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Weed, Gatekeeping, Neighbors, Middlemen | Constellation, Episode 11

It's time to introduce you to The Old Heads Council, as the Brothers Moriarty are joined on this episode by Defining Duke's co-host Lord Cognito and Washington Post games reporter Gene Park. Gene kicks things off with a comprehensive conversation about marijuana: Our past and present with it, our thoughts on its efficacy, and on how (or even if) we've avoided becoming burnouts. Cog laments being the middleman -- wedged between two friends, relatives, or competing ideas -- and wonders whether we've embraced or managed to avoid such a role in our own lives. Dagan's many experiences with neighbors compelled him to make that his topic this week, with an eye towards whether we owe anything to those that live around us, and if we seek or avoid local friendships and camaraderie. Finally, Colin brings gatekeeping to the table, the notion of erecting a barrier-of-sorts around something you love or appreciate in order to keep others out. Are we gatekeepers? Have we been victimized by them? Turns out we've much to say on the matter. Get the show one week early! https://www.patreon.com/LastStandMedia



Ah yes, the weed one. Let's go 🌲😎


I swear you could get Gene on to talk about paint and I'm tuning in to listen. Such an interesting guy. Love me some Gene Park. Much love to you a Gene and glad to hear you are cancer free and almost finished with chemotherapy. 💪


I recently discovered my love Sativa. Indica makes me think way too much. Sativa just makes me do.

Jonathan Turner

"I don't need to tell you, but I do feel it. And I AM sending you negative energy." - Colin "Look at what happened to Halo. Didnt want to gatekeep Halo, so they made Master Chief Fuck" - Gene

warren chue

yo got any of that white dog!


Always happy to see Gene! Topic suggestion: Favorite bands/concert experiences


Amazing show with stellar guests. Colin! Would love to see Lord Sovreign from ILP on Constellation. Extremely intelligent and insightful guy. Hope you’ll consider!

Quinnton from Seattle

Great guest combo! I, personally don't like gatekeeping generally (within reason), some gatekeeping is okay but when it becomes nitpicky, it's not. For example, some fans of Star Trek may think a Star Wars fan can't be in their "club" and vice-versa. Which I find annoying. But, personal gatekeeping that is not voiced doesn't bother me because it doesn't affect me.


Stellyyy. Love you guys. Thanks crew. Every one of you guys.

Asique Alam

I love this old man crew. More in my line of thoughts than the youngins of LSM.

Brandon Soto

I'm in the same boat as Cog where I tried weed only a handful of times, it was never really my thing. The thought of being drunk or high to not deal with problems or personal stuff just seems like a turnoff for me.


Try to keep me from rooting for Jets this year! I'm a packer fan and hoping rodgers can win another ring. Also as a packer fan I'm done with him as our QB.

Mark M

This was a great episode, the oldheads bringing some great topics


Best part of my week! Another amazing episode.


Constellation is one of the highlights of my week.

Robbie Cooper

I was gate keeping a lot back when the cubs won in 2016. I felt like it was my personal thing for years. I live in Arkansas in cardinal country and no one ever liked the cubs. I used to get bullied, beaten up over liking the cubs. Then 2016 happened and I went from the only one in my town to seeing multiple daily wearing cubs merch. It really pissed me off to have people want to pretend to celebrate with me with their brand new cubs merch on. Here I was with my dirty, worn out hat I wore for a decade, and I got these fools with new stuff on trying to act like they knew my suffering. Always hated the cubs winning because of that, and idk if it’s because I wanted it to be my thing or what. I know the cubs are popular, but this is in small town Arkansas where not being part of what’s popular got you harassed. Anyways, good show as always.

Kevin Cooper

"Like fuck that little shit is getting married before me!" Colin's Father exclaimed.

Iqan Adil

First ten minutes had me laughing in tears. Great show!