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The Perfect Crime, Ghosts, Life Hacks, Vacations | Constellation Episode 7

It's another week, which means it's time for another brand-new episode of Constellation, Last Stand Media's conversational podcast. This week, the Brothers Moriarty are joined by the Dukes: Lord Cognito and MrMattyPlays. Cog kicks things off with notions of vacationing, how we carve free time out for ourselves, and what rest and relaxation looks like in our respective lives. Matty inquires about the crew's various so-called life hacks, and how we manage our time, activity, and production in a world that demands so much of us. Dagan is curious if any of us believe in ghosts, if we've had eerie encounters in the past, and what we make of the possibilities of the ethereal plane and the truly unknown. And finally, Colin winds things down with a thought exercise: The perfect crime. In an era of modernity, technology, and constant connection, is such a thing even possible today? If so, what would need to be accounted for? NEW MERCH: https://laststandmedia.store Get early access to Constellation at http://patreon.com/LastStandMedia





Japanese is a phonetic language, meaning you can always look at the word written in Japanese and know how it's pronounced. You pronounce Ghibli with a soft G, making a J sound like Jeep or Jimmy.

Andrew M

The fine dukes are in the house!!


It's the second time that Colin brings up human not fixating on death and I thought I would share something. A couple of years ago (probably 5-6), I've had a thing where all I could think at almost every second of the day that I was awake was that I did not want to die. I was scared of dying to the point where I would start crying. It was so bad, that I believed my brain would never function properly ever again. I did some searching and identified why, I looked my fear right in the eyes so to say and acknowledged it, I was scared of dying and being replaced and not mattering to people. From that day, I stopped being scared continually of death. It was probably a big stressful period for me that kickstarted this mental crisis, but let me tell you, be happy that we are engineered not to think about it like you said Colin, because those weeks of my life sucked big time.

Matty LSM

I went through a similar thing as well during my time as college and know exactly what you speak of. Funny enough, I got over it the same way you did. When I identified it, I went to sleep that night and woke up both different and unafraid. Strange how that works. Glad you're over the hump too! - Matty


I definitely think about dying all the time especially when I have something to look forward to let’s say I have a vacation planned in 2 weeks I’ll be a wreck those 2 weeks thinking about dying before that date


Mateusz, I know the feeling and I can only tell you that when I was in that period like I said, I felt like I would never go back to not thinking about how I didn't want to die every effin second of the day, but I got through it and I am feeling fine now. Thinking back, it was probably a psy case where I should have consulted, but I got through it on my own and come out of it stronger amd with more knowledge about myself. Wish you the best.


I had a ghost experience 20 years ago and still remember it

Tony Bertucci

I was led to believe based on some interviews with Miyazaki that it's pronounced "Jeeblee." I think it's based on a type of Italian plane as he's a big fan of aeronautics.


When Dagan was talking about books from your childhood, I was reminded of one from my own that FUCKED ME UP when I read it as an adult; it cut me so deeply, as I realized I live my life as Grover does in the book, and it left me crying by the end. I humbly submit for your introspective pleasure, “Grover Goes to School”: https://youtu.be/UwnxzpT7Ryk

Walker Simmons

I believe that most ghost stories are just sleep paralysis. They've happened to me before and they seem extremely real in the moment but afterwords I know they didn't actually happen

Matthew Cooper

Yeah, there's a reason most ghost encounters happen late at night when people are sleepy. People evolved to be more fearful and alert in the dark too. It's rare to hear about ghost stories happening at 2 PM outdoors on a sunny day, but why should it be?

Paul Andrew

So, about your comments about crimes in the modern age, it's a double edged sword. On one hand, there is way more potential evidence and ways to get caught. On the other hand, juries have a much higher expectation of evidence. For example, sometimes there is a question of why video wasn't found when it straight up doesn't exist. In other words, police can get to Probable Cause much quicker, but prosecution had a much more difficult time getting to beyond a reasonable doubt as the standard for potential doubt grows and grows

Luke Silletta

I'm pretty similar to you guys as far as vacations go. I've narrowed down the most tolerable vacations possible. Going on a cruise is the first. What is easier than having a giant hotel literally take you to places? Second is going to Disneyland or Disneyworld and staying at a hotel that's really close. Basically having the least legwork possible is the best.


LOL. I just hate travel, period. I wanna be in my house, in my space, with my dogs and my things.


Great life hack, listening to pods and audio books on 2X speed 😊