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It's another week, which means it's time for another brand-new episode of Constellation, Last Stand Media's conversational podcast. This week, the Brothers Moriarty are joined by the Dukes: Lord Cognito and MrMattyPlays. Cog kicks things off with notions of vacationing, how we carve free time out for ourselves, and what rest and relaxation looks like in our respective lives. Matty inquires about the crew's various so-called life hacks, and how we manage our time, activity, and production in a world that demands so much of us. Dagan is curious if any of us believe in ghosts, if we've had eerie encounters in the past, and what we make of the possibilities of the ethereal plane and the truly unknown. And finally, Colin winds things down with a thought exercise: The perfect crime. In an era of modernity, technology, and constant connection, is such a thing even possible today? If so, what would need to be accounted for?



Michael (ObjoGaming)

Nothing makes my afternoon commute better than a brand new Stelly

Angel DeJesus

My experience with a ghost https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLet29vWa54Dss9rwUzujmmgyLRrBi8Q5t

Everyday Patrick

Watching, reading, seeing different places/peoples/things on the internet is not "experiencing" them. The internet allows us to see about the world and learn things, but actually going to those places is what instills understanding and a new sense of perspective. Internet photos/images/videos of different countries is only the basest introduction to them.

Luke Trewarne

What's that book about the alien invasion called? Sounds dope


Just started listening to the episode. As for the pronunciation of Ghibli, the Japanese characters are written as “jee-boo-lee.” Compared to English, where tough, through, and though are pronounced completely differently, rules in the Japanese language are straightforward. But like Dagan said, I think you should say it how you want. People know what you mean either way.

Jordan Falduto

Life hack: train your body to only expect one meal a day. You'll save time on cooking, dishes, and time exercising.


They can pry my hot showers from my dry pruny fingers.

Gabriel Baker

Paul, the Long Island Medium 😂😂


I think small towns where most people still don’t have ring door bells or cameras throughout their town is where the perfect crimes are still possible. A great podcast called small town murder I listen to covers cases all the time and the details of every case are so diverse and a lot of times unbelievable most people never hear about these cases.

Noah Friscopp

I wanna talk to the crazy motherfuckers designing and putting together the instructions of high end model kits. It is insane.

Angel DeJesus

I had a sleep paralysis dream once. I was what felt like, half asleep. Then a white cloud in the shape of a person rose out of my bed. It grabbed me and began trying to push me through my bed. I tried to scream for what seemed like forever, then when I finally got the scream out, it disappeared.

Ben Scott

Y’all are shortening names, I’m elongating them. I.e. Father Jonathan’s (Papa John’s), New Jersey Michael’s (Jersey Mike’s), James Johnathan’s (Jimmy John’s).


I feel technology and record keeping has made crimes a lot harder to get away with, but it has also raised the bar for conviction. Now juries and judges expect a smoking gun to reach beyond reasonable doubt. Before, having 2 people say they seen you in the area of a crime was enough to get a conviction. Or more disgustingly being not white was evidence onto itself.

Mike Po

On the topic of crime, what's really startling are the statistics on how many murders in poor urban areas go unsolved. It is true, when the victims are sympathetic and the police force has resources and determination, it is VERY tough to get away with a crime. However in these inner cities where a lot of gang violence occurs and the police are strapped for manpower and resources, it's really sad to see how many murders go unsolved. We just need those billionaires from many episodes ago to come in and solve this resource problem!


I appreciate Colin's assessment of what it's like being in a divorced family and getting lugged around back and forth all the time. I grew up like this and now my kid is growing up like this... It leave you craving stability and security. The more I build those sorts of things into my daily life the more content and fulfilled I feel day to day


Another solid Stelly In the Stars. 😄

Max Stahl

Respect the Hog.

Gareth Handa

So Colin, you brush your teeth in the shower? I hope you don’t do this as the sane time as you also clean the shower with bleach! So much can go wrong!

Josh Gamez

I actually went to college in the town where the Idaho murders Colin was talking about happened. About a decade ago there was another absolutely brutal case of a student being murdered by her alleged lover who was also a TA in one of her classes (I might be missing some details here admittedly). It's absolutely wild given how relatively safe the community is otherwise. I really have to wonder what's in the water at this point lmao.

Drew Lee

Two questions about this episode: 1)what is the alien book Colin was talking about? 2)Cooking pasta in the microwave???? NEVER. This is a life hack I respectfully ignore. 😉Matty

Josh Gamez

I recently read the university is going to demolish the house and instead put up a memorial for the victims instead which is kinda nice, all things considered.