 30fps issue currently is due to the open world "no room/door loading screens and coop with two people completely untethered"

Nikitas Gagas

I can understand not getting excited over “Tears of the Kingdom” if “Breath of the Wild” wasn’t your jam and you didn’t play through it. But for those of us who fell in love with and explored that world, let me tell you, that trailer is fucking delicious. Suikoden 1 absolutely needs to be played to understand and get more out of 2. It is a direct sequel. 3 is also closely tied to the first two games and features recurring characters. Didn’t play 4 but 5 is a prequel that fleshes out the game’s history.

Travis B

Starts with Carbon credits, ends with ESG scores and eating bugs🤡

Gareth Handa

I agree, there’s no way Spider-Man 2 isn’t going to be 60fps. PlayStation studios is the king of optimisation so I doubt they’ll release anything 30fps.

Oliver Johnson

I just recently tried ChatGPT and it’s a pretty remarkable what it can do. I use it like a search engine for information because Google has become so difficult to weed through ads and what the algorithm pushes. I’ve also used it for creative to get generic writing points that I can play off of… so idk maybe I’m the problem lol

Fotis Lyto

It kinda makes sense, we know that redfall is a Bethesda game and xbox got it by buying the company, the thing is that xbox is now calling it an exclusive for them, so in the end if it is according to them an exclusive it should be up to some standards. At least that's how it sounds to me.

Samuel Zamora

In regards to RE4R Mercenaries mode, I’m glad to hear it’s easier opposed to RE Village Mercenaries mode. Villages Mercenaries mode is tough as hell for, my platinum trophy for that game is on hold because I can’t get the proper rank in the industrial factory levels. I was able to get RE4R platinum with minimal issue except for I read the handcannon unlock requirements incorrectly and ran through with bonus weapons. I got the chicken hat but no handcannon which caused an additional playthrough.

Dennis Johnson

I loved the conversation about frames rates and Redfall -- seems to be a never ending topic. For me, we were promised the world too soon. Xbox jumped on to the 4k train before it was truly viable. Now, with 4K tvs being the standard, it's hard to expect the general public to play their games at 1080p or even 1440p -- I'd assume this is why your friend is seeing these numbers in his massive shooter audience. It's a shame because we know how good 60 fps feels, but I can't blame someone who bought a super nice OLED and wants it too look it's best. Also, I feel like explaining resolution to someone is easier than frame rate. All that being said, I think studios are starting to do a great job with the technology available to push us forward. Nvidia's DLSS tech is truly remarkable and with VRR being more widely available, the 40 fps balanced mode is a great option and how I happily play Forbidden West. Here's to more options for all the ways consumers want to play.

Greg Hommel

Cmon Chris, Twitter doesn’t work any differently than it did before Elon Musk bought it. You are reading confirmation biased material. Don’t repeat that crap.

Mike Po

I would love a Nintendo show if the schedule allowed. I'd even be fine with a biweekly or monthly show. The trick is getting the right host and cohosts (if cohost is even the right term for Cog, Chris, and Dustin). Nintendo fans (like me) tend to be uncritical simps who will happily take what Daddy Nintendo gives us, even if it's truly and honestly inferior or anti-consumer. What makes LSM shows so great are the personalities being thoughtful and critical where necessary. I think all the ideal hosts already have their own podcasts that I listen to. I actually think Matty or Dustin would make great cohosts, though, and they could potentially present the "skeptical" or "non-nostalgia" based perspectives. But definitely don't overwork yourselves!
