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As you well-know, Sacred Symbols doesn't work with any publishers, developers, or manufacturers. As such, we're excited to talk about PSVR2 for the very first time now that we've gotten our own purchased units in the mail. We go into some of our varying experiences so far, particularly with Horizon: Call of the Mountain, and Colin in particular wonders if his unit is broken or just permanently blurry ('sweet spot' be damned). We also get into all of the week's news, of course, starting with IO Interactive's big reveal of a new fantasy RPG in the works, Elden Ring's mysterious upcoming DLC, the closure of Square Enix's Luminous Productions, and more. As usual, listener inquiries round things out for us on topics like 3D platformers, endemic industry negativity, the potentially offensive nature of the term 'JRPG', and one funny anecdote from our live show in Houston about a few mystified men who thought they were there to see Moulin Rouge.


0:00:00 - Intro

0:04:38 - Shoutout to the LSM community

0:10:57 - LSM takes over Moulin Rouge

0:14:37 - Who would we fight?

0:21:31 - What encouraging words do we have for a marathon runner?

0:24:54 - Something must be done about the cereal industry

0:31:56 - Colin thinks fat people have connections

0:35:13 - A correction

0:37:05 - Is Suicide Squad appealing? Will Factions suffer?

0:57:30 - New PS3 firmware has arrived

0:59:44 - A patch has been issued for The Legend of Dragoon

1:00:14 - Hogwarts Legacy has surpassed 12 million sold

1:02:13 - The Ukrainian government is seeking to ban Atomic Heart

1:06:43 - Apex Legends sufferers layoffs

1:10:31 - Yuji Naka pleads guilty

1:11:51 - What have we been playing?

1:53:29 - IO Interactive has announced a new IP

2:02:13 - Elden Ring is getting DLC

2:13:07 - Luminous Productions is merging fully into Square Enix

2:21:07 - Ubisoft Montpelier isn’t looking so hot

2:28:14 - The Wolf Among Us 2 has been delayed

2:37:14 - New PlayStation Plus offerings have been revealed

2:42:38 - PSA - Ignore the Internet

2:53:48 - Have we met anyone who actually hates video games?

3:05:01 - Is JRPG a derogatory term?

3:21:27 - Do we finish one game before moving on to the next?

3:32:23 - Will PlayStation ever make a AAA 3D platforming game?

3:39:09 - MMO players are wild



Michael Mashpotato

I love how there’s a real photo of Dustin with his VR headset and Colin’s is photoshopped 😂. Great job everyone.

Anthony Palerino

Trying to save this for my flight tomorrow, we’ll see how strong my will power is after I finish Duke

Bogey Zero

Have you used the “Adjust Visibilty” options in the settings? It shows you a picture of your headset overplayed on top of a model of a face. You need to use that to make sure it’s level and your eyes are in the center of each circle. Hit PS button twice while you have your headset on, scroll down to “Adjust Visibility” Also I will say it was crazy blurry for me the first night no matter what I did, but I think my eyes needed to adjust and after a couple nights everything is super sharp. I use any on screen text to make sure everything is in focus. All the text should look super sharp.


I was really hoping their encouragement for Matty the runner was going to include a Sacred Symbols rendition of No Easy Way Out from Robert Tepper. One can dream.


IO Interactive has multiple projects cooking but none of them are Freedom Fighters 😕

Cole Minder

I would argue that there was most likely an inclusivity factor in casting the fat people.

Josh Gamez

I think now, a lot of people use "rant" as a synonym for monologue, similar to how literally and figuratively are used in American nomenclature. And it infuriates me to no end whenever I read/hear it. Lol


i’m in the same boat as you Colin with ps vr2 blurriness. everything is just a liiittlllee fuzzy. i’ve resigned myself to the fact that my eyesight is probably just crap. i have a lazy right eye and when i close my left eye, everything gets INCREDIBLY sharp and detailed. dunno what your eyesight is like but might be worth experimenting with


Guys my patreon app sucks. I deleted it. What’s the best way to listen to the boys?


I completely laughed when he said I think we are dealing with some autism

Luke Silletta

The difference between roguelike and roguelite is progression. Spelunky is a roguelike because literally nothing carries over when you start a new run. Hades and Rogue Legacy are roguelite because when your run is over you can buy upgrades to make your next runs easier. That's the difference between them.

Jeremy Seal

I completely agree with Chris about the Suicide Squad game. Menus and RPG elements are ruining gaming. I can't stand that shit, anymore.

Zackery Parkerson

I hereby put forth “gear-gated” to replace the term “MetroidVania.”

Jeremy Seal

Colin, you have to play Infernax. It's the best Castlevania 2 ode I've played. Also, there are quite a few great Castlevania 2 remake fan games. One just came out called Castlevania Chronicles II.


“Colin thinks fat people have connections” is one of the funniest topic headlines for no reason. 😅


Macadamia nuts are god tier

Mark Horner

Dustin, stay away from the kayak game. It was cool for about 2 minutes and instantly became boring as fuck.

Josh Gamez

What's probably the worst aspect of someone blinding hating a form of entertainment, is when they let everyone know about it at every possible time. Looking directly at you, people who says shit like "sportsball" and "when is the halftime show?!?" completely unironically at a Super Bowl party lol.

Napoleon in Rags

Sports has always been so important in my life and when people like Chris and Dustin say they have no interest it just boggles my mind to maddening levels. Colin’s life long fandom to the Jets is part of who he is. I relate to this so much where you suffer year in year out and constantly being disappointed with a team but we would never quit our fandom. Its that dim hope that one year just maybe your team will win it all. What a feeling that would be…


I know no one cares but almonds aren't really that bad for the environment. Most nuts need basically as much water, and beef needs twice as much. Colin, you don't have to feel bad about eating almonds, it's just that agricultural products need lots of water


Man, Atomic Heart. Yes, the voice acting sucks but there’s so much more to the game that I enjoy. I thought Chris was going to be won over by the world and gameplay.


The fact that games like Fromsoft’s and Dragon’s Dogma are not described as JRPG’s betrays the fact that it’s an analytical descriptive term. Not a qualitative one necessarily. Frankly I think it’s a misunderstanding of English and/or Western gaming culture to interpret it as anything other than neutral.


The frustration isn’t so much the games as a service aspect you have characters who aren’t Spider-Man jumping about like him and using equipment that have nothing to do with their character captain boomerang maybe a clue in his name. It’s like having a Spider-Man game with no swinging lol.


When is the live event going to be posted?


Zelensky said that IF Russia wins the war, it will then go for the Baltic countries, other Nato states, and only THEN the US will inevitably have to send their sons and daughters to help their Nato allies, and more will die. He simply mentioned that a victorious Russia will not stop over Ukraine, and how it will eventually lead to WW3 and more deaths. I've seen an outrage over him saying that the US HAS to send their troops to die for Ukraine now, when he didn't say that at all. Was there some cut-down manipulated twitter video making the rounds ? Was that a news spin ? I've seen that the real-time translator had trouble keeping up, but even that translation sounded pretty clear to me.

Seany Mac

Chris my dude, if you think a shot to the solar plexus bad, wait until you take your first solid liver shot. If a punch to the solar plexus drops frames in your organs, a liver shot causes a hard crash.


I was going to make the SAME comment but I’m glad you beat me to the punch. Colin, you’re a smart guy, that’s why I appreciate you despite our differences in political points of view, but do your homework before regurgitating misinformation. Thanks https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/03/02/politics/fact-check-zelensky-americans-fighting-ukraine-video/index.html


I'm definitely going to call FF16 a JRPG. If it's a Final Fantasy game I will call it JRPG regardless if it has a western style


I think it makes just about 0 sense to use JRPG as a way of describing a genre of game. Why wouldn’t it simply indicate the origin of development? Chrono Trigger and old FF games are Turn-Based RPGs. As is Pokemon, as is Persona. Else, there is Tactical RPG or Action RPG. From there, I think it makes sense to use an additional term(s) to describe the style, aesthetic, or setting of the game, like “anime fantasy” or “steampunk” or “contemporary”.


I know Polish military guys that have been deployed to fight in Iraq during the war on terror, and some of us died for your cause, but somehow US is going to leave its allies hanging if they're going to be invaded? That's not how alliances work, and NATO members have certain obligations - Article 5 “The Parties agree that an armed attack against one or more of them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all and consequently they agree that, if such an armed attack occurs, each of them, in exercise of the right of individual or collective self-defence recognized by Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations, will assist the Party or Parties so attacked by taking forthwith, individually and in concert with the other Parties, such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force, to restore and maintain the security of the North Atlantic area. Any such armed attack and all measures taken as a result thereof shall immediately be reported to the Security Council. Such measures shall be terminated when the Security Council has taken the measures necessary to restore and maintain international peace and security.”

Gabriel Baker

JRPGs are like porn, you know it when you see it


I feel that Atomic Heart isn't that bad, I've really enjoyed my time with it. As their first game, I'm excited for what the studio will do next.

Greg Hommel

I am having such an issue with Chris, a huge fan of Halo, Gears Of War, Doom and Destiny being so appalled about cringy dialogue. This is selective outrage to be sure. A game can have good voice acting or bad, but some games shouldn’t be destroyed over it when others aren’t.

Greg Hommel

Colin, as far as your blurry problem, it sounds like my fear that foveated rendering, eye tracking and glasses have come together to create a huge problem for some people. Assuming you are wearing glasses. If not, perhaps you should try it.