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Howdy gang, Micah here! What do canned foods, fantasy books, and JRPGs all have in common? They are some of my favorite things! Today, I’ll be responding to some listener inquiries and covering many topics from cooking to time travel, and of course video games. Crack open a can of bread and let’s get into it!




I love that Captain Canned Bread has become a larger part of LSM! Thanks for the mailbag!

Adam Barnes

Can we not make “chup” a thing? Thank you

Joshua Brown

Just started Radiant Historia and i love the combat system. What did you think of the game?

Phil Walker

Halo CE overated. Classic April fools comment ;)

Joseph Gedgaudas

I was doing the dishes while listening to Micah complain about doing the dishes, which is part of the reason I like doing the dishes - I can listen to podcasts.

Steve Gray

Micah your time travel story hit me right in the feels, I would give anything to go back and hit replay on another Christmas with my grandparents and hug them again 😭 Never take time with your family for granted!

Lou & Rei Loper

Haha I enjoy doing the dishes honestly. It works out well because my wife hates doing the dishes. I do them by hand as well and I don't want a dish washer. Am I a psycho? 🤷‍♂️


Enjoyed the mailbag, and indeed toothpaste can be pricey. No waste left behind.

jordan allen burton

I too grew up a JW and there's not much I miss about that stuff, save one. Circuit Assembly. We didn't go on vacation so it was like going on one, except for the day long talks we had to endure.

Kjell Dirckx

Great mailbag. Captain!

Noah Friscopp

I do it by hand and then run the washer for good measure. I don’t trust anyone who doesn’t hand wash their dishes at least first.

Josh Gamez

As a big Stephen King fan I must say, Micah really started off with his greatest hits. You can never go wrong with the classics (I'd also say Carrie and Misery are absolutely must reads from his catalog as well). I'm not big on Discord but I might have to start jumping into that books channel lol.

Giovanni D'Amico

Crushing it, Micah! Happy to see another MMM in the feed.