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Submit your questions, comments, concerns, thoughts, and ideas for this week's episode of Sacred Symbols in this thread.

As always, please keep your inquiries well-written and pithy. Novels, poorly-written posts, etc. are politely ignored.

You have until Thursday, March 23rd at noon ET to submit.

Talk to you soon!



Hey guys, You're always asking about people listening to your podcasts at strangest places. Have you thought about people listening to your podcasts doing normal things? You know like sex or on the toilet? Imagine someone hearing: "stand down" while 69ing or "Eyy!" While painting some porcelain? Just a thought keep it up guys,

Jack Sibert

Yo CDC, I've noticed a speech trend not only on this podcast but across several podcast and YouTube creators' content. The phrase: "multiple different". I don't know when I started noticing it, but there have been multiple different occasions in just the past week where I observed this phrase being used (see what I did there?). For what it's worth, it's mostly north-easterners that I've observed saying this shit. Aren't these two words redundant? If there is a multiple quantity of some thing, can it not be already be inferred that they are different/discrete amongst themselves? The sentence in which it is used in loses no meaning when only using one of the words- "multiple" OR "different". Anyway, please make a judgement on this. I will defer to your ruling. Contemplating the grammatical correctness of this quirk is starting to imitate Chinese Water Torture. Every time I manage to push it out of my mind I hear it said again and the cycle starts anew.

James Kinslow III

Hello, Sacred boys. An icon in both film and video games has passed away: Lance Reddick. Can you three please take a moment to reflect on your favorite Lance Reddick moments? I liked him a lot as Sylens in the Horizon games, but his most memorable role for me is Charon in the John Wick films and I look forward to seeing him one more time in John Wick 4. RIP Lance Reddick. You will be forever missed.


Ahoy there CDC Ubisoft have developed AI to more rapidly generate the random barks produced by their NPC’s. Do you think they’re correct that problem is the number of barks. Or is it that they’re delivering disconnected lines without thought?


Hello, Sacred dudes! Are you guys using the new PS5 feature to track the amount of hours you've played in a game? I know Colin usually keeps a Control of this, so, is that number correct? Also, were there any games that the amount of hours surprised you? I was particularly impressed with the hours I put into MLB The Show. Thanks in advance!

RU46N2 (REY)

Hello and good day Sacred Ones. I was wondering what you guys think of Xbox after finding out that they canceled the ps5 version of redfall? Seems like Starfield might have met the same faith? I wonder if you could get Harvey the head of Arkane studios and maybe Raf founder of Arkane Studios? Would like to see you interview with them both, they are really good friends. Just seeing the way you handled Hasan. I know you would handle the situation properly. And might get a bit more insight to this situation. Maybe this could shead light on both sides why it was canceled or other insite on why Raf left. With Colin's skills he could do a way better job then then shmoes at no clip. Thank for all you do. When you are having a we live like pinguins in the desert. Why can't we like tribes kinda day. Thank for all the content you guys get me through my work day at normal times speed.


Hey Sacred Gamists, Hope you're all well! Just wanted to spin a small transcontinental yarn. Over the last week, I've been chronicling my journey from New Jersey to Kansas on the LSM Discord, which is available to all Patrons on the $5 tier and up. As I passed through the Western PA exclusion zone, I had a thought: why don't I, an intrepid (and Autistic) traveler, go to the Last Stand Mecca: Deli on The Circle in Litchfield, Ohio. I had one of the WARMEST welcomes in my life, and that was before I mentioned I was a fan. The Sacred Sandwich was absolutely worth the money. I posted my very own IGN-style review on Google, if anyone cares. Sorry for being long-winded, but to anyone in the area: give them some love. Thanks guys, Jonathan Rumore (Roux-MORE)

Aiden Gonzalez

Hey CDC, In the spoiler cast for Dead Space one of you mentioned that the tentacle boss felt a little “quick-timey”. Gamers seem to loathe quick time events and usually don’t like them in their games. Yet I feel like we see a lot of them within games. This made me think, Why do gamers not like quick time events? And if there are good ones what makes a good quick time event? As always, love the show and thanks for the work you all do.

Tony Palylyk

Hey fellas! I recently finished Assassin's Creed Odyssey and, while it's now my favorite game in the series, I was astounded by how much content the game had; a gigantic map, a ton of side quests, a long main story that can be played with different characters and lots of dialogue options. It got me wondering if that much content is even necessary in this age of so many games. Colin mentioned something similar about the Mass Effect series where the devs had to put so much time into the Renegade side even though less than 10% of players would see it. There were many complaints that Assassin's Creed Valhalla was too long and too big. Do you guys think game devs even need to make games this big and with this much content, especially considering the rising costs of game development?


Hey boys! What is the optimal time for a game to release DLC or expansion content? More often then not I find that I'm usually well done and dusted with a game and find it difficult to pick it up again, even with my favourite games. Returnals DLC, I'm just getting to on the PC release. Horizon Zero Dawn, ive never played and as for the 2nd best game of last year's Forbidden West Burning Shores I doubt I'll play that one either. Even my favourite game Witcher 3s DLC took me 5 years to get around to playing Think the only time I've eagerly awaited and played DLC on release is Left Behind. So what is the window that you're willing to go back and dive into DLC/ Expansion content on a game? Thanks for all the DLC you guys put out!


Hi Brostophers, Last July, I went on a camping trip and was off the internet grid for about 10 days. Without access to download the latest episodes of Sacred/Sacred+, I ended up falling behind for about two week’s worth of content. This trend of staying 2 weeks behind has continued up until now (~8 months later), where I decided enough was enough and burned through some of the recent shorter episodes to get caught up. My question for you: is listening to perpetually “old news” as big of a faux pas as listening to the pod at 2x speed? Is staying current worth the risk of missing out on an obscure reference? In all seriousness, thanks to making a great weekly show that tends to stay somewhat evergreen.

Eliot Hillis

Hi Colin, I hope this message finds you well. I was wondering if you could shed some light on the mission statement of Last Stand Media. Is your primary objective solely to create enjoyable and engaging content for your niche audience, or do you have a broader goal in mind? As a listener of your platform, I appreciate the fact that it provides a space for alternative perspectives in an industry that tends to be dominated by a particular political ideology. For me, as a 40-year-old Christian father of two, Last Stand Media is a place where I can both listen to and engage with others, regardless of their beliefs, and feel completely comfortable. I'm curious to know if this was a deliberate decision on your part, to intentionally go against the norm and stand for something bigger, or if it happened more organically. Thank you for all the hard work you and your team put into creating such great content each week - I always look forward to tuning in!

Robert F Friemering

Hope it's not too late to talk about the PS5 Pro in a recession. PlayStation might actually release this new version but less of a price increase since there may be no disc drive. New rumored version of the PS5 that you can add a disc drive may keep the $399 price point & discontinue the disc edition. Couldn't the PlayStation 5 Pro cost $499? I don't see them bringing back Kaz Hirai & telling us to get another job to buy one. Thanks for everything! Robert from Alaska.

Tanner Lange

Hi CDC, today Epic has released a new version of fortnites creative, UNFN(unreal Fortnite). With this you can create stuff in unreal and put them into Fortnite with a map code for others to play. Custom game modes, textures, sounds, etc. Do any of you have any interest in this? I can't wait to play older seasons of fortnite, and probably play doom once it's ported into Fortnite.


Sacred Crew, Do you ever buy games from another country? Like if a game doesn't get a physical release in the US or have you done it for a different situation? Thanks and I'm excited for the live viewing on Friday!

James Arnold

Good day, Sacred Gentlemen, After listening to Colin speak on his loss of focus due technology, it got me thinking. I too relate to being too easily distracted by my phone while trying to play games, watch movies, etc. The last time I was able to focus on a game 100% was Kingdom Hearts 3, as I made sure my phone was off and out of my room until I finished. After that long of a wait for that game, any distractions or spoilers would have made me go postal. What sorts of habits, if any, do you guys do in order to make sure you are able to focus on games you are trying to give 100% of your attention to? Thanks for all the insightful podcasts over the years, boys.


Hey CDC, Since this keeps coming up on recent episodes, I thought I would share a quick story with you. Years back, my grandparents were invited to the exclusive premiere of a film that their friend’s son (or grandson - can’t remember the exact relation) had written. They were super excited to go see what they thought, based on the film’s name, would be a sentimental, family drama. Being in their mid-70s at the time and very conservative, they were absolutely horrified when the film began. They soon realized they had made a terrible mistake and they were not the target audience for this particular work of art. As you may have guessed by now, the premiere they were at was none other than Grandma’s Boy! It took all of 10 minutes for my grandparents and their friends to walk out of the theater. My grandfather, an eloquent wordsmith who sadly recently passed away, had a very memorable and thoughtful review of the film when he returned home that evening - “That was the absolute worst movie I’ve ever seen - it FUCKING SUCKED!” I can’t help but think of my grandparent’s experience and laugh whenever you bring up Grandma’s Boy on the podcast, and I thought you would appreciate the story. Please keep up the amazing content. Damon , also originally from Long Island

Michael centeno

Hey SS boys, Crash Team Rumble finally has a release date and a new trailer dropped showing some gameplay. What are your thoughts on it? Was really hoping Toys For Bob would make a new platformer instead of an online game with a Battle Pass system.


I was feeding my insatiable daily gambling addiction on my betting website of choice when to my surprise I saw that listed amongst the expected NBA games and NFL future bets was the ability to wager actual money on our very own Chris Ray Gun for his upcoming boxing match. My question for Chris - how much do I need to line your pockets with for you to throw this fight? Presuppose word will never get out and your integrity will never be questioned.


Hey there Boyisimos... I have been the proud owner of a 4k TV for the past 6 years, and I thought that the blue hue my screen had was normal. Then I recently upgraded to the LG OLED C2, and boy I boy do I see what I was missing. My question to you gents is what screens do you use for gaming and what do you do to get the best picture you can. Thanks for the hours off content I struggle to keep up with!


Hello CDC, With all this criticism towards listening to the podcast at 3 times speed or listening to it while simultaneously consuming other media, what is the ideal way to experience Sacred Symbols? Listening on a soft couch with an old fashioned in hand? Watching it on TV without breaking eye contact? During a long drive with a van full of nuns? Get as meticulously detailed as possible Thank you for the incredible show!


Don’t need anything, just keeping doing what you do, boys.

Dan Sing Izzy Rae Lee

Listen Colin, I know Apple has tight grasp on it's users with it's ecosystem, but just like Adam & Eve once you leave the "walled-garden" there's a whole outside of iMessage & FaceTime. Android is a more complete OS that can actually multitask and not park tasks and downloads/uploads in the background when they're bot on-screen. With even a semi-recent phone you can emulate ps2 games. Along with Dolphin, Citra, Vba, Duckstation, and PPSSPP you can have virtually every game release up to GameCube. There's a whole world of possibilities if you'd just give Android a chance, and that's coming from a former iPhone user.


Greetings all. Im enjoying all the PlayStation ports as I am a PC nerd. I feel like Sony isn’t doing enough to promote these new ports as they are fantastic compared to many PC titles. They provide basically all settings, options, and even built in benchmarks that any pc nerd could ask for. Yes some of their games stumbled out the gate and have been fixed in patches. Why put in all this effort and quietly toss it out on PC? ps. First time playing Returnal on pc and very much enjoying it.


Greetings Gentlemen! Long time listener, new to Patreon. Last weeks topic about Dustin’s misadventures with his pillows made me reflect on my own problems in life. Computer chairs. Being 6’3” has made it a problem to find a comfortable chair that can support my sometimes longer gaming sessions. What kinda chairs do you boys use/would recommend. Thanks a million and love what you guys do, keep it up!


Hey guys, When do you guys think we will see something about Spider-Man 2, and what would you like to see from a Spider-Man 2 reveal? Suits? Characters? Let's hear it. PS love the show. Chris, looking forward to the clash coming up.


Hey Colin, this is mainly for you. Since this is a hardcore PlayStation podcast, I wanted to make you aware of a subset of hardcore PlayStation fans occupying the far reaches of the internet. We are a small group of people who play PSP games online. That’s right, PlayStation Portable games…..online. How, you might ask? Well, there are two main ways, original hardware or emulators. Unsurprisingly, the vast majority of us utilize emulation for online play and it works pretty well. The rest of us play as God intended, original hardware. Most of the games online functionality has been long disconnected. Yes, I said most. It may shock you to learn there are a handful of first player games whose online infrastructure mode is still active. PixelJunk Monsters and Fat Princess: A Fistful of Cake are two examples. There are several others, like Twisted Metal: Head On, whose servers have been restarted and kept going by various means. The other way is through the PSP’s Ad Hoc mode. Since we aren’t all in the same room, we have to link our PSPs to our PS3s, and play through the Ad-Hoc Party app to play. Yep, it still active, but the US version of the app was delisted so we stick to the EU and JP versions, which can still be downloaded from the store. We have a ever growing community on Discord, which is growing every day. We try to arrange at least two online games a month. We’re a small group, but dedicated. If anyone is insterested in joining the discord, hit me up in the LSM discord for the invite. But yeah, online PSP games in 2023. PS. Chris, Wipeout Pulse and Pure are popular choices.


Hey Fellas, Did you guys know that EA is coming out with a brand new AAA PGA tour game this April ?!? The answer should be no. As an avid golfer myself, I’m for sure in the loop on this game. But I’m really curious of what you guys think of the lack of coverage this game seems to be getting. Colin I know you have expressed how good this is for the industry to have multiple studios on a sports vertical. (2K and EA in this instance) anyway thanks for all the great content! Trevor Cannon


Hey Sacred Boys. I'm one of your many patrons that doesn't write in very often, but quietly supports the show. Today I wanted to thank all of you at LSM for helping me get through the hardest two weeks of my life. Last week my mom passed away way too young from a very hard second fight with cancer. She eventually was able to leave us in the comfort of her home, surrounded by my dad, brothers, and I. Going back to "normal" life, all the shows at LSM has kept my head straight, and helped me move on, and even laugh a little. I was debating on even writing this in, so thank you. And a reminder to hug and tell your parents you love them every once in a while.

Rune Shimotsuji Storm

Quick question to Dustin. Would you like a Last Of Us PSVR2 experience where you have a half-dying clicker strapped on to an autopsy table and your job is to figure out a cure by cutting and messing with it... Similar to the board game Operation...

Jonathan Turner

Colin, you get a choice. Jets Super Bowl appearance next season or the title of creative director and the budget of your choice on the next Castlevania game. Which one would you choose?


Hey boys, With the news rolling in that Ubisoft is using AI to write dialogue what kind of effects can we expect to see in the near future within the industry? Also I’m very curious if there’s any plans in the works to try and bring on a quest specifically to discuss AI in the game’s industry. Cheers from Alberta


Good evening Gents! With all the recent talk of a possible PS5 Pro, it got me wondering, would you guys be happy with just a PS5 Slim?? I really want a PS5 (and I will inevitably get one to play FF7 Rebirth) but I still don't have one. Not because I can't afford it and not because I can't find one...but actually because the console is WAY TOO FUCKING BIG. No joke this thing does not fit anywhere in my entertainment center. I know it's unusual but...I can't be the only person who's only issue with the console is it's size. I swear every time I go to my buddies house, his PS5 looks a little larger. I'd be so happy with a slimmer, less ugly, more simple looking device. Fucking thing looks like it's about to blast off and take Elon to Mars. Thanks!


Hey taxonomical boys When it comes to movies,I’ve always been under the impression that remakes should be done of bad movies to improve on a brand/IP,as opposed to churning out a generic remake of a classic just to cash in on the name. With all the great remakes we get nowadays of classic games we love,are there any games that you believe were BAD or MEDIOCRE that should get remakes to give an idea a second chance Thanks for all you guys do,I love dedicating half my work shift to this podcast

John Warner

Howdy y’all! So, why the hell did the RE4 remake get rid of the kickass laser sight you used to aim?! The aiming of the OG RE4 was so tits in how it didn’t feel like every other third person shooter with the regular old cross-hair. This new system they got don’t amount to a Hill of beans in my book. Dead space remake kept the neato laser sight that I’m sure was influenced by RE4 before it. So what gives?! Do you think this was a missed opportunity for the remake? And also which style do you fine gents prefer? Keep on keepin on. ;-)


G'Day CDC Recently I have been playing through Astral Chain and I am loving it. I know Platinum Games aren't exactly this show's most popular developers, but this game truly is fantastic. Combat is really fun, the detective mechanics are enjoyable (if a little basic) and the world and art-style are phenomenal. Bayonetta and Nier Automata are Platinum's Golden Children, but I think Astral Chain is also deserving of the franchise treatment they have gotten. Which brings me to my question; what do you all think are the most under-appreciated games of all time? Games that get the praise they deserve, but not the attention or accolades they should have, or have been forgotten in the wider landscape. Thanks for all your fantastic shows and for God's sake put a leash on that chicken.


Greetings, all. Final Fantasy 16 is going through twitter drama, as everything does. This time due to the existence of squeeze-throughs. A trope used games to disguise loading in the background. My question to you all is this. How would you all hide secret areas in your game world in a way that doesn't trigger our collective gaming PTSD about squeezing through railcars for extended periods of time? Thanks guys and keep defiling that chicken.


Hey boys, With the rumours of Spider-Man 2 set to launch in September and the other rumour of the PS5 slim on the horizon. Is it a no brainer for Sony to launch the PS5 Slim this fall with the Spider-Man 2 bundle? Thanks

Dion Collier

Dear Moriarty & Sons, I want to know why we often venerate studios over the individuals who have lead roles within those studios. This comes off the back of the Bioware Ship of Theseus discussion. Apart from the rare Kojima or Levine, we tend to make statements like "I want to see studio X make this type of game next" etc. Why the fuck aren't we following the actual people who are responsible for the components of those games we enjoy. Like the writer of Far Cry 3, the Combat Scripter for Wolfenstein 2, or the character designer in Overwatch? Additionally, if you could hypothetically create a fictional studio hiring anybody you wish what people would that team consist of? Can't wait to see you at the next live show in Sydney. Thanks and fuck you. Dion Collier

Joey Gondhalekar

Hello Gents, As of today, March 22nd, Epic has officially launched their “Unreal Editor for Fortnite” for public use, and let it loose upon the masses. My question is this: Has Epic Games landed the killing blow for any possibility of hope for Media Molecule’s “Dreams”? From a logistical standpoint it certainly seems so. Unreal Editor has the ability to create incredibly photorealistic environments and games within its engine, in stark contrast to the much more limited scope of Dream’s art style. It has an exponentially larger creator pool to pull from, with tens of millions of people getting access to these tools for free, with an outreach program that has access to let millions and millions more of these people see these creations. Perhaps most lucratively though is the monetary potential from these creations, in which the people who put in the time and effort can be paid for their efforts. With the potential of tens of millions of eyes on your creations and a tangible economic incentive for creators, does this spell the end for Dreams? Why would any player or creator want to have to pay for access to these tools and creations with no true financial incentive? If Dreams 2 truly is in the works does it get cancelled? Does Media Molecule get shut down? Certainly lots of interesting questions to be asked of Media Molecules purpose now. Your insight would be greatly appreciated!

Stephen King

Hello gentlemen, Early last week I lost my grandmother to cancer at the age of 82. Though it fills me with sadness that she's no longer here with us, I wanted to celebrate her life and the direct impact she had on me and videogames. I was blessed to have a grandmother who played videogames since I was in primary school or younger (I'm 38 now), which is rare for someone of her generation and is something that I never took for granted. It was at her house that I got to experience some of my favorite games of all time on SNES (my household "upgraded" from the NES to the Genesis), such as Link to the Past, Super Mario World, Mega Man X, etc. But the moment I want to share the most is one that has remained legendary for my younger brother and me since the early 90s when we watched in awe as grandma played through the entirety of Life Force on NES without using the Konami Code or even using a continue (something I would struggle to get through even with a Game Genie). I love you Grandma, thank you for everything, and I'll see you one day on the other side.


Hello Sacred Studs, With the EU Digital Markets Act going into effect this year I wanted to get your thoughts on how this may change the gaming landscape. This act requires Apple and Google to allow third party storefronts into their ecosystems. This has been a major issue for Epic with FortNite and Microsoft with Xbox Gamepass. With the EU removing this barrier for these companies do you see this potentially applying to console storefronts as well? Will Sony have to allow other storefronts on PlayStation? Microsoft has said if the Activision deal goes through they plan to have an Xbox storefront on both ios and android by 2024. Love all the amazing content and stay sexy my friends!


Hello Keepers of the Sacred Symbols, Fun question for you, if you had to make your own game with whatever budget you need to make it anything you want. What would you make? Thanks and thank you for the great weekly content. The $5 tier is totally worth the price of admission.

Silas Koenig

Hey C, C, and D! Just wondering if you guys have seen the Crazy unreal engine editor that is now in Fortnite and if you guys are going to download it on your PlayStation or PC to check it out at some point? If you don’t have plans to do so now, what would someone have to make to pull you in? Keep up the great work and give that chicken a break, try turkey instead! Silas

Derek Davis

Dearest Ketchup Colin and the Condiment Kids, Being a brewer by trade, and an avid home brewer as well, you could imagine my acerbic cynicism when I came across Brewmaster: beer brewing simulator in the Playstation store. My wife and I had a good laugh about it, and I ultimately decided to throw down the 15 bucks to have this no doubt bit of comedy gold to goof around on. Turned out, the creators had put in the work and created a well made and elaborate sim, that involved all of the products, equipment, and more importantly, the science, formulas, and "sensory" concepts that i use in my day to day brewing. I found it unironically fun and engrossing, starting with the very basics of extract brewing and moving you along into more complicated methods and styles. not only did I have a blast with it, but i can also see it's value as a learning tool for someone interested in brewing beer, or even for helping a sardonic, crusty brewer such as myself develop new recipes or keep mentally fresh with the brewing sciences. With all of that said, are there any simulators, or games in general, that any of you had picked up on a lark, that ended up sucking you in and giving you more than just an ironic chuckle? Thanks a million, and maybe take that chicken out for a drink first,


What does Betheda gain from saying that Xbox took Redfall away from PS5. Seems to be a hypocritical move from Microsoft who are saying they want gaming for all. Just seems odd. Especially with the current legal battle happening.


Hello CDC, I was wondering what are your guilty pleasure games are? I personally notice that I really gravitate to Ubisoft open world games like Assassin's Creed, Far Cry, and even Watch Dogs despite their many criticisms. I also sometimes enjoy Call of Duty, NBA 2K, and Madden. I think when I do not necessarily have time to be invested into a single player story game, I like playing stuff that has some repetition to it. Thanks guys for making my time at pharmacy school much more tolerable!

Ben Williams

Hey fat, I need to submit a correction. Last week when discussing the Discord watch party, Dustin stated it would start at 8:30pm EST. Since Daylight Savings Time has begun, we are now in EDT. The D stands for Daylight and the S stands for Standard. Everywhere in the US is only Daylight Time except for Arizona which permanently observes Standard Time (except the Navajo nation within Arizona that is on Daylight Time). If you don't know the difference, just say ET or CT, etc so you don't make yourself look dumb. Love you all.


Hey Big Boys, My question was about double standards towards the treatment of the platform holders within the gaming media. Nintendo is currently slated to close the 3DS and Wii U eShops in the coming days, permanently stranding hundreds of games forever, a nightmare to those of us who care about video game preservation. However, the reaction to this compared to say, Sony a couple of years ago when they planned to, and ultimately changed course over the issue of closing the Vita and PS3 stores, is night and day. I remember a chorus of disgruntlement towards Sony as being anti-consumer, which I probably agreed with to an extent. However, these same people don't seem to have the same furor around Nintendo. What do you think, is Nintendo not held to a higher standard than the other major platform holders? If so, why do you think that is, perhaps blind nostalgia from those in the media and our community? Would love to hear your thoughts. Stay frosty, hope to see you guys in the UK sometime soon! Linton


Hey guys! It's my birthday today! 🥳 I just wanted to write in saying I've been a fan of all that Last Stand Media has done for quite a while now, and a fan of Colin even Beyond that. I really appreciate every single show you guys have made here. It's brought so much hilarity and fun into every week of my life. So thank you! Also, I recently got my girlfriend into Sacred Symbols and Constellation due to the Last of Us HBO show review discussions. She loved the show and loved hearing from each perspective you all brought to each discussion. So, there's at least one female listener out there! Sincerest thanks, JJ

Jeff Caseres

What's up, boys! Am I crazy? So, I didn't want to get the Dead Space remake on day one because I played so much Dead Space back then I just wasn't too pumped for that remake, I figured I would wait for a good sale on it, and I also want NEW games to play in general. However, I am super excited about the RE4 remake, which I've also played a million times in the past, and planning to buy it tomorrow. Is there a difference? Or should I check myself in at the asylum? I love you all, keep it up!


Just want to say I had to google the word "pithy". Just say polite. lol


How’s it going my para-social bros? I know Colin says he loves to spend hours watching Fight Porn on Reddit or freak out videos and I did too… until I started working in self storage. When I say I deal with some of the most ignorant people on a daily basis, I mean it. This destroyed my want to watch those videos because I live it daily. I’ve had people piss down stairwells in my facility and try to use their lockers as changing rooms right in the middle of the building. I had to walk up to one client when he was butt ass naked and essentially scold him like a dog, god forbid a woman or child walks by. There’s a certain level of insanity that comes out of people when they fall into auction state and can be sold to a buyer. I’ve had people scream at me and blame me for their inability to stay current on their rent all while LSM and Derrick and Sween keep me company. Thank you for everything you guys do and unknowingly keeping me company during some of these unhinged situations. Much love, Justin.

Jose Mendoza

Hey CDC, I was playing dead space and got really annoyed with the fact that you can’t skip cutscenes. I would die right during a boss fight and have to watch the whole cutscene again just to die again. How do y’all feel about games in 2023 not having skippable cutscenes? The developers need to get with the times. Best Papa J


*Sigh*.... guys I'm depressed. I was playing through The Last of Us Part 2 and after failing to figure out how to get past a certain point I decided to watch a walk-through on youtube. Much to my dismay I ended up finding comments in the video from people who said that they were watching the walk-through simply because they couldn't wait for the second season of the HBO show to find out what happens next. I know I shouldn't care about how people want to consume their entertainment but this kind of behavior does seem indicative of a world that has become increasingly inpatient and always looking for the next thing to consume before they've even begun to digest what it is that they've already watched. So what do you think guys? With certain exceptions like game breaking bugs or errors, is there any broad legitimacy for people to be watching videos of a game's story instead of playing it as intended? Love the show and as always keep that finger wrapped around that chicken.


Hi boys, After listening to Colin's conversation with Tom on Sacred +, I've got a question about the PS3 situation. Sony has previously indicated that bringing PS3 to PS5 is like landing a man on Mars, so after all this time I expect the announcement (if it were to come) to be met with shock and awe. If and when Sony figures it out, how do you think the games will be presented to the players - in a drip-feed format, maybe two or three games a month through PS Plus; or just purchaseable a la carte through the store? Maybe a combination of both? Keep on keepin' on, Brian


Hello Lads, With Resi 4 remake upon us, do you think they will go back and remake REmake? As it is older then resi 4, technically it would make sense. I for one would love to explore the original mansion again from an over the shoulder perspective. Also, would it be called a threequel…? if not this then what will be the first remake to get a remake? MGS perhaps? Love what you guys do. Cheers